9285/A Matter Of Protection

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A Matter Of Protection
Date of Scene: 26 December 2021
Location: Alley Pond Park, and Brooklyn
Synopsis: Jan experiences a bit of deja vu tying an event at Alley Park, with a car-pedestrian accident he is able to prevent. Meanwhile, Viola robs her father's men of protection money, while Jan tries to stop what seems a would-be powered thief.
Cast of Characters: Viola Fiore, Jan de Wit

Viola Fiore has posed:
Alley Pond Park currently has a number of people out and about in it. Schools out for Christmas vacation, so there are plenty of kids around. There is a dusting of snow in a few places on the ground, though the most recent snowfall has melted. And the concrete that melts faster is generally clear, giving good fitting for joggers and those just out for a quiet stroll.

There's a game of football going on in one area, kids in their early teens. A pass arcs through the air, caught by a leaping receiver who is tackled, but across the goal line signified by a discarded jacket on each side. The ball gets spiked and the winners celebrate while the losers groan and head down the grassy field to get ready for the ball to be kicked to them.

Elsewhere, kids have set up a little ramp and a few other obstacles and are racing radio controlled vehicles around them. They've made a makeshift track, using parts of the park like bushes and trees, along with backpacks, coats, and other items to delineate a track. A little boy has his Big Foot four-by-four RC truck zooming around it at the moment, while another kid is futzing with his vehicle. A cherry red classic Chevy Corvette, that seems that it needs a new battery installed.

Jan de Wit has posed:
With time off, it's not uncommon for Jan to take leisurely walks through the parks of the city. Today he was out and about, a large insulated travel mug in hand. The steam from his cocoa warms his face as he sips his drink. A smile is on his face as he takes in the various children enjoying their play. Football, snowball fights, and a remote controlled raceway! All manner of fun to be had - it certainly warms the heart of the dancer as he strolls.

The makeshift obstacle course gives him pause, always enthralled by the idea of tiny technological cars - remote controlled and superbly engineered. It's always such a marvel to see how advanced the toys are, and how much fine control is imparted to the cars. Not to mention, everyone wishes they were stunt drivers - one could live vicariously through the tiny autos.

Viola Fiore has posed:
The Big Foot truck's engine has a noise meant to be simulate that of the real thing as the monster truck goes around a curve. The football game has resumed, the sound of the ball being punted into the air off to the opposing team, who catch it and rush up the grass in collision of bodies as the ball carrier is tackled.

A little lady in a purple sweater and white skirt with flower patterns makes her way along one of the sidewalks, moving slowly with a cane. She's talking on her phone and not really paying much attention to the area around her.

The kid with the Corvette gets the battery replaced. He gives the controls a few tests, turning the wheels and revving the engine so the wheels race as he holds it. He sets it down on the ground and backs up as he waits for the Big Foot RC truck to pass and give him space

Jan de Wit has posed:
As the toy monster truck revs and roars, Jan's smile widens. The things they do with toys these days! The football game is mostly forgotten in favor of the racing cars. There's no cries of pain or shouts for help - no need to worry about the tackles. Boys being boys and all.

He moves aside for the moment, to allow the older woman to pass by on the sidewalk. "Afternoon." He grins, offering a friendly greeting. It's the holiday season - no need to be a Scrooge!

His eyes go back to the red car, curious to see how it runs - how fast it is compared to that 4x4. This should be exciting!

Viola Fiore has posed:
The elderly woman is engrossed in her conversation, not responding to Jan with more than the faintest nod of her head. "And then he went ahead and bought the car anyway. How could he do that? I mean who treats their wife that way?" she says into the phone, in an accent that could be the model New York accent you'd find in a film or TV show.

She continues on past Jan. A squirrel runs across the path on its way to a tree that it races up as if its feet allow it to defy gravity.

The Corvette starts going around the impromptu race course. It isn't handling as well as the Big Foot. Tires are smaller, and not meant as much for going off into the grass even when it's not got faint bits of snow here and there.

It races around a corner though, the kid pushing the speed. The tires lose their grip and it spins out, the kid turning the wheel and gunning the engine instead of slowing down, turning the slide into a donut. He hits the horn, not just a regular tooting car horn but one that plays a few notes. The spinning car just misses the elderly woman's foot, nearly plowing into her ankle. That finally gets her attention and she turns to wave her phone in an irate way towards the kid, before continuing on.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Well, she wasn't rude at least! Small miracles, in some areas. It does nothing to diminish Jan's grin. Especially as he spies the squirrel race up the tree - ninjas of the rodent world. Then the Corvette is running, spinning wheels through the frosty grass. The bright red color does draw the eye, as does the wonderful sleek design of the vette.

He sips his cocoa, watching as the sports car goes faster and faster - and how it starts losing a more and more control.

A slight frown, his mutant power giving him a flash of warning. "Miss!" He calls over, even as she narrowly avoids being careened into. Something about that, something stuck out. Almost as if it were deja vu.

Viola Fiore has posed:
The day at the park was enjoyable, and probably soon left behind for thoughts of other things that day. Dinner, a phone call with his agent, email from a friend hoping he has a great Christmas. Just normal sorts of things for Jan.

At least until late that night. A late evening trip to somewhere, or maybe from somewhere. But it has him out on the roads at least. Driving through Brooklyn. Traffic is relatively light, and there are a few pedestrians out on the sidewalk here and there. A dusting of snow fell late in the afternoon, making the streets a little slick. Now the temperature is falling further, well below freezing. The kind of night one is glad to be in a car with the heater going.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Good coffee over in one of the nearby shops! Jan pulls over smoothly, having no issues with parallel parking - even in the snow! Once all settled, he steps out to pay the meter. He's bundled up, dressed toasty warm in his expensive outerwear. With the meter all settled, the man looks over towards the corner shop - he can already smell the coffee!

With careful steps, Jan makes his way towards his destination - no need to slip or fall on the hard concrete. Hands go in his pockets for now, to keep warm against the biting cold. All in all, it is still a wonderful night!

Viola Fiore has posed:
Up the road, Anthony and Little Mickey emerge from O'Malley's Corner Store. Mickey is grinning as he slips something into a pocket inside his jacket, and the two make their way over to a cherry red Corvette in a nearby parking lot.

The snowy and ice make for a slick road, which Anthony takes advantage of to do some donuts. He revs the engine and slides the car in a circle in the empty parking lot before heading to the street. The car is still caroming from the donuts and a little out of control.

He hits the horn, and Jan hears the same customized horn sound that he heard in Alley Park from the little RC car which... actually was the same kind of car, and color. That might be what draws his attention.

And not too far from Jan, an elderly woman is crossing the street, going slowly due to the unsure footing. She's got on a purple jacket and white pants, and doesn't seem aware of the car which hits the intersection, sliding around the corner and directly towards her.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Perhaps they looked a little unsavory in the way they exited the shop. Maybe it's the grin? Jan does keep eyes on the men, watching as they climb into the low sports car. He keeps making his way towards the corner shop - pausing a moment to frown as the two hooligans start in on doughnuts. As if driving wasn't hazardous enough!

The car.

The old woman.

The scene in the park.

In a flash, the man is moving. His precognition gave him the headstart he needed - let alone the Deja Vu of the whole setup. Vaulting over a mailbox, he lands in the street near the old woman - inches before the car is about to careen into them. "Hold tight, miss." He offers, quickly. Strong arms go around her, careful not to harm her aging form. She's lifted as he simply runs up the low hood of the car, leaping over the top and landing behind the speeding Corvette.

Viola Fiore has posed:
The elderly woman gasps in surprise as she's scooped up. But it's all over in the blink of an eye, Jan successfully getting the woman out of harm's way by running overtop of the sports car that was driving recklessly on top of far too fast for the icy conditions.

The car zooms on past as Jan lands lightly behind it with the pedestrian that is no worse for wear after her rescue. "Oh, oh thank you!" she tells him as she realizes what almost happened. "Thank you very much!"

Up the road, the Corvette fishtails, Anthony having tried to swerve to not hit the woman. It swings from one side to the other and finally manages to straighten out.

Up ahead of the car, a figure drops down out of the sky, falling but decelerating to land fairly lightly. The person is wearing a billowing black cloak that has been cut into strips that blow with their descent, and in the wind. A hood helps conceal their face.

The figure raises one hand in front of them towards the car, and another behind. The car suddenly lurches to a stop and the figure starts jogging forward. Within the car, the two men are a bit bewildered by what has happened, but finally the passenger opens his door, Little Mickey stepping out. "Hey, what da hell do ya think ya doing!?" he yells at the approaching figure.

Jan de Wit has posed:
The elderly woman is smiled to, brought over to the side of the street she was looking to get to. "Be safe, and keep warm." Jan smiles, making sure she is steady as she's on the other sidewalk. A glance over the shoulder and a frown as the Corvette swerves and causes a problem for people out tonight.

And someone is... acting against the car. Uh oh. "Ma'am, get home, please." He offers to the woman. As he starts towards the car and the commotion, he carefully wraps his scarf around his face - a makeshift mask of sorts.

Just in case.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Little Mickey is actually called that because there's another Mickey who was part of the Manfredi family first. Though in actuality he's a rather large man, and his size provides quite a contrast for the figure that is approaching him. Much shorter at least by nearly a foot perhaps, and nowhere near as thick though the tasseled close makes it tougher to tell much about their body, especially under the light of street lamps.

The figure doesn't say anything, just rushes at Little Mickey in what he takes to be an aggressive way apparently. He lunges at the figure, who ducks beneath his outstretched arms and delivers a punch to his stomach that causes a pained gasp and takes the breath from the large man.

Anthony puts the car in park and gets in the glove box to retrieve a gun, opening the door to climb out as he sees his friend attacked.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Guns. Guns are never good. With a passable mask made of the scarf he'd been wearing, Jan starts a trot towards the scuffle. The punching, that's... I mean it's not good, but it's not fatal. It's the gun that has his attention. Once that person's disarmed, things can de-escalate, in his eyes.

Jan moves swiftly from the rear of the car, giving a quick strike to the wrist of the man with the gun - disarming him with the shock from the blow. "Drop it!" He half-growls, trying to disguise his voice and accent for now.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Anthony's gun goes skittering across the pavement as Jan hits the man's wrist and makes his hand go numb. "Ah, goddam it, do you know who we are!?" he yells.

Meanwhile, Little Mickey has gotten his breath enough to straighten and throw a punch at the smaller figure. The hooded person dodges it, and then a second one, stepping back and leaning out of the way.

Little Mickey roars and charges forward to tackle the person. They pivot out of the way and grab at his jacket, yanking it off of him in a way that spins him and leaves him dumped on the ground.

The figure reaches into the pockets, finding a wad of money in an inside one. The bills are secreted away somewhere in the dark clothing beneath the figure's tasseled cloak. Resulting in Anthony yelling, "Hey, he's robbing us!"

Jan de Wit has posed:
The pistol is kicked under the Vette - no way he's crawling under it to get the gun. Jan simply shakes his head. "No need for guns." He comments, before moving towards the masked robber. "I don't know what your problem is with these two clods, but stealing is wrong." He says, ready to defend himself against the clearly skilled figure.

"Drop their money and take off." He suggests.

Viola Fiore has posed:
The hooded person is shorter than Jan as well, if maybe the difference not quite as glaring as with Little Mickey. "Hey, my coat!" he yells, lunging at the would-be thief again. The person dodges dexterously and gives him a shove, sending him down to the snowy pavement.

As Jan approaches, the figure drops the coat, the money already pocketed. A hand goes to some sort of pouch on a belt and they seem to throw something to the ground. Jan can sense the future, the figure jetting off into the air, tassels flapping around them, without having dropped the cash.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"Tricky." He says, with a frown. Not much he can do to stop them from flying off - except for grab them! Ignoring Little Mickey, Jan leaps forward, trying to prevent the unknown robber from even getting the pouch free of the belt. "No running now, not without dropping the money!"

His lunge is clear enough to see - perhaps even avoided. But he has to try! He's a hero!

Viola Fiore has posed:
The figure launches into the air, but Jan manages to grab the dark cloak, getting a fist on a few tassels. Rather than be pulled into the air with the figure, the smaller person is pulled back to the ground, hitting hard. There's a little cry from the impact, the voice seeming to make it a woman rather than a small man.

The person reaches up, grabbing the tassels and ripping them free to get out of Jan's grip. They reach a hand towards the Corvette and then suddenly fly back from it in the other direction, bouncing off the pavement once or twice. Though they roll as they do, coming to their feet and sliding to a stop, dark cloak now a bit snow, and leaving them a few dozen feet back from Jan. Again they grab something and toss it down beneath them, apparently something to do with how they fly.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Well, that's one way to escape a grip. The force of the disengagement has Jan off-balance, arms spinning to avoid going face-first into the asphalt. The man blinks at the repulse effect from the car, looking to the obviously super-powered robber. A slight frown behind his mask and he starts towards them again.

Too late, it would seem - as they launch into the air. Still, he's not going to stick around for the obvious thugs and their inevitible questions. He sprints off in the direction where the figure headed - perhaps trying to keep an eye on them.

Viola Fiore has posed:
The figure disappears, lost in the dark sky. From above, Viola pushes off several heavy metal objects repeatedly to stay aloft. Not so much hovering as bouncing and back and forth as the force of her pushes throws herself into the air.

"Not quite how I saw that going. Wonder who that was that helped them?" she says to herself as she looks down from above. Her heightened senses make it easy enough to watch as Anthony and Little Mickey dust themselves off and get back in the car. The headlights tracking it easily as it continues down the street.

Relieved that the car isn't going back to the corner store, Viola pushes off the metal in a car lot's sign, sending her in a ballistic arc back towards the corner store.

The money will go into an envelope she'll slip into their mail slot after it's closed. Hopefully her father won't go hard on Anthony and Little Mickey. Viola's heart feels a pang at having worked against her own family.

This wasn't an easy night.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Having lost the trail of the flying figure, Jan frowns. Damn. At least no one was seriously hurt! And he did manage to save that sweet little old lady. Taking an alternative route back towards the corner store, he slowly unmasks when in a secluded area. "Damn." He huffs.

9285/A Matter Of Protection
Date of Cutscene: 05 January 2022
Location: Brooklyn
Synopsis: Viola Fiore arrives in a corner store run by a sweet couple, moments after some of her father's men caused damage when their protection payment was short. Viola vows to do something about it when the two men return later that evening.
Cast of Characters: Viola Fiore

(Events are a precursor to scene 9285.)

Viola Fiore pulled her car into a parking space at the tailor. Stepping out of the heated vehicle into the brisk air provided a little shock to her senses to help wake her up. The errand took only a minute or two to complete. Picking up a suit jacket, quickly trying it on to confirm they had adjusted its fit properly.

The jacket went back into the car and then Viola crossed the street, pausing to let a car pass, then continuing across the icy pavement. At hitting one slick patch, she reached out with her power, pulling on a nearby lamppost to give her balance a little boost. Reaching the sidewalk, she headed for the door of O'Malley's Corner Store. Before reaching it though, a familiar looking pair of men emerged, one carrying two bags of snacks and stuffing a roll of bills into his pocket, the other with a case of beer in hand.

"Anthony, Little Mickey," she said to them, flashing the two men a smile.

"Hey Viola," Anthony replied, his face lighting up at the sight of the daughter of the Family's consiglieri. "You back here on our mean streets? Thought you were a classy uptown broad now?" he asks in an Italian-New York accent that is far too cliched. Yet in his case, accurate.

Viola laughed and told them, "Hey, always going to be a Brooklyn girl, you know that. Just stopping in for a bag of those snacks they have from Ireland. Can't find them anywhere else," she says. She gives them a wave as they continue on towards their ride. A cherry red, classic Corvette that Viola loved. And Anthony knew it too. He'd hit on her any number of times, with a ride in his car being a frequent suggestion.

The young woman stepped into the store, run by a sweet elderly pair. Mike O'Malley had emigrated from Ireland, while his wife Bess was a local girl but with Irish roots. They weren't behind the counter where one or the other usually could be found though.

Not only that, but there were some signs of distress. Goods normally neatly displayed on the counter were scattered on the floor. A display of cans of creamed corn that were on sale had been knocked over from its tidy spot on the end of an aisle.

Concerned, Viola stepped forward more cautiously. She burned a bit of the tin pellet in her stomach, that she'd swallowed that morning. Her senses immediately came more alive, allowing her to hear the sound of glass being swept, and the quiet voices of the owners from the back of the store near the coolers for the beer.

"... I know, but they said they'll be back tonight for the rest of the money. Let me call my brother, I can get it from him, and we'll pay him back with what we make from the weekend sales," Mrs. O'Malley said in a hushed tone.

A faint grumble was given in response, and Viola started to walk back that way slowly. "Alright, fine. It isn't worth having one of us hurt if we don't have the money for them," she caught Mr. O'Malley saying.

Just then Viola stepped around where she could see the older couple, and where they could see her. The glass door of one of the coolers was shattered, the older woman sweeping up glass still, while the man was fastening some plastic over it to keep the cold from getting out.

With her senses sharpened, Viola could easily tell how the sight of her caused both of the elderly couple to stiffen slightly. "Oh, hello dear," Bess O'Malley said, and for some reason not quite meeting Viola's eye after the first glance. It only took a moment for Viola to realize why. Of course they'd know who her father was, his connection to the two members of the Manfredi Crime Family of the Maggia who had just left. Apparently after collecting protection money.

"Hi, Mrs O'Malley," Viola replied, feeling an ache down in the pit of her stomach. "I was just going to stop for some of those Doodle snack things. But, not sure I'm too hungry anyway," she says, turning to go.

The way the old woman hurried over to a shelf to pull some bags off, and bring them to Viola before she could leave, only made Viola feel worse. "No no, here. Just go a mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm<* Length: 4061 Characters *>mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm -=<BBS>=- Post discarded. -=<BBS>=- You start your posting to Board 7 (Cutscenes) You can now compose the body of the post by using +bbwrite <text> or +bb <text>. When you are finished, type +bbpost to send it. See '+help BBS' for help! -=<BBS>=- Text added to bbpost. Your post has reached 3679/8191 max characters! -=<BBS>=- Text added to bbpost. Your post has reached 4501/8191 max characters! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm<* [7] Cutscenes - A Matter Of Protection *>mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

(Events are a precursor to scene 9285.)

Viola Fiore pulled her car into a parking space at the tailor. Stepping out of the heated vehicle into the brisk air provided a little shock to her senses to help wake her up. The errand took only a minute or two to complete. Picking up a suit jacket, quickly trying it on to confirm they had adjusted its fit properly.

The jacket went back into the car and then Viola crossed the street, pausing to let a car pass, then continuing across the icy pavement. At hitting one slick patch, she reached out with her power, pulling on a nearby lamppost to give her balance a little boost. Reaching the sidewalk, she headed for the door of O'Malley's Corner Store. Before reaching it though, a familiar looking pair of men emerged, one carrying two bags of snacks and stuffing a roll of bills into his pocket, the other with a case of beer in hand.

"Anthony, Little Mickey," she said to them, flashing the two men a smile.

"Hey Viola," Anthony replied, his face lighting up at the sight of the daughter of the Family's consiglieri. "You back here on our mean streets? Thought you were a classy uptown broad now?" he asks in an Italian-New York accent that is far too cliched. Yet in his case, accurate.

Viola laughed and told them, "Hey, always going to be a Brooklyn girl, you know that. Just stopping in for a bag of those snacks they have from Ireland. Can't find them anywhere else," she says. She gives them a wave as they continue on towards their ride. A cherry red, classic Corvette that Viola loved. And Anthony knew it too. He'd hit on her any number of times, with a ride in his car being a frequent suggestion.

The young woman stepped into the store, run by a sweet elderly pair. Mike O'Malley had emigrated from Ireland, while his wife Bess was a local girl but with Irish roots. They weren't behind the counter where one or the other usually could be found though.

Not only that, but there were some signs of distress. Goods normally neatly displayed on the counter were scattered on the floor. A display of cans of creamed corn that were on sale had been knocked over from its tidy spot on the end of an aisle.

Concerned, Viola stepped forward more cautiously. She burned a bit of the tin pellet in her stomach, that she'd swallowed that morning. Her senses immediately came more alive, allowing her to hear the sound of glass being swept, and the quiet voices of the owners from the back of the store near the coolers for the beer.

"... I know, but they said they'll be back tonight for the rest of the money. Let me call my brother, I can get it from him, and we'll pay him back with what we make from the weekend sales," Mrs. O'Malley said in a hushed tone.

A faint grumble was given in response, and Viola started to walk back that way slowly. "Alright, fine. It isn't worth having one of us hurt if we don't have the money for them," she caught Mr. O'Malley saying.

Just then Viola stepped around where she could see the older couple, and where they could see her. The glass door of one of the coolers was shattered, the older woman sweeping up glass still, while the man was fastening some plastic over it to keep the cold from getting out.

With her senses sharpened, Viola could easily tell how the sight of her caused both of the elderly couple to stiffen slightly. "Oh, hello dear," Bess O'Malley said, and for some reason not quite meeting Viola's eye after the first glance. It only took a moment for Viola to realize why. Of course they'd know who her father was, his connection to the two members of the Manfredi Crime Family of the Maggia who had just left. Apparently after collecting protection money.

"Hi, Mrs O'Malley," Viola replied, feeling an ache down in the pit of her stomach. "I was just going to stop for some of those Doodle snack things. But, not sure I'm too hungry anyway," she says, turning to go.

The way the old woman hurried over to a shelf to pull some bags off, and bring them to Viola before she could leave, only made Viola feel worse. "No no, here. Just go ahead and take them. Consider it a... a late Christmas present," she said, forcing them into Viola's hands.

Rather than push them back, Viola Fiore took the bags of snacks and headed outside. A numb feeling spread through her as she looked back through the window at the sweet couple, going back to repairing the damage her father's men had caused.

And they were coming back tonight. Well. Maybe it was time she did something about that.