9246/A Slice of Domestic Bliss

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A Slice of Domestic Bliss
Date of Scene: 23 December 2021
Location: Carter-Sousa Home - Long Island
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Peggy Carter, Janet van Dyne

Peggy Carter has posed:
Part of Peggy's promise to Daniel to cut back a *little* on work was that she'd take her weekends at home. Relaxing. Even sleeping in as long as her body lets her. It means the house on Long Island is seeing more use now that it has in sixty years, but she also is quite enjoying making their house a home again. It almost feels like last century again. Peggy extended the invitation to Janet this weekend, her and Daniel having already decorated and now she wants to show it off.

While it's still earlyish in the day, it's well into brunch time and Peggy's forced herself out of bed, knowing she's getting company. Daniel's been momentarily called into the office to handle a case, so it means it's going to be a girls day, but sometimes that's nice. She's got hot cider going, some eggnog, holiday music on the old record player, and the roast in the oven that Daniel put there before heading out. The old fashioned house is decked to the nines with ribbons, bows, and an 8 foot tree with dozens of old style ornaments, ones they got all in the 1950s from the look of it. When the doorbell rings, Peggy pulls herself away from her second cup of tea and eagerly pulls open the door with a wide smile. "Merry Christmas!"

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet beams a smile at Peggy from the doorstep. "Peggy!" she says, and offers the spymistress a warm hug. "Merry Christmas," she bids her. Janet's dressed in festive red with a pleated mid-thigh skirt and matching long-sleeved shirt. A rounded flat collar in white matches calf-high socks tucked into patent leather Mary Janes with a lifted chunk heel. Her designer JVD tote is draped over her left forearm and held to one side during the pleasantries.

Behind Janet are a pair of high-security SUVs with blacked out windows and humorless bodyguards. They may or may not be exchanging dirty looks with anyone who gets a little too close to their little perimeter, including watching old Mrs. Adelai Stevens shuffling to the end her drive to get the newspaper.

"Steve sends his apologies, etc. etc, something international blah blah blah," Janet tells Peggy. She stops a few steps into the house, looking around with the critical eye of a talented design expert. "This house has /great/ flow," she remarks, apropos of nothing. "Colonial, right? Late '40s'?" she hazards.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Foolish or not, there aren't actually any SHIELD security elements on site. There's a few cameras and probably a panic room hidden somewhere in the house, knowing Peggy, but it seems she's kept her and Daniel's marriage home free and clear of being guarded over by work elements. They are both from a more wild west time where those who took care of them were themselves and their teammates when on a mission, no one else.

Peggy herself is in a warm blue and green tartan dress with a sweeping scoop neckline and a belt cinched at her waist, creating that perfect, soft looking hourglass figure that she cuts so noticably warm nowadays. She's not showing, but she's definitely softer around the edges. A few months no longer on the run and getting relaxed times will do that to a girl. She gives Janet a warm, immediate hug of genuine happiness to see her, "Thank you for coming! I know it's a slog out of the city but...ah... It seems like you had *good* company?" Peggy seems a little skeptical about that 'good' as she looks over to the body guards, but ushers Janet inside. "Should I invite them... In? Offer them a cider?" She asks, before shutting the door.

"And it's quite alright, Daniel got called into the office as well. ANd he lectures *me* on working too much." Peggy smirks, escorting the woman in through the old fashioned living room. "And thank you! Yes... We were the second owners, and it was the right size at the time... and closer to down town, before the Triskelion was built all the way up north and now it's hours of a slog to get here. But we don't have the heart to sell the place, though we are considering getting a second one up in Westchester. But still, this is home and has been since 1953. But, sit down. Do you want something to drink? Eat? There's cider, eggnog, rum, whiskey, coffee..."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"I don't dine with employees," Janet says with a shake of her head for Peggy's consideration. She looks around for a chair and settles on the sofa, borrowing the armrest for a little lumbar support while sitting upright in the cozy cushions. Her skirt's tucked behind her knees and she sits carefully with legs crossing at the knee and one ankle tucked behind the other.

"But I'll have some..." she considers. "Eggnog, I guess. It'd be rude to drink in front of you at this point." She grins again with a merry light in her eyes.

"You know, Steve's still got his apartment in Brooklyn?" she tells Peggy. "It's a shoebox, even for Brooklyn prices. Plus-- it's in /Brooklyn/," she says with a wrinkled nose. "If I can help it, I never go south of Vinegar Hill. Long Island's so much more pleasant."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"You have very... particular tastes, don't you, Janet?" Peggy teases her lightly. "And please. Drink in front of me. You can help me remember what I'm missing. Besides, the rum shouldn't just collect dust on the shelf for a year." Peggy then disappears into the kitchen, bustling over to the fridge to pull out the homemade egg nog. At least, it looks homemade, in a fancy glass pitcher and topped with fresh shaven cinnamon. Probably also a Daniel concoction, considering Peggy's hand isn't trusted in the kitchen.

She brings it back out and swoops past for the rum, putting it on the table as just an offer. She clearly isn't bothered. She then tucks down into her own chair, one whose pillows are so depressed it's likely that has been her chair for many years. She scoops up her tea again, still working on that second cup. "And... sometimes keeping these places aren't about how good or not good they are but... who you were when you had them. This will always be our home. It's where I raised our first." It's also where she buried Daniel the first time. "Besides. We never filled up the bullet mason jar yet. One of these days." She nods towards a large jar on the fireplace mantel. It's about 3/4ths full of bullet casings. "...that's every casing we've collected from someone trying to kill one of us."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Guilt-free drinking? Sign Janet up! She takes the rum in hand and promptly tops off the eggnog with the amber-hued alcohol. She takes a sip and apparently is satisfied with the ratio of creamy nog to liquor.

"L'chaim," she proposes, and offers to touch glasses with Peggy. She settles back into the sofa with a feline sort of ease, and gives Peggy a hesitate once-over. "I... ugh, I'm a shit friend," Janet says. "I forgot this isn't your first pregnancy. When you put it that way, I can see why you like it here," she assures Peggy. "It feels... I'unno. Cozy. My family property is upstate, I grew up in a house with fifty rooms and a small army of comfort staff," she admits. "Christmas was never a really 'special' time for my dad. Or me."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"To be fair, my first was in 1955, so I would be *quite* shocked if you remember it. And now Michael looks like he's old enough to be *my* father and it's all... quite awkward." There is a momentary fluttering of something discomforted across Peggy's features. Thinking of her son is touching on a sore spot, it seems, but she shakes it off after a moment and hides that look beneath a sip of tea, washing away the thoughts.

"Mm... that's sad. I remember Christmas in London, growing up. It was... always so beautiful, magical. The pubs dressed to the nines and lights and bells on all the gaslamps around the city. It's gorgeous. And Daniel's family is Portuguese so they are... *quite* into the holiday. God, it was Midnight Mass for the first five years we were married." She smirks, not missing that.

"But... Seriously, I'm glad you're here. I didn't think I'd be able to convince anyone to come all the way out, not with how hectic the holidays get. Lunch should be done in about 40 minutes, Daniel put it in before he was called out. One of these days we'll get those boys to sit down in a room together."