12005/Conquering Selenophobia: The Morning After

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Conquering Selenophobia: The Morning After
Date of Scene: 14 July 2022
Location: Farny State Park, New Jersey
Synopsis: Cael wakes up in a bush - which she takes rather well. Then she ditches a tired Mercy to drive home to NYC alone when she gets a series of alarming texts from Agnes.
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Cael Becker

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    It was a very busy night for Cael and Mercy. She worked her tail off to try and keep up with the were as they hunted, ran, howled, and played. When it got nearer to dawn, Mercy made sure to lead the pair to their spot this all started from and figured she encouraged Cael to curl up and sleep. She stayed as a coyote herself to keep any morning chill because Mercy herself was TIRED. So she laid down and slept. She needs more then a few hours but doesn't know how Cael will wake up, So Mercy is up and will be shifting to human to be dressing. Not to mention she's got some darker spots under her eyes.

Cael Becker has posed:
    It's about midday when Cael finally wakes, on a pleasantly warm day. She stirs on the rough ground, padded only by the cover from Bear's bed, and it's a misplaced stone digging into her that finally causes her to first blink sleepily awake, and then abruptly sit up. "What the fuck?" Apparently her sleepy brain isn't putting all the pieces together immediately - and who wouldn't be surprised to wake up naked, tucked into a relatively thick patch of brush. She ends up with sticks and leaves in her short, blonde hair, as she looks around - her heart pounding fast - though it begins to calm little by little as she starts putting the pieces back together.
    It- it had been the full moon.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Since it's getting to be close to midday, Mercy coyote-naps against her tree until she hears Cael waking up. "Easy," she says softly. "Let your brain and body sort themselves out before you try to move too much. I find stretching can be good sometimes. "Good afternoon."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Mercy..." Cael responds quietly, her gaze still flicking around until it lands on her backpack, which she drags closer towards her, pulling it in front of her body. "Uhh... yeah. Morning, or- afternoon or... whatever." She rubs a hand over her face, trying to cast back her mind to the night before. Jon had sent her back to New York... she'd gathered up the things Mercy had recommended, and met her to drive out to the park. And then-
    Well. The memories were a little more vague after that, but she had the broad strokes. Running, playing, hunting- a rabbit?
    "I ate a rabbit?" she asks.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I forgot to tell you about packing something. Fortunately I have extras," Mercy reaches into her pack. Out comes a small package of wet wipes basically. "Careful the alcohol will sting the nose but you can clean up if you need to." Tossing them to Cael there. Mercy is already dressed and has her keys as she stands to get to the walk back to the van. "You did! You're first real hunt. Don't be freaked out. We all are meat eaters. Predators like us are just more honest about it."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "But we didn't hurt anything," any//one//, "else," Cael asks for confirmation, as she picks up the wipes. She starts wiping down her hands, first, then carefully wipes around her face as she adds, "Why not get baby wipes? No alcohol in that. Not like we really need to sanitize..." Do they? She looks at the dirt on the wipe, and drops it onto the ground, before picking up another to repeat the process.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Just the rabbit and upset some birds with our games." Mercy will stretch and says, "I'm a cheapskate. Also there is the fact sometimes blood and mud can be a bit difficult at times." Seeing the wipe dropped earns Cael a clicked tongue and a point at it. "No litter. I don't want our hunting area. Leave only paw prints I say."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I'll picked them all up when I'm done," Cael replies with a roll of her eyes. "Geeze."
    She uses a third wipe, dropping it with the other two, before she opens her backpack. "Okay. Just- just a rabbit. That's fine." She doesn't mind that at all, honestly. She starts pulling on a bra, followed quickly by a t-shirt that reads 'No (picture of a fox) to give.' "It's- this is what it's always like?" she asks a bit uncertainly.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Just want to be sure, Cael." Mercy is stretching herself while she gives Cael all the time she needs. "It's good to hunt on the full moon. It gives the animal what it wants and what it needs. Helps you stay balanced and stuff." There's a small nod as she says, "For you most likely. Yes. There may be times where you feel antsy and just need to 'move' or 'run' even not on the full moon. Listen to those times and do it. Just do it safely."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Like 'antsy' wasn't a problem I had already," Cael mutters under her breath. She'd been on a cocktail of medications as a kid - she'd ditched them all as an adult, but she does her best to cope.
    She pulls on her underwear next, and her pants, before focusing on her socks and shoes. Her eyes are locked onto her laces as she ties them, adding quietly, "This, umm- honestly it wasn't as... as bad as I thought. I mean, at least what I can remember."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy laughs softly, "Cael you do know I have preternatural senses and can hear your mutterings right?" Hearing the confession of Cael's experience helps a knot in Mercy's guts relax, and she lets out a soft breath with it. "Good. That's a really good sign, Cael. I'm not sure what is up with your... animal and situation. I think you got some magic all twisted up and making things not work they way I'm used to. Not sure if one way is 'right' over the other though. But it was a really good first step." She then offers, "If you want on the way back I can get us some Burger King or something."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...not feeling particularly hungry yet," Cael admits in a wry tone. "But I appreciate it." She ties her other shoe as she adds, "We'll see if that changes once we get moving. Did you- how much did you spend on that side of beef?" she asks uncertainly. "You really have to let me cover at least half of it. I can afford it." She glances towards Mercy, seeming more comfortable now that she has clothes on.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    She looks at the mostly eaten carcass she brought up, "Well I got a nice payday but that's the better part of $900." Not small change for Mercy but she values her own life more then $900 and didn't want to get attacked or eaten by Cael. "If you want to chip in, I won't stop you. But I was wanting to make sure as much responsibility was off your shoulders as possible for this first time with us out together." Mercy points to the pillow for the dog, "May want to wash that really well before you use it again."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I'll write you a check. Unless I can venmo it or something?" Cael asks. With her clothes on, she puts on her leather cuff with the butterfly cut outs, and her silver chain with a small gear strung on it - tucking the gear out of sight beneath her shirt. Only then, does she shove the discarded wipes in her bag, and start ball up the cover so it can fit as well, before crawling out from the bush, pulling leaves and sticks from her short hair. "Aren't people going to wonder why there's a side of beef here? Or we hauling that out with us as well?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Checks are better, but thank you," says Mercy. "That concerns me," admits Mercy with a finger at the silver chain. "That and the tattoo that give you control both." She shakes her head and says, "most people will think it's a deer that was brought down or something. Besides it won't be here that long. WE ate most of it, but nature will clean it up after we've cleared out. Between bugs, birds, and other scavengers I mean. They got to eat as well." Mercy pushes off the tree she leaned on and nods to a path, "The van is that way. Ready for a walk and to begin the trip back some?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Yeah," Cael confirms. "Let's get out of here." She shoulders her backpack then adds, "I'll have to mail you the check though - I mean, who carries around a //checkbook// anymore?" She gives Mercy a smile, wry smile, starting to walk - and then abruptly stopping in her tracks.
    "Mercy, I- honestly don't know if I said this yet, but- thanks. You know, a lot."
    That said - she starts walking again, her fingers reaching up to touch her necklace, before glancing at the other woman. "What worries you about them?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I do. Not as good as cash, but also harder to just steal and use." Mercy pointing out her reasons as they begin the hike down to the vehicle. "Remember I tend to spend time in the country and most people's cells won't work out here. So this venom isn't really all that useful."
    Looking over her shoulder and not breaking pace, "You said it in your body language last night. But thanks for saying it again. That is going to be something else you will learn soon and fast. We read body language a lot more then normal humans. Hell when you get good at it whole 'conversations' can be had without a word between two in a close pack." Laughing she says, "it looks like telepathy or mind reading from the outside."
    They go a few more step before answer, "do you wear cyanide around your neck? To most weres that I know, silver is deadly. Touching it is a problem. For you to be casually handling and using silver seems... odd. I'm not a were so it never bothered me. But you're different. I don't know what is up, and have too many unknowns."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I- it was venom. At least, it wasn't meant that way," Cael answers - her tone a little sheepish. While it wasn't unknown for Cael to have a sharptongue, most of her defenses were down - or at least, down more than she was used to. She keeps pace fairly easily, thumbs hooked into the straps of her backpack.
    "The silver hasn't bothered me. I mean - like I said, other than when I got sliced by it. But even then, it healed. It just- it healed at a regular pace. Needed stitches and all that. And left a scar, which - honestly, I don't mind. I find it weird when things //don't// scar. Somethings - they oughtta leave a mark, you know?" The simple comment causes her hands to tighten into fists around her straps for a moment.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy glances over and says, "I'm not trying to rile you up. Maybe you are just lucky. I'm only hoping to understand better. I was raised by werewolves, not actually one remember?" It won't be too long at all with their pace to get back to the van in question. Trying to change the topic she asks, "What do you remember about last night? Is there something you want to talk about or really enjoyed?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I remember running. I remember- the rabbit." The words alone summon the memory of that warm rush of life's blood, and how it struggled for a moment, before going limp - and then thrashing in its death throes as she fed. "It felt good. Right."
    As soon as she says it - her mind shifts to another memory. To Elias- or Jonah, whatever he damned name was - and the rush of blood when she tore out //his// throat. That had felt good, and right in the moment, as well. Her hands tighten again.
    She tries to push the thought away.
    "Anyways. I was, umm... ready for a nightmare, but it wasn't that."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy states calmly, "It is right. Why wouldn't it be. Predator and prey have been a thing for a long time. Humans just got lazy and found ways to cheat that system. We go back to the roots is all." She gets to the car and starts to circle it once, letting her senses be sure nobody else came around. Once she is sure it is safe and not before does she unlock it for them both of them. "I'm glad you didn't see it as nightmare. Giving up one day a night is not so bad when you do it right. Sort of like a primal spa day."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael nods her head before adding, "We still need to look into the other werejackals in the city. Figure out if there are anymore left. Stop them before they can hurt anyone else, cut- I mean... rabbits are fine, but-" Killing people? Not innocents, anyways.
    As they climb into the car, Cael puts her backpack into her lap, and finally pulls out her phone, looking for her texts. The first text makes her smile - an image of her boyfriend, hugging her big, goofy dog, with an encouraging smile on his face - and strange, unnaturally green eyes that had been a much more usual brown when Mercy had met him.
    Then she checks her messages from Agnes, and her eyes widen in surprise. "Shit."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy is just starting to coax life into the engine when Cael curses. "What's wrong?" Turning to look over just as the van sputters to life. She puts the car into reverse to back out of the spot. They got over an hour drive before they are back in the city.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Jon's in the hospital," Cael says in a tense voice. "I have- I have to get back to him. //Now//. I, uh- shit. //Shit,// he's one who portaled me over, so-"
    Without so much as an 'sorry about this' she starts dailing on her phone, her legs jiggling anxiously as she waits. "Com'on, com'on. Pick u- RIEN!" She practically shouts into the phone.
    "There's something wrong with Jon - he's hurt. He's at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford." There's only a brief pause before Cael adds, "Farny State Park." Another pause. "I- yeah, I can- okay."
    She looks towards Mercy as she explains, "My friend can teleport. She says she can find where I am." As she's talking, she's scrolling through her phone, changing a setting hastily in an app. "I need to get out."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy is glad she has good ears, it lets you normally eavesdrop on conversations like this. Despite the urgency, Mercy doesn't speed up. Not on these back roads with her van. She can push the engine more when she gets to the highway but not yet. Last thing they need is a bad pot hole to pop the tire. Mercy points out, "I'm moving, do you need me to stop so she can get a better fix on us or something? I don't know a Rien." They met but didn't exchange names.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I can get out here. She says she can find me and get me back to Jon," Cael says, her voice tense.
    She was gone. She wasn't with him, and something happened. Fuck. //Fuck.// "I'm getting out," she insists - adding needlessly into the phone, "Yeah, I'm getting out, Ri- I see you."
    Ahead on the road, a woman emerges from a portal relatively slight in frame, but clearly fit, with blone hair, and blue eyes. She looks tired and drawn, but her determination is a match to Cael's near panic.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy's hand flies out to try and grab Cael's arm. "Stop," she insist. "Let me pull over and stop driving. Take two slow breaths, in through the nose and out the mouth. We're past full moon but if you go off stressed and eager it won't do anyone any good." That said Mercy is pulling to the shoulder and stopping quick as she can for Cael. "I saw her in that blue room, she smelled a wreck that night."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "She's got some shit going on. ...we all do. If she says she can get me there, she can get me there," Cael insists, as she's clearly fighting the urge to wrest her hand from Mercy's grasp - she clearly doesn't like being grabbed. She stares Mercy down, waiting to be released - and only then does she take a few deep breaths as instructed.
    "I'll- we'll be alright. Whatever's happened- Jon and I'll be alright. I have to go."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Soon as it's clear Cael has herself together and won't try leaving a moving vehicle, Mercy lets go. She lets the woman out and will make certain she bring her backpack with her if nothing else. Rien gets a friendly nod from Mercy but she stays in the car. "Be careful," is all she'll over to Cael before the woman is out and gone. Waiting before both women are gone. "Great. Now I got an hour drive alone. Yay me."