10985/This Can't Be Happening

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This Can't Be Happening
Date of Scene: 01 May 2022
Location: Basement Apartment
Synopsis: Comfort is sought and provided. Tattoos are plotted. Invitations made and investigations planned.
Cast of Characters: Pietro Maximoff, Micola Maximoff

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
It was rather late - Pietro's mind was still whirling about the new person he'd met. New? Or copy? The man frowned as he ran at his top speeds - trying to sort things out as the scenery blurred past. As he ran through New York, Quicksilver fished his phone out, tapping away a message.

<<Are you awake? Up for company?>> It could be misconstrued, or taken inappropriately - but he couldn't just gush about what had happened over text. Too many nuances, too many thoughts to get out.

Hopefully she wasn't asleep.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola's not asleep, but she is curled up on her bed because the last tattoo of the night had been a peach to deal with. The woman was curled up with her pillow, her phone on the shelf above her. When it lit up there was a bit of a yawn before reaching out to grab it. She sits up when she realizes it's Pietro texting.

<<I'm awake and always up for your company. Door down the stairs is unlocked if you want to let yourself in.>> she texts back as she scoots out of bed. She finds her zip up hoodie to put on over her nightgown so she wasn't showing too much.

She pads quietly to the sitting area, debating if she should make tea or something while she awaits his arrival.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
It did not take long, of course. A few moments at most, the Pietro was tapping at the door to the downstairs aparment. After the polite knock, he opens and steps in - glancing about for Micola. "Hey... sorry to bother you." His face is a mask - a cold scowl that was far more reminiscent of his less-than-savory days. "I need... something happened tonight."

He glances around, trying to get his bullet-timed thoughts in a coherant order. Deep breaths.

"I think I met... a clone of me? A younger me? Or ... perhaps a long lost brother from my biological father?" His tone as confused as all those statements combined.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
His cold scowl is met with Micola's warm smile, but she turns a bit of the wattage down when she realizes that there is something wrong. "You aren't bothering me at all, Pietro." she tells him as she offers a hand to him. Something happening makes her think that he might have done something and it makes her stomach knot for a moment.

His words make her blink though, "That...is a lot to handle in one night." she breathes out. "Where did you meet this...doppelganger? Was it some eerie coincidence or just a random encounter?" she asks him as she moves towards the island in the kitchen to lean against it. Keeping him moving was probably the best option in this already anxious moment.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
That's good instinct, truth be told. He keeps her hand in his, though paces as she leans against the counter. "At the Genoshan Embassy in Bushwick." He explains, nodding to her. "There was an opera singer giving a performance there - a mutant vocalist." He starts, explaining in order to better get his thoughts lined up. "It was a stunning performance, myself and Lorna were there, along with her guard Captain and Mystique."

"As the performance ended and people were heading out to the snacks and such after, there were two agents." A shake of his head. "They immediately found this young man - who looks shockingly like me. And is fast, like me." A frown. "Something had them all under some sort of daze or control. Thankfully the effect was removed, and they apologized - having realized they were in some sort of fugue. They were trying to take him away."

He looks to her. "He was so like me." A slight shake of his head. "I confronted him ... he's too old to be my son. So that leaves other options. Could he be my father's child? Or a clone of me?" A sigh. "I have no idea where to begin."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola listens to him intently, letting the white haired man speak as he paces. She keeps a delicate hold on his hand, in case he wants to break away at some moment. She wasn't wanting to add to stresses by keeping him feeling pinned in any way. "That sounds like it was a good time." she states in a soft tone.

"The big question here besides where he came from would be who was trying to take him away." she points out gently. "Did you get a name of the young man? If so we could do some research and see who his parents are." she offers.

"As for there being a clone of you, would you have ever been in a situation where someone could have taken your genetic makeup?" she asks him.

"The best place to begin is with you taking a few deep breathes and thinking on this with a clear head, because you are very very stressed about this draga." she tells him in a gentle voice.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Another few deep breaths, the man shrugging. "I've bled, been captured before, been hurt... any number of ways to have gotten some of my DNA, I suppose." Pietro murmurs. "Part and parcel of being a misguided villain turned hero." A shake of his head.

"His name is Tommy Shepherd. His mother is from New Jersey." A sigh. "He has my hair and speed. My father could have sired him. Lorna is at a loss too."

A blink. "Draga?" He chuckles. "You're learning more."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a soft frown at that, "So plenty of opportunities to make copies of you." she shakes her head. "That would take a lot of resources, though I'm guessing most of the people that would capture you aren't small time." she frowns more.

"Hmm. Tommy from New Jersey." she ponders to herself for a moment. "I mean, the chances of another white haired carbon copy with speed powers are low unless engineered in some way. Or unless he's your son or brother. Which son seems to be out given age. And I'm guessing you are not on good speaking terms with your father." she states. "This has got to be very upsetting especially out of the blue." she admits.

When he blinks there's a bit of a sheepish look, "I am...yeah. I apologize if it's inappropriate time to use it." she tells him. "What can I do to help with this?" she asks him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Yes, plenty of opportunities. No, most people who do capturing are not small time - especially of mutants." Pietro agrees. "Just hoping I can settle this - I don't want this weighing on my head, or his for that matter. People might come after him if he is tied to me." A shake of his head. "I need to look over the Avenger's database, I suppose."

"We have... reconciled a bit, my father and I. But still, there is tension there. I would be upset if he had another child and did not tell me or my sisters." At least he's honest about that. "I plan on speaking to Wanda as well, to see if she has any information."

A smile, the man shaking his head. "No need to apologize. It is ... nice." A grin. "I don't know. I need to relax - I can't fix this immediately."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola frowns at the thought of someone holding Pietro against his will. She does nod at his words of it not weighing on his head though. "I will help in whatever way I can ." she tells him. She didn't like the thought of anyone being targetted.

"I can understand why you would be upset if there was someone being kept from you, especially if he turned out to be another sibling." she comments in her gentle tone. "Hopefully someone will have some information." she adds.

There is a soft smile given to him, "I have a feeling you're already going to run yourself ragged on this...so stopping to relax is fine. You definitely won't fix this immediately...and probably not in the next few days either. I know that it's going to be stressful and infuriating." she states. "How can we get you to relax?" she asks him. "I don't want to offer coffee and sitting around...because I don't think sitting is that productive for you at the moment." she admits.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Pietro nods to her, relaxing the slightest bit. "I appreciate it. I don't know what I can do, but I'll find what information I can." It's decided. His hand pats hers, still clasping gently. "I am hoping Wanda can use some sort of sorcery to determine - I am sure she will be just as concerned as I am."

"Running myself ragged is what I do, I fear." Quicksilver admits to her. "My mind races at absurd speeds." A slight shrug. "Help me relax. Take my mind off of things. I am open to suggestions for how to do so, honestly."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola smiles to him, "I think I have a few contacts that I can ask about information and I will be very discreet so that things don't get tied to you or your sister." she tells him. She'd not want something to go badly for them. She gives his hand a gentle squeeze, "She might be able to see more than we can, that is for sure." she nods to that.

She reaches out to touch his shoulder with her free hand, squeezing it gently, "It's too late to go skating and you probably don't have those on you. Heck...it's rather late to do most things." she ponders.

She finally decides something and the spritely woman takes a step towards him, her hand still in his and the other curling on his shoulder, "Shall we dance?" she grins a little. "I could have Alexa play something upbeat. It might not help for a long time...but it was the first thing to come to mind that didn't make it seem odd." she muses.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Any help would be appreciated, Micola." Pietro murmurs, nodding to her. "It's not something we can do now, but... yeah. I need to calm my mind before I try to dig into this mystery." At least he's aware of that. How often would impatience get the best of him in his younger days? He had to focus this time.

A wry grin. "No, no skates on me." He agrees.

She moves to press closer, he nods. "Dancing would be nice. Upbeat or not, whichever you like better." Pietro responds, hands going to her waist in the classic dance pose. "What seemed odd?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives him a soft smile as she lets her arms slip around his shoulders, "Going into research while your mind is still reeling is a recipe for disaster or missing things." she nods in agreement to calming his mind. There's a chuckle, "I was guessing they were not hiding in the suit." she teases him gently.

Alexa is easy enough to wake up with a few words and she just asks it to play a dancing mix. It would at least keep them moving for now.

Her bare feet move carefully. Thankfully there is room to move in the apartment. "My first instinct was to kiss you." she admits to him. "Not sure if that is so odd, but I didn't want to feel like I was taking advantage of anything." she tells him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"No, no room for skates in the suit. It would ruin the look with unsightly bulges." Pietro teases back. "It's hard to calm my mind - it's always whirring and going. It's why I read so much, to try to focus on something else other than passing time."

Once the music has started, he begins moving with her. There's no worry about missteps or what have you - even if they happened, he'd be able to move out of the way. He's skilled enough as a dancer, that it shouldn't happen regardless.

"An... intriguing first instinct." He says, quietly. "Not entirely inappropriate, but... I appreciate your concern over taking advantage. I don't think it would be to do so, however."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a chuckle, "No umseemly lines in the suit, got it." she muses as she listens to him. "I could get you a book...maybe run you a hot bath if you think that might help after?" she offers with a smile. "Reading in the bathtub is how I like to unwind sometimes." she chuckles to that.

She doesn't step on his feet and seems competent enough with how to move. Plus his skill helps to follow as he leads.

When he tells her it would not be inappropriate she worries her bottom lip a little, "I shall note that going forward." she tells him with a soft smile tugging her lips up. "Did you ever think on a tattoo design?" she asks him. Trying to take his mind off the subject of finding Tommy's background.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The pair move together, dancing to the music in her apartment. "A bath... it has been quite some time since I have sat still for a bath." Pietro admits. "I imagine it would feel nice, with soothing the muscles and aches, too." He hrms. "I am not opposed to trying that." Pietro grins.

A grin as she takes his advisement. "I hadn't, no. I don't know of an animal that would fit me. Or if I should get something related to Genosha - royal crest or something." He hrms. "It's something to consider - though. Did you have any suggestions? Things that you'd think would look good on me?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a soft smile to him, "This is my total lack of surprise." she teases him when he tells her he's not sat still for a bath in awhile. Showers were definitely quicker! "A little epsom salt mixed in is nice if you've been working hard and muscles are achey." she offers the advice.

She ponders a bit as she leans back just a little to look him over, "Hmm. My professional opinion would be something that is a line tattoo that can be shaped into a design that you like. Bright neon colors don't really seem to fit...or I could be wrong and you love neon pink." she grins to that. "The royal crest might be a good nod to family though and I know that's important to you." she comments.

She worries her bottom lip with her teeth for a moment before she leans in to press a warm and gentle kiss to his lips. He obviously has plenty of time to bolt before she connects though!

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I'd heard, yes. They have those float spas, where you float in a pod with epsom salt laden water." He murmurs, still swaying with her. Indeed showers were quicker - and in some instances, more relaxing for the man. It all depends on the situation.

Her suggestions are noted, with Pietro nodding. "Do you think it would be good in a particular area? Shoulder? Bicep?" The man thinks, grinning. "And yes, line work - perhaps colors, but not neon pink." He winks.

The seconds it takes for her to traverse the gulf between them are long for Pietro. He waits, not rushing or rushing her. No dodging out of the way, either. The kiss is received, and returned - just as gentle.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola didn't know how slow things might be for him, the kiss is testing the waters for the time. Her eyes close as she presses her body against his and lets her feet move to the sound of the music that plays. She gives the lightest of sighs as she pulls back enough to look at him, "Aww, no neon pink then." she whispers with a warm laugh.

"I'd get very claustrophobic in one of those pods I'm afraid." Micola tells him with a soft chuckle. Her hands move, her fingertips running down his shoulders and tracing a few idle lines. "Depends on how cool you want to look." she teases him softly. "Tattoos that start from the shoulder and move down over the bicep are sometimes nice." she tells him.

"I know this place isn't a mansion, but if you'd like to stay the night I am happy to have you." she offers to him in a soft tone.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"We can save neon pink for an outfit or something." He teases her, winking. His cheeks are a bit flushed at the end of the kiss, Pietro watching her eyes and expression - trying to determine what she's thinking. He watches her for what feels an eternity for him, smiling gently.

"You can leave the pods open - so you're not just closed in, at least." The man nods. He looks over to where her hand traces, nodding. "I think that might look very dramatic. Would it be tribal? Knotwork?" He wonders.

At the offer, he nods. "I would like that, Micola. Assuming you don't mind me being here...?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a giggle, "Could you imagine the look on the Avenger's faces if you just showed up one day in some neon pink get up?" she asks him. It was a ridiculous vision and sadly April Fool's had already passed. She lets her fingers trail back up his arm and up to his jaw, stroking her fingers gently there. Her expression is happy, her gaze warm as she watches him in turn.

"Oh you can? That seems interesting then." she grins. Remembering that they were talking after a moment. "I mean...dramatic isn't bad in the case of tattoos." she admits. "Though I'd never push you in one way or the other. It's your body and your skin. I'm just a consultant." she grins to that. "Knotwork or something like it. We could do research and see if there are any Romanian types of line work that might be incorporated or used as well?" she offers.

She lets her gaze go back to his, "I never mind you being here, Pietro." she tells him.

"And it might be a bit of stress relief to know that someone is in reaching distance physically if you wake in the mid morning...even if you can get to most people fast." she adds.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A nod. "I suspect some will say nothing, some will tease, and some will think I've gone crazy." He pauses. "Crazier." Pietro clarifies, smirking. "Not to mention any problem villain we might run into, in that outfit." A shake of his head. He leans slightly into her fingertips.

"I would like to see what you might come up with on paper. I can pay commission, of course. I don't want you working for nothing, Micola." A slight smile. "And yes, research. Perhaps Romanian coat of arms for my adopted family."

"That is good to know, I will keep it in mind." He says, regarding being here. "I don't want to impose though, ever." A nod, the man still flushed in the cheeks. "I think it would help, yes - being close."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a laugh at that, "Maybe something to keep on the docket for next year." she muses to that with a wink. She continues her stroking of his jaw for the moment, smiling warmly when he leans into her touch. "I can definitely come up with something after a little research through some Romanian history and Genoshan as well." she smiles to him. "I'll come up with a couple so you can have more choices." she adds.

She lets her other hand find his cheek and there is a smile at his blush, though she's sure that her cheeks are pink as well. "You're fine, Pietro, I promise." she reassures him when he comments on imposing.

Her eyes lid just a little when he states that being close would help and she leans in to kiss him again, this time the kiss isn't testing. There's a hint of hunger in it.