10206/A Little Well-Armed Robbery

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A Little Well-Armed Robbery
Date of Scene: 20 February 2022
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Synopsis: Cybernary and Quiet ambush a convoy in Prague and manage to pull off a relatively stress free theft of a payroll shipment while destroying several transport trucks. Most importantly, they get paid!
Cast of Characters: Katrina Cupertino, Stefani Houston

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    It's been a bit since Cybernary and Quiet made their deal to partner up now and again. But finally, Cybernary has come up with a plan that not only requires at least two people, that should be quite profitable for both. "It's pretty straight forward. We're being hired by a business who has a more successful rival, due to a few setbacks on their end. So, they need a way to slow things down. There's a target convoy that will be moving through Prague today that contains a lot of expensive equipment they're moving between facilities, plus an armored truck that's carrying payroll. We're going to take out the convoy vehicles, rob the armored truck, and get the heck out."

    She gestures to Quiet. "You'll be up high. I'd say either anti-vehicle rifle to take out the engine blocks or a grenade or missile launcher if you just want to blow them up. I'll be on the ground. After we get the convoy stopped, I'll take the armored truck while you do overwatch. Sound good?"

Stefani Houston has posed:
A convoy robbery? Not her -normal- thing, but not outside her wheelhouse either, Quiet was happy enough to take on the task. Certainly it wasn't the only time she'd worked to ruin the day of some armored vehicles with a partner. Listening to the briefing, the woman draws out the heavy case of her 'Sinful Butterfly' rifle, the heavy weapon well accustomed to punching its way through armored targets. A simple jacket worn over her usual 'tactical bikini' and webbing was simply unzipped with another nod before she gestures for the other woman to get ready.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    Cybernary watches her pick up the rifle case, then nods. "Sniper it is then. As long as you stop them, I'll bring charges to set on the transport trucks to wreck the contents." A quick montage of flying and driving and they're in place on the convoy route. There's a nice perch on a gothic looking cathedral tower Quiet can use for sniping from, with a rappelling line set in place in case she needs to get to the ground quickly. Cybernary has concealed herself in a small crappy panel van parked along the route on the street below. (because it probably will get trashed so why buy a good one?)

About a half mile away, the convoy can be seen coming. There is an armored truck in the middle where the payroll is, one transport in the lead, two behind the payroll truck. There are three security vehicles accompanying them, one leading the pack and two at the rear. It doesn't take long at all for them to draw close to Cybernary's hiding spot. Quiet has a bevy of targets to target, depending on order.

Stefani Houston has posed:
To jump and climb down the tower wasn't too difficult, a simple coil and a leap brought her up to the level of the tower, a little loophole for her to aim through with the rifle without revealing herself and then...she settled in to find herself a target. Exhaling a soft breath and keying her earpiece she'd wait, a soft almost musical humming warning Cybernary of what was about to happen...the the rifle fires and the lead transport's engine block shatters under the heavy anti-armor round.

In other days? She'd have aimed for the driver, but she'd hold off on lethality, until necessity or order came.

A smooth work of the bolt punctuating the shot before she takes the second, aiming for the vehicle immediately -behind- the payroll truck to box it in.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    There's a screech as the lead truck weaves as its engine suddenly stops working, turning and smashing into some parked cars as the driver loses control, and blocking in the convoy vehicles from proceeding. At least, on this side of the street. The second truck hit sputters in a cloud of black smoke and a spang as the hood is blown open, blocking the driver's view as he hits the brakes, fishtailing as he does so. The rear most truck hits the brakes as well, but doesn't have time to stop and smashes into the rear of the trailer in front of it. The security, on the other hand, are in smaller trucks that weaves to avoid the crash, one sideswiping the back truck's tire, but the one int he lead spinning around as it turns, and the other one at the back, pulling up on the sidewalk as the doors open, men in bodyarmor, baklava and helmets jumping out as they raise AKs, starting to scan for the shooter as they take cover.

    Which is where Cybernary bursts out of her hiding place in all her horned glory, wielding a cattle prod style stungun and a SMG, spraying the truck nearest as the men by it scramble to get off the street entirely, not knowing where to hide and panicking.

    THe armored truck rumbles to a stop, then starts doing a Y turn to get into the opposite lane and escape the trap.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet didn't have qualms about taking lives, the amount of soldiers that had ended up in her sights over the decades was far from small...but this particular time? The bullet enters the side-pannel of the armored truck under the wheel-well. A thiner barrier than the usual plate placed in front of the radiator most of the time. Of course, a priority target was going to get a second shot immediately after the first.

A cycle of the bolt, the next round flies and punches through the raised rifle of one of the men, shattering the AK into stamped metal dust.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    There's a loud *BLAM* as the truck's tire explodes, the truck skewing towards the last tire, long enough for Cybernary to grab hold of the truck driver's side door as she drops her SMG to hang by its sling, and rips the door off, before jabbing several times inside with the stun rod. The guards apparently taken care of , she leans to search them.

    The man who loses his gun looks stunned for a moment as it flies out of his hand in pieces, then drives for cover as one of the guards spots Quiet's hidey hole, and raises his gun, shouting as he sends a hasty burst in her direction. Two others see Cybernary getting into the truck and opens fire as well, shots sparking off the truck's armored sides as she disappears completely inside, then pops out the opposite door, flattening against that side of the truck. She's dropped her stun rod, but has her SMG out again as she fires for effect, trying to suppress the guards nearest to her as she makes for the back of the truck where the doors are.

    Because of that, she's on the wrong side of the truck to see a pair of the guards pop out of the lead truck, hefting RPGs.

Stefani Houston has posed:
A bullet through the tube of an RPG before it can be fired wasn't a great thing. An anti-armor round made to ruin the day of much heavier things? That could damn near snap it in half, certainly it would make pulling the trigger a very bad idea given that the back-blast would be vented right into the pair quite lethally. Did it count if they killed themselves? Even then, Quiet exhales a breath and offers a little non-verbal noise of warning towards Cybernary, perhaps alerting her to the target. Three rounds left and she'd have to reload, but the sniper was forced to lean clear as one of the rounds manages to make it through the small 'loophole' she was aiming through, the rest slamming into the stone around the window.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    Again, the guard loses their grip as the RPG disintegrates, pieces clattering to the ground as he goes flat and rolls back to the safety of the truck...not that it would stop the bullets being used, but it's the thought that counts.

    Cybernary stops at the back, flattening again as she does a quick bob glance around the corner to see what's up, then there's a little curse over the com. "Well, that's annoying." She pauses to change magazines then lets out a long *braaaaaaaap* of SMG fire in the direction of the remaining RPG carrier, forcing him to take caver again, before she sprouts long metal claws on her other hand and slams it into the lock for the rear doors, shredding them, then beginning to pry it open as she plants a foot against the back bumper, the lock giving with a snap audible up wher eQuiet is still. Another of the guards starts firing at Cybernary's hiding spot, but the armored truck makes a nice shield. Another pair are breaking for the back of the truck from the rear security SUV that sideswiped the rear truck, trying to get into a good position to fire on her.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Another loud gunshot, her position long-since revealed as another heavy shot slams into a running man's weapon. The wounds from the shrapnel are likely to be pretty bad, enough that his tumble was probably going to leave him requiring immediate medical aid.

Two rounds left, Quiet fires another bullet at the weapon of the second man for the same disabling shot. One more round, she makes to fire yet again as the casings begin to pile around her feet while her faultless aim falls on her next target and her deceptively delicate fingers release the magazine and fish for the next.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    The man yells and spins as he hits the ground, crumpling. Unsure if the bullet deflected or shrapnel, but either way he's down. The other man curses and dives behind a parked car, switching his fire back towards Quiet's position to join the other security blazing away towards her position....or tries to as the next bullet shatters his rifle as well, ripping it out of his hands.
    Cybernary peeks out again, and seeing no one going for her, ducks into the back of the truck, then reemerges with a large stainless steel case carried under one arm, the SMG slung again as she hops down, then runs for the forward transport truck, another hand reaching the satchel she has then slapping an explosive charge on the back of the trailer, before moving back towards the next one. At this point the remaining security have hunkered down...they're not being paid well enough to deal with a sniper who can shoot the guns out of their hands! Cybernary easily latches on the other two explosives before moving to clear, hitting the button to detonate them as jets of superheated metal blast into the transports, quickly reducing their trailers into burning, melted wreckage.

Stefani Houston has posed:
The mission had been property destruction, not elimination, that perhaps was the reason that Katrina hadn't found herself with a pile of bodies and blood at her feet. A slow soft humming tune from lips, perhaps dancing across her lips and being heard in the comlin. A warning perhaps, or a signal that she was ready, watching, ready to stike down the next man that might decide to chance a shot at Cybernary as she finishes and makes her retreat.

It's only once she's clear that Quiet leaps from her tower, landing down and taking of at a superhuman rush towards the exfil vehicle.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    The sounds of arriving sirens in the distance signal that the battle in the middle of town has been noticed and is being responded to....but there's more than enough time for Katrina and Quiet to make it to their getaway vehicle, a nice midrange Audi in a respectable black. Katrina pops the trunk, tosses the heavy case in as she retracts her horns, her metallic forearms shifting back to her normal fleshy appearance as she slides in the driver's side....maybe not aware how well Quiet can drive. Or she'd call shotgun instead.

    A few minutes later they're sedately merging with traffic headed away, clear of the police cars that roar past towards the attack site, pillars of black smoke rising into the air behind.

    Katrina grins, glancing over. "Mmmm. I think that was a very satisfactory beginning to the partnership, don't you?" And of course, Quiet will get her share from the payroll as soon as they're clear...bearer bonds easy to deposit in any bank, in addition to her half of the payment by their very pleased employer.