12004/Twenty one... Twenty two...

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Twenty one... Twenty two...
Date of Scene: 14 July 2022
Location: The Velvet Room - Sitting Room
Synopsis: Gabby and Mike have a drink and talk about the perils of acting.
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Gabby Kinney

Michael Hannigan has posed:
During one of the less traveled points of the Velvet room's day, Nameless is picking away at solitary notes, revealing a simple rhythm. Doot. Doot. Doot. Doot de dooot. doot doot. Doot. Doot de doot doot. Doot. doot...

Simplicity gives way as several keys press down, forming the initial chords that make up the meat of the song sandwich for the 21st time.

Over to the bar, Mike is seated, sipping away at the mystery drink of the day. Which came from the Moon bottle. Perhaps that is why Mike is not complaining despite the tick marks on the cocktail napkin indicating just HOW many times he's listen to Nameless play that song.

One guess to who the responsible party is.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney hadn't heard this particular song before. She was usually here when busy with other things though, and Nameless wasn't always busy playing. Her head tilts a bit at the tune though it doesn't really ping any memories for her... so she merely shrugs it off while heading for the bar herself.

"Hey Mike," she greets as she hops onto one of the stools nearby. A glance at his counts ticked off on the napkin earns a bit of a grin. "Been here awhile, huh? We could try to get him to play something else."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"NO." Mike immediately responds, looking over to Gabby. "...I try not to introduce new songs when the room starts to get busy." He pauses, setting the pen down. "Uh hey Gabby. Nameless was on a slow song kick so, I thought, add a few more with a faster tempo."

Fingers reach over to pick up the glass before him. "So how are you doing today?" Mike asks before taking a slow sip of the Absinthe.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney regards what Mike is drinking a moment curiously. At least until the rather vehement response about what should be introduced to him. "Why not some classical then? I mean." She looks over toward the piano playing itself thoughtfully trying to think of how best to explain it. "Not the old old stuff, but some of the stuff that *sounds* like classical? Or movie scores? Raiders of the Lost Ark sort of thing. It's more upbeat but not exactly so repetitive."

A small shrug is given as she reaches across the bar to snag a cup herself. For now it's empty. Just wait until she finds something to fill it with. "I've been doing all right for the most part. Going to be eighteen soon so I'm trying some new stuff. Actually tried out for a casting call to be a movie extra awhile back, though Clayface ruined that. Still, it was fun."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I'm not ruling those out." Mike allows, frowning, "I just didn't think about those. Guess we could teach it some silly songs too. Lighten the mood a bit."

He gives a bit of a smirk, as a bit of inspiration hits him. "Ok. Next time, I'll do 'Eye of the Tiger'"

The glass lowers as Mike watches Gabby do her selection process. The mention of the villain causes for him to tilt his head. "Clayface? Hmm. I haven't heard about him in awhile. Although, I might have been a bit distracted the past month. So, what did he do to ruin things?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney lifts her hand to wobble a bit while her eyes skim over the bottles. "He was apparently there too disguised as an older woman. Not like, old lady, but older. Grey streaks etc. Tried out and all but then flipped out when they picked me for the part. Claimed it was due to my 'youth and large breasts.'"

At this Gabby turns to look deadpan at Mike. It wasn't as if she was statuesque by any standards. Looking away again she fishes blindly on the counter under the bar until her hand encounters a bottle to pull up as she sits back down. It's just a bottle of Not Your Dad's Rootbeer. "Aw. Wait this IS alcohol?" She's a little entranced by this fact as she reads over the label. "Huh. Uh, oh yeah, he attacked me, stabbed me, then took a family hostage until I agreed to not take the part. Even though I pointed out that didn't mean HE would get it. I mean he was playing on 'hard mode' with that disguise but he said he wanted them to recognize his talent." She fttts a little at that notion.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
When Clayface's reasoning is explained, Mike's jaw drops slightly. His eyes start to drift in the same direction to figure out why such a statement would be made. Sense soon kicks in, redirecting his glance to stare right at Gabby's eyes.

The glass thunks down on the counter before the elbow of the other arm rests upon the top, bringing the forearm up to provide a sufficient perch for his chin and to cover his mouth before the faintist hint of an amused smirk can betray his features. "So...how old was the lady he was playing look? And what was the role?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney works on unscrewing the twist top from the bottle the Velvet Room had provided her to pour into her nice, ice filled glass. As it's chug-glugging over the ice she considers the question. "Probably late forties, mid fifties. Not bad looking but had a streak of grey in the hair. Whole chunk of it. It was literally a walk on part for an extra for one of Simon's movies."

Glancing back she hums thoughtfully. "The scene was an attack going on a city street, just as Wonder Man appears, and the line was simply, 'Thank you... Thank you, Wonder Man!'"

Shrugging faintly she explains, "Since there wasn't much in the way of lines, I acted. Fell to the ground, tried crawling away in fear, then looked back. Gasped and let my shoulders sag like I was relieved then blurted out the line."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Unfocused eyes set upon the glass being poured while Gabby paints the scene with her words. Eyelids lower as he uses the back of them as an improvised screen for his imagination.

"I see..." Mike responds, "So you did a bit of improv. And what did sh- he do?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney spins on her stool toward Mike. Sitting up straight she tips her head upward, then raises a hand to pinch her fingers together in front of her face before drawing the hand down. It was that 'centering' exercise that so many pretentious acting coaches taught people to do. Then with eyes unfocused she stares at some far off thing, and says, "Thank you. Thank you, Wonder Man!" with a smile flitting over her face.

It's dropped almost entirely a second later to spin back toward her drink. It's drawn up for a quick sip as she tests the alcoholic rootbeer thoughtfully. It's given a faint nod of approval. "Mm, that was about it. I mean. Maybe with more 'skill' than I just did, I guess? But that was it."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Sensing the bit of movement to his side, Mike's eyes cautiously open to discover a Gabby facing towards him more. Hand still upon his mouth, he tilts his head forward and to the side in order to continue obscuring his expression. But as Gabby centers herself, Mike's index finger starts to rise, betraying a movement to his cheekbone. He may not be audible but part of him is laughing. "Oh yes. Clearly that was the better actor." He responds.

He pulls his hand from his lips. "And..." The fingers close in, meeting at the tips, "Scene. Very good. Very good."

Shaking his head he turns back to his glass, "So, you turned down the part?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney makes a little disgruntled noise at it. She fixes her attention on the glass in front of her instead letting the ice clink around like a real adult does. Yep. "Yeah. He was going to murder them if I didn't say that. Besides after all of that ... Doubt they'd want to get involved anyway." A little sigh is exhaled. "Apparently they liked what I did though because they were thinking of merging two different extra rolls so I'd get more time. ... To be honest, though?" A half glance is cast back toward Mike. "I just did it for the experience. I didn't expect to *get* it."

"...It was kind of nice that I did though."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike nods, "Yeah...it's a good feeling."

He pauses for a moment, finishing the last of the watered down drink. "You know. Simon got cast in the series I'm part of. And they too do casting calls."

The emptied glass sets down, "Something to consider in case the pull of the acting bug comes back."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney smiles faintly at the offer only to give a nod in agreement. Her glass is lifted to take a quick sip with a sigh. "Thanks. It was nice to do something not fighting. I mean I'm good at it," she has to admit with no ounce of shame or boasting. It was fact. "But it was nice to know I could possibly do something else, too. Especially given I've got a scarred face to begin with. I know movies and stuff shy away from that."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I think this is where I'm supposed to tell you that the film industry isn't that superficial." Mike starts up, giving a small sigh, "But I'd be lying." He lowers the one arm to lift up the other, displaying the scar on his forearm, "But in the end. There's makeup. There's prosthetics. There's camera angles, but there's only so much you can do to cover for bad acting or the lack of chemistry. Plus, too much perfection is kind of like those really creepy uncanny valley animated movies that came out years ago. The imperfections are what make people interesting. Maybe the scars are your edge."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins faintly at the suggestion. "I like my scars, honestly. I think they make me interesting," she points out while tapping a finger against one of the more prominant ones on her cheek. "Even had someone recently say I wasn't bad looking in spite of them." Turning back to her drink she considers slightly only to shake her head. "We'll see. I've got a lot of other things to deal with to begin with."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hearing Gabby take pride in her features, Mike gives a nod of satisfaction. "Glad to hear you say that."

Mike lowers his arm, tapping the counter before he starts getting up. "Well, if that bug comes around again, give me a call. Or Thomas. He's also involved with the show. In the meantime, I should probably head home and get some rest. I'm not myself when tired."

Feet back on the floor, Mike gives another tilt of the head to the young mutant. "It's good seeing you again. And hope whatever you're working on turns out ok."