9620/Dueting with Drax

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Dueting with Drax
Date of Scene: 13 January 2022
Location: On the Space Resort
Synopsis: Singularity meets Drax and the two are literal together
Cast of Characters: Drax, Singularity

Drax has posed:
The setting: a run-down space station and bar, with shady bartenders, shady patrons, shady dealings, shady snack bar. It's rather packed, except for one table in particular. The goliath known as Drax sits alone at a two-person table, waiting for someone in particular while the other patrons give him a wide berth, a ragdolled body hinting as to why. Drax himself looks quite relaxed, kicking back and enjoying being left alone while he waits.

Singularity has posed:
There's a bright flash of periwinkle-blue and then a feminine humanoid figure would appear. She stands out rather brightly. She's made seemingly of stars, flashing over and about herself. She would notice Drax and then rapidly flicker and teleport again, on an empty chair next to him. "Hi!"

Drax has posed:
The sudden appearance of blue causes Drax to flinch, surely in surprise. He was not expecting a star-spangled lady to claim the seat across from him. "Pardon me, but I am waiting for someone. I think he will want that seat." A server comes by to quickly place a plate of steak in front of Drax before swiftly moving to a less dangerous patron. Drax, for his part, is just trying to politely free up a seat, not paying much attention to the skittish server.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would nod over at Drax, "Oh, sorry!" Then she would teleport to another part of the bar where there were several untaken seats, "Is it okay if I take this?" She would ask. A stare from someone working that she would take as permission! Then she would take the chair, teleport over on the other side of Drax. "There!"

Drax has posed:
"Thank you." Drax accepts this turn of events, as the seat reserved for his expected guest has, in fact, been freed up. He then proceeds to start eating his steak, not continuing the conversation until a couple bites later, when he turns to look at Singularity directly. "Why do you not cower like the others?"

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would shrug, "I see no reason to cower. You look alone. No one else is cowering. They are all sitting up fully and not underneath things." Again, technically fully correct over with things! No one was hiding underneath tables.

Drax has posed:
Drax looks over at the other patrons, who have indeed stopped cowering, despite still trying to revive the one guy out cold. To fix this state of affairs, he calls over to them, "How's his head?!" That prompts nervous glances and a hasty clearing-out until the only people left are the employees, Drax, Singularity, and one exceptionally stubborn hooded figure who is just that insistent on finishing his meal. Nodding surely, Drax goes back to the main conversation of the moment. "I am not alone. You are here talking to me. What brings you here?"

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would nod, "Now they are!" She would correct herself. But they weren't before. "I am Singularity. This is a unique place and I wished to explore it." Again, very up front on the matter. "And you wer esitting alone, and I thought that you could use someone to talk to." All of them fully correct and answering his questions.

Drax has posed:
"I do not need anyone to talk to." Drax pauses to finish his steak, then decides conversation is a good idea anyway. "Who are you? And why is someone as bright as you exploring the local underworld? There is a tourist planet not far from here." A glance toward the door. No informant. Drat.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would nod at Drax, "No you do not need anyone." But he hadn't said that he didn't want to talk to her after all. "And I have already explored the tourist planet. I wanted to explore this one as well!" Then going to add ,"I am Singulrity. who are you?"

Drax has posed:
Drax settles into the conversation. "You do not know me? I am Drax the Destroyer, future killer of Ronan." He looks out a window, then back to Singularity, then continues. "I explored nearby already. There's an alleyway with idiots who didn't recognize me, and a very crowded medical tent." He glances again at the entrance, then says to himself, "Weaselballs is very late."

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would shake her head ,"No, I did not know you! But now we have introduced one another so we do know one another." Singularity looks quite cheerful and seems to have no concept of fear of Drax. "Those sound interesting, I might go and see them later. And do you need some help looking for him?" She sounded fascinated by things and was willing ot help him.

Drax has posed:
Drax nods to Singularity, accepting her lack of fear and offer to help at face value. Then, he takes out a piece of paper with a crayon drawing of a figure that looks suspiciously like the KO'ed guy from earlier and shows it to his new blue pal. "I am looking for this man, Weaselballs. I was told he would meet me here to tell me some information I need. Ronan's whereabouts. Right now, I need to find Weaseball's whereabouts." Likely at that overcrowded medical tent, not that Drax is realizing this yet.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would look down at it, "We can ask around to see if anyone has seen him. I am sure that if any of them have they might offer it up. But can we please not be mean to them or threaten them? They will be much happier and will give us the information if you do not threaten to stab them while we ask."

Drax has posed:
Drax shakes his head. "I did not threaten to stab anyone." Technically correct, as one does not generally stab with fists. He then looks at the empty seat still reserved for the no-show, decides the no-show is going to continue not showing, and gets up. "He might have gone to a different bar by mistake."

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would nod, "Very well. Can I come with you and help?" She would offer over while going to slide off her chair and go next to him. If allowed going to float along after him!

Drax has posed:
Drax considers the offer for a moment, and shakes his head. "I was supposed to meet him alone. A bright light might scare him off." He considered accepting, he considered it at least.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would nod, "Of course. Good luck finding your friend!" She would wave to Drax, then wink out of existence and teleport elsewhere.