Katrina Cupertino
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Katrina Cupertino (Scenesys ID: 3738) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Katrina Cupertino/Yumiko Gamorra | ||
Superalias: | Cybernary | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Cyborg | ||
Occupation: | Mercenary/Resistance Fighter | ||
Citizenship: | Gamorra | ||
Residence: | United States | ||
Education: | Streetwise/Private Tutor | ||
Theme: | DC (FC) | ||
Groups: | |||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 22 | Actual Age: | 22 |
Date of Birth | 02 Nov 1999 | Played By | Vanessa Hudgens |
Height: | 5'6" | Weight: | 185 lb |
Hair Color: | Brown with white streak | Eye Color: | Blue |
Twitter: | SxxxMachine@gamnet.com | ||
Theme Song: |
Character Info
Cybernary is a fairly well-known cyborg mercenary with ties to the Mecha-Jin resistance on the rogue island nation of Gamorra. Rumors disagree whether she is a former tech runner and smuggler named Katrina Cupertino, or or if she is Yumiko Gamorra, daughter of the ruler of Gamorra, Kaizen Gamorra, and his heir and successor. She is known to work on either side of the law, with much of the money she earns funneled back to the Mecha-Jin.
* 1999: Katrina is born to the Cupertino family on the island of Gamorra, a rogue nation known for its lack of laws governing technological advancement and experimentation, as well as its use of unwilling cyborgs converted by the government from undesirables.
* 2012: Katrina's parents die in a suspicious accident; Katrina is forced to live on the streets.
* 2012-2018: Katrina becomes a successful thief and tech runner, stealing and selling advanced technology from various facilities and labs on Gamorra. Her telepathic and empathic abilities make her especially successful. She teams up with a male partner named Cisco.
* 2019: During an attempt to steal cybernetic equipment from the research lab of Dr. Vandalla, one of Gamorra's foremost scientists, the mission goes very wrong and Cisco is captured. Katrina makes an almost successful rescue attempt but chooses to surrender herself to Vandalla in return for Cisco's freedom. The amoral Vandalla pretends to release Cisco, but in reality both are consigned to his cybernetics lab as test subjects.
* 2019-2020: Katrina is rebuilt into Vandalla's masterpiece, a gorgeous nympho-droid that perfectly conceals bleeding edge Gamorran Hunter-Killer weaponry and nanotechnology as a prototype. While intended as a gift for the ruler of Gamorra, Kaizen Gamorra, the mad Dr. Vandalla frets that Kaizen may simply discard his greatest work if he grows tired of her. In a move to prevent this, Vandalla murders Kaizen's daughter and heir, Yumiko, digitizing her consciousness and adding it to Katrina's. Vandalla designates his creation the Cybernary.
* 2020: Cybernary is prematurely woken during an attack by Gamorran rebels on Vandalla's lab. Confused and unsure who she is, the cyborg flees the facility and stows away on a transport, escaping the island.
* 2021: Cybernary, angered by what was done to her and other cyborgs on Gamorra, forms ties with the Gamorran Resistance, Mecha-Jin, and operates as a mercenary for hire in order to fund their attempts to overthrow Kaizen and his supporters.
IC Journal
Composite Mind:
While Cybernary's brain is that of Katrina Cupertino, a Gamorran tech runner, it has been merged with the digitized mind of Yumiko Gamorra, heir to the ruler of Gamorra, Kaizen Gamorra. This has been further modified by the addition of an artificial battle program called the Hunter-Killer. This gives Cybernary a wide range of knowledge and experience to operate from, but also means her moods can be mercurial as aspects of personalites come to the fore. On the other hand, it makes it more difficult for telepaths to lock onto her mind clearly. Finally, she can turn over control of her body to her Hunter-Killer program, which allows her to fight more efficiently and to push her body beyond what her organic side can normally do.
Cybernary is dedicated to one day freeing Gamorra from Kaizen Gamorra's corrupt rule, and is focused on doing whatever she believes to be necessary to bring that day about. She hires herself out as a mercenary along with others of the Mecha-Jin primarily to fund the resistance, not for her own benefit. She's not someone easily turned from her path once she makes a decision on which way she's going to go.
Due partly to her psionic abilities but also a mix of Katrina's street smarts and Yumiko's knowledge of politics and psychology, Cybernary is good at reading people's feelings from a variety of physical tells. This makes it easy for her to sympathize, but also can turn her more easily against someone whom she believes is being dishonest or contemptuous of her.
While not always honorable in her actions, Cybernary does have lines she won't cross. If she gives her word, she will do her best to keep it. As a mercenary, if she's paid for a job, she will do her best to complete the job and will not sell out her employers. However, she is not eager to harm civilians or those she considers innocent. She feels no such pity for those she believes to have evil intentions. Also, if the other party tries to deceive her in an important way, or acts against her, all her promises are void, as far as she's concerned. She will steal as part of a job or to gain resources the Mecha-Jin need, but not casually, or from someone who truly needs those resources.
Having her body stolen from her, remade against her will, even her mind combined with the daughter of her hated enemy and bound with killer programming - none of this has broken Cybernary. She is not easily intimidated, tortured, or telepathically influenced.
Character Sheet
Battle Computer:
Cybernary incorporates a powerful battle computer tied to her brain that assists her in quickly identifying and countering threats or simply providing additional information on objects and people around her based on her enhanced senses. In particular, the battle computer combined with her natural telepathic and empathic ability gives her a near supernatural ability to anticipate her opponent's movements and attacks. A telepathic or empathic shield weakens this ability, forcing her to rely just on the computer for projected responses.
Cybernetic Body:
Katrina Cupertino's body was heavily redesigned and rebuild into a lethal Hunter-Killer cyborg hidden under a beautiful exterior, allowing her to exceed human ability. Her enhancements allow her to lift up to 5 tons, while her agility and reflexes surpass that of any normal human. Her skin is infused with biomatter and nanotech, allowing it to appear as flesh or convert to armored metal. This makes her body virtually bulletproof against small arms, even high caliber ones. Her internal systems allow her to switch to internal air reserves in an emergency when underwater or in an airless environment, or to break down biological or chemical attacks into harmless components, though she may be temporarily incapacitated.
Enhanced Senses:
Cybernary's sensory systems have been greatly enhanced. She has telescopic vision capable of switching through the visual spectrum, as well as allowing her superior night vision. Her modified ears let her pick up sounds beyond the volume or pitch of normal human capability. She can selectively block out background noise and ambient sounds to focus on a specific source or frequency, which can further be refined and identified when run through her battle computer.
Low Level Psychic:
Cybernary has low level telepathic and empathic talents inherited from Katrina's metahuman ability. Her telepathy is sufficient to pick up particularly strong thoughts, as well as allowing her to establish short range telepathic networks with up to three people over a two mile radius. Her empathy is sufficient to pick up strong emotions or impressions, but not strong enough to provide great detail. Combined with her state-of-the-art battle computer, however, they give her a nearly supernatural ability to read her opponent's movements and anticipate their actions.
The nanotechnology built into Cybernary's body allow her to modify her body at will. This can be anything from a purely cosmetic change such as changing hair or skin color or changing or hiding her horns, to converting her exterior from sim-skin to armored metal. She can use this to reshape her body to sprout blades from anywhere on her body, or reconfigure her limbs into a variety of melee weapons as needed in a second.
Pheromone Control:
(Note: this power requires OOC permission to use on players.) Based off her original design as a personal companion, Cybernary is capable of accessing specially crafted pheremones to influence the moods of others that are in close proximity or physical contact with her. While she cannot control individuals in this manner, she can influence their emotional state, turning a suspicious person into a trusting one, or a neutral individual into a friendly one, for example. This effect is less effective on highly emotionally disciplined people.
Self-Repair System:
Cybernary's nanotechnology can repair her non-organic body over time, provided she has feed stock for it to use. Even then, it may be faster and simpler to simply incorporate new components into her systems than build them from scratch. It can also assist her biological components in healing or at least mitigate damage, such as stopping wounds from bleeding excessively.
Cybernary has the ability to control and operate constructs, computers, robots, or other computerized systems considered technology that she physically touches or links into with her cybernetic systems. This allows her to manipulate these devices, such as bypassing normal security requirements, upload or download digital information quickly, or otherwise controlling their technological processes. This of course includes the systems built into her own cybernetic body, which she has particularly strong established control over as a defense against would be hackers or other technopaths. When linked into a computer system, she is capable of transmitting her mind as an electrical signal to interface remotely with technology.
Cybernary's superhuman agility and reflexes combined with sdvanced programming for enhanced parkour type movement and gymnastics give her the ability to perform feats of acrobatics and flexibility that most humans could not duplicate.
Combat Programming:
Thanks to her Hunter-Killer programming and experiences, combined with her metamorphic ability to provide her whatever melee weapon she might need, makes her a extremely powerful melee combatant, on par with Code assassins, Gamorran Hunter-Killer cyborgs, or robotic killing machines. She is equally skilled with a wide variety of standard and advanced small arms as well as her internal laser weapons, easily at the sharpshooter level and capable of acting as a sniper.
While she can only assemble simple technology, Cybernary often carries a variety of gadgets and gizmos to assist her on missions. Many of these are advanced technology bought on the black market, or acquired through raids on Gamorran labs or military supplies.
Cybernary has been programmed with all major Earth languages in terms of standard vocabulary and grammar, including some regional accents and variants. This includes several special forces hand signals and sign language.
Cybernary retains Yumiko Gamorra's knowledge of high class society and etiquette, as well as what it means to be part of the ruling family of a country. She knows how to navigate cutthroat politics and how to lead, including into battle.
Street Smarts:
Katrina Cupertino grew up partly on the streets, and Cybernary retains her knowledge of how things work, where the right contacts or merchants she might need are, and information on criminal organizations or gangs. She knows how the underworld works, and has a great deal of knowledge about the mercenary life and of major freelancers, assassins, and mercenary groups.
While not an engineer or scientist, Cybernary has enough understanding of tech from Katrina's days as a tech smuggler to be able to identify many common advanced pieces of equipment, especially when it comes to cybernetics. She can even operate many devices with this understanding and her technopathic abilities.
Cybernary has a wide range of knowledge about standard and advanced firearms used around the world, including heavy weapons, energy weapons, and explosives. She also has knowledge of a great deal of melee weapons, from standard blades to advanced whipswords.
Gamorra is a rogue island nation in the western Pacific Ocean near Indonesia, and formerly called Parousia Island until it was conquered by the Gamorra Clan in 1543 who have ruled it to the present. It is primarily known for being a haven of cybernetic experimentation and illegal technology, where many world nations maintain covert labs on Gamorran soil. It is known as a haven for several terrorist groups, thought he government officially denies any ties with them. Despite this, Gamorra's advanced technology and conscripted cyborg army, combined with a island wide defensive forcefield, have prevented armed confrontations with the rest of the world. Part of Cybernary, Yumiko Gamorra, is the daughter and heir of the current leader of the island, Kaizen Gamorra. Due to her ties with with the Mecha-Jin resistance against her father's rule, many of the people of Gamorra quietly support her as a possible claimant for Kaizen's throne should he fall.
Cybernary's body incorporates several internal laser weapons. These are primarily deployed from her forearms for ease of aiming, but can also be deployed from her torso or legs with a big of extra time. They can be used either as pulse lasers, working much like an energy-based submachine gun, or as a sustained cutting beam capable of carving through tank armor. As this draws on Cybernary's internal energy stores, she prefers to use external weapons when possible.
Cybernary has strong ties with the Gamorran resistance, the Mecha-jin, skilled cybernetic ninjas who seek to free all cyborgs from oppression by overthrowing Kaizen Gamorra and giving control of the island over to its oppressed cyborg citizens. Many of these are Gamorran cyborgs freed from their enslavement that incorporate a variety of abilities and weapons. Mecha-Jin's leader, Met-L, was formerly Katrina's partner and fellow tech runner, Cisco, and is often willing to supply her with resources, including weapons, technology, and Mecha-jin fighters.
As a mercenary who operates all over the world, Cybernary maintains several small safehouses to use as her base of operations or as a fallback point. These usually are small buildings she can purchase in which she can leave weapon and equipment catches, as well as basic necessities such as spare clothes. These normally aren't in the best parts of town, but that just discourages people from breaking in if the building seems to be empty.
Cybernary knows where to find and who to buy from when it comes to firearms, melee weapons, and heavier weapons and gear. She maintains several catches of equipment for emergencies, and can usually outfit herself as needed for whatever missions she takes on, as well as replacing her common goodie bag.
Cybernary possesses a whipsword system that can be extended from either arm. These weapons are constructed of high tech alloys that are extremely hard with a high melting point that are reinforced with a forcefield for greater strength. They can be used as three foot armblades, or be extended as segmented blade whips held together by the forcefields system to attack opponents up to five meters away. They can also be used to wrap around a target, or used for mobility for swinging or climbing if needed. Finally, like her normal blades Cybernary can electrify the whipswords to add extra damage or stun a captured opponent rather than killing them. As the whipswords are more advanced technology than her usual melee weapons she can from her body, damage to them requires time and/or replacement parts to restore their full function, though they can still be used if partially severed.
Cybernary's personality reflects a lot of Yumiko Gamorra's arrogance. This can make her prickly to deal with at times, especially when dealing with people who don't know her well or expect a certain respect from her.
Kaizen Gamorra:
The tyrant of Gamorra, Kaizen Gamorra, believes that his daughter Yumiko is the controlling personality inside of Cybernary, and seeks to capture and reprogram her in order to return her to his side. In addition to the wealth of Gamorra, Kaizen is able to call upon terrorists and mercenaries alike in his attempts to capture or at least undermine Cybernary.
Cybernary hires out to all sorts of people, both those with official government standing or to criminals or supervillains, as long as she has no issues with the mission she's being asked to accomplish. This means she is wanted in various countries around the world for previous actions, and distrusted by many for her seemingly shifting loyalties. As the Mecha-Jin are sometimes classed as a terrorist organization, she is lumped in with them often.
While Cybernary's implanted programming can be very helpful, it has a dark side. She was programmed to be a nymphodroid, one of Gamorra's cybernetic geisha, but also given Hunter-Killer programming that turns her into a killing machine. Turning control of her body over to her programming in combat can make her a much more efficient fighter, but at the cost of depending on the programming for threat analysis...meaning she may accidentally do damage to people who are not actually threats or even civilians if unlucky. Because of this, she rarely turns full control over to her Hunter-Killer programming for fear of what it might do, save in emergency combat situations.
The Clans:
While the Mecha-Jin resistance support Cybernary, the human Clans that jockey for control of Gamorra under Kaizen see her as the rightful heir should he be removed, and someone they could establish as a puppet ruler to control the nation from behind the throne.
Cybernary makes no secret of her nature generally, and her appearance makes it obvious she is part machine. For those who distrust cyborgs, she receives scorn and distrust. Moreover, her cybernetic body, while advanced, has its own weaknesses, such as high powered electrical attacks or electromagnetic pulses, which can stun or disable her, or even do significant damage that requires repair or replacement of parts.
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Katrina Cupertino has
6 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
A Little Well-Armed Robbery | February 20th, 2022 | Cybernary and Quiet ambush a convoy in Prague and manage to pull off a relatively stress free theft of a payroll shipment while destroying several transport trucks. Most importantly, they get paid! |
How about them Dodgers | January 29th, 2022 | Emma talks with a nymphodroid and has a potential employee by the end of things. |
Coney Island Washboard Blues | January 9th, 2022 | Spinner hosts a party for the local homless population to celebrate what may well be the end of the world. Katrina and Rainmaker plot out ways to save the local homeless population from their fate. |
The New Girl in Costume | January 2nd, 2022 | Glimmer runs into Cybernary and finds she's slightly out of her league...though she does have some helpful advice for a novice heroine. |
A Moment of Quiet | December 30th, 2021 | Cybernary and Quiet establish a mercenary partnership. |
Fly, Meet Ointment | December 29th, 2021 | Mary Marvel happens upon a cybernetic thief at S.T.A.R. Labs. |
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Katrina Cupertino has
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Katrina Cupertino has been credited in
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Katrina Cupertino has authored
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