9279/Not In the Spirit of Christmas

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Not In the Spirit of Christmas
Date of Scene: 24 December 2021
Location: Warehouses
Synopsis: Deadpool and Domino break up a ring of drug smugglers hiding behind a toy donation service before stealing the toys (that were not laced with drugs) and getting them delivered to children who truly need and appreciate them.
Cast of Characters: Wade Wilson, Neena Thurman

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool should've been with his girlfriend on Christmas Eve but there was something that had caught his attention and with Sara and Cael both on edge because of something to do with Heavenly invasion he isn't exactly in the Christmas spirit. At least not when it comes to socializing. Instead he stands atop a rooftop in the seediest part of Manhattan and looks down on what might be his saving grace for the Christmas Season.

    Across the street is a warehouse and a number of white paneled vans stamped with a logo on the side of them. "Toys for Tots" reads the logo. It could be mistaken for a charity organizations final hours of work... if not for the number of heavily armed men in dark fatigues guarding the vans. Deadpool sighs. He's going to have his work cut out for him to take them all down if he has to go it alone, if his backup didn't get the note he left. He *did* leave a note... didn't he?

Neena Thurman has posed:
    "So it's a good thing I forgot my rosary or I wouldn't have seen the note you taped to the door." Domino's voice comes out of the shadows behind Deadpool. "Stupid place to put it--you do know the doors /slide aside/ when people approach them, right?"

    She walks out of the shadow, dressed in her black outfit with blue stripes, armed to the teeth as per her usual. "This better be good. I'm supposed to be at Midnight Mass in three hours. This is the first time in /years/ I can actually get to the Church of the Sacred Heart for Christmas and I don't want to let Father Rudolpho down."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool turns to face Domino and his voice gives away his smile. "They do? I didn't know that at all... never really paid much attention to the doors." He shrugs. "You bring a hat?" he asks, sounding worrited. He taps at one of the pouches at his belt that bulges a bit. "We gotta have the hats, Dom. It's not Christmas if we don't have the hats."

    He glances over his shoulder again. "I think this should be over in three hours. If it's not... well... I think you'll be meeting God in person rather than in the church. So win-win, right?"

Neena Thurman has posed:
    Domino regards Deadpool with arms folded across her chest and an annoyed expression. "That'd be /just/ my luck." Is that supposed to be ironic? "No, I didn't bring a hat. What's going on that we need Santa hats?"

    She turns look at the building and narrows her eyes at 'Toys for Tots.' "Yeah... you're gonna have to explain this. Are they attacking the charity or is this some kind of front for a criminal organization?" A pause. "Oh, don't tell me Toys for Tots has /always/ been a front for a criminal organization...?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool regards the situation in front of the warehouse. "Still trying to piece that together. I'm going with either option 2 or option 3 at this point. Definitely not the first since they're loading packs of what looks like cocaine and--" he sneezes and a puff of white powder exits his mask, "--definitely *feels* like cocaine into the back of those vans. But they also got gifts for kids in them."

    "So I figure we go down, kill the bad guys take the cocaine, and deliver the presents ourselves." He smiles at the woman. "Hence, why we need the hats!" He shakes his head in disbelief that it isn't obvious... because of course it is.

Neena Thurman has posed:
    "Wade, are you high?" There's no real judgement in Domino's tone... well, maybe a little, but more like 'c'mon man keep a clear head on a job' than any real problem with taking cocaine. Anyway, what's it going to hurt him, given his abilities?

    She frowns at him and then sighs. "Oh, what the hell. But if I'm late for Midnight Mass, I'm shooting off your dick every time it grows back for a week. I'll buy your girlfriend a vibrator or something to replace it."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade's look to Domino is flat as can been with his mask on. "I had a healing factor that returns me to baseline from a gunshot in about 2.4 seconds and you're asking in an 8-ball of coke can get me high?" he asks. He shake his head and peers at the place.

    He sideeyes her at the threat and then sighs. "Fair. We'll be quick. How you want to do this, missionary of doggy style?" he asks.

Neena Thurman has posed:
    "Ohh, it's Christmas. Let's go missionary," Domino quips. "And before we deliver the presents, make sure there's no cocaine in them. Don't want some poor kid getting a surprise on Christmas."

    And then, before Wade can say anything else, she backs up two steps and then goes running forward, unholstering a gun while she fires her grappling hook at the building across the street. She lets go of the line in the air and does a flip, landing neatly on top of the nearest van to the warehouse they'd been standing on.

    "Hey there, boys," she announces herself, smiling down at the armed men. "Santa hears you've been /very/ naughty this year. He's right behind me, so if you don't want lead in your stocking maybe you'd better run." She can lean into the Christmas theme!

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade takes a moment as Domino makes her entrance to pull out the Santa hat stuffed in his pouch and fixes it on his head. "At least she had work ethic," he says turning to look to one side. "So, how do I look, festive enough? Let's add some more red to it."

    He backs up too and leaps from the building. No grappling hook for him, he lands in a parkour style roll, all but ignoring the sharp impact that his shoulder receives from the 20 foot drop before he's up and drawing a gun.

    The first man aims his weapon at Domino and fires off a burst of machine gun fire. He didn't go full auto, these guys might actually be professionals. But then again, even professional non-mutants aren't really a match for the first and second best mercenaries in the world. The second man also draws his aim on Domino but doubles over in pain as Deadpool shoots him square in the crotch, he fires but his bullets hit only the concrete of the parking lot. "Ho! Ho! Ho!" Wade says with a false basso voice. "Merry Christmas!"

Neena Thurman has posed:
    Domino does a backflip off the top of the van, drawing her own semi-automatic as she does so. The man that was shooting at her gets several bullets in the torso, and she lands precisely on the head of another of the men around the van. She kicks off of him hard enough to snap his neck, then lands again, this time on concrete.

    "Looks like they get lead in their stockings, Santa," she comments with a grin.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade reaches into one of his belt pouches. It bulges rather awkwardly but he withdraws charcoal briquettes from it and unceremoniously shoves them into the mouth of the dead men. "Santa Slay is such an underrated gem of a movie" he says. "Bill Goldberg as a homicidal Santa... you should see it."

    He smiles and his eyes light up. "Wonderful!" he says reaching into the van's driving compartment. He comes out with a little green and red hat with a poof on the end of it. "Santa needs his elf right?" he says merrily before heading from the door to the building.

Neena Thurman has posed:
    Domino rolls her eyes. "/Oh my God/. /Fine/." She snatches the hat from him and tugs it over her hair. It doesn't quite match her outfit, but whatever. She follows Deadpool toward the building, idly gunning down another man as he appears around a corner of another van.

    "Santa's Slay? Really? That movie was fucking /awful/, Wade." She eyes the door and then calmly fires on the lock on the door, trusting her luck to cut right through whatever locking mechanism it might have. "You want a /real/ underrated Christmas classic? Silent Night, Deadly Night. Well, the whole series, really, /especially/ Part 2. Eric Freeman /kills/ it. Literally."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade grins and stops at the door. "Ugh... okay, I'll give you your Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 and raise you," he withdraws a flashbang from his pouch and pulls the pin on it before opening the door, tossing it inside, and closing the door again, "Black Christmas."

    The bang from the grenade was loud even with the door closed but not enough to deafen the mercs and the walls provided cover from the flash of it. Wade opened the door again allowing Domino to go in before he did. Inside, six men in dark fatigues swayed and blinked trying to recover from the 'gift' Santa Pool tossed into their midst.

Neena Thurman has posed:
    "Okay, but /that/ is a classic horror movie /period/. I mean, it's an early slasher fic and a /huge/ influence on Halloween." Domino says, shouting over the explosion and then lowering her voice after the flash is done. "Though I guess it /was/ underrated in its time. S'pose you win."

    The men inside are practically fish in a barrel. Domino throws herself forward, shooting as she goes. She only takes down the right half of the rfoom, however, leaving the other three men for Deadpool. Isn't that nice of her? Like a Christmas present.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Santa Pool struts in and removes what he has over his shoulder for the first of the men. A quick slash from his katana is enough to end his life. A toss of a bootknife into the gun of the second man (who is coming to his senses) causes the gun to jam and blowback into his face. The scream is stifled by a single gunshot to the head.

    The third man manages to trace a bead on Wade and fires off a quick burst. "Son of a bitch!" Wade says ducking behind another van in the warehouse. "He shot the coal pouch? How am I supposed to stay on brand now?" he says, tossing a piece of the broken charcoal to one side as a distraction before throwing another knife in the man's throat from 30 feet away.

    Two more men emerge from the backrooms, one has a combat shotgun, the other an assault rifle. They're also both mutants, their skin having a metallic gold sheen to it. They lay their sights on each of the mercenaries, shotgun for Wade, rifle for Domino and start firing without wasting time.

Neena Thurman has posed:
    "Oh, come /on/, seriously? Mutants?" Domino shakes her head and keeps moving, diving beneath the rifle fire and rolling /right/ between the two men. She clips the rifleman as she goes, so that his fire arcs around and takes out the one with the shotgun. By the time that one's done, she's already up and turned around, pointing her gun at the back of the rifleman's head.

    "Sorry," she says. "We could've been friends, but... you shot at us." And she pulls the trigger.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade waits for a slow five count before he pops his head from behind the van. He surveys the carnage and sighs. "Oh... you handled that pretty well..." he says with a grin in his tone. "So... now we have two more trips. And then you can go to your service... if you really insist on it."

    He skakes his head, clearly not seeing the point in religious experiences. He starts combing throught the bodies of the dead men. "Check their pockets. We're looking for van keys." It shouldn't be too hard to determine where he's going with this.

Neena Thurman has posed:
    "I /hate/ killing mutants," Domino grumbles as she goes to start patting down the rifleman, since he's right there. "It feels... dirty, somehow. Just /wrong/."

    The rifleman doesn't have the keys, but the mutant with the shotgun does. Neena straightens and tosses them over to Wade. "It's... family. Sort of. I mean, it's not the church, not the service, not /really/. It's Father Rudolpho, you know?" She shrugs. "It matters to him. What, you're not gonna do Christmas with your girlfriend? Isn't she Italian? Probably Catholic."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade catches the keys and starts for the van that had the teddy bears stuffed with cocaine in them. He looks in the back, takes one of the boxes and tosses it out into the warehouse. "The rest are clean. Let's go. Graham Windham building. They can get the toys to the kids who deserve them most."

    Climbing into the passenger seat he pauses. "You know I can respect that." He says, "As for me and Sara? I've not actually asked her about what she plans tomorrow. Or if she's religious even. I mean, she's great on knees... but that could come from anything, really."

Neena Thurman has posed:
    Neena climbs into the driver's seat and rolls her eyes. "Filed under 'do not need to know,' Wade. Do. Not. Need. To. Know." She grins at him, though, as she goes to start up the van.

    She starts to pull the van out of the warehouse. "Gotta admit... this was fun. It's nice to get out and just /waste/ some guys." She frowns. "Shame about the mutants. Think we ought to tell the boss, or no?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade looks at her in a way that says, 'You're kidding, right' without words. "There's too much paperwork involved. If she asks about it I'll let her know, but otherwise... let's leave this as a random vigilante saving Christmas for some kids."

     He leans back and puts his feet up on the dash of the van. "Merry Christmas, Neena" Wade says, a smile in his tone and one that can even be seen under the mask.