746/A HellCat stalks Her Prey

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A HellCat stalks Her Prey
Date of Scene: 25 March 2020
Location: Sanctum Santorum
Synopsis: Patsy gets Surprised by a spy while spying
Cast of Characters: Patsy Walker, Stephen Strange

Patsy Walker has posed:
Author by day, Hellcat by night, and detective yet again this evening. With the brief mystery of the Trespasser at the Lion Exhibit resolved, Patsy had moved on to her next dossier, which pointed a suspicious finger at an apartment in Greenwich Village. The cold night weather is keeping people indoors and away from lingering on their back porches, which makes it all the easier to travel across the rooftops and thread the alleyways on her way to the area.

The recurved talons of her gloves and boots allow the catsuited young woman to climb up the outside of one of the houses without being seen. She slips up onto the rooftop and after retracting the nails, she hums softly to herself. Her eyes, steel-blue, slide to the place next door. It's got a low wall about its rooftop, all the better to crouch and watch.

...why is the place making her nose tickle? Patsy wiggles it against the sudden urge to sneeze. She's a sudden swirl of wine-red cloak as she launches over to the top of the venerable brownstone building. A tuck-and-roll brings her crouched atop it. There's no immediate response, but man, now she REALLY wants to sneeze.

"What the hell...?" she whispers to herself. For now, she chooses to place concern about her senses reacting to what can only be magic to one side. The fall of the shadow cloak hides the brightly-orange suit but for the black gloves, boots, and the half-face mask covering down to her nose. Her mouth makes a moue of dislike as she looks through a small pair of binoculars grabbed from...somewhere -- not on the suit, there's nothing to break its lines. "...jerkwad, you're totally cheating on her," the Hellcat mutters, still watching through the binoculars at the house across the way.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "He may be cheating, but did you ask the less cared about question in this situation..."


    Standing next to Patsy, with a flowing red cloak hanging from his broad shoulders is an older man, as told by the grey hairs streaking out of his temples and over his ears. "Why has his heart or his head or his ... thoughts strayed?" Stephen asks again as he takes a bite of an apple and then turns his head and immediately spits it out onto the roof.

    "Here." The doctor tosses the whole apple to Patsy as he stands there, watching the 'couple' across the street. A quick look will show Patsy the apple has no bites taken out of it, though she clearly heard his bite. "That isn't to say he isn't a jerkwad, for sure he is, but there's more to every story."

Patsy Walker has posed:

The sudden appearance of the guy in the cloak asking 'Why' has Patsy doing an immediate barrel roll. Quick as a...Hellcat, she's gained herself a dozen or so feet and somehow managed to not tangle herself up in her own ruddy cloak. The binoculars are left potentially a loss by the man's feet.

Slowly, the young woman rises to her feet, a slim presence within the fall of the cloak. She blinks a few times. The apple lobbed at her earns the silver-templed man a fighter's flinch before Patsy catches it with one black-gloved hand. She eyes it, whole as it is, and then looks back at this guy who absolutely makes her want to --

"ACHOO!" There: sneeze of reaction done and over with, now her warning system will only tingle instead of tickle. Patsy sniffs once as she looks from the impossibly untouched apple and over at the window.

"I've heard a lot of stories lately, I'll grant you that, but even if that guy has a vanishing act he pulls on his SO, he's got nothing on you. Where on EARTH did you come from?" she asks of the man.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    Stephen points over his shoulder and gives Patsy some time to look to her left and spies,

    "There, the door." The wizard explains as he lowers his scarred finger and hand back down to his pocket. A normal pocket on a normal pair of slacks under a long blue tunic that looks, awfully comfortable and roomy, though it doesn't hide the man's size. He's not little by any means but not overly tall either.

     "I live here. You're spying from my rooftop."

Patsy Walker has posed:
"Ah, I gotcha." The young woman in the black mask, shaped with ears to boot, now seems more than a little chagrined about being caught. It shows in the rose-blush at her cheeks, these only half-hidden by the lines of her suit's helmet. She bends to one side in a fluid shifting of body and alike to place the untouched apple on the rooftop's molded edging before straightening to look back at the silver-templed man again. A black glove appears to fuss at some of the auburn hair having fallen over her shoulder; she twists a bit of it between thumb and forefinger.

"I meant more along the lines of how you managed to sneak up on me, but that's not the point by now. I'm sorry that I trespassed and I appreciate you not kicking me from the rooftop or anything like that. It's kind of official business." She thumbs at the apartment across the way where the lights have gone out now. "I can check back on him another time from another vantage."

Her eyes scan over him, head to toe, and rise back to his face. Now Patsy tries for a little grin. "I like your cloak though."

Stephen Strange has posed:
    Stephen's head cants slightly as he looks at Patsy and then shakes his head, "You can come by an watch the soap operas of the world all you wish, just ... " Stephen trails off as he watches Patsy play with her hair and seem to almost flirt her way out of trouble that she might have thought she was in.

    "Thank you, it's quite curious about you and yours, but it can be shy and wont warm up for a while." The wizard shrugs with a boyish grin that fades before he looks back to his door. "You're welcome to spy, just don't feed the snakes." He says and without further explination he begins to move towards the door he pointed at earlier.

Patsy Walker has posed:
Patsy's lips purl into a rounding of disbelief. Even if her arched brow can't be seen behind the black mask, it can be easily surmised. The cloak is...curious? The guy's //cloak// is curious. A cloak can be curious?

The silver-templed man turns to walk towards the door and she glances over at the apple, untouched and now twice untouched given she's left it for the night air and perhaps an aspiring crow to take.

"So...you said snakes. I haven't seen a snake. Are there snakes around the rooftop? That's...I mean, it doesn't seem like the best place to keep snakes, Mister...?"

Of course, the leading trail-off of her voice inquires as to the owner of this particular manor.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "No, I don't leave them up here, they come up here on cool nights so they can watch the stars and maybe eat a pidgeon or two or the stray... dog." Strange shrugs his shoulder. "Good for keeping the place clean of pests and rats and the like." Strange explains as it was the most common and normal thing on the planet as he reaches the door and gives a wave to Patsy though he does linger a moment, just to make sure she's well.

Patsy Walker has posed:

There's a mincing manner to the way that Patsy then makes her way out into the more open section of the roof. Her bright eyes scan the shadowy crevices here and there for anything ophidian. Rotating in place helps her scan around and turns her back to face towards Stephen. The nervous searching brings her travels closer and closer until she outright collides with the poor guy lingering by the door.

"Geez, sorry! I didn't mean to bump you," the young woman says as she reaches out with a black gloved hand to try and brush at the man's cloak helpfully, still smiling an awkward little smile. "Are the snakes up here...right now...?" Patsy then asks, doing a swirling gesture with a finger to indicate the entire rooftop as a whole.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    Stephen stands still as Patsy dusts him and his cloak off as he keeps his hands against her biceps, still but not restricting. "You're okay, clumsy for a girl in a cat suit, but you're fine." Stephen notes aloud but then points out back to the dark and obscure rooftop, "If you don't see them, then they must not be there, yes." Strange notes with a smirk and then slowly allows Patsy to turn and look.

Patsy Walker has posed:
Her pink lips purse into what must be a frown behind the black mask. Seeming to ready herself, Patsy then boldly looks in the direction of the expanse of rooftop to see...nothing except the single red apple sitting on the molded edging. A little sigh of relief leaves her.

"Look, buddy, you said those snakes would eat a dog. That means they're big enough to take a shot at somebody like me. I know exactly how I'm built," the young woman says as she smirks at the silver-templed man. "Besides, you try being graceful when you can't see what's coming after you." A beat. "On that note, you talked about your cloak, imanimate clothing, being curious. You also made me sneeze -- or, well, your house did. You're magical, right?"

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "I am, but I am at the end of my watch and I desire some sleep. If you must, come back tomorrow and you can ask me all the questions you please." Stephen says before he covers a yawn with the back of his scarred hand and gives Patsy the playful and calm sort of casual wink. He takes a step back and his hand falls on the door knob and he slowly pulls the door closed, leaving Patsy on top of the enchanted roof, a roof that might impress Patsy more and more as she lingers should she be truly observant.

Patsy Walker has posed:
"It's kind of tempting," Patsy admits even as she watches him depart through the door. "You have a good night then, Mister..."

The door closes.

"...whomever, I guess. I'll just...hang out on your rooftop since you're cool with it...or maybe leave, I don't know," she continues to herself as she turns away, her eyes lingering on the portal so that she travels with head turn for a short distance. When she looks back at the apple, it's not there.


Another turn in place and the apple is at her feet, gleaming shiny and red in the ambient city light. Patsy stares down at it. She then gives it a little point and scowl.

"If you follow me home, I'm bringing you back until you knock it off," she informs the fruit tersely before turning to excuse herself from the property for the evening.

The apple sits there forlornly.

For now.