9881/Blue Streak Sings By

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Blue Streak Sings By
Date of Scene: 28 January 2022
Location: Island Point
Synopsis: Singularity meets Velocity and they go whizzing about!
Cast of Characters: Singularity, Carin Taylor

Singularity has posed:
It's a quiet night in the city; at least as far as Singularity is concerned. Despite 'staying' at GIRL Headquarters, given her lack of necessity to sleep, wanderlust, and ability to go nearly anywhere, Singularity spent very litlte time there. So this evening was a change for that for her own whimssical reasons.

STaying up amongst the stars in the skyline, there would be the occasional blue 'blip' as Singularity would teleport along, occasoinal flashes of blue starry skies upa gainst the evening's glare as she would teleport back down to a nearby rooftop.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    By comparison, Carin is a blur along the road as she zips along the backroads. Sometimes it's nice to just get out and run, after all, and not be running away, but just for the joy of running. She's not precisely sure why it's comforting to her, she doesn't remember. But it's still nice. Also visible as she kicks up dust from the rapid movement.

Singularity has posed:
There's a blue flicker and then zooming along next to Carin is a blue girl against the blur waving, "Hello!" She would look along, and then go hopefully, "Can you say Meep Meep?" She would look very hopeful at it while not quite being able to keep up the pace if Carin maintained her high speed one.

Carin Taylor has posed:
Carin meeps in surprise, jumping away reflexively...which renders her airborne and unable to stop, meaning she wipes out, hitting the ground and leaving a nice furrow of dirt and grass before she comes to a stop, upside down as she blinks. "....ow...."

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would go to teleport over rapidly, then go to pick up Carin, and teleport with her a few more times to kill off the excess ofher momentum, trying to slow as much of it as possible to minimize the impact she would have. "Sorry!"

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Carin blinks a little dazedly as she goes from about to hit the ground to bouncing around the area fo ra moment, disorienting her, until it stops. "Uh...it's...okay...now harm done. Sorry, you just startled me..." shge admits sheepishly.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would move to teleport-skip along until the majority of Carin's momentum had been bled off, and then go to release her. "Hello! I'm still sorry I distracted you. I am Singularity."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "....uh. Right." She stares a bit at the girl with stars inside her. "...are you an alien?" she says after a moment. "And I'm, uh, Carin. Hi." she adds awkwardly.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would cock her head to the side, then speak playfully, "I am a Singularity." She would say that very cheekily. "It is nice to meet you Carin."

Carin Taylor has posed:
"...okay, what's a singularity?" says the girl who doesn't have the high school education quite yet! "I mean, um...I haven't heard the word. Thingee. Of it. "

Singularity has posed:
now there's more of a light shine in the stars that made up her body, and Singularity would chirp, "It's me!" She was definitely joking now. "It is what I am made up of."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "...so it's like...stars and stuff?" Carin says uncertainly, reaching up to idly picks some loose leaves out of her red hair. "Or just space stuff?"

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would smile! Her body would flash over and twist with spirals and twirling galaxies and novas and black holes upon it! "All of them!"

Carin Taylor has posed:
"....woooooow. Uh, that's....pretty cool.' Carin admits, smiling shyly at Singularity. "Um, you were born that way or somethin?" She looks a bit unsure, shifting from foot to foot.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would nod, "Yes, I was this way!" Her not going into the elaboration of how she came into existence. She was just out and talking wtih the very unique new girl she had just met! "So I have always been this way!"

Carin Taylor has posed:
"Oh. Uh. That must have been weird growing up." Carin offers after a moment of thought. "So, um, what are you doing out here?"

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would oh, "I am exploring! I have not been in this city much. It is unique. I want to experience new things. So I go to them." She would make a show of teleporting around rapidly, then appearing back in a plink at the side of Carin.

Carin Taylor has posed:
"Ah. Well. Man, being able to pop around like that must make it real easy ta see stuff then." Carin says, blinking a bit. "I mean, I'm real fast and can get around but it's not good for me to get too far off by myself."

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would nod, "It is!" She would offer, "If you would like to go somewhere sometime I could take you there if I know where it is!" An earnest, open response to the comment in offering that was very sincere.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Looking a bit guarded, Carin says cautiously. "Like, anywhere? On the planet or something?" She's not entirely sure if she should be trusting strange starry girls she meets in the middle of nowhere. Lots of horror games go poorly with that sort of thing!

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would nod, "Either! But I would have to know where to go or how to get there." She would offer her hand over gamely to see if it would be taken. "Give me somewhere if you would like to try it out!"

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Carin pauses, then tentatively takes the hand. "Um...Times Square?" she suggests, as it's the first well known public place she can think of.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would go to take the hand, then there would be a flash of periwinkle.. And the two would be in Times Square on top of the 'Lion King' building looking out.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    A skip, a jump cosmically speaking, and suddenly they appear in the middle of the Square. "Oh wow..." Carin says, looking around wideyed. "Oh, this'll be fun. Hey, c'mon, I'll buy you a hot dog!" And she takes Singularity's hand to drag her new acquaintance over to one of the many food carts. After all, now she has some one to show the neat things she's found herself exploring recently in NYC!