10088/On the Hunt in New York

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On the Hunt in New York
Date of Scene: 12 February 2022
Location: Queens
Synopsis: Singularity, Gabby, and Adam Brashear help Valerie Killmore try to find her missing friend in the New York rubble. Her friend is... a what?
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Singularity, Valerie Killmore, Adam Brashear

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The city was... Well. Everyone knew what New York was like right now. Mostly abandoned save for those who were too poor to stubborn to flee when the chance arrived. Even with the best intentions, during an evacuation, some people were left behind. Some survived. Some didn't. Some were hiding. Some... were seeking those who may have survived.

Gabby had her hair swept back out of her face with her favorite pink barrettes that she was almost too old to wear. Almost. Carrying a hefty bag on her back, she pauses to adjust the straps with a tug here and there as she surveys the streets that were oddly quiet and empty. One hand stretches out to hold her thumb up toward the sky measuring the length between the skyline and the setting sun to guestimate how much time she had left before it became so very, very dark.

"Bit more," she mumbles to herself as she hefts the bag again only to set out tromping down the street. There's an attempt to stick to the shadows made. No sense in being too open a target.

Singularity has posed:
There would be a plink of Blue in the air and then another one, a series of quick teleports of someone going around through the skyline several dozen meters up in the air. A star-forged female'ish figure, made up of swirling bits of galactic matter flickering in and out of existence as if she were dancing, leaping from one area to the next, darting around in rapid flickers.

Someone made of elements of the night and space itself didn't really seem the type to mind the darkness! So Singularity would be darting up a few stories, playing like a child.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
Booom. Crash, crumble. Smoke. And then some coughing, as out from a larger chunk of rubble comes a woman covered in a bit of concrete ash. She stumbles free, looking otherwise no worse for wear, her long blue pigtail braids are hanging down along her body and she stops when one of them is snagged by two concrete pieces settling after the... hopefully minor... explosion that she just walked out of.

A tug, and then putting a foot on one of the concrete slabs she pulls until she's breathing a little heavily, "Oh, sure, NOW you want to hold something?!" She groans and yanks again and her hair comes flying free, especially after her foot comes off the slab. "NO, I am NOT a structural engineer. I don't know whyyyyyyy you keep saying that." Her words are aloud, and they are at a loud conversation tone blended with some shouting. Then she's looking over her shoulder, and then around, then turning around, "Oh no, no no nonononono. No, did I lose you?" Oh, she must've been talking to someone, and then she is scrambling frantically, trying to move concrete with her hands, tossing chunks to one side and then another, "I'll save you, don't worry, hold on!" Her voice is frantic, scared, worried for whomever she's attempting to rescue!

Adam Brashear has posed:
In the sky above, a blue streak can be seen moving across the sky. Adam Brashear, the man once upon a time well known as the Blue Marvel, is doing sweeps of the city, looking for survivors himself and just generally trying to help. A few years ago he probably wouldn't have been doing this. There's a lot of devestation down there, and you become a little numb to it after a while. But some things still stick out. One of those things is what looks like a patch of star field in the shape of a person. When that passes through his field of vision he stops, hovering in the air and frowning slightly as his head shifts from side to side, following the disappearances and reappearances of whatever it is he's seeing. He's still pretty out of touch with the current superhero community. Not reading a lot of superhero fan blogs. He starts to slowly float down towards the occurance.

And then there's an explosion. While secondary explosions were ceratinly a thing after all this, most of them should have already happenned by now. He pauses in flight again, looking for the source of the sound. Spotting a relatively more normal looking but still odd woman covered in dust, his brows curve up. When she starts shouting about saving somebody, his curiosity turns into concern. There's another blue flash, and a shadow falls over Valeria. "Miss, do you happen to need some help?" There's a somewhat deep, pleasent voice. If she looks she'll see a forty something African American man in a blue bodysuit and coat, peering down at her with a sympathetic expression on his face.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney wasn't really keeping as wide open a gaze on the sky as she ought to, especially given the whole 'death from above' situation that happened recently. There was a very good reason her attention was focused mostly on more terrestrial matters at the moment. Enough so that she misses Singularity flitting around as well as Adam. At least until that bakoooom of an explosion goes off.

Without much thinking about it she takes off running full out toward the sound to round the corner just in time to see the unfamiliar woman digging in the debris. As well as Adam dip down from his flight to offer assitance. Her pace slows, and she finally does glance around to make sure there's nothing else that would have been drawn to such a noise that could pottentially cause more damage than just this. "What happened?" She asks curiously even as she shrugs the bag off her shoulder to stash temporarily on the sidewalk.

Singularity has posed:
The sounds of an explosion would get Singularitys attention over as she would -plink- over towards Hex as well, going to hover several meters away from the group, being quite apart from Blue Marvel while looking at Valeria in confusion. Then she would go to pick up Gabby and give a wave of 'hello' towards her without her usual 'teleport over to say hi' and remain in her position. She would float down over towards Hex and ask quietly..

"Do you have a friedn down there that is buried? Or a thing? I can go down and try and help you get it." A blue floating being seemingly made up of at least visually bits and bats of the cosmos flickering bout might stand out in New York.. But, given hte recent angel invasion probably not that much if at all to anyone present.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
Turning her head up to look at Adam, Valerie is streaming tears down her cheeks, "YES!" She shouts out, and is tossing concrete, with little effort, and trying to dislodge more pieces, "Why would I be on my knees digging through concrete if I didn't need HELP!? Why do people always ask, do I look like someone who doesn't need help? That's right, Val you are so capable, so great, so perfect... no one's EVER said. Wait, you should keep responding, otherwise he make think you have this in hand." Like she were talking to herself, just very loudly. And then she turns back to Adam and sniffles as tears keep streaming down her face, "I don't want to lose him, he's special to me. I promised to keep him safe, this time, I promised, this time. Not the time before, but this time for sure, I did, I remember, I did!"

When Gabby shows up, Valerie turns her head and looks to her and is crying now in full, just holding onto some concrete, "He's in here.. here..." She's pointing toward the rubble and then starts shaking, bringing her hands up to her face and lets out a loud wailing of a cry, "He's down there, I don't know how far, I .... I must've lost him, I thought he was right there, he always hangs onto me in places, unfamiliar, he's not very good on his own. J-just, way down there, I'm not sure how long, at least a few minutes, hours, maybe... I was rummaging around for ... some things, but I ... I just got so distracted!" She's on her knees, at this point for sure, and is just shake-shuddering with all of her crying, wiping her eyes with her forearms, trying just to see through the water is blurry so she's no longer digging very well.

Adam Brashear has posed:
Adam glances over at Gabby when she appears. The girl looks familiar, though he can't place her for the moment. He leaves answering for Valeria, however. Moving to begin lifting larger chunks of rubble that would possibly be difficult for her up to toss in a safe place. He does so as quickly as he safely can, trying to caluculate which pieces are safe to remove without causing further collapses. He does not the odd manner about the woman, and her obvious talking to herself and putting on of an act. He still helps. "What's your friends name?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney lifts a hand to wave back toward Singularity because how can you not recognize a sentient galaxy when you've already met them? It's only polite to return the greeting! Even if the matter at hand was apparently rather dire give Hex's response to Adam. He looked familiar as well but... given Hex was about to turn on the waterworks, she steps forward quickly to offer the woman a sidelong hug.

"It's okay, we can help and with all of us helping we'll get him out of there in no time I bet. Want a candybar?" Her free hand dipped into a pocket to pull out a Twix which she offers to Hex helpfully trying to distract her. Just a bit.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would frown over, "What are you trying to retrieve and locate?" Her not sure what the other girl was needing to save! But very willing to help. She would look at the pile underground, figure out the idmensions and the tightness of it..

"Hello!" she would cheerfully wave back to Gabby. Then she would go to make a small portal in the ground, dip her head into it as another small portal would appear underneath the debris, and go to sweep along underneath it as she had just made a portal to let hereslf go in a few inches, navigating by the light produced by herself!

Valerie Killmore has posed:
For anyone who has those sorts of skills, or knows people, she's clearly distraught. Really, genuinely, these tears are not faked nor an act. She's pointing now in the direction of the rubble still, and then crawls forward, weakly, and starts trying to move some more while droplets of tears rain down from her face, "OhhHHhHHhhhghghh..." Big wet sniffle, running her arm across her face again, and seeming unable to stop her emotional outburst.

It's like she doesn't even hear Adam ask his question, "Pleaaaase, oh, please be alright!!!" She shouts, "I'm coming! Don't give up hope, I'm right here, I can hear you. Just keep calling out." Yelling at the rubble as she moves forward with slow crawling and debris removal.

The hug gets her shuddering a bit under control, the tears don't instantly dry up but they start to slow and no longer are creating a Nile River under her from excessiveness. She gets offered the Twix and says, "Oh... oh yeah? G-go for the kicks." Taking the Twix she is shakily bringing her other hand up to start tearing at the package and then she throws it, with incredible force against a wall where it splatters, "No! I will not eat until he's SAFE!"

Turning to Singularity, her eyes already swollen, "One of my very good bestest of friends! He's down there... there" She points to the pile of rubble that extends to the edge of a building and maybe further down if there's anything that collapsed with her explosion, "Find him, please!?" Turning her head back to the rubble, she's breathing quicker, "I hear, him, he's close! Close!" And she stumble forward, walking on her knees, trying to get back into the rubble, to squeeze under large concrete blocks, risking getting stuck if she gets too far.

Adam Brashear has posed:
...hmm This girl might not be the most stable. Adam considerws her carefully, but does't stop removing blocks. Tossing aside head sized and car sized with no noticeable difference in effort. Moving faster, the rubble disappearing at a rapid pace. He lets Valerie deal wtih talking to...whoever is in there. The fact they haven't responded admitedly has him worried. Perhaps they're too injured to talk. He'll have to make for the nearest hospital with them if so.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney can only nod a single time when Hex throws away the candybar. That was okay, there were others. It did help her to calm down a little. Still, at mention of hearing her friend call out, she tips her head to the side with a look of sudden, growing concern. The look is cast toward Singularity just before she blips through to start searching. So instead she glances at Adam with a small shake of her head silently. She heard nothing. Even without enhanced hearing like the rest of her family had, surely they would hear something this close to where the woman claimed her friend was lost.

"What's your friends name?" She asks even as she ducks down to start moving some VERY smaller rocks. Bricks, mostly. She wasn't good at digging very heavy things after all.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity is poking her head into the ground, and sweeping about and goes to call out, "I am not seeinga nything." The sound carrying through the portal she had made to look underneath. She would then fully retract herself out and 'plink' over towards Gabby, "And what does your friend look like?" She only had a real 'sense' of energy for people she knew and had marked out, so she had no real tracking abilities in this case. With a frown at not being able to help..

Singularity would instead start to carefully teleport some of the higher pieces of debris away, going to try and not disturb the larger piles given her not quite awareness of what ones might make them tumble. Just trying to lessen the workload.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
The corner of something black, looks almost cloth like, is uncovered from something Adam tosses to the side. And that's when Valerie's eyes light up, her movements get quicker, and she starts moving forward faster, getting to her feet. "There!" She points and moves forward, "I'm here!"

And a few bricks nearby Gabby get moved from the bluehaired woman rushing forward, stumbling, like a movie lead woman who's just spotted her main romantic lead after some catastrophe, practically falling down over the cloth bit, she sticks her hands underneath of it and lift, flipping over a few tons of concrete floor, mostly breaking it and flinging it forward with no regard for what it hits or possibly whom. Sweeping up whatever is in front of her she hugs it, tight, clearly something small. Maybe a puppy? A cat?

When she turns she has a brightly graffiti'd uzi in her arms, and she takes in a deep breathe and lets it out slowly, holding it tight, nuzzling her cheek against the side of the gun, "You scared me. You were... lost... why did you run off on your own? Oh, forget about it, I forgive you." She smiles big and looks up at those who helped, "I... I can't thank you all enough. You go into some rubble looking for a broken ashtray, like one does... and next thing you know, your uzi has wandered off." Much less tension, she closes her eyes and wipes them with her gloves to get rid of the last of her tears. "Oh, I don't know what I'd do if I had lost him." Hugging still with one arm her Uzi.

Adam Brashear has posed:
When the woman rushes forward for her friend, Adam peers curiously trying to spot them. He doesn't see anybody on the ground. But wait is that a.... "...." Yes it is. When Valerie picks up her uzi and starts to hug it, he's silent. Eventually raising a hand to rub the bridge of his nose. Well then! He turns to the other two and says, "Thank you for your help. I go by Blue Marvel, by the way. Nice to meet people willing to help a... person in distress." He's very carefully not commenting on the fact they've apparently been helping an insane woman dig up her gun. There's the occasional twitch to the corner of his eye though. Whether anger or trying to keep from bursting out laughing is hard to say.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney opens her mouth to suck in a breath only to find she has nothing much to say for a moment. Instead her expression goes thoughtful watching the woman reunited with her uzi. It only takes a moment or two before she's nodding in an understanding matter. "Yeah, I'd get upset if I lost my uzis, too. They've been with me a long time." Not that she had them on her right now... Right? There was that bag she'd dropped off when rushing over to help.

Her hands clap together with a light clearing of her throat. "Well thanks for the help everyone! All's well that ends well," she adds in only to grin broadl. "Good to meet you Blue Marvel! Again. It was a few years ago," she adds with a laugh. "I'm Gabby, or..." Hm. Should she use her code name? "Honeybadger."

Singularity has posed:
The other woman has her.. Friends? Back. Maybe the guns are to her like the Thors hammers were? They don't seem to have anything powerful to them but that didn't mean that she could pick it up! There seemed some degree of understanding from Honey Badger that meant things were okay. So Singularity would offer, "I am glad that you found them."

Then she would teleport over to face Blue Marvel, a couple of meters in front of him. "You are made of anti-matter." She would state curiously at the coursing energy that may or may not be what she thought it was to her out-of-dimension plane of analysis.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
With much easier breathes, all of the shuddering and crying having fallen away, Valerie even kisses the side of her Uzi, and then brings the strap up to drape it over her body, the strap diagonal over her torso. She pats it, to make sure it remains at the small of her back, just above her waistline. With a big smile, and softened eyes Valerie is nodding her head with all the understanding, "Good friends are hard to find, and he's one of my best. I've had him around for a while, rebuilt him, kept him going, infused him, kept him going, the he melted, a few times, over the years." She chuckles a bit, shaking her head, "Ohhhhhh, Uzi. He's one of those hot ones."

And then she raises her hand up and gives a quick salute, before starting to walk off, "Though if you find an ashtray back there that's busted up, hold onto it for me, okay? I need to get this guy back home, make a bubble bath, and get him all cleaned up." A pause and her mouth drops, her eyes go wide, and she grabs the uzi and brings it forward slowly, "I will NOT get in with you. We are FRIENDS. F R I E N D S... no, not even because you are hurt. Fiiiiiiiiine, I'll at least make sure it's the strawberry no cry bubbles, but... that's as far as I'm going." And she then turns back to the others, smiling big, "Have a great day! Thanks again!" As Valerie starts to head off, happy as a clam.