12164/Overpowering and the Avengers

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Overpowering and the Avengers
Date of Scene: 26 July 2022
Location: Avengers Mansion - Recreation Room
Synopsis: Power Girl and Natasha talk about food and get along!
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Karen Starr

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
It's currently a late night over in the Mansion. Natasha Romanoff has come to the recreation area, where she has some television on in the background while she's got it on a global news station going on in Arabic on a minor flareup in the Middle East. She has a small laptop over on her lap that she's occasionally tapping on to skim over some data while occasionally observing the news.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl is not nearly the kind of person that one expects to find in the mansion at all. Most of the time, she's one disaster to the next, stopping only long enough to make sure that cleaning efforts are on their way., and that everyone is safe.

    Tonight, however, is just a little different. Instead of just zooming off to some other horror in progress, Karen has lingered at the mansion, and as if to herald her arrival, there is the wonderful smell of food.

    When she finally rounds the corner to the rec room and makes her way in, she is holding a plate upon which there is a large, steaming, sandwich- a chopped cheese like one would never believe!

    Keeping to herself, as is the usual plan, she makes her way to a chair nearby and sets herself down with her meal, being as unintrusive as she can be.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would be reviewing some more data over on ties between various terror groups and Red Room expatriates when Power Girl would enter. As the news was droning on about something in the Middle East, Natasha would turn her attention over to the arriving Peeg, giving her a nod and then going to flip her laptop off and shut down the television.
    "Hello, I do hope that all's been well with you. And going for the full Dagwood there?" Seh would inquire while turning to face Power Girl. "If there's anything you might care to watch, you can have the remote. I wasn't engaged too heavily in it." Natasha's caused or instigated more than her fair share of disasters, so she's not got any legitimacy when it comes to judging.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Sitting where she is, Power Girl is about to take the first, absolutely unladylike bite of the thing when Natasha approaches. A raised brow is all that she's met with, before the other woman gives a shrug.

    Plucking up the remote, she turns the television back on and starts flipping through the channels, momentarily distracted enough to forget her food in favor of something entertaining.

    "Yep." she responds, nonchalantly. "Never go to a bodega without getting a really solid one of these when I'm in town. One of the best things about New York." she notes, leaning somewhat, to make sure that she's peering more around Natasha, than through her.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "There are some very wonderful places to eat in the city, particularly for ethnic food. The United States does have a great many wonderful venues for food thanks to the number of immigrants. Always some good places to go for. I could possibly recommend a few locations in the city if you wanted to explore some." She would offer to Peeg.
    Looking over to see what randomness would grab her teammates attention and interest for the evening. "I am glad to see that you're doing well." Plenty of things to smash about!

Karen Starr has posed:
    Flip. Flip. Flip. News channel and onward, Karen doesn't seem to stop and linger on any one station long enough to do any more than pick upwhat's going on and then continue, until eventually she gets to this...

    /Thing./ Not /the/ Thing, but some off-brand parody that is trying to cash in on it in recent memory, an original film made by a certain science fiction channel.

    "Likewise." she states, leaning in to take the first bite of the sandwich, steam rising from it and a napkin coming up immediately to keep herself decent. Eventually, after a short chew-chew-swallow, Karen nods a couple of times.

    "Always looking for hidden gems. If you have recommendations, I'll get to them eventually."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance over at it, "So is this the remake or the ripoff of the remake?" She would inquier over while skimming it and trying to recollect if she'd ever seen it playing in the background for reference for conversational tidbits if need be.
    "Tell me what you like and I'll make sure to pass along some recommendations. I'm sure that we could get a few others on the team to go with us sometime and crash it for lunch. I'm sure that Janet would love it." She would offer over while making the offer.
    "This city has plenty of hidden gems. And some not so hidden ones. The best ones are wroth having to seek out."

Karen Starr has posed:
    "Technically, both?" Karen responds, taking another bite and savoring the taste for a little bit before it ends up like the one before it. Once done, and kept clean, she sets the sandwich down, and offers a nod.

    "Find me a Shawarma place that's worth the price, and they'll make a fortune." she notes, before her attention is once again on the television- and she has begun eating again.