12134/Something Czarnian This Way Comes

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Something Czarnian This Way Comes
Date of Scene: 24 July 2022
Location: Earth Orbit
Synopsis: The Main Man, Lobo, is coming to Earth as Jessica was floating in orbit to clear her mind - the two talk for a bit before Lobo finishes his journey to Earth.
Cast of Characters: Jessica Cruz, Lobo

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz, garbed in what look like mage robes but with the hood pulled back, is floating above Earth, in geosyncronous orbit above New York. Just up here to clear her head. She is glowing a dull green, with a strange six-point star around her left eye. She hmmmms softly as she listens - but her 'roommate' is being quite lately - too quiet. Perhaps using the ring like this is taxing to him, but she can't do it forever so is just up here to enjoy the peace and quiet, sighing softly as she is gazing down far below at Earth - then turns to behold the cosmos - the stars never look better than in space.

Lobo has posed:
    The stars really are beautiful, especially when looking upon them from orbit.

    One star in particular seems to be shining brighter than the others, for one reason or another. It is also a slightly different hue than the others, like it isn't as subdued from being so many lightyears away.

    And it was... was it getting bigger? Yeah, yeah it was.

    And, the bigger it gets, the more obvious its not a star. But... some other object? Heading right towards Jessica. Well, relatively anyway. More like heading in her general direction.

    After a few moments, it is much clearer to see. It is a small... spacecraft of some kind? It's awfully small, comparable more to an SUV in its size than a spaceship. And the entity piloting it? Hard to tell from this distance, but it is close enough at least to tell that it is a white skinned individual.

    And he is large.

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz just STARES at the person arriving, creating construct binoculars to zoom in. "What the hell?" she asks softly - she isn't sure what to make of some ripped gray-skinned guy roaring towards Earth on a... space.. motorcycle? She sighs as he raises her hand - as a large unicursal hexagram (a six-point star like the one around her eye) forms in space - mostly as a beacon - in a murky dark green but still very visible. She is trying to call attention to whoever this person is.

Lobo has posed:
    The entity on the space motorcycle seems to have not noticed the signal at first, but after a moment the trajectory of the vehicle adjusts to begin heading towards it, and her.

    In a few long moments he is upon her, adjusting the course of his motorcycle to fly it in a large slow circle around her for a moment, one that slowly closes in until it comes to a complete stop just to the side of that hexagram.

    The engines of the spacebike continue to thrum, but the energy they are putting out seems to focus more on keeping it in place than moving it in any significant way.

    The muscular space biker looks at the symbol for a moment, before turning to cast his glance upon the person that constructed it.

    Sharp, red eyes that are devoid of pupils study her for a moment, making it hard to see just what exactly those eyes are focused on aside from her.

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz moves closer, the hexagram slowly fading out of existence. "That is an impressive vehicle," she states softly, glancing at Lobo who appears to just be sitting on it - no 'life support' needed, but others are spaceworthy without help. "I'm Beryl," she states. She was going to put her hood up -but it's a bit late for that. "What is your name?"

Lobo has posed:
    The large biker just continues to sit thee on that bike, looking he over for a moment. A glance is given to the hexagram as it disappears, and then his gaze is shifting back to he. He remains quiet for the moment, simply shifting in his seat on the bike until he is able to lean back in its seat and throw both of his feet up on the handlebars. His long, powerful arms bend at the elbow so his hands can clasp behind his head.

    Finally, he speaks.

    "What's that, toots? You don't know who I am?" He gives a fake, dramatic scoff. "I'm the Scourge of the Cosmos, doll! The Ultimate Bastich!" A masculine and dreadfully cheming grin is given to he.

    "They also call me Lobo."

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods slowly as she muttres, "Did you call yourself a bastard? No - a... 'bastich'? Okay. Don't have a translation for that." She shrugs. "The universe is huge - and this planet is tiny - if you've never come here before - I wouldn't have heard of you - even if you had - I wasn't in the superhero game until recently." She smiles. "Nice to meet you, Lobo. What brings you to this neck of the cosmos?" she asks, not sure what to make of this character who wouldn't be out of place as a street thug in an 90s movie.

Lobo has posed:
    Lobo's grin remains as she says those words to him. He only shifts ever so slightly in his reclined position so as to get more comfortable.

    "Yeah, I've been to this planet before. More than a few times." He pauses, looking her over. "Superhero huh? Like that frakkin' Kryptonian?"

    He gives a light chuckle at that. "You know what, don't answer, doll. I don't really care!" His eyes close a bit as he relaxes. "As to why I am here? Well, the same reason I go anywhere when I am not on the job."

    His eyes open again as he looks to her. "In no particular fraggin' order, I am here to bang some dames and spend some dimes! Maybe even drink up whatever passes for booze on this planet." His grin remains but it subdues a bit.

    "You got a problem with that, toots?"

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz frowns. "'Job'?" she asks softly. "What job do you have? And... ummmm.... you'd have to buy me dinner first and I'm kinda seeing someone anywa" She shrugs. "Your job must be nice if you can travel all the way here from wherever you came from - so - what do you do? I work... bah, my job sucks but it's a living."

Lobo has posed:
    Lobo lets out an exasperated sigh as he sits up straight out of his reclined position. Legs come down and his boot-adorned feet lay on the bike's footrests. His arms come down from reclining behind his head and his hands come to rest on the handlebars.

    "Relax, dame. I didn't say I was here to bang -you-." He pauses. "Although... now that you say you're seeing someone... kinda makes me want to try." That dreaded grin is flashed her way once more.

    "I am a bounty hunter...." He pauses. "No. I am THE bounty hunter. And as of right now? I am not on a contract..."

    "Unless you got someone you want me to take out."

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz sighs softly. "Well... ummmm... I could think of someone. But you seem the type to cost way more than I can afford." She sighs. "To a cosmic scale it'd seem insigifnicant." She glances at her ring which pulses painfull on her finger. "But I can handle my own problems. So - here on vacation, huh? Anywhere in particular you're goin to visit?"

Lobo has posed:
    "No job is insignificant... as long as the pay is worth it." He shifts a bit on his bike, his body language becoming a bit more friendly and less adversarial. "And lucky for you, I don't only take cash payments. Other arrangements can be made." That grin is more of a smirk now.

    "Name the mark and I'll name my price."

    His tone changes at her final question. "Vacation? What the frack is that?" He pauses a minute. "Oh, yeah, that. No. Not on vacation. More like a.... sabbatical."

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz smiles softly. "Can I have a way of contacting you in case I wnat to take you up on that offer? Not sure what means I'd have of contacting you... and yeah, I needed a sabbatical too for a while." She sighs softly as she just floats there. She writes a number on a card and hands it to you. "This is my phone number - dial it on a phone and it'll connect to me." She can't just give the mob name to you - for one, she doesn't know who the head mobsters are, and... it'd probably cause PROBLEMS.

Lobo has posed:
    Lobo shakes his head, smirking.

    "Doesn't work that way, doll. You gotta come to -me- if you want my services. I ain't got time to call you up and ask you if you're ready for my...." He pauses, his smirk getting bigger and his tone darker. ".... talents."

    After that, he pauses.

    "I imagine you won't have a hard time finding me if you ned me."

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods slowly. "Fair enough. You do seem to be one of a kind." She then smiles softly. "Perhaps I'll be in touch - I'd stay out of Gotham City though - it's a horrible place there filled with crazy people and a guy who runs around dressed like a bat." She shrugs.

Lobo has posed:
    Lobo chuckles at that. With a twist of his wrist on the handlebar of his bike, and stepping his foot down on a pedal that causes the bikes engines to thrum up a bit brighter, the thrusters getting brighter.

    "The first thing you need to learn about me, toots: The Main Man goes where he wants. If I wanna go to Gotham city, ain't no costumed freakshow gunna stop me, unless her wants to get fragged into a mushy little puddle for me to stain my boots with!"

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods slowly. "Very well. just... try not to cause too much trouble?" she asks, hesitating as she slowly starts backing away. "Anyway - I should get going back. I have a busy day and I hope that you won't cause too many problems. It was nice to meet you!"

Lobo has posed:
    Lobo just grins at her. "Trouble follows me everywhere, dame. It's just a fact of life!" As he says this, he gives another hammer down with his foot, twisting his wrist on the handlebar of that spacehog and causing those thrusters to burn brightly. In the blink of an eye, he is gone, heading down towards the planet.