12149/Lighting the Lantern: The Suffering of Jessica

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Lighting the Lantern: The Suffering of Jessica
Date of Scene: 25 July 2022
Location: Gotham Wax Museum - Amusement Mile
Synopsis: The sorcerer in Jessica's ring went berserk and attacked Jessica herself using the wax museum sculptures - her boyfriend Jason Todd and the surprise appearance of Red Sonja helped Jessica get the will to wrest the power back to win the day. Oh, the waxanity!
Cast of Characters: Jessica Cruz, Mary Jane Watson, Jason Todd

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz was being shown the sights of Gothan City by Jason Todd. The Wax Museum was next. She looks around at all the statues here of well-carved wax figurines. She sighs sfoftly. "I... wanted to talk to you about something, Jason. I have a mission..."

That's when the ring on Jessica's hand starts to flare brightly - a unicursal hexagram emblem appears above her ring hand, the upper two points glowing like eyes. "Enough, poppet. You're plotting against me. I allow you to use my powers and all I ask in return is your obedience... AND A NEW BODY! You will be punished!" Jessica gasps and tries to whisper for the ring to be quiet. Suddenly, dark green lights engulf one of the wax figures as it's starting to move. "Oh shit..." she whispers, as Jessica is trying to use the ring herself... but... the sorcerer is denying her. "He's going rogue! Everybody out!"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
For whatever reason, Mary Jane Watson was in Gotham. It had been for an audition for a play which had ended up going to the neice of the man sponsoring hte production. SO, now a long bus ride back to New York, Mary Jane had been wandering over right as she heard things coming from the wax museum. Which had -something- flare up in the back of her mind. Something old. SOmething ancient. Something raging.
    Going to charge in almost ferally, body seeming to completely change as she went fully aggressive, "GATH! SHOW YOURSELF WRETCHED THING!" She would howl as she would break through, seemingly ignoring of the mass of other people there.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd was walking along with Jessica, looking the various displays and recreated celebrities. "You know, some of these are just creepy. Not quite good enough to be mistaken for real, but too good to be just wax." Something about all of it sets him on on edge.

He pauses as Jessica asks to talk. "Hm? Yeah, sure. What's up?" He tilts his head curiously as she begins to talk of a mission. But then the ring she wears begins to glow and yell at her followed by animating one of the wax figures.

"That can't be good, right?" Then he sees the figure moving, "And why does the Queen of England suddenly have murder in her eyes?" He starts to back up carefully.

Jessica Cruz has posed:
A second wax figure starts to move too - a celebrated founder of Gotham City in a tophat. Jessica stares between the two as the Queen grabs Jessica's arm. "Hey - what ARE you doing?" she shrieks, staring at Jason, then back to the wax figure, not realizing there's another that's glowing with dark green light. All she gets back is a maniacial laughter - a deep man's voice, coming from the queen's wax throat as it pulls Jessica towards her. The other figure is lumbering towards the melee, but being older wax isn't moving as well.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja goes to charge on in. Dangling hoop earrings, a 'Gotham Rogues' hoodie, and jeans. The first of the large wax things advancing gets her attention, "GATH! SHOW YOURSELF COWARD!" Whomever 'Gath' was at least. She would charge in over towards the large wax figure, going to grab the first thing she could.. Namely one of the posts that held up the vinyl barriers that ram from exhibit to exhibit. Swinging the brass end around like a bat, she would try to hammer at it around the joints!

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd now has two wax figures attacking, a new girlfriend with a pissed off grin, and a redhead charging in screamin about someone she thinks is a coward.

Well Jason is not a coward. In fact? He came prepared. He is always prepared.

"Jess look out!" he calls as he reaches back to pull, what else? A crowbar from the back of his jacket. Because everyone carries a crow bar in their jacket. Right?

He swings the bar at the arm of The Queen. "Man.. this is so wrong!"

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz just stares at the figures. But she isn't really resisting. Jessica has been abused by this entity for a while and has goes catatonic, just shaking her herad. She isn't resisting as the Queen blocks the crowbar, but the arm did take some damage. She focuses, as the wound glows dark green and regenerates as the Queen holds Jessica up in front of her to use as a human shield. "No no no. I know what's going on! You are trying to conspire against me. This poppet is MINE. I will NEVER let her go!" Jessica just is whimpering, that voice causing trauma, as tears streak down her face.

That voice is coming from both wax figures. So far only the two are active. But Sonja's attack was more effective for that wax figure wasn't getting as much attention and the arm of it broke clean off. Quickly, the glow leaves that figure and goes into two more, one a statue of Batman, the other Robin. Both of them go after Mary Jane in a flanking posture.

Jessica just wriggles weakly. "I... can't stop him..." she whispers, tryin to get the courage to fight.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would call out, "Release the woman, sorceror. If not I know MANY ways of making you bleed and suffer horribly that I will enjoy when I dismember you free from her." She would continue tos mash on over with the large brass pole until it would break off. Sonja's quickly evaluating over with the presence of the wax dummies and she goes to backpedal as the pole breaks. She considers, then goes to get a sadistic look on her face as she backs away. A smash through another display gets her some rags, a maintenance display gets her some lubricant used for fixing things, the broken off pole gives her a stabilizer.. All it needs is flame. Which is easy enough to get.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd looks to Jessica, "Jess! C'mon, I need a little help here." He isn't the best at doing the hero talk. He tucks into a roll, coming up behind The Queen. He swings the crowbar like a bat, the curved end aimed to hit The Queen in the side of the head. "Fight it Jess. You can do this!"

Then he sees the redhead with a torch, "Oh why don't you just get a pitchfork while you're at it!" he snaps. "Burning the building down isn't going to do us any favors!"

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz was about to rustle up some willpower - but the sorcerer plays dirty. Ghostly dark green figures appear. A group of random people dressed in hunting attire - most with bullet wounds in them - as Jessica stares at them - and lowers her head. "You're so mean..." she mumbles faintl, all the fight taken out of her by that vision. She stops fighting as the Dynamic Wax Duo charges after Sonja. The Batman figure throws a dark-green-construct batarang at the pole that Sonja is holding as the Queen continues to melee against Jason, using Jessica as a shield, the sorcerer's maniacial laughter echoing through the room. Those ghostly figures mean something to Jessica - and she's trapped in the bad memory.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja goes to swing her torch along. The energy-rang hits it. There's some sort of fizzle. But Sonja, madwoman and freak that she is.. Has her own willpower and innate sense of raw hate about her. "Wizard, you'll be dismembered if not by my hand then another's!" Energy-rang is somehow deflected by flaming torch, and Sonja goes to charge over in to the wax dummies.

Jason's commentary is ignored as Sonja goes to try and lay into them. Aiming for joints, clusters.. Her intent is to just try and inflict as much mobility damage on them as parts of wax would hopefully melt and start to dribble down the figures, searing them more. Not necessarily that magic -needed- to obey such laws.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd did not expect these figures to move as quickly as they are. His attempted blow to the head of The Queen misses as the figure side steps. The crowbar buries itself into the figures shoulder. He grits his teeth, trying to wrest the bar out of the figure. Maybe he'll get lucky and rip the arm clean off and help free Jessica.

"Jess! You've got to fight this!"

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Wax-Batman took the business end of the torch, and tries to snap the torch away from himself using some impressive kung-fu for an animated wax sculpture. Wax-Robin was the smart one - using the distraction to... grab the fire extinguisher and tries to put ou the 'torch'.

Jessica is crying, seeing her dead friends - the sorfcerer often uses it as a psychological pressure point - but Jason's voice reaches her. "S... sorry... I'll... try... this... has to end..." She then shakes her head and tries to break free of the Queen. Which was made easier when Jason lodged the crowbar in her shoulder - and his attempt rips her arm off as Jessica falls to the ground with a thud. "Ow."

The sorcerer roars loudly from his three mouths as the Queen is trying to put her arm back on. "The time of my ascension is at hand! The vessel is nearly ready! Her spirit is at a breaking point!" Jessica grits her teeth as she sits up as she raises her hand. "No... no more!" She holds her hand up - and is tryign to wrest control of the ring away as a small fireball forms there, hovering above her hand. It's small, but it's a bit of the power. "I'm sorry, guys... I... can't do much - he's.. never this mad." The constructs falter as Jessica is trying to take back the power - they slow down.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The torch is grabbed away from Sonja and flung to the side, even as Wax-Robing oes to spray down Batman. Sonja meanwhile goes to dart along, looking for another implent that could be used for improvised wax-struction as she lets her eyes darta long. A hand goe sto a small pocketknife dropped at one of the exhibits, and she goes to launch herself towards it to grab it and ready to hurl it..
    But as the figures go to weaken, REd Sonja would snap, "Coward! Wizard, you're pathetic. Come out and face us before you are devoured and cast into the abyss for your tresspass of the woman. There are far, far more terrifying things down there. But they are STILL more acceptable than I am." She would hiss with the small blade held up in a hand. She goes to look over at the constructs, the fire extinguisher in the hand of one.. Knife in her other.. But, she doesn't attack them.
    Jason had asked on the whole 'don't burn down' the place.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd doesn't waste time. As Jessica is prized free from The Queen, he swings the bar again at the head of The Queen. He isn't about to let the figure get ahold of Jessica again. He considered tackling the figure but something tells him that getting that close would be particularly bad. So he'll keep at things with the crowbar.

"Good! That's good Jess! You're slowing them down! Just keep trying to do that!" Then to the bellowing voices, "The /fuck/ you say. You're not doing another damned thing to her!"

Now Jason was pissed. If there was anything he hated more than the Joker. It was Batman's controlling, domineering attitude. And in this voice, he hears just that from another figure trying to prey on others.

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz just stares at the fire. "No more... this is going... to end..." She grits her teeth. "You... can't... scare... me... ANYMORE!" she yells as the fire above her hand grows larger and larger, the unicursal hexagram flickering to light around it. The statues slow more. She is focusing exclusively on this - trying to pull the power back - but can only hold half of it - the statues are still active, though the half-melted Batman is released.

The Robin aims the fire extinsuisher at Mary's eyes - as the one-armed Queen clumsily blocks the crowbar using her broken arm as a defense weapon. "You can't banish me! I live in the ring! The ring that's bonded to that wench's finger! It's her power that's making all this happen! Crack her skull, and all this will end!" As a big pointy finger points down at Jessica. She's focusing on the flame she's making - doing her best to hold the power - at half-strength, the statues are clumsy and should be easy pickings as the ghosts of Jessica's dead friends are gone too.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
This is where Sonja goes in to strike. The small knife picked up is then flung over.. Towards the fire extinguisher. Where as super compressed air is then hopefully met by the very thin cannister being 'popped' hard and it would if it worked result in a small detonation around wax-Robin and anyone else nearby. Which would hopefully give them the proverbial 'squish' and pop them like balloons.

Sonja goes to charge then after the Queen, screaming like a madwoman, "I have known many Queens and killed more than my fair share, Wizard! Fleeing in such a way will do you little good!"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd growls, "I now about crowbars to the skull you sick fuck." The crowbar slashes downward across The Queen's remaining arm, the hooked end grabbing at the elbow. With a jerk and a twist he looks to pull the arm down and away, looking to destroy the joint.

Then the redhead is charging The Queen too. He executes a perfectly timed blow to the ankle of The Queen, jerking it up off the floor as the Redheaded woman tackles? the wax figure in an effort to fell it to the floor.

Jessica Cruz has posed:
"Sigh - I'm tired. I've entertained myself enough with you guys. See you later, poppet," comes the taunting voice of the sorcerer as a construct hand strokes along Jessica's face in a dsutirbingly intimate fashion as suddenly, everytihng ends. The fire and the hexagram wink out - and the statues stop moving. Apparently the sorcerer retreated. Jessica just slumps, wiping at her face and looking like she's about to be sick. "Ummm... hi..." she whispers softly, rocking back and forth. "Who are you?" she asks, gazing at the crazy redhead. "Sorry about that... it's... a... long story..."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Apparently having been satisfied that the sorceror had retreated by virtue of yelling at it or otherwise, Red SOnja goes over to an at ease position. "You need to see someone that can extract the abomination from your body. Its arrogance borders on senility if it is willing to ignore what is occuring around it."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd eyes the figures as they stop moving. And he has crowbar in hand. Security isn't going to be very happy at what he's done to The Queen.

He moves over to Jess, dropping down, hand on her shoulder. "Hey. You going to be okay?" He looks concerned. "You did good. If you hadn't slowed them down, it may have had a different result."

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz just clings to Jason. "I'm sorry... he... went out of control..." She sighs softly. "Ummm.... I want you to help me with... this. I'll make some connections with some friends of mine..." She looks at her ring which is quiet. Maybe hte sorcerer has to recover after that exertion - Jessica wasn't 'feeding' him the fear he needed as much so he's weakening a bit. She glances over. "Who are you?" she asks softly, querying the redhead.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja would shrug, "Someone that has a passing interest in the dismemberment of sorcerors that forcibly take over the bodies of others. I am Sonja the Red." She would grin. "I wish you the best for removing the parasite from your body and making him suffer the likes of which he cannot remotely imagine for your revenge. May his screams and please for mercy be music to you."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd hugs Jessica. "You don't need to be sorry, Jess. But we need to kick his ass. This isn't going to keep happening to you. Whatever I can do, I will" he assures her. He usually isn't one to care or help anyone. Maybe he's finally found someone that has gotten past the walls he has put up.

To the redhead, he studies her, "Thanks for the help. And for not, you know, burning the building down with us in it."

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods slowly. "Thank you again, Sonja the Red. I look forward to meeting you in more pleasant circumstances..." She sighs softly. "Is it a bad night for the boys in blue? I don't hear sirens - or is this low priority? I'm exhausted - I don't think I can barely move..." She glances up at Jason. "Thank you again. I... really am glad we crossed paths..."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Sonjaw ould grunt, "Having been possessed by a wizard in such a way.. I will do what I can to aid you. Even if it is.." She would kick at the melted Bat-wax. "Not much. Take action against the wizard, and remember that his lethargy and mocking of you is an asset. If an enemy gives you a vulnerability, take it. He dismisses you. Use that to dismember him when the time is right>"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd tucks away the crowbar. "Can't say I know why GCPD isn't here. But let's get out of here." He moves to slip his arms around Jessica's back and under her knees, "Here, wrap your arms around my neck Jess." He moves to pick her up. "If anyone askes you rolled you ankle." He looks to the redhead, "Sonja. Thanks." It's a serious statement rather than being flippant.

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods slowly. "I'll be in touch somehow," she calls to Sonja, wrapping her arms around Jason's neck as he carries her out. "Poor Queen Elizabeth II - she didn't deserve this. Or Batman." She sighs sfotly as the museum personnel will NOT be happy in the morning.