9639/Checking Up On The Kitty

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Revision as of 02:50, 16 January 2022 by PoeWolf (talk | contribs) (Mike checks up on how Terry's doing after the incident with Raven. Serious matters are discussed, some points are missed, and evening plans are made.)
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Checking Up On The Kitty
Date of Scene: 15 January 2022
Location: 2D - Terry's Apartment
Synopsis: Mike checks up on how Terry's doing after the incident with Raven. Serious matters are discussed, some points are missed, and evening plans are made.
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Terry O'Neil

Michael Hannigan has posed:
While from an outside perspective not much time passed since the adventure in the skies, for Mike it was too long. In a rare instance, Terry had not been that talkative once he was brought back topside on the ship. Mike wanted to talk to him away from the others once they landed but Terry popped off to the planet rather quickly.

And thus began the game of Cat and Mike. When Madison was safely aground and Mike made his way to the Planet, Terry was off elsewhere doing an interview. When that interview was done, Terry was off elsewhere doing other stuff. It was like the guy had a job or something. So, rather than running around, Mike ended up going where he figured Terry would eventually have to show up.

Fortunately for him, Terry has given him a key. And key he uses to gain entrance to the modest one-bedroom abo-

...Why does Terry have a nicer place than Wade? Man. Living in New York City really IS expensive.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
~And tell yourself you're a vessel of shimmy
And activate your dance floor kitty~

Terry's distinctive voice comes from somewhere down the hallway- probably a bedroom. There is sound of motion, and suddenly a door opens with a swing, and out comes the red-head in human form, clad only in boxers and a tank top, hoisting a large hamper full of laundry ready to be washed. He is singing at the top of his lungs, earbuds in his ears:

~When I place my legs in a cage of spandex
I dance like hell to release the madness
Watch my feet pound holes in plywood
Watch my hips crush plates of baked goods~

~Watch out for my body rolls!
Watch out for my body rolls!
High kicks!
High kicks!
This is how we do----~

Terry stops, the moment he spots that someone is in the apartment. Maybe it's the training he has from the Titans, or maybe he's on edge a little, but suddenly there is a startled yell that interrupts the sung-

And a flying hamper full of laundry being thrown.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike was going to sit down on the sofa and wait there, but upon hearing the singing, he pauses. He doens't pause enough to neglect closing the door or locking it. New York habits and all BUT the sofa is forgotten. Instead, he is watching his own private dance show unfold before him.

The side of his lip twists upwards in amusement as the display helps muddy up any oddness that exists their shared situation. That is until the hamper flies towards him.

He watches as the container falls to the floor halfway between him and Terry. Mike glances down to the hamper for a moment before looking up to Terry, giving a wave. "Did Robin show you that move?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Pulling his earbuds out of his ears, Terry pants. "Mike!" he says, looking flushed from surprised, "When did you--"

He advances towards him, blushing brighter now as the transition between surprise and embarrassment begins. "S-sorry about that. I guess you startled me. It's a good thing I didn't actually /hit/ you..." he glances at the basket. "My socks are registered weapons."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The musician looks down to the pile of laundry peeking out of the felled hamper. "Registered weapons." He repeats, glancing over to Terry, "Well, that answers whether or not that was laundry on the way to be washed or on the way to be folded."

Mike steps forward, meeting Terry halfway on the distance between them. "I just got here. Last I heard you were off interviewing someone else so I figured I'd wait here rather than running around blindly just missing you." He frowns, "You seemed upset after the ship thing. I wanted to see how you were doing. What Rae did was a shit thing to do."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry breaks into a smile and leans forward, reaching with a hand to pull Mike into a hug. "Aren't you a total sweetheart?" he asks, his earbuds tanged up in his arm because that's what wires always do.

"It... was irritating. But that's what Raven does, Mike. It's not like I was actually in any danger- I have my Rabbit Holes, and Donna is an Amazon. But..." he exhales, narrowing his eyes, "I'd be lying if I said that her attitude doesn't bother me at times. Especially since...."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Wrapping his arms around Terry, Mike sighs. "Yes I know you can rabbit hole out of it but that doesn't matter." He tilts his head, to glance down to the shorter man. "Just because you can get out of a situation doesn't mean you should be forced into it when it's not necessary to do so."

He steps back slightly, arms sliding to have the hands rest on Terry's shoulders, "And I get that she could have been upset with the Snark stuff. But there's a difference between telling someone to kindly fuck off and throwing them off an air ship."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I know," the redhead muses, his hands resting on Mike's hips. "But unfortunately Raven is as Raven does. She /doesn't/ have to follow norms... and I am pretty sure she hates me, no matter what Donna says about her not showing her true feelings. But... what can you do? She hasn't actually /tried/ to kill me. And I've never seen her do something like that to someone who could have been seriously hurt. I've got my powers. It's like firing a gun at Superman because he's just eaten your last cupcake- it's overkill... but it's not going to actually kill him, but he'll notice it."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike frowns as Terry quasi-defends Raven. His hands slide down along Terry's arms before coming to a stop between the start of the descent and the elbows. His head moves back, quietly looking to Terry. When the gun example is used, he shakes his head.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The redhead frowns and sighs a little. "You're giving me that look."

He"You know the one I mean. The one my mom gives me when she disapproves but doesn't want to outright say it," he says quietly. He leans in closer, just enough to bump his nose against Mike's in an attempt to distract him, "I also know that when someone has that look, they are going to explode if they don't /say/ something!"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Pale eyes glance downwards before correcting themselves to look into Terry's. The Titan's accusation ends up causing for Mike to give a slight uptilt of the head in confirmation, which results in Mike's nose pushing up Terry's during the attempted nose bump. There's no physical contact, but the energy that radiates from the nearby lips do make their presence known.

Terry's expecting Mike to say something. So why disappoint? "Growing up. Save for a few, most weren't /trying/ to kill me. That doesn't mean I just let them continue to hurt me. Sometimes its better to fight back and lose than not to fight at all."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The redhead raises an eyebrow, "So you are saying I should stand up for myself and put my foot down? Assert boundaries, so to speak?"

He closes the distance to touch noses, so that he can stare at Mike's eyes without blinking. It's a thing he does in both shapes- a version of the Cat Staring Contest. "That I object to being thrown bodily from moving vehicles?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
And so the staring contest has started. And Mike is more than willing to be up for the challenge. Blue inspects Green as Terry inquires to what Mike means. "At the very least," Mike replies, "Yes. Don't let anyone make you think that you deserve anything less than basic decency."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Green eyed stare. He's good at this. But he's nowhere near as good as when he's the Cheshire Cat. After a few seconds, his eyes start to water. "I appreciate you mentioning this. I know you're doing it because you care," he states, "I will have a talk with Raven. Which is bound to go fantastic- but you are right, of course."

He blinks, and tears roll down his cheeks, and he laughs. "Okay. You win. Name your prize."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hearing the laugh, Mike's lips part once more. Instead of saying something immediately he returns Terry's laugh with the warmth of his own. He turns his head, nose losing connection with Terry's as his cheek instead brushes against Terry's. "I think saying I'm right was a good start." He responds, giving Terry a hug. "...how about we get some dinner?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Getting some dinner does sound good. But I am not quite hungry yet," the redhead says, chuckling, leaning into the other's cheek. "But I could do something to work up a little appetite?" he asks quietly, "And then we'll go for food. Little Italy, maybe?" he asks, crinkling his nose, "I can take you to the place that's owned by my a friend of my mother's. Taught her how to make that tiramisu."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Mmm." Based from the sound of contentment,something about what Terry says hits just the right button. "...Tiramisu. That sounds heavenly. Alright. Want to watch a movie until you're ready?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
One of the things Terry likes about Mike is that he can be so totally guileless at times. It was endearing. "You bet- I'll grab some sodas and we can cuddle up to watch something. We could watch "Encanto", I haven't got 'We Don't Talk About Bruno' stuck in my mind /today/ he grins. He bends over to grab the hamper, "I'll just put this back in the bedroom until I am ready to do the laundry. Or use it as a projectile."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"...Encanto?" Mike repeats, stepping back as Terry moves to collect the laundry. "Ok. I haven't seen that yet." He starts to walk over to the sofa, steps slowing as he watches Terry pick up the hamper. "It doesn't work very well as a projectile the way you did it last time." Mike comments. "Maybe next time you should use..." His smile grows wide, "A Cat-a-pult."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry gives Mike a /look/. "Just for /that/, I am sitting on your lap through the entire movie, and I expect neck rubs and a shoulder massage. That is the pun-ishment for that kind of joke Chez O'Neil. Get settled, I'll be back." And with that, he heads to the bedroom.