11738/Savage Land Days

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Savage Land Days
Date of Scene: 24 June 2022
Location: Savage Land
Synopsis: Part 2 done
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Emiko Queen

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen wakes up bright and early after their first night in the Savage land and their new treehouse. It seems some of the smaller dinos do have something in common with chickens at least roosters as they make a god awful noise with daybreak . Bart may only need a little sleep, but he has been trying to sleep more at least when with Emiko. He will get up trying to not wake her if the noise has not already. A quick trip behind a tree a bit away from the camp, and gathering some wood afterwards he is back, starting the fire to make some breakfast.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko has appreciated his efforts to stay in bed for longer periods with her, and has certainly enjoyed being able to wake up to having him still in bed with her. This morning, however, necessitates a bit of difference. She rises shortly after Bart zips off to answer nature's call and as he's coming back in to start the fire, she kisses his cheek before padding off to take care of business herself. But not before grabbing a dagger to bring along. Just in case. The trip is uneventful, however, and she returns soon after with a smile. "Hey, how's it coming along?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "I got the fire going and the pot getting hot, I thought about going out and hunting some eggs, but I don't know what type of eggs we would get plus not sure far along they would be, I mean fresh eggs yea but some that are near ready to hatch." He shivers a bit seems there are some foods even he is not into. So, some oatmeal or maybe some grits with bacon in them?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko chuckles and shakes her head, "Let's not deal with eggs until we can be certain of the source of freshness. I'm not even a fan of veal, let alone nearly-hatched whatevers. Also, stealing eggs tends to make momma's mad." She moves to their supplies and rummages through them, "Lets see... how about... oatmeal, dried fruit, and bacon?" She looks up to Bart with a smile, "And we should start exploring today, see what's nearby and if we have a good water source, maybe start checking out what sort of local food sources we have."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to this and uses some of their water they brought to start boiling it for the oatmeal. He looks to her, and says "I figured also, want to take a few tests on some of the dinos me might see. I figure a lot of the plant eaters I can get pretty close to easy and maybe some of the carnivores, and if I tick them off will just lead them away from you and the circle back.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko chuckles and shakes her head, "Not that simple, hon. If there's carnivores near camp it's because the area is part of their territory. They won't abandon it just because they're chasing something, they'll either chase it to the edge of their territory, or they'll chas it until they catch it." Bringing the supplies over, she settles in and smiles at him, "But I think as long as they aren't like... predators we have to worry about coming in and wrecking the treehouse, we should be okay if we're careful. But. Yes, definitely test the aggressiveness of the dinos in the area."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Well, I was thinking more blood samples, heat beat and that type of stuff, was thinking more just me ticking them off rather than being in their territory but you have a point." He hmms and thinks a bit more about it, as he and Emiko make breakfast "So where you want to start?""

Emiko Queen has posed:
"You want... why do you want blood samples from dinosaurs? Didn't you see Jurassic Park? I'm not even American and I saw Jurassic Park." Emiko lets out a small chuckles and grins across at him, "Well before we do anything else, we should try to secure a water source. I packed a small testing kit, and the stuff to make a good filtration system if the water is good." She grins, "And it can be left behind, too. We might also set up a rainwater collection system. If nothing else, we can use that for showering and washing dishes or clothes."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "I aint planning on cloning them, but I already once had to face some dinos someone had tried poaching and selling, so I figured the more I know about them the better plus we may end up with some at the advanced version of the rescue once we start working with the more exotic animals. He nods a bit about the water and in a moment he is changed to khacki cargo shorts and a matching shirt, even so far as a pith helmet, and smiles over to her ""Brought you a set if you want, but figured you might be more used to other clothes.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Mmmmmmmm, good point. If you have some video equipment, getting some captures of their movements, their nutritional needs, we should also try to plot out how wide of a territory they're used to. Obviously, we won't necessarily be able to replicate it depending on how far they roam, but we can try to make sure they have enough space for their needs." Emi blinks over the change of Bart's clothes, giggling softly, "Wait wait wait.." she moves to get her phone to get a picture of him in the outfit, then changes into dark green khaki shorts, with a grey athletic tank under a dark brown linen button-up shirt that's left open and tied off at the waist. She supplements with her bow, quiver, and a utility belt. Tying off a bandana around her hair, she makes sure to apply sunscreen and a natural bug repellant before nodding, "Okay."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and poses for the picture this maybe the same outfit he worse snail hunting a few years back, but pockets are handy. He hmms and borrows the sunscreen and bug repellant, he is a ginger after all, there is a reason he wears long sleeves most of the time. "Yea, I brought some camera, he will offer her one, they are a bit bigger than a cell phone but not a lot, and have the wayne tech logo on them. "Should have about 12 hours worth of recording time, is part of why I brought the solar charger

Emiko Queen has posed:
Grinning, Emi hands over the sunscreen and repellant, then gets a small stick meant for the face, smudging some along his cheeks, forehead, and the bridge of his nose, kissing him lightly after. "There. To quote from the A-Team.. you gotta protect the face." Winking,s he takes the cameras and gives a nod, "We can set up a few blinds, too, if you want. Observational spaces that are out of the way or high up, hidden so the dino's don't know we're there. Then you can get footage, take notes, whatever you need."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit and kisses her in return and takes her hand to start their journey, He will start leading in a spiral growing larger as they walk. It is a bit time consuming but he is used to that not being a problem when he is searching.