9931/Bad News Delivered

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Bad News Delivered
Date of Scene: 31 January 2022
Location: Jan's Hotel Room
Synopsis: Atilla delivers news of Veira's death to her beau and comforts him.
Cast of Characters: Jan de Wit, Veira Lazarescu

Jan de Wit has posed:
It was a good night, dancing and enjoying the evening. Jan had been out and about, and had finally made it back to his suite at the hotel. Setting his keys on the table, he reaches down to scritch Orchid and pup, greeting them as they happily greet them. "No trouble tonight, right?" He grins, kneeling to accept the canine kisses on his cheeks.

It would have been better had Veira been available, but she had business to attend to - so it was what it was. Once the dogs were properly greeted, then fed - the man started taking off his shoes and socks to get comfortable.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Maybe Jan feels the slight heaviness of the evening after dancing and being out and about. Veira was not available as she had to go play hero. Which was classified for the moment. There is a light falling of snow that is starting outside and for a moment the temperature drops in the hotel suite, which is odd given the climate control.

It causes Orchid to make a little chuff as she winds her way about the suite, looking for something that's not there.

There is a rap at the door, but from lower, maybe at the height of a child.

That was even weirder for some reason.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Still stretching his toes on the carpet, Jan pauses at the odd behavior of Orchid - and then the rap to the door. That is definitely weird. His life is full of oddities, however. The man made his way to the door, not feeling any foreboding danger on the other side. He peers through the peephole, spotting nothing. Hrm.

Still, he opens the door, peering out into the hallway. Presumably empty, as he saw nothing there. Maybe it was a child playing a prank?

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
The hall is decidedly empty, but from behind him he can hear something moving. Not one of the dogs. But something else. When Jan turns he'd see the familiar form of Atilla, his one bright eye looking at the man with a forlorn look.

"Jan." he greets him as he heads away from the door. "I'm sorry to show up unannounced, but I need to speak with you." he states to the man.

Jan de Wit has posed:
This is rather ominous, Jan decides. The man closes the door once Atilla speaks up and appears. "Good evening, Atilla." He says, eyes on the dragon. "Can I offer you a drink, or food?" He says, regarding the dragon with more than a little sense of dread. "Is everything all right?"

The fact that Atilla is here and Veira isn't, speaks volumes to the man.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Atilla wanders into the sitting area and unceremoniously climbs onto the table so that he has a place to sit. His wings fold behind him, making the dragon look just as regal as if he'd been painted. "I am not hungry nor thirsty, Jan, but thank you for the offer." he tells the man. "Please come and sit. I wouldn't not have you standing while I deliver this news." he states grimly.

He doesn't have a poker face, so his pain show, "Everything is not okay for the moment. I was sent by Veira." he tells him.

"There was a battle tonight and she sadly was killed." he tells him as gently as he can. The news was not easy, but he had to tell Jan.

This is why Veira had warned him, just in case anything happened.

"She will return, that is the only glad tidings that I have at the moment." she tells the dancer.

Jan de Wit has posed:
At the suggestion, Jan does sit. The news must be dire, indeed. Once settled in, his gaze fixes on Atilla's face. There are several moments of quiet after the news is passed on, Jan simply staring and sorting out his emotions. There are several deep breaths, the man steadying himself. Eventually, he does speak - though his voice is a bit hoarse.

"How? Where?" He wonders, debating racing to the location - trying to do something, anything. "When will she return? And where? Will we need to go collect her from somewhere?" He asks, quietly.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Atilla reaches out to settle a paw on the man's shoulder as he tries to process the here and now. It was extremely rough news, whether she'd return or not. He settles back to watch him with a curious eye.

Atilla does not have the same classifications as Veira, so he can tell him!

"We were helping engage angels that are trying to destroy the world. One of the Domions worded his compulsion wrong and she in turn fell on her blade. She took three of them with her." he states, like it was a proud moment for him. "Generally her ressurection takes seven days, but this feels...different." he tells him. "Currently her body is being moved to the Triskelion where she can rest peacefully while her soul travels to wherever it does when she dies." he explains.

"I am sorry, Jan. We were not wanting to have to go through this so soon." he tells him.

Jan de Wit has posed:
There are so many emotions showing on Jan's face - anger, sadness, grief... all are washing over him in a chaotic wave. He nods as the dragon places a paw on him, the man taking another deep breath. "Are the angels still assaulting Manhattan?" He wonders, a bit of anger seeping into his voice.

He reaches up to pat Atilla's paw, in thanks for the comfort. "Thank you. I still... don't know how to react. I know she says she will be back, and you have been through this - but this is all new ground for me to cover."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Atilla settles back on his hindlegs when Jan is going through his emotions and he brings his paws up together to conjure something for the man, a little red flower. He gives a soft look to Jan, "Yes, the angels are still attacking Manhattan. Michael and others attacked Grand Central Station but were fought back again. They seem to be heaven bent on destroying things." he frowns.

He hands the flower over to him, "I know it is not much in a comfort, Jan. This is only her second time dying while I've been in my current state. I was unable to protect her from the Dominion." he tells him.

"React how you feel you need to, I am not the happiest about this and I will mourn for her given anytime spent in death is unbearable." he tells him grimly.

Jan de Wit has posed:
There's the barest hint of a smile at the flower appearing, Jan nodding to the dragon as he listens. "I might do something rash. I don't want them to get away with what they've done, regardless of her coming back or not." He says quietly as he takes the flower.

"Is there someone in particular leading the fight? The Avengers? SHIELD? The X-Men?" He asks, running fingers over the petals of the flower carefully. There's a pause. "Do you need anything in this time?"

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"I'm sure Veira would try to talk you out of doing anything rash, Jan." Atilla tells him. "At least nothing that would get you hurt in turn." he adds. "I cannot talk you out of things though, I'm not a big dragon anymore." he admits. "They are not getting away with anything. They will pay for what they've done." he explains.

"It is seeming to be a bit of a joint effort at this point. SHIELD seems to be in the front of things, but there are those that have stepped up to fight without ties to organizations." the dragon explains. Jan's question makes him smile, "I was going to see if you minded me staying and keeping you company for a bit. Or if you'd like privacy to mourn or other things I can return another night." he tells the man.

Jan de Wit has posed:
There's a wry smile. "Of course you can stay, Atilla. You won't mind my other roommates, will you?" He motions to Orchid, who is eyeing the dragon on the table. No aggression, just being alert. She's got her pup behind her, his tail wagging away. "And I am sure Veira would try to talk me out of doing something rash, of course. But there is a score to settle, and if I can help do so, I'd like to."

"You don't have to be big to give advice, and be a voice of reason. Trust me. But I am also not quite a mere human, either." A wink to the dragon. "I'm just not associated with any organization, honestly."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Atilla gives a look to Orchid and her pup and there's a smile, "No, I do not mind your roommates. I am very fond of dogs." he admits. "I've just not wanted to overstep welcomes or space." he tells the man. "I wanted to thank you for being so good to Veira. She has deserved some happiness in her life after all she's been through and I am glad that you two have decided to date." he comments.

He gives a dip of his head, "We used to believe in an eye for an eye, I think that still goes for some in this day and age." he admits. "We will find a way to right things." he tells him.

Jan de Wit has posed:
A nod to the dragon. "They seem interested in you, though. You may be the first dragon they've seen." A chuckle. "And you are not overstepping. You are a friend of Veira's, and hopefully one of mine." Jan smiles. "And of course, she is as good for me as I hope to be for her. She deserves the world."

"An eye for an eye. I'm up for hearing suggestions of what we can do. My experience with the divine and magic... is very limited."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Atilla gives a look over to the pups again and then around at the toys, "I could entertain them for a bit. Veira's pup is getting his shots and spending the week with his grandparents given the circumstances. So I am a bachelor for the time." he muses to that as he hops off the table. "Orchid was a very pretty name." he comments. "Oh I am definitely your friend, Silver Fox." he tells him.

"Angels are...dicks." he states eloquently as he pats the mother dog. "They don't like dragons because we are older. Michael is the only one that really fears us." he adds. Saint Michael the Dragonslayer, go figure. "We could always ambush a few strays." he suggests.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"Orchid is happy, she'll play a bit. The pup, she's a bundle of energy." A laugh, even as the younger dog runs a lap with zoomies. "Silver fox, eh? Veira said that was your name for me - or did she come up with it?" He teases. "They are due for a check up next week - so they will need lots of love after the terror of visiting the vet."

Jan listens, hrming about the angels. "How does one fight them? Do I need magic? I met a demon once... maybe two different demons. Would they be any help? I mean, it's siding with one bad group to fight another..." He scratches at his chin. "Ambushing would work, I doubt I could do much against a large number."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"Have you found a name for the little one yet?" Atilla asks him as he rolls a ball to the puppy. Because he is trying to distract them. "I came up with it all by myself. You hear a lot when you wander around invisible to world. I thought it was a good nickname. She however threw a pillow at me later when I said I would call you that." he admits. "Poor babes. I'm glad there isn't a magical vet for me." he comments to them.

"I fought them with fire. I think fire is good. But burning down Grand Central Station was going to be a lot of trouble." he frowns. "I've oddly not seen any demons in on this." he looks thoughtful to this. "So I would suggest small numbers...and no dying." he points out to him. "We cannot return from the dead." adds.