9562/Tea and Terrible Times

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Tea and Terrible Times
Date of Scene: 09 January 2022
Location: Hot Joe Coffee
Synopsis: Veira invites Jan to get coffee while she has a few precious hours of downtime. They discuss dance partners, favorite places and future plans are talked on.
Cast of Characters: Veira Lazarescu, Jan de Wit

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira had texted Jan to see how her park friend was doing and to also make sure that he was not around Manhattan. There was the offer to meet up and talk over what they'd been up to lately since she was getting a break finally. She'd had zero free time to get out to see anyone, but Sunday evening rolled around and she got tagged out to get some rest and go home. She'd showered, changed clothes and headed to the appointed meeting spot that was looking a bit slower than usual.

"This feels all to familiar." she mutters to herself as she heads in to find a seat and await the dancer to arrive.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Well, not currently around Manhattan, at least. Jan had responded he was out of the dangerous city and that he'd be more than happy to get some coffee with a friend. He'd gotten all arranged - cleaned up and properly attired, before heading out of the hotel suite he had rented. A quick uber ride to the coffee shop, and all would be in order!

The dancer stepped into the nice establishment, glancing about for Veira. After spotting her, he walked towards the table and offered a wave. "Evening, Veira. How are you doing?" He motions to the chair, inquiring if he might join her.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira wasn't dressed in all of her goth gloriousness that she usually was, having decided that jeans, black t-shirt and her overcoat would have to suffice for the dressed down look. She gives a look up when someone comes through the door and she stands out of reflex really as she watched him approach, "Good evening, Jan." she smiles to him.

"I'm very tired, but hoping caffeine will keep me going until I get home." she muses as she nods to the chair and moves to resettle herself. "Thank you for coming, are you doing alright?" she asks him with a curious look.

Jan de Wit has posed:
The man eases into the seat opposite of her, giving a tired smile. "Well, I had to evacuate my lovely home, I ran into some very unusual people at a pub, and I witnessed a robbery." A wry chuckle. "I am doing well, all things considered." Jan offers over. He glances at her, as if to determine if she's truly all right. "Sleep is needed, more than caffiene, I would wager." He smiles to her, charmingly. "But I think that might go for both of us."

"Anything I can help with?" The man wonders, seeing if there is waitstaff to flag down politely.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira listens to what has been happening with him since they last saw each other and there's a chuckle, "You're having about as much fun as I am it would appear." she states as she looks down to table for a moment before looking back to him. "I could go for a few hours of uninterrupted sleep. Homeland has been trying to herd cats with evac and well...I'm going on a lot of hours worked." she sighs as she runs her fingers through her hair.

"I'm sorry you had to evacuate, I am hoping that property damage and things will not be so bad, but we won't know until it's all over." she frowns. His question makes her smile, "Umm, let me buy you a coffee or tea and something to eat?" she asks him. "Other than that your conversation helps." she admits.

Jan de Wit has posed:
A wan smile is offered over. "I will accept your gracious offer, only on the condition that you allow me to repay the favor next time." Jan chuckles, his head canting to the side. "And I am curious, now that we've met more than once, am I on a list with a government agency?" The man teases, his tone clearly playful. A napkin is unfolded and placed in his lap. Coffee is ordered, as well as a danish.

"Seriously, though - you need to make sure you rest. Even with the dire circumstances on-going, your body needs to recover or else you'll burn out." Jan offers over, politely. A smirk and a shrug. "My home can be replaced. I have insurance. People, people are what need saving."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"I'm fine with you paying next time." Veira states with a soft smile to that. His question though makes some of the stress of the last few days bleed away and she chuckles, "Umm, no, no you're not on any government lists, Jan." she tells him. "I need to talk to people more...and not just the dragon that follows me around." she adds with a nod of her head.

"And I plan on going home and sleeping after this. Just wanted to do something normal before that. Since I'm back to work in a day or so." she breathes out. She orders tea and something way too sugary for her own good. His last words are what draw her gaze back to him, "Yes, that exactly people are what need the saving. I agree." she tells him. "Did you have any shows coming up?" she asks.

Jan de Wit has posed:
A nod. "Well, I am generally available as of late. A lot of the planned shows have been postponed for now." Jan chuckles. "I am hoping to get some time on Broadway, once all the trouble passes." Optimist! "I will most certainly let you know, of course, should you be interested?" The man offers a smile over to her.

"I don't believe I asked, are you a resident of New York then? Or does your job fly you in and out of areas of concern?" Jan wonders, eyes on hers. A glance around and a leaned in question, over the table. "Is Atilla here too?"

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives an apologetic look when he says that shows have been postponed, "Hopefully they'll be back to normal after this goes away." she nods to that. She was trying to be a bit more chipper. Though the offer of letting her know makes her smile, "I'd be delighted to come and see you perform." she nods to that.

"I do live in New York, yes. I have the luxury of working remotely within my specialty unless I need to fly to Washington for something, which is about one or twice a year." she explains. "Generally though if I have to travel to problem places I do get flown out at government expense." she adds. When he leans in and asks if Atilla is there she gives a chuckle, "He is at home he was not in the mood to come back out. I did promise him a muffin though." she muses.

Jan de Wit has posed:
When the coffee arrives, Jan smiles to their waitstaff and nods in appreciation. Looking back to his tablemate, he grins. "I am sure they will be. And I will be fine, I do make rather sound investments." The man comments. "I'd be glad to have you in the audience." A grin. "A performance is nothing without an audience."

He relaxes in his seat, leaning back a bit. "I do tend to travel - I love seeing the other parts of the world." He admits. "Thankfully, my job lets me work just about anywhere." A laugh, shaking his head. "I can envision him curled up near a heater vent, nose to tail."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"Thank you." Veira states in a sing song way, not worried about being a bit more relaxed than she was when she left the house. "Good investing is a smart thing to do." she nods to that. She wraps her hands around the tea cup, absorbing the heat for a moment as she gives a smile, "Much better." she murmurs. Then she gives a look to him, "I promise I won't try to stick out like a sore thumb." she muses to that.

As he sits back in his seat she listens to him talk on traveling. "Where is your favorite place to go?" she asks him. His comment on Atilla makes her laugh, "He has a nice little heated nest in the Winter. Generally he sleeps on the bed with me, until I start moving around too much." she admits.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"I love Venice." The man admits, with a nod. "Something about the canals, the history, everything just kind of blends together in a fantastic romantic way." A wistful look on his face. "It always makes me happy." Jan admits, looking a bit sheepish for doing so. "And if you were to stick out, I doubt it would be as a sore thumb, Veira." He winks.

"Do you have a place you love to visit? Or perhaps a location you fancy seeing some day?" Jan asks, taking another sip from his coffee. A wide grin at the mention of a heated next. "Honestly, that sounds like a splendid thing. I have many blankets on my bed, I admit to being one of those who loves to be warm, far more than cold." A chuckle.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a bit of a smile to that, "I've never visited Venice...or many parts of Italy to be honest. Venice is a place I'd like to see though. I hear Carnival there is amazing." she states as she doctors her tea with sugar. "There is nothing wrong with it being fantastic in a romantic way. A lot of places have that charm about them and a lot of people go there for that exact thing." she points out with a grin to that. His words on her not sticking out make her blush just a little, "Thank you for that." she tells him.

"I've been going to Romania a lot when I have vacation, that was mainly to visit Atilla and work on puzzling out my earlier life, but the Carpathian mountains are beautiful and soothing." she tells him. "And oddly romantic in that dark gothic fantasy sort of way." she chuckles at that. "I'd like to see Venice, Tokyo and Jerusalem...I know that's a weird triple header there, but, I've always wanted to see them." she comments. "I get cold easily, being severly anemic will do that." she shakes her head.

Jan de Wit has posed:
A nod of his head to her, smiling at the blush. "You are most welcome. And yes, Carnival is amazing to see - even better to be a part of. The fashion, the music, the dance... it all is superb." A chuckle. "I go looking, but never wind up truly finding what I am looking for there." Jan admits. "Still, it is worth the trip."

"I still need to look into visiting there." A nod, his hands going around the mug for warmth. "Puzzling out? Hopefully everything was sorted out?" He smiles to her. "Those three are quite the range - technology, tradition, architecture..." Another nod to her. "Sorry to hear that, about the anemia. I am hoping that science moves forward to help aid those who run into these medical issues. It's hard enough in life, without having another thing to juggle."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira finds herself smiling easily as Jan talks on Venice. She sips her tea a little before settling the cup down, "The fashion is what I'd really like to see. And what woman doesn't want to slap on a fabulous dress and get whisked around?" she chuckles to that. It sounded very fun. She does give him a curious look, "What do you go looking for?" she asks him. "If...it's not rude to ask that." she adds.

"I've been learning Japanese for a few years in prep to go to Tokyo, but never gotten there." she shakes her head. She takes a bit of a breath, "Something has never added up in my birth parents files that I've gotten and I would like to figure out as much as I can on what happened to them." she explains. "It might end in heartbreak, but at least I'd know everything." she states softly. "I'm not a vampire though, so don't worry about the anemia too much." she teases him.

Jan de Wit has posed:
His eyes go to his coffee and a smile spreads over his face. "A proper dance partner." Jan explains. "And not rude at all." The assurance is sincere, the man at ease when talking to her. "The finery, is glorious." His eyes go back to hers. "I particularly enjoy finding period balls - where one dresses up in the dress of the seventeen hundreds, and dance to Mozart and other wonderful composers." The man takes another sip of his coffee, before setting down the mug - hands still wrapped about the ceramic.

"I've only focused on European langages, aside from Dutch." A chuckle. A nod and a slight smile. "Here's to hoping for a happy ending, then." An eyebrow arches, the man chuckling. "I've met witches and demonesses, apparently. A vampire would not be too much a shock, considering the world we live in."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a soft smile to that, "Finding someone you can work with and trust in that form seems like something that would benefit." she admits. She gives a bit of a wistful look at his talk of balls, "That sounds like something that would be amazing to see and participate in." she states. "I'm sure they have those here in New York at times." she points out.

"I'm fluent in Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian and Russian. Conversational in Arabic and Japanese. So if you ever need a translation or tutor..." she grins. Then she gives a smile, "It sounds like you have a lot of interesting friends, Jan." she admits. "Though I can't add a vampire to the list. I got fake fangs when I was an edgy teen in the 90's though." she admits with a laugh at herself. "You're alright with those that are...different?" she asks him curiously.

Jan de Wit has posed:
A nod. "Indeed. I think we all need a proper dance partner, whomever might work for each individual." He chuckles. "And yes, I am aware of the more local balls like that, I do attend." Jan chuckles. "But it is so immersive when you do so in Venice." He explains, fingers tapping on the sides of the mug.

A whistle as she lists off her linguistics checklist. "I speak... none of those. French, Dutch, Italian and English." A chuckle, as if that weren't obvious. "And... I don't know that they are friends, per say. People I've met." At the question, he thinks a moment, taking a sip as he does. "Our world has changed so much. Heroes, aliens, demons, demigods... all these people are making appearances." A smile. "Our people evolve, our society adjusts - or rather, should adjust. Genosha, Mutant Town? People being treated poorly for who they are, or what they can do? That is ... a problem with human nature. We fear and lash out." A shrug. "I try my best not to. Truth be told, I fall into one of those group of people." His voice is a whisper, shared with her at the table.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"I'm sure in Venice you can just pretend like you're even a different person with everything going on." Veira states after she takes another drink of her tea. "They help with work a lot. I get pushed a lot of Russian stuff." she muses. "French is such a beautiful language though." she admits.

She listens intently to him as he talks on the world changing and how they should adjust, "We should do better, it is very true." she agrees. "But there are pigheaded people who will never understand that being different isn't bad." she frowns softly. She does lean over a little, her eye squinting as she appraises him with a bit of a grin, "Ooooh. I know..." she whispers to him. "You're a demigod. Right?" she gives a look to him.

She does sober a bit though, "Lashing out just leaves you tired and hurt doesn't solve the unknown. I would hope that I never saw someone different being mistreated or I'd get a level of angry rarely seen." she tells him.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"Indeed. You are your former self. You are the decadent noble, there to listen to Mozart's new creation." Jan smirks, shaking his head amused. "It is so easy to lose yourself in the period, there." A smile. "French is wonderful - but I am a fan of most languages. Each has their beauty in the right perspective."

A genuine laugh at the guess from Veira. "No, no. I am not from Asgard, or Atlantis." He chuckles. "I would fall into the category of the genetically gifted - a mutant." He says, quietly. "My gift isn't ... really something visible, or something easily explainable." A slight shrug. "Thankfully, my state of being is not something widely known... so I trust you can keep this between us?" A smile. Trusting a government employee!

"Agreed. I try to speak out, when I can or when I see things happening. I don't feel angry, though. Just sad at the short-sightedness."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"When I was younger I always wanted to be someone or something else. I still do sometimes, but that's because I have some insecurities at the end of things." Veira admits to that. "But I've learned that we don't need to be like everyone else." she smiles. His laugh makes her focus on him, an easy smile on her lips as she does, "I was so close." she teases him softly.

She lowers her voice though and leans in to speak with him, "I'm very curious as to what your gift is, Jan. I've met many mutants and helped a few, but never had a chance to get to know them very well, which honestly is a sadness." she points out. "You have my word that I will not tell anyone." she makes a little cross over her heart. "I try very hard not to be angry, sometimes it gets the best of me. But I tend to not lash out at least." she explains.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"We all have dreams of being what we are not, honestly. We all wonder and fantasize about what that might be like. That's a normal, healthy thing." A grin. "It's when it overtakes your life, that's when it is a problem." A chuckle. "And I never need to be like anyone else - honestly. I like being around people, and not persecuted for who I am." A sip from his mug.

A sly grin. "Well, it's hard to simply explain - or even demonstrate." He nods. "Perhaps in another location, without too many ears who might be offended." A nod, his eyes on hers as she promises. "I believe you. And anger is a natural thing. How we react to it, is what matters."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a soft sigh, "Yeah, we do." she chuckles to that. "Well, you won't be persecuted by myself or anyone that I know." she tells him as she settles her empty tea mug off to the side of the table. She gives a softer smile when he tells her that he believes her, "Thank you, Jan." she states.

"Maybe we could try the park again or somewhere that you feel comfortable?" she offers. "I wouldn't want you to do it in a place where you don't feel like you'll be overheard or someone with give you issues." she admits.

She straightens up in her chair and gives a grin, "I don't want to go home and sleep, but I know I need it."

Jan de Wit has posed:
His own cup empty, Jan nods to Veira. "Of course, thank you for keeping my secret. Well, as much of it as you know." A grin. "That park... feels right. Or dinner." A chuckle. "I do owe you for coffee, after all." He thinks. "I am sure there are a few places with more secluded tables where conversations can be had."

As she straightens up he nods. "You should sleep. You've been working quite hard, I am sure, with all that is going on. You need to recharge." A smile. "I enjoyed our coffee, Veira."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a smile to that, "Do you want something to go?" she asks him. "I love the park. Feel like I need to get back over there soon, might take some time tomorrow and get over that way." she admits. "Coffee or dinner, either is welcome." she tells him with a warm smile to that.

She shrugs her coat back on and deals with getting her locks of hair unstuck from the collar, "I'll probably sleep like the dead when I get home, the tea and company was quite relaxing, so I thank you for coming out to talk and enjoy some time." she tells him. "Please be safe." she tells him as she rises from the table to leave.

Jan de Wit has posed:
As she stands, so does he. "I should be good - I am just going to retire back to the suite and soak in the tub." He chuckles. "Then sleep as best I can." A wink. "I do hope you have pleasant dreams, and that you get as much sleep as you need. Be safe out there." He offers over, giving a friendly nod of his head.

"Dinner on me. Let me know when you get a break from the bustle of work, please."