9730/Thunderbolts and Lightning, Very Very Frightening

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Thunderbolts and Lightning, Very Very Frightening
Date of Scene: 20 January 2022
Location: Hole-In One Donuts
Synopsis: Weather Goddess meets Weather Girl. There are no sparks. Just bad lines.
Cast of Characters: Sarah Rainmaker, Ororo Munroe

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
It's a calm day. At least.. For what the winter goes. What Manhattan brings.. Still in a sort of aftershock from events, Sarah Rainmaker has spent the last several hours staring at a wall. Awareness had kicked in that she -needed- to get out to try and process things. So.. Somewhat freshened up, she had gone through the city in search of something to orient herself towards. And that had been turning into some food. Which meant donuts (which was the first place she passed after her stomach started rumbling)

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo Munroe is, in fact, having a perfectly wonderful day so far as things are measured recently. She's not having to head off any winter storms threatening Staten Island, she hasn't got any tests to mark, and aside from the fact that a concert she was planning to go to in the city has been 'indefinitely postponed' due to angelic invasion, things are going just peachy. Of course, she's mildly concerned about the angelic interference, but... well, weather goddess or not, she figures going toe to toe with angels is not something to breezily dive into. But donuts? Donuts are totally cool to dive into, which is how she finds herself waiting in a short line, dressed down in a pair of faded and artfully ripped blue jeans and a leather jacket that just allows a peek at a ribbed white tanktop... seriously, she is dressed _down_... and she's eying the menu board and the array of pastries ahead of her, trying to decide whether to order for herself, or order enough to leave some at the school for students or staff. And, of course, she's doing a little bit of customer browsing as well, just checking out her fellow donut afficianadoes. Because as of late, this is what she has that passes for a social life.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
There's something over as Sarah Rainmaker is in line. NOt perhaps paying attention then over as something is snapping her attention over to the African woman. Something that has her attention over wholly and fully. Lookin gher up and down over and trying hard to not be so.. Awed? No, not the right term. It takes Sarah some moments to try and decipher what is hapening over as she's just -feeling- the other woman over in such a bright, burning aura that's so hard to have to blink to make out..
    For among Sarah Rainmaker's powers was the ability to take note of distortions in the local weather. And Storm was perhaps the most powerful weather manipulator on the planet.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo's casual as can be, though her own gaze does drift to Sarah for a moment, eyebrows perking up a little... sure, she's used to drawing glances, if not stares, but Sarah doesn't seem like she's just a fan of the coat. White eyebrows perk slightly as suddenly Storm finds herself only partly occupied with donut shopping, one hand lifting in a subtle little wave, those bright blue eyes narrowing slightly, just looking Sarah over a little more closely, lips pressing into a thoughtful line... this is always so awkward. When you run into someone else with powers during a whole... _thing_ you can just sort of get it out there. How do you bring up weather manipulation powers at a donut shop?!
    Well, she's going to have to try and figure it out, she supposes.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would just stare over at the void that was the seeming endless limit of the powers of the other woman, as one that was capable of sensing electricity might do if they met Thor. And then there's a flash of disorientation from her as Rainmaker slowly draws her attention back to consciousness and would shake her head quickly. "Sorry, I got lost in your eyes. They were so dreamy."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Well, Ororo wasn't expecting _that_... but still, it draws a crooked little smile and a slow nod as she murmurs out dryly, "Oh... yes. Sorry about that... I swear, I keep meaning to wear sunglasses so it stops happening." She chews her lower lip pensively for a moment. She's really not good at bantery humor... or at least, she's sure she's not good at it. She offers her hand out with a soft laugh, "I'm Ororo. Can I get your coffee? Or donut? Whatever you're in the mood for?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker wold shake ehr head to reorient herself, "I, I, uh.. I'm sorry, I'm the one that was rude and.. My treat." Wincing at the way she had reacted in the first place or the line she had used right after? Blinking to clear her head. "I'm Sarah. I.." Looking awkward, almst adorably so.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo grins a little wider and shakes her head, "Oh, no, it was nowhere _near_ rude! ...Maybe a little clumsy, but I get that." She crosses her arms imperiously, eyebrows perking up as she hums softly, "Well.... tell you what, you can get me a coffee? I might pick up some donuts for the school I work at later, but I'm _certainly_ not going to get you to pay for those." She tilts her head and murmurs softly, "But I think we might need to get you something with some sugar in it. You seem like you might have low blood sugar right now... I'm not going to have to help keep you standing, am I Sarah?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would blink over at Ororo, "No, ah.." She would shake her head, then go to pinch herself on the cheek a couple of times, "I'm good, sorry." She would stammer over and then go over to look in line. "Coffee is good. And I'm just.." She would smile, "New in the city and figuring things out."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo nods her head with a soft little murmur, somewhere between a noise of understanding and a rueful, 'I've been there' laugh. "Oh, well, that's _two_ heavy things to deal with... new to New York in general? Or Westchester? The good news is Westchester's really pretty quiet. Figuring things out?" She tilts her head thoughtfully and murmurs out, "Well now, that can be easy with a friend! Depending on what you want to figure out of course."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would uhh for a moment, her mind flashing. Don't say you're making me see stars, don't say you're making me see stars.. "Well to New York. I was going to get setup with a friend to cras hfor awhile but they lived in Manhattan so they're having to figure out all their own things." She would add quickly, "She got out and is fine. And I'm just kind of star struck here." Stupid mind.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo's head bobs slowly and she heaves out a low sigh, "Yeah, that's a... messy situation. At least, like so many of the worst calamities around, it's all focused on Manhattan. More super heroes there than Starbucks, so if anywhere can weather the storm it's there." She chews her lower lip for a long moment, brow furrowing, "Oh, so you're kind of... stuck between places? That's rough." She quirks an eyebrow and grins a touch more impishly, "Star struck? You don't want an autograph, do you? I didn't think to bring a sharpie out on my errands today."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would sigh, "I'm aware." She would note cheekily at 'weather the storm'. "Believe me, very very much so." Her having taken that one over as literal. "And who do I have the delight of meeting? Since I'm so storm-struck I can't even remember your name?" Not quite that bad, but her having taken that first comment..

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo laughs and shrugs her shoulders lightly, "I'm Ororo. Ororo Munroe, I... ah... teach at the school here. Geography." She shakes her head with crooked smirk, eyebrows perking, "I mean, hardly worth being starstruck over, I'm... totally just a mild mannered teacher. And music fan."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would look over at Storm and shake her head, "Sure, sorry. Uh.. I'm apparently a girl possessing two left feet and no real sense of personal space." Her going to pay for the coffee and donuts, fully relaxed now. And reproaching herself mentally for having been so rude.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo laughs softly and quirks an eyebrow, "Oh, well, I'll be careful if we wind up dancing then... that's what two left feet cause trouble with right?" Eyebrows perk as she hums softly, "And really, everyone's got different tolerances for personal space. I've never had a problem with close personal space, just..." She frowns thoughtfully, hands gesturing vaguely, "Close normal space? But hey, that's why my loft has some really nice, big windows."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would smile, "Well.. Then if you're good with it I wouldn't mind spending some time with you, Ororo. If you're not in a rush to go back to your school with donuts. I wouldn't mind being with someone that knows the city and is all right showing me around." She would offer in understanding at the 'normal space'

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Offers a broad, bright smile and bobs her head, "Sure! I can totally show you around... I mean, you've seen the donut shop, and honestly, that's probably one of the top five spots, but there's some nice parks and other views. I'll show you whatever you want to see." She actually tosses out a little wink and hums out, "And, you know, try not to dazzle you with my spectacularness too much." And already her mind's working, because Sarah needs a place to stay, and Ororo's not going to _not_ help with that.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would correct, "Pizza shop, donut shop, coffee shop.. I'd start with bars but I don't quite think I'm into that level of exploration in a strange new city yet." She would smile, "So how about you pick a park and we can go along? Then if there's somewhere near and you have a favorite museum?"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo laughs and nods her head, "Yeah, bars are really more a... once you've got a place to stay hangout spot, right? But we can work up to that. And we can check out some of the museums too, and there's a couple nice art galleries." She snaps her fingers and points to the door, "Well, just consider me your personal tour guide to the quiet charms of Westchester, Sarah!"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would smile, "Sounds like a plan. I'll look forwards to it. Figure we can meet up and spend some time and I can.. ctually learn something about the place I'ms taying?" S he would offer.