10423/Silence Before Sirens

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Silence Before Sirens
Date of Scene: 11 March 2022
Location: Warehouses
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Jane Vasko, Stefani Houston

Jane Vasko has posed:
As the enigmatic hero said in a John Carpenter said, "SONOFABITCH MUST PAY."

The man who had to do the paying was Brian Starke, the underboss that controlled half the girls in the Bronx, and was making inroads into Brooklyn. He had his own private army at the large warehouse that he called home. The office at one side of the grounds was kitted out as a palatial apartment, with windows overseeing the warehouse floor, so he could keep an eye on everything.Armored inserts, bulletproof plexiglass, and trained killers.

Patrolman Bobby Franks never had a chance. He had seen the trucks, radioed for backup...except Starke had radios tuned to those frequencies and Bobby had given his position away with his call for help. One grenade later, the Franks family was tearfully arranging a closed-casket funeral.

The funeral was two days ago. The bounty - $75,000 - was posted on a few sites.

Jane, from her position a half-mile away, wasn't doing this for the bounty. It was because she was a cop when she was alive...and NO ONE FUCKS WITH COPS.

Stefani Houston has posed:
For quite the fighting for ideology and causes had faltered from her life in most day to day things, gone with the deaths of some of her closest companions and friends amongst the mercenaries that had become her family. But that was decades ago now and the silent sniper simple had to make use of the thrill of the 'job' and the promise of payment to keep herself motivated.

That being said, taking down a slimy gang leader who was trading in girls and possibly feeding the same sorts of human trafficing she'd tangled with recently wasn't exactly an unpleasent job offer. When the contract was posted? She'd taken it up. Now? The woman gave an almost feline stretch as she was dressed in her rather revealing prefered combat attire that allowed her skin to breathe. Her rifle, heavy as it was, rested snug to her back as she scouted her target's location. She knew about the armor of course, but nothing was truely 'bulletproof' if the bullet was big and fast enough.

Jane Vasko has posed:
The warehouse is humming, and it looks like a full roster working tonight. A new shipment had arrived and they were being "processed" (read: hooked on black-tar heroin) in the basement. So, everyone on the ground floor was a grade-A scumbag.

Which was good...

The four guards at the north gate are chatting idly when they heard the revving engine. They looked to see the headlights of the Dodge Challenger wash over them. Instinct took over as they raised their guns to fire.
They only got a few shots off before the muscle car plowed through them and the gate, knocking it off its track. The impact slowed the car by about 5 MPH, and it accelerated still.

Wait, was it going to...?

There is a horrendous shriek of metal as the Dodge drove THROUGH the side of the warehouse.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Well...subtle just went out the window, or perhaps more accurately had a muscle car ram right through it. Time for a more direct approach!

Quiet's form coiled for a moment and then? The air wavered as she took of with a sudden surge of superhuman effort, a series of leaps cracking some of the places she pushed off of until her leap had her decending in the wake of the muscle clar. Having some half-naked woman randomly appear at the gate after the ram-raid entrance was probably suprising, but the brunette assassin didn't slow in the slightest, the handgun strapped to her thigh drawn and four distinct shots fired with inhuman precision and efficiency on the likely still rattled men.

Quiet was a Super soldier and an assassin, not a 'Superhero' and clearly she didn't have the hangups of lethal force.

Jane Vasko has posed:
Quiet could hear gunfire peppering the air, coming from the warehouse. They must not like the idea of the driver converting the warehouse into a "drive-thru," and are airing a few hundred grievances into the vehicle. High-velocity grievances, by the sound of it.
This was going to make things difficult. How suicidal do you have to be to drive into a killzone?
Then someone was yelling. It was hard to make out...but the bellowing roars of a high-caliber pistol come through very clearly...

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet's handgun was a comparatively lower calibre, but 9mm tended to work fine for plenty of tasks...especially when one had the inhuman accuracy that the woman did. Having barely slowed in her approach with the elimination of the guards, the woman pushes into the warehouse, her enhanced senses taking in the surroundings while her gaze scanned for targets, both the 'security' and the man she'd been sent for.

The last thing she needed was him escaping in the midst of someone elses' attack.

Jane Vasko has posed:
It was bedlam inside the warehouse. Gunmen were everywhere, shooting everywhere, and Brian "The Shark" Starke was yelling orders through loudspeakers to find the bitch, find her now, goddammit, NOW!

Then Quiet sees her. The Woman in Red. Skintight red pants and corset, glasses with red lenses, a red headband tying back red hair. And red holes, six, eight of them, three of them in her chest alone.
And it's not slowing her down at all as she stalks towards the gunman who (presumably) was responsible for at least one of those holes.
"I'm, sorry, PLEASE, I'm sorry-"
Then the Red Woman fired what had to be a .454 Casull revolver, and the man's head disappeared in red.

"Now..." she mutters in a guttural voice, then spits out what appears to be a mashed-down bullet, "...where are you , you little asshole...?"

Stefani Houston has posed:
Regeneration? A handy power. Quiet's own was...less dramatic than that, which tended to cause her to prefer avoiding bullets rather than healing from them.

In the wild firing of the gunmen, Quiet's own shots were more definate, one or two at a time always seeming to find their mark...but there was a few of them out there and even the luxury of double-stacked magazines was going to run out as Quiet steps into view, the magazine falling from her own choice of weapon before she spun on her heel and drove her foot into the neck of a man who'd attempted to rush her, strength that matched that of Captain America without any of the Star-Spangled man's restrain easily snapping vertibrae and leaving him dead before her hit the ground.

The noise was almost certainly loud enough that the Red Woman was going to notice her...not least because of the way the fallen man skidded across the warehouse floor from the impact as Quiet silently fished her second magazine from the rather limited gear she was wearing.

Jane Vasko has posed:
The redhead turned as she ejected the brass from the revolver. Shje regarded Quiet for a long moment, long enough to twist the knob on the speedloader and flick the wrist to sock home the cylinder.
At first glance, she thought the girl was one of the joygirls. Then she reveasled the hardware, hardware she could handle very easily, and the brows furrowed.

In the end, the Red Woman left Quiet alone, theorizing she is here for the bounty. Well, she is welcome to it...

She looked up as four men with guns rushed towards her...and smiled.
The pistol rose, and there was a sound of thunder...

Stefani Houston has posed:
Certainly Quiet probably looked like some of the 'merchandise', perhaps that was why the guards had been confused at first.

Then again, the shift to that inky black spreading under her eyes was probably a little more sinister as she snapped around and gunned down two more men who rushed out behind them.

Enemy of my enemy? The woman in red didn't seem hostile and Quiet wasn't exactly going to be asking them why they were here, so instead she shifted her focus to her senses and trying to locate the man they'd come for.