Silver Sablinova

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  Silver Sable  
Silver Sablinova (Scenesys ID: 2893)
Name: Silvija "Silver" Sablinova
Superalias: Silver Sable
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: CEO/Mercenary/Ambassador
Citizenship: Symkarian
Residence: New York City
Education: Privately Tutored
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Government
Apparent Age: 31 Actual Age: 31
Date of Birth 01 Aug 1990 Played By Kim Penn
Height: 5'5" Weight: 125 lb
Hair Color: Silver Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Silver Sable is the CEO of Silver Sable International, a Security and Information company best known for their tactical operations team known as The Wild Pack. She is Symkarian royalty and serves as an ambassador for her country.


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*1990 - Silvija Sablinova is born in Symkaria. Her father ran the Wild Pack, a company that had been established by Silvija's grandfather to hunt down Nazi criminals after World War II.
*1995 - While home with her mother, enemies of her father attacked. Her mother was killed in front of her and their home was blown up. At this time, Silvija's hair turned completely silver from the trauma. Wanting to avenge her mother, Silvija begged her father to train her. She managed to convince him.
*2000 - At the age of ten, Silvija convinced her father to allow her to start hunting with the Wild Pack.
*2006 - Her father is killed, the company left to her. Despite her young age, she rose to the challenge. She devoted herself studying voraciously
2007 - Company changed from Wild Pack to Silver Sable International. Silvija began using the name Silver Sable. Company was changed from hunting Nazi to a company for hire for profit. Eventually they turned to security focused. As the company grew, they supported the Symkarian government financially.
2015 - As part of Symkarian royalty, the King died and Silvija was next in line. She declined to take the throne, allowing King Stefan to take it instead. She felt she would better serve her country at Silver Sable International.
Current Day - As the years passed, Silver established a reputation both as an Ambassador for Symkarian, the CEO of S.S.I. and a mercenary. Silver Sable International grew to a multi-billion-dollar company under her leadership.

IC Journal

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She carries herself with complete confidence, refusing to let others see weakness in her. Though, deep down, she does have serious trauma from her childhood that has not been treated properly. In her youth, she used her need for vengeance to drive her. Now she shoves it all down in a hole in her psyche, refusing to let it outwardly affect her. Of course, sometimes this fails.

Her love for her country is unmatched. She will do anything for Symkaria. Her business has helped to make her country what it is today and that is a point of extreme pride for Silver. She loves her people and everything they stand for. They are known as a people who do not give up, their country remaining undefeated during the wars that ravaged Europe in the last century. They are known to be proud and strong willed.

Silver Sable has a reputation for being Ruthless. It is both earned and exaggerated. She is pragmatic, focusing on what is needed to achieve goals. These can be personal or related to an op with the Wild Pack. This can have her coming across as cold to those around her, the ice queen herself as she does not allow sentiment to interfere with business. She does not bother trying to clear up the exaggerations as they can serve her in some ways.

Strong Willed:
Her willpower is extreme. She does not quit. She does not stop. She will do everything in her power to achieve her goals. She has honed herself into a world class fighter and a formidable CEO. In her mind, if she wants to do it, she will. There are no limits that she will accept.

Character Sheet


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Indomitable Will:
Due to something in her character being honed through the trials and travails of her life as well as being inflicted with such heavy responsibility at a young age, Silver has been able to manifest in times of dire need an Indomitable Will. This is not something learned but inherent to her being. She has proven to be able to defy telepathic attempts by high powered beings, including cosmic/universal level threats.


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While she does not have a degree, Silver was trained by her family in how to run their business. She has been CEO of the company since she was in her early twenties. In that time, she has turned it from a multi-million to a multi-billion-dollar business. She has a reputation for being a formidable force in the business world. She is aware of all the necessary skills needed to keep a business not just running but growing and expanding onto the international stage.

Covert Ops:
From a young age, Silver was trained in how to be a mercenary and all the skills that entails. She is an expert on Security procedures, including the ability to use technology to gain access through high end security measures such as alarms and surveillance systems. She was taught how to hack into computer systems and is an expert. She has been taught how to plan operations, use people in the best positions to achieve the goal, how to recon a target, etc. She would be considered as an espionage expert on par with a high-level SHIELD agent. Everything from demolitions and weapons to disguises and acting. She always has her head on a swivel and seems to be able to sense danger, though this is not perfect as she has no powers. It's just based on experience and training for decades. She is trained in techniques for interrogation, from psychological to physical.

As a member of the Symkarian royal family, and first in line for the throne, Silver serves as an Ambassador for Symkaria in dealings with other countries and the United Nations. She is trained in diplomacy, how to best utilize politics to gain advantages, keeping herself abreast of the players from the various countries so she is best able to help her country.

Silver is in peak physical condition. She works hard to keep her body honed to perfection by working out several hours every day and following dietary restrictions to maintain her physique. She uses a wide range of techniques and works out many hours a day. She has a working knowledge of body building, gymnastics, and nutrition. She is a skilled acrobat and has a good sense of balance, on par with an Olympic gymnast.

Silver is a skilled investigator. She knows how to research through a wide variety of sources and techniques. She is able to put facts together to make a reasonable deduction based on the information. She can trail a person with ease, keeping herself out of sight by blending in with the world around. She is perceptive, able to pick up small details. She has trained herself to read lips to allow her to pick up on things even at a distance. If she were to choose to follow that life, she would make a great detective or private investigator.

Silver is fluent in several languages. These are Symkarian, English, German, Italian, French, Somali, Russian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese. She is able to pick up some words here and there of other languages but not enough to be conversational.

Silver is a skilled leader. This applies to both business and military tactics. She leads by example, not asking of her people to do anything she is not willing to do herself. She treats people fairly and equally. This can sometimes come across harsh as there is no room for sentiment. In either setting, she quickly assesses situations and makes decisions that best serve to gain the advantage, be it in the boardroom or on the field of battle.

Martial Arts:
Silver is one of the premiere martial artists on the planet. She has trained in everything, seeking out the best masters available. From military trainers to monks off in hidden monasteries, she does not limit herself. Her main focuses were Sambo, Krav Maga, Karate and Jiu-Jitsu but she has bits and pieces from many other arts blended in. Take the known martial arts on planet, blend them together in a personal interpretation, flowing easily from one to the other. Her body being honed to peak physical strength, reflexes, durability and speed, she often will surprise opponents.

Silver Sable's primary job when hired is usually protection of an objective and over time with training she has become exceptionally good at it. Personnel, locations, assets, travel routes are all aspects of her protection that she is top notch at handling. She is well skilled in using what is available at hand as well as all the current state of the art gear usable for such security situations.

Transportation is vital in all areas of her business. Silver can drive anything with wheels. She has been trained in aggressive driving, both defensive and offensive. She would be on par with a highly experienced stunt driver. She's an expert pilot, licensed for both planes and helicopters. She has a wide range of experience from private to cargo jets, from a Cessna to an attack helicopter. She would be on par with an expert military pilot. Her training also covers vessels for traveling on water.

Silver Sable has focused the majority of training in making sure she is at her most capable when put into a combat situation. She is an exceptional marksman able to use all current NATO and Warsaw Pact weaponry, from pistols to rifles to anti-tank guided missiles she has trained and received certification for each. She has also trained in more primitive forms such as archery and throwing weapons, an expert in their use. She has a talent for more esoteric weaponry primarily martial weapons from the East as well as fencing with epee, saber, and foil. She is a formidable fighter and able to take on multiple opponents with ease. She even has experience with more experimental weapons.


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Silver is CEO of Silver Sable International. This was originally the Wild Pack, created by her grandfather after World War II. The multi-billion-dollar company's main focus is security and intelligence gathering as well as paramilitary operations. They provide personal security or property security, protecting locations and items for a fee. They also work as mercenaries, carrying out operations such as bringing in criminals for a bounty. The company works closely with the Symkarian government. The company has an active budget in the billions allowing them operational freedom.

The saying goes "It's who you know." Silver knows a lot of people. She has a wide range of contacts from the various aspects of her life. As leader of the Wild Pack, she has a wide range of mercenaries she can reach out around the world. They can be utilized for information or manpower, if they can pass her strict requirements to be able to work with her team. As a CEO, she has many business contacts fostered through the years and giving her access to tons of information. As a member of the HFC, she has a myriad of European contacts from good to bad and everywhere in between. Lastly, as a member of the royal family of Symkaria as well as Ambassador for her country, there are the political contacts that she can trade favors including many that already owe her.

The costume she wears is designed for both ease of movement as well as protection. Thin and pliant like fabric, her costumes are bullet proof up to fifty caliber rounds. They are made of a proprietary blend of Kevlar and other protective materials designed in Symkaria. They cannot resist armor piercing rounds however. Additionally, these costumes have built in places for hidden weapons such as her chai (throwing weapons shaped like a half moon with three points on one side) of which she carries multiple, knives, and a garotte. She prefers to wear double holsters with Symkarian .45 semi-automatic guns, a taser and a sword as well. This loadout can change as needed.

Symkarian Embassies in various cities around the world are considered to be Symkarian ground. Therefore, within the walls of these embassies, the laws of Symkaria apply. They are protected by Silver Sable International (S.S.I.) personnel, since the company provides all royal guards. Silver has access to these embassies and everything they can provide as Symkarian Ambassador and a member of the royal family, even were she not in charge of S.S.I.

Hfc Membership:
Silver is a legacy member of the Hellfire Club, a position that was held originally by her father. She has been an active member of the European branch and has now activated that membership for the United States branch based out of New York City.

Symkaria is an eastern European country in the Northern Balkans that borders on Serbia, Transylvania, and Latveria. The country is a monarchy, currently ruled by King Stefan. Though Silver is the rightful heir to be queen, she declined at the time it was offered as she felt she would better serve her country by continuing her work with Silver Sable International. The business and government share a symbiotic relationship, thus giving her the extensive resources of the country should she need them.

Symkaria has a wide range of technology available, both purchased from outside sources and created through the R&D section of Silver Sable International. Obviously, there are traditional things such as ballistic resistant vests and weapons. But they also have access to experimental and high-end technology. This includes body armor for operators along with face shields, futuristic firearms, energy weapons, electro-whips, nose filters for gas attacks, rebreathers for underwater operations, non-lethal bullets (called Mercy Bullets) when necessary, psi-blockers, etc. They have flying platforms that are armed with energy cannon, able to be support three operators at a time. Thanks to S.S.I., they basically can have anything that is available out there.

Through Silver Sable International, Silver has access to a wide range of vehicles that might be needed for a mission. This includes planes, helicopters, automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, flying weapon platforms, tanks, boats, and so on. This isn't an unlimited supply as there is a budget Silver keeps an eye on. Often in an urban setting, the Wild Pack will utilize a modified SWAT style van. Personally, she has lovely garages she keeps at her homes. She keeps a nice mix of motorcycles and automobiles, usually high end or antiques.

Weapons are key to all aspects of the Wild Pack, which makes up the largest section of Silver Sable International. As such, they have a full arsenal available to them. Most typical weapons that might be found in a military setting are in their collection, usually in numbers to be able to arm their operators for missions, such as rifles and handguns. As it relates to Symkaria itself, there are high end items such as anti-aircraft batteries. Personally, Silver likes to collect firearms as well as historical weapons, usually swords. Weapons are key to all aspects of the Wild Pack, which makes up the largest section of Silver Sable International. As such, they have a full arsenal available to them. Most typical weapons that might be found in a military setting are in their collection, usually in numbers to be able to arm their operators for missions, such as rifles and handguns. As it relates to Symkaria itself, there are high end items such as anti-aircraft batteries. Personally, Silver likes to collect firearms as well as historical weapons, usually swords.


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Even in a land where people feel great pride for their home, Sable feels personally responsible for Symkaria and her people. Silver is a member of the royal family. Between that and her upbringing, this gives her an extreme sense of patriotism. Threats to Symkaria will draw Silver's attention. This can be used against her to lure her into situations.

Silver is known as the no-nonsense CEO of Silver Sable International and leader of the Wild Pack. She is known to be tough-as-nails. As a boss, she sometimes makes decisions that can come across as extremely harsh, such as not paying for death benefits if one of her people makes mistakes that lead to their death. Or forcing someone to pay for their own medical bills instead of allowing them to use their medical insurance for the same reasons. While not all of these rumors are true, some having been assumed or exaggerated upon, they are things that make up part of her reputation.

Silver is the rightful Queen of Symkaria, though she has chosen not to take that role at this point in her life, feeling that she is needed more at Silver Sable International to help support her country. However, though she isn't on the throne, she a celebrity. She is recognized whenever she goes out in public, is often photographed and followed as a royal by those who have such obsessions (much like people follow the royals of England). While not everyone in the world will know her on sight, she may be recognized by people who are Symkarian or who follow the royal family.

Silver has been a mercenary for her entire life. She does not have qualms about killing as needed. She does not have murderous feelings she is trying to appease but she will kill without batting an eye or missing a wink of sleep. Those who work in those types of circles will be familiar with her ruthlessness. But beyond that, as a businesswoman as well as a military leader, she is also ruthless. When she plans to defeat an opponent, she does so by removing their avenues of retreat, so they have no choice but surrender. Or lose the fight if they are foolish enough to resist. She leaves little to no room to chance nor moderation.

Silver suffered intense trauma at the age of five, having her mother and uncle killed in front of her eyes. She has not recovered from it. If she were to witness violence toward a mother, mother figure, or a child, it can cause her to lose her usual control. She may act rashly, or she may find herself triggered to the point of being unable to act.



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Silver Sablinova has 11 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
After PT. September 20th, 2022 Alex sits there and is hassled rudely by Jess and Silver.
Silver and Red September 12th, 2022 Natasha and Silver have a quick chat about the sewers.
Agent Evaluations August 20th, 2022 Natasha and Silver Sable go for a fight and go all out against one another in training. Silver survives.
Settling in at the Swordfish Bar August 12th, 2022 Mary Jane, Red Sonja, and Silver Sable talk at the Swordfish.
So you say it's your birthday August 1st, 2022 It becomes evident that Silver Sable has a birthday.
Ground Rules July 30th, 2022 Silver and Alexander have a discussion about the rules of their relationship. Friendship. Whatever-ship it is.
Everything was a blur July 24th, 2022 Dinner plans are... eventually made.
Redhead and Ag July 23rd, 2022 Two redheads, a bird, and a silvered woman talk in a bar.
Will Work For Money July 18th, 2022 Alexander Aaron takes up the offer to visit the Symkarian Embassy for a potential employment opportunity. It does not go as expected.
HFC Silver Party July 15th, 2022 The Hellfire Club party is a success!
Same Song, Different Continent July 9th, 2022 Silver begins the process of creating new contacts in NYC HFC. Alexander Aaron proves interesting and has potential.


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Silver Sablinova has 11 finished logs.

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Silver Sablinova has been credited in 0 shows.

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Silver Sablinova has been credited in 0 albums.

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Silver Sablinova has authored 0 books.

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