9533/Everything WILL Be Awesome

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Everything WILL Be Awesome
Date of Scene: 08 January 2022
Location: Central Business District - New Troy
Synopsis: No one wants to know what goes into hot dogs
Cast of Characters: Joan Wright, Terry O'Neil

Joan Wright has posed:
There is a lot of things going on over in New York. These things are seeming to be complicated to the point that people don't know what's going on beyond an evacuation order being issued and-

Well, why add to the confusion? In short. New York City, like any other major city in this world, has good days and bad days. Sometimes issues can span for weeks or months but in the end. Life in the big city will go on. People will come back when given the all clear. And when the light is lit what was torn down will be rebuilt and a sizable amount by Damage Control. It's what they do.

And this is why Joan is here in New Troy, Metropolis. Not dressed in construction attire, Joan is rocking the arguably casual attire of a long sleeved blue dress shirt and dress pants. Slung across her chest is a satchel that is fully dried out from the water incident at Ted's.

Stepping out of one of the nearby office buildings, Joan takes a moment to enjoy the pleasant weather in the area. There's not as many people out as one would expect, but she hasn't quite checked up on any ongoing events in Metropolis beyond the ones that involve work. Her tummy grumbles, making the smile fade away for a moment. Hmm. Probably a good time as any to get something to eat. Dare she risk a hot dog vendor or seek out a nice coffee shop?

Terry O'Neil has posed:
And walking out of the Daily Planet building just a little bit further up the street, Vorpal pats his stomach in the hopes of assuaging its complaining. "Man, that meeting lasted /way/ longer than it should've..."

He had submitted his report of the strange events from last evening, which had assailed Little Italy, and then there had been the discussion of how to cover the events in New York.

Being the only super in the team, and arguably the one who would therefore know how to handle things better, Terry had volunteered. The upside is that it would allow him to keep an eye on April and his mother.

Oh, and Harl, too.

There aren't many people around, but there are a few who approach him for a picture, or even an autograph- not as many as would approach, say, Troia or Beast Boy, but definitely more than the number who approached him when he first started. The notion of growing fame is something he tries not to think about, despite Donna's advice that he can't run away from it.

Although, technically, he can. Most people don't know Terry O'Neil's face at first sight, even though his identity as Vorpal is public. This is because Terry has made sure to always feature his Cheshire headshot for his byline and every other piece of media he is in. Being your red-headed boy-next-door has its advantages, it helps you blend in. At one point, someone mistook him for Jimmy Olsen!

The reason he's not in his human shape right now isn't because he wants the attention- but because he wants food. Each identity is a different body, with different levels of rest and appetite. Terry had Lunch, but Vorpal was still hungry from the missed dinner last night. It was time to feed the cat... you never knew when combat came calling, and fighting on an empty stomach was a bummer.

The Cheshire approaches his favorite hot dog vendor with a grin, "Hey Gino- you know how it goes, I'm not a Buddhist, but I want you to make me one with everything."

To Gino's credit, he doesn't groan.


Joan Wright has posed:
Well, being Joan could have gotten killed bringing up paperwork a few days ago, the concept of a sidewalk vendor hot dog doesn't seem as risky today. Feeling mildly empowered to chance the meat product of mysterious origins, Joan ends up stepping in line. Her glance is aside as she verifies the cost of the food.

It could be the hunger. Perhaps she's stressed and doesn't realize it. Regardless the reason, the sound of Terry's joke does reach her ears and Joan giggles. The sound is pleasant enough but short lived as it cuts off suddenly as she glances over to take a look at who made the comment. Cat...guy-

Vorpal. With the Titans. And come to think of it. Wasn't he in that weird LEGO dream she had?

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The Cheshire cat stops with the mysterious food item half-way to his mouth, his ears twitch at the giggle and he turns his head to look at The Giggler (a much more benign potential supervillain name, that one) and gives her a grin.

"I do believe we have a connoisseur of fine humor here, Gino. Her meal's on me- put it on my tab!"
"On your tab really?" Gino says, gruffly.
"You know I'm good to pay at the end of every month, G!"
"What about that boss of yours?"
"Hey, I'm not Lois' keeper-"
"Sure, but you tell her that if she don't pay, she's banned from the food truck festival, you hear?"
Vorpal sighs and offers Gino a twenty, "Here, an advance. For /me/, not Lois. And the lady's lunch is on me."

He steps aside to let Joan order, and then he pauses. A twinkle of recognition, perhaps, in his eyes.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan blinks at the offer to purchase her food. "Oh. You don't have to do that." She assures, "I'm more than capable of buying mine." She pauses, for a moment. "Is it Vorpal or Terry?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Both," the Cheshire cat puts one hand on his hip, while he chomps on the hot dog thoughtfully with the other. "My identity isn't really secret-"

"He's a real super-cat," Gino says with a smirk,
"Gino, shut your pie-hole or I'll tell all my 'gram followers what exactly /is/ in your hot dogs."
"And you think that'd stop 'em?"

The Cheshire cat smirks, "He's got a point... say..." his eyes linger on her face, and suddenly he sing-songs, "I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream..."

Joan Wright has posed:
"Well, I mean, which name do you prefer right now." Joan replies, pausing to look over to Gino at the threat of revealing the ingredients. She's not really sure she wants to know what is in them. She just wants to eat one right now. "Could I get one with ketchup and mustard?"

Feeling Terry looking at her, she looks back to Terry. She's quiet for a moment, likely processing the little dots of contemplation likely appearing above the Chaos filled Cat. When he starts in being an Aurora to her Philip, thoughts of the odd dream comes back to mind. Her mouth drops open before she shakes her head. Well, it's easy to explain her dreaming of him. He's in the press from time to time, but if he saw her in a dream. That's a bit harder to explain. "...LEGOs?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Everything /was/ awesome..." the cat says carefully, taking a bite out of his hot-dog, "And the bus. Driven by that little rat..." chomp.

He glances at the line forming, and nods once Joan gets her hot-dog, "Let's walk."

There is a little park nearby, and he starts leading them that way, away from the curious people. All too late, he realizes he could have cast an illusion over himself to look like Terry, so nobody would be curious... but then, this encounter wouldn't have happened.

"I always wondered just who over there was real and who was a dream..."

Joan Wright has posed:
Getting the confirmation, Joan's uncertain expression lightens. She smiles softly, expression strengthening when she's given her hot dog. The grumbling stomach speaks up once more to which the architect responds to by taking a bite of hot dog.

Still chewing she gives a nod to Terry's invite to walk along. Terry gets first word in as Joan continues working on her bite. Once it's down to a managable amount she brings a hand up to cover her mouth. "It wuf-"

Joan stops, swallowing the bite of food before trying again. Her hand shifts to wipe the side of her mouth to ensure no stray condiments are giving her an unwanted makeover. "It was real? The LEGOs were easy to explain. I just assumed I had saw some clip of you on the news before going to bed and that's how you ended up in the dream. "

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"The world of Dreams? It's real. Or as real as Dreams get," the Cheshire cat chuckles. "There was... a lot of stuff going on in there. Wonderland is not too far off from the world of Dreams, in fact. There's some cross-over, but the nature of it is something I'm not entirely sure..."

As they reach the park, his hot-dog is halfway done. He clearly believes in savoring his food. Especially if he's going to eat THIS and regret it later. "I'm still not sure how I feel about there being clips of me in the news and that people might actually dream /of/ me. Two years ago, I was just a cub reporter trying to eke my way in the Planet," he chuckles, glancing at Joan. "I don't think I actually caught your name in the Dream world. Because we were busy... with craziness."

Joan Wright has posed:
"I imagine even if you weren't on the news, someone would dream of you." Joan comments, "You just have more reach now." She gives Terry a nod, "It was busy. And being I thought it was just another dream, I didn't really think of introductions. I'm Joan Wright." Normally the last name might get nixed, but being Terry's last name is a given, it's the least she can do. "I work with Damage Control, so there's a chance I'll come across more of your work sometime."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh god..." the Cheshire rubs his forehead, "I apologize. For the past and for anything that may happen in the future." The rest of the hot dog vanishes now, there wasn't much left to begin with. "I try very hard to avoid property damage, but rampaging magical bulls and supervillains just don't seem to have the same regard for the taxpayers as we do."

He chuckles "But at the end of the day, I still get people yelling at me on twitter for it. I wish villains had twitter accounts so people would go scream at /them/ for a change."

Joan Wright has posed:
"Well," Joan pauses, lifting up her hot dog, "Accidents are going to happen. If they didn't there wouldn't be a need for my group. So, as long as you continue to do your best to minimize the damage, you'll be fine in my book."

Joan takes another bite, chewing thoroughly. She looks to a bit of mustard on her hand and sighs, using the edge of the wrapper to swipe it off. "Then again I'm not managing your teams account. Most of my assignments are New York based."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I'm not managing the accounts either- I can't even imagine what it must look like upkeeping the tower, and then insurance..." she shakes his head, "We have people for that. We're not numbers people. Well. I'm not," he chuckles.

"SO... I take it that you are into LEGO? With how you thought that part of the dream was feasible?"

Joan Wright has posed:
"Mmph-oh yes." Joan responds , bringing up a hand just in time to hide the last of her hot dog's masticated remains when her mouth opens. She gives a nod, chewing a bit quicker to swallow down the food. "I was raised by LEGO."

Wrapper fully free she uses the paper to wipe up the remainder of the mustard from her hand. "Well not the company. My parents used them a lot when helping me get ahold of my powers."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Vorpal raises an eyebrow, "I see! Tell me more! Do you still collect them? I have seen some /really/ cool sets for they have out for adults... but they've always been too rich for my wallet," he grins.

"And tell me how it helped your powers. I am always fascinated about how people get a grip of theirs. I still haven't. Not really."

Joan Wright has posed:
"Oh yes. I still collect them." Joan confirms, stepping over to a trashcan to drop the wrapper in it. "One of the rooms in my house is nothing but LEGOs." She reaches into her pocket to pull out a phone. "Here... I got pictures..."

As one would do with a family pet, Joan has done with her LEGO collection.

A picture is painted. One of a room that contains shelves, containing bins of the plastic brick, furniture made of LEGO. And assembled sets resting on the top shelves. Hogwarts, Taj Mahal, a Disney castle, and two different versions of the Millennium Falcon. In between a few of those on the way back to the earlier version of the space ship set were pictures of actual humans. Some of them bore a familial resemblance. Others seemed to be pictures of coworkers. And one that looks a bit like Joan in a flapper dress hanging out at the bar next to Ted Kord. The scroll of picture ends on the smaller of the two Falcons.

"Well, back when I was fifteen I was putting together my birthday gift, Dad got me the 2007 Millennium Falcon. A lot of pieces went into that and just when I was about to finish it. Off the table it went and the piecs all broke apart." She makes a gesture with her free hand, spreading the fingers wide, palms facing towards the ground, "I'm upset and next thing I know, it just flies back together onto the kitchen table." Joan's hand closes up. "And, well after my parents realized what was going on, they thought LEGO would be a good medium for me to improve my control. Putting things together. Taking things apart. The speed I do it... And then as I got older we expanded on material."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry wows, looking at each picture. "That's... amazing. So what you're telling me is that because of your powers... and your training with LEGO... you are a real-life Builder?" he gives her a huge grin.

"Man, no wonder you were a total pro in that dream. Hey! Do you think I could come over and look at your collection sometime? It looks absolutely awesome... my boyfriend might want to look at it, too!"

Joan Wright has posed:
"Well, I'd like to think the degrees in architecture and time spent building with my hands are also a factor but..." Joan beams, "More or less, yes. I still prefer doing things by hand but in an emergency situation, it's quite useful."

Joan holds the phone out for as long as Terry's looking at the last picture. But upon him looking back up to her, she brings her device closer to herself to put it back to sleep. "Sure! Mind you it's just one room's worth but I'd love to show the collection off. How about I give you my number and you give a call when you want to come over? My schedule's kind of up in the air with New York being...Well. New York."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Right," the Cheshire cat says with concern as he brings out his phone, "Let's trade numbers... I am going to be in New York anyways for the... stuff happening there. Listen, if at any point you are in danger over there, I want you to text me with your GPS location immediately, okay? I can get there in a blink of an eye, unless I'm in the middle of a fight or something like that. Things are going to get even worse down there... before they get any better." If.'

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan nods, reawakening her phone to bring up the keypad screen. "I understand the concern but consider we tend to get called after the fighting is done. I live in the Long Beach area so I'm out of the way of the current problem spot. I'd be more concerned for those who live in the Midtown area."

She offers the Kord phone over to Terry so he can tap his number in. "It's not the first time the city has experienced troubles, nor it will be the last. But rest assured, no matter what is thrown at it. If we each do our part, everything WILL be awesome again."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The Cheshire cat swallows his reply for a moment. More than just an area are at risk. The entire universe, maybe.

Then again, it wouldn't be the first time THAT happened, either, right? They were just going to have to do their part. "Exactly. Let's all do our part!" he agrees.

And then, he adds, "You wanna have a hot cocoa? There's a place by the corner, and I don't need to be in New York for at least an hour."

Joan Wright has posed:
"Hot cocoa?" Joan repeats, taking her phone back once Terry taps his number into it. She hits the send button, calling Terry's phone in the process. "Well now you have mentioned my second love. Chocolate. Let's get some cocoa."