11803/Red, Gold, and BOOM

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Red, Gold, and BOOM
Date of Scene: 28 June 2022
Location: Avengers Mansion - Recreation Room
Synopsis: Tony, Nat, and Carol discuss costume changes and drinks.
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Carol Danvers

Tony Stark has posed:
It's the middle of the afternoon, and generally speaking there is not much going on at Avengers Mansion. Summer, late in the day, even the supervillains want to take a break in the day to relax. It gets super hot under those costumes!

Then, of course, there is Tony Stark, the only hero known to have built in air conditioning to his techno-suit. Because if you are going to invest all of the money in a power suit, you should A) make sure it feels cool, and B) perhaps more importantly, make sure it LOOKS cool.

Landing on the pad outside, Tony leaves the suit parked and takes the stairs down towards the rec room. A phone in his hand, he seems to be robustly debating something with the individual on the other end..

"Look, if you don't want to clear the flight deck, that's fine, but I am /not/ short changing the good people of New York, and so it's on you if any planes come down looking like they just competed in a multi-color mud run and fell flat on their face at the last obstacle."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff is currently going her way through some reports. Some from the Avengers, others related to SHIELD materials.. Going on through things while musing over and then tapping over at a few buttons in light bemusement and going to send something over to Tony.
    "Built one of these yet or drawn up construction plans?" For something that looks like a toy design of a seven or eight meter tall Iron Man suit scaled over to look like some sort of Gundam. This sent along over the comm and then to his phone whenever he felt amused to look at the details of it. APparently Natasha did have a sense of humor.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers stands in her room, looking at herself in a mirror. Her head tilts a little from one side to the other, as if looking from different angles. The woman turns, head over her shoulder to look at her back in the mirror. "Yeah, definitely the solid cape," she murmurs to herself, glancing over to where an alternate red cape sits on a chair. It's more like a muffler than a cape, two long strips of cloth.

"Alright," she finally says, turning back around to face the mirror, and giving a satisfactory nod. Carol turns and goes to the fridge in her room. "Nuts, running low," she says of the drink selection. She opens up the door to her room and heads out, down the stairs. Her path takes her outside the Rec Room. When anyone spots her, she's in costume, and a different one than they are used to. It's a take on her earlier Ms. Marvel costumes. Her black costume's design, minus the sash, but with the color scheme from her very first costume. Boots of the darkest blue come up nearly to the bottom of the one-piece costume. Very different than her altered Kree StarForce uniform.

Tony Stark has posed:
"I'm trying to get slimmer, not fatter," replies Tony to the message from Natasha. "No, I didn't mean you, Wendell, I believe that a robust waistline is a sign of virility. The Romans did too." He is not /actually/ sure on that point, but he did read it somewhere. He had not had a ton of time for the classics at MIT. "I have to go, the Avengers need me for..." He glances over at Carol. "...branding advice." He makes a weird expression as if realizing that was not the best excuse, but cuts of the call anyway. "Thanks, Nat, I am pretty sure you just upped the size of the donation check Pepper is going to have to write, hopefully not by any digits."

He turns to look at Carol, nodding slowly in appreciation. "Going retro, I see?" He pockets the phone in his lustrous grey suit, and glances around the room for a moment. "I heard Banner was amuck recently. Did I miss all the excitement?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance over at Tony, "Greetings. And I've not seen any reports that are indicative of massive collateral damage beyond the norm. I have been moreso focused on my primary assignments lately." By which she meant SHIELD operations. Glancing at Tony with just a little smugness.

Looking at the outfit that Carol was working on. "Very unique. What has lead to the inspiration for the change? Or it something that Janet's had a hand in making?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Janet always has a hand in costumes," she says with a warm chuckle. "I don't know, I kind of... wanted a break from the Kree uniform. Though admittedly I love the colors. Part of me wanted to get away from their technology for awhile," she admits.

She looks down at herself. "Went with my original color scheme, but not quite as, you know. Skimpy. Hey, I was younger then!" She is older, though hasn't seemed to age, actually. "Still going by Captain Marvel though. There's a young Ms. Marvel, and I love her carrying on that legacy," she explains.

Glancing towards the kitchen down the hall, Carol asks, "Anyone want a drink?"

Tony Stark has posed:
"You know, Danvers, if you won't.ed to upgrade from Kree to Earth technology, I know a guy." Tony flashes a grin.

When given the excuse, nay invitation, and Pepper is not around, Tony is not going to pass up the opportunity. He leans to the side to alter the anger as he takes a healthy inspection of Carol's posterior from a distance. "Younger's not always better. Case in point." He waves his hand vaguely in the general direction of her body.

"That sounds like a good idea. I won't tell if you won't.." Tony winks at Nat, and then claims a pretzel from a bowl and pops it into his mouth as he finds his way over towards the kitchen.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance at Tony and then where his attention was, and a shrug overa t Carol. If the other woman wished to photon blast him, Natasha was not going to get over in the way of it. "So what exactly had you concerneda bout Banner this time? I'm still.. Reviewing the affairs with the changes to his Ex."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers looks back over her shoulder, seeing where Tony's focus is. She reaches behind her and a slight glow forms about her hand, enough to shoot a little zap between her and Tony, into the floor, but not strong enough to damage the floor. "Eyes are up here, Stark," she says with mock sternness, though grinning as she turns back forward and heads into the kitchen.

A few moments later, Carol returns, carrying a trio of beverages. No alcohol for any of them though. Juice and soda. "I wasn't around either. Didn't hear what happened. Did he lose control?" she asks of Bruce. Carol walks over and offers Natasha her choice of the drinks first. After which Carol will picks hers, and leave Tony the remainder.

Tony Stark has posed:
Hopping up into the air with an exagerated effect, Tony grins at Carol. "Hey, you asked!" She didn't, strictly speaking of course. He moves over to lean back against the wall, watching Carol leave. But not /watching/ Carol leave. He pops another pretzel into his mouth before turning back to Nat. "One of these days, maybe SHIELD will improve their aesthetics."

There is a look of minor disappointment on Tony's face as the drinks are more responsible than he had anticipated. "The city is still standing, so I'm assuming not?" He snags a soda and takes a sip. "Speaking of blowing things up, Stark is throwing a big fireworks bash for the 4th. I can get you both good grandstand seats if you want."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
It's the way that things are. Natasha goes to grab herself something to drink as well. Whatever it is that she moves to get from the fridge as soon as she moves to twist the top off is rather vile if one is unofrtunate enough to take a whiff of it. "What we wear is practical. Which I know isn't always your thing." She would tease while going to take a pull of whatever she was getting.

"Oh? Are you going to arrange some Battleship guns and shells?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers moves over to sit on the arm of a couch as she opens her grape juice. "Sure, that'd be great, Tony," Carol tells him. "Right after we give Steve his birthday spanking, right?" she asks, giving a wiggle of her eyebrows. It is his birthday after all, with a BBQ and pool party planned to celebrate it.

A sip of the grape juice is taken, and Carol makes a mental note to remind herself to take some back up to her fridge. "SHIELD's uniforms are fine. Especially Nat's," Carol comments. She draws a deep breath. "Didn't mention, there was a fashion shoot out in Times Square a little while ago. Someone wearing a cosplay outfit of me, more lingerie than hero. Thankfully I didn't get recognized. Though Hercules was there."

Tony Stark has posed:
"That's all you, Danvers. He and I haven't been close enough to do that since that one time in Quebec." Tony takes another sip from the soda and makes a bit of a face, likely at /not/ having the bitterness of some form of booze attached. "And I understand I'm not always practical, but changing the world rarely is." He raises his soda in salute to something.

The topic of lingerie in Times Square draws his eyes back to Carol. "'Someone' didn't get recognized? What'd you do, throw on a domino mask?" He takes another long sip of his drink. "I'd think that your..." He trails off, glancing at the spot on the floor where her last energy blast landed. "Nevermind."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance over her shoulder at Tony and Carol, "Sure, changing the world is one thing, Stark. You've done your fair share of that. And even I, cynical as I am, would note you've gone above and beyond in making up for things." A rare and open copmliment to him without any backhand with it.

"I would add something about not letting it go to your head but that wouldn't help at all now would it."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol taps a finger to the top of her head, and then alongside an eye. "Steve Discrete special. Baseball cap and sunglasses," she says. "I was out visiting... er... decorating shops and decorators," she says. "House needs a little modernizing.

There's a faint mewing sound from the doorway. A gold-furred tabby walks in, trotting over to Carol who leans down to pick up the cat. "Whoops, guess I didn't get the door all the way closed," she says, giving Goose a little scruffle of her fingers through the fur on the back of his neck.

Tony Stark has posed:
"It's not enough," replies Tony, with a sudden switch to his serious tone. "I'm hoping that the announcement will push others to follow suit. We can't really wait anymore." He finishes off the can of soda and looks around for the recycling bin.

"Ah yes, I still don't know how that works for him. I try to do that and I get mobbed by adoring fans. Can't shake 'em." He nods towards Carol. "Careful, you don't want that getting out. Then Steve will have to go get it out of the tree and everything. It'll be a whole huge thing." He flashes a smile at each of them.

"If you can make it to the fireworks, great. Would love to see some support from my pals, but it's really more about the company than me, so."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod her head, "We'll see. I see fireworks often enough and cause them there's nothing particularly engaging on them mostly. I may or may not make it. It's a good time to get caught up on reports and instructional materials which I'm running behind. A time where most of the agents are on recreational activities is as good a point as any to do some. Take care."