12151/Atlantis on Land

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Atlantis on Land
Date of Scene: 25 July 2022
Location: Atlantean Embassy
Synopsis: Dinah learns about Atlantean history and food!
Cast of Characters: Arthur Curry, Dinah Lance

Arthur Curry has posed:
    It is all very ostentatious isn't it?
    The Atlantean Embassy in New York was beautiful in a wonderful corner mansion whose ground floor was designed primarily for receptions. It had two rather large rooms that dominated the eye when one got past the foyer. A ball room. A sitting room. Both elaborately furnished and fitting the time the mansion was at its height in the earlier 20s. Sprinkled with artifacts from the undersea kingdom, small bits of the ancient nation's past meant perhaps to be conversational pieces.
    What few knew, however, was that once one got past the grand staircase and up to the second and third floors there were more refined exhibits of more interesting artifacts and pieces of Atlantean history. There were a few old suits of armor. Old tridents from kings of the past. Ancient scrolls that depicted some of the first treaties with the surface. Such honorable stories that gave the people of Atlantis great dignity.
    And then there was Arthur.
    "I am telling you, Atlantean Yoga is so a thing." The Crown Prince of Atlantis, Arthur Curry was dressed in more clothes than he normally had when rushing about the oceans. For he did wish to keep up some appearances in such an august setting. So he wore his black boots and his blue jeans. He had on his Amon Amarth black t-shirt though over it he had a beige hemp shirt that hung loosely on his large frame.
    Emerging from the East Wing he was smirking, laughing a little as he gestured. "You saw that in there. They totally took it from us. It's a thing. Scout's honor."

Dinah Lance has posed:
This was Dinah's first time visiting the Atlantean Embassy. Being a member of a team with an Atlantean or Themysciran didn't automatically mean every person went to visit them at their embassies. Certainly some might. Diana was known to be at hers at times where people could actually meet her.

Arthur? Not so much. After all, he tended to be the outsider despite being in line for the throne. Not that he had any interest in ruling. He was quite happy to leave that in the hands of Namor.

So when Dinah got her invitation to come visit, she had jumped at the chance. Though she dressed a bit nicer than her escort. A pair of black slacks with a nice pair of boots in the same color. Her collared, button-up shirt was a lovely blue which looked good with her eyes. No wig today, thus she had short black hair.

Thanks to his antics, she was laughing a bit. "I somehow don't believe yoga came from Atlantis. I think I'm going to need some better proof than 'they totally stole it'," she teases.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "You watch it's on the Wiki." Arthur says as they walk along the hall, moving to another of the exhibition rooms. He might be being a little silly, but the elements of Atlantis' history were rather interesting if one truly sought insight.
    Into the next room and he said with a smile as he walked with her, "Now I'm going to tell you a thing that my old mentor told me, and it might make me sound like I know what I'm talking about... and I kinda do. But everything I'm telling you I got from him really."
    A beat, then he adds, "Even the yoga thing." Which might or might not be true.
    Yet they entered the room and it showed a sampling of Atlantean artwork over the years. Statues, oil cloth tapestries, artistic depictions upon stone and metal. "So you start on the left, and there it shows... you can kinda get a vibe for the dark colors, and the motif is... that the world is a gigantic and terrifying place, right?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
Despite the fact they were joking a bit, Dinah was paying avid attention to each display. She would take time to read if there was a little plaque or note that explained. Or she would ask questions from time to time about something that she didn't quite understand.

As they moved into the art museum portion, she was impressed and it showed. Her eyes widened a bit, mouth dropping open before she quickly snapped it shut. "This is amzing," she murmured.

She turned to the left to start as instructed. The piece did give that impression, all darker tones and a strange sense of forboding just looking at it. Which was strange but good art had that ability to portray such emotions. "Very much so."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    A nod is given as he slowly walks along with her, "Each of these pieces were chosen because they showed as a good record of the people in those times. You start here, the ocean is a horror, that our future is unsure..." He then moves along a little, "Then here, it's an age of discovery and you start to see a hint of warm colors as Atlantis was coming to terms with its place. Bringing light to the depths... then things get a little martial as there's a struggle until..."
    Which is when he gets to the large sculpted mural that rests against the wall, velvet rope around it. "Atlantis gains... harmony with its surroundings. There's even some hints of optimism, and you see that no longer is it Atlantis surrounded on all sides, but the creatures of the ocean are beside them. It's just interesting to see that transition."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Each step of the tale is displayed in such painstaking detail. The nuanced choices of color. The hints of light in the darkness. Then moving onward to more explosive moments as they began to find their place in the vastness of the seas.

That final mural was enough to take one's breath. So detailed. So many little surprises here and there. The whole was a story unto itself but one could probably study it for days and still find a new thing they had missed, some little hidden gem in a shadowy spot of the sculptured surface.

"It's amazing," she said softly, voice almost a whisper. As if to talk louder would be to disturb it somehow. "To see the growth." She turned to look back where they started and scanned the pieces then back to the mural. "Until the balance was found."

She glanced up at him. "I am guessing this took centuries to achieve?"

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Over a thousand years roughly," Arthur said as he walked, hands sliding into the pockets of his jeans as he strode to the door that led out of the room. "Then another thousand or so as they got things right," A small smile is given as he strolls along.
    Stepping out onto the landing above the grand stairwell he leans on the railing and looks down at the old mansion and its foyer. Turning sidelong he pauses to look at he as he murmurs, "Other room that's worth seeing has some scrolls and tomes of gathered wisdom, best thing in there is one that was saved from the fire of Alexandria."
    He looks over in the direction of that room, then away. "All of it is kind of dry, though. To be fair." Which for some reason as he says that causes him to smirk a little to himself. Because of reasons.
    "But that's the gist of it. Exciting stuff I know." When she wanders closer he casually nudges her with his hip affectionately. "Any thoughts? Not necessarily about here, but where you might wanna eat too? I'm starvin'." His lips twist up.

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Wait, what?" Because how the heck did he just skim over that. Dinah glanced toward the 'dry' room curiously. "They were able to save things from Alexandria? That's mind boggling."

But Dinah didn't try to head that direction. Instead, she moved closer to him which is when she got the light hip check. She considered taking his hand in hers and started to reach that way automatically. But then she thought of where they were and that it might not be appropriate. After all, he was a Prince. And she was not Atlantean. She wasn't sure how that would be looked at and she didn't want to embarass him or cause any issues.

"I think I could spend days in this place. Just staring at the mural. Everything else would add longer to the visit," she said though she had to grin a little. "And as for food, I'm fine with anything." Which generally meant he would name something and she may or may not say 'I don't really want that' which was at odds with the original question yet this was how things went.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "It's a neat story," Arthur says sidelong to her, "I don't do it justice, Vulko... now he has a voice for telling it. Lots of swoops and rolling Rs and whatnot." Which likely makes it seem an actual 'thing' for the Atlanteans. But for now he doesn't speak of it.
    "Oh anything..." He says as he rises up from that place leaning against the rail. He steps toward her and slips an arm around her shoulder to just give a small smooch to her forehead as he passes. Which is rather easy to do since he's a good bit taller than her.
    "So saaaay, MacDonald's?" He says that with a smirk as he strolls and starts to descend the steps. "Some Taco Bell? I hear that's always good in Manhattan."
    Which he figures will get a big push back considering they don't often get into the city. And to waste a trip without going somewhere good... scandalous.

Dinah Lance has posed:
There is that slight look of distaste at the mention of McDonald's. It gets worse when he moves on to Taco Bell. "I prefer to go somewhere that I am sure what type of meat I am eating," she returned. "Besides, Taco Bell is also something that you crave around midnight after you've had a few drinks. It isn't real food. Sure, you can eat it and it might keep you alive. Kids at university seem to live off it and ramen so who am I to judge."

As he starts down the stairs, Dinah follows a couple of steps after. It puts her closer to his head level even if she's a bit behind him. "What do Atlanteans eat? I'm guessing lots of seafood? Seaweed? That sort of thing? Or would seafood be bad to eat, like in Nemo where fish are friends not food?"

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Seafood pretty much," Arthur says as he walks, "Though there's a strict line drawn between sentient creatures and food creatures." The tall Atlantean says as he descends and then stops at the bottom of the stairs to hold out a hand to her as if she would need his assistance to step down those last few stairs.
    "All sorts of plant-life, thousands of variations. The menus can be elaborate." That said once she's at the base of the stairs he starts to move to the door, walking at her side and taking it with an easy stride. "The closest to some of the fare that I've seen on land is Japanese cuisine."
    He reaches the door and holds it open for her, giving a nod to the guardsman on duty there before passing out of the embassy and onto the steps that lead to the sidewalk outside. "Though a lot of the subtlety of the meals are lost if you can't breathe underwater since you don't get any 'scent' of things. Hard to explain, but I think you can imagine."

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Of course," she murmurs at the mention of no sentient creatures.

When he offers that hand to her to step down, Dinah has to smile a bit. Obviously she doesn't need the help. But it's just such a gentlemanly thing to do and, in this setting, she has a weird Princess Diaries moment as she takes his hand and finishes stepping down to ground level. Or maybe Disney Princess but she suspected it was more the fish out of water version of a princess. No pun intended for her surroundings.

"Then Japanese it is. We will get anything that you say is closest to Atlantean. While it may be daily fare for you, it'll be an adventure for me."

And with that, she took the lead and headed for the front door.