12215/Cannonballs and Icebergs

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Cannonballs and Icebergs
Date of Scene: 29 July 2022
Location: Swimming Pool / Patio Deck
Synopsis: Mischief managed, as Bobby freezes one of Sam's cannonball splashes, and all enjoy some chill.
Cast of Characters: Bobby Drake, Samuel Guthrie

Bobby Drake has posed:
It is your typical summer day at the X-Mansion, and a variety of students are trying to lounge and enjoy it in the pool. They are unaware that their pleasant little pool day is about to be subjected to...the Bobbening.

Watching from a bit of a distance and up the hill, Bobby Drake watches the students swimming and ponders some chicanery. The question is, how best to maximize the opporunity?

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie has been doing a lot around the pool past couple days since Tabby has a party planned for in a few days. He is now taking a bit of time to himself and walking around the mansion grounds, he sees Bobby up and by himself and raises a brow.

Bobby Drake has posed:
A co-conspirator! That always makes things better. Bobby offers a small wave to Sam, and then nods towards the pool. He uses his hands to dash across in front of him, like a cannon ball, and then dives it down, and make the universal symbol for an explosion, putting his hands together in front of him and raising them quickly upwards, fingers going wildly. He probably also made a "booooooosh" sound but he is too far away for Sam to hear.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and he will head up towards where Bobby is, to see who he wants him to torment. The young man maybe talked into hijinks but wants to know who against first, best not to tick off certain people about here.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Nodding slowly as Sam approaches, Bobby hatches a grin. He waits for his arrival, and then points towards the pool. "They look so peaceful over there," he murmurs softly. "I was thinking about dropping in iceberg, but you can just dive right in. And we can see who makes the biggest splash."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Oh I am sure they would love it, I would say drop the ice berg first, but that could be problematic. " He hmmms and says "I think I can stop before I hit the bottom these days." Back when he was younger that might have been a problem.

Bobby Drake has posed:
"See, I am thinking you do the dive, instead of the ice berg, I just freeze your splash." Bobby grins. "And then it'll form kind of an ice slide, but in a fair more random, and interesting shape." He considers the concern for a moment. "But if you might hit the bottom, that's not ideal."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "I am pretty sure I can do, it, but your going to need to leave me a whole to come back out of, or I will send ice all over the place." He reminds the other man."

Bobby Drake has posed:
"I think I can manage," offers Bobby, as he considers. "I'll just do the piece that comes above the water line, and then it'pll float over what's left." He cracks his knuckles. "What do you say, shall we try?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will pull his shirt and socks and shoes off. He rolls his shoulders a bit and nods his head. He jets off first away from the pool to make a large circle, and then the blasting young mutant comes in hard at the pool. He makes sure he aint going to hit anyone and as soon as he breaks the water tension he cuts the blast field to start doing a flip underwater.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Moving quickly, Bobby sends a chilling wave over the surface of the pool. The water that is not displaced by Sam is fine, but the flower petal shaped explosion of impact is turned immediately to ice. It settles into the water quickly, floating as ice is wont to do, creating a new pool toy for those that are there. And few were hit by the impact of the splahs. Win win, right?

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's feet touch the bottom of the pool and there is more force than he wanted but not enough to damage him or the pool. He kicks off, and blasts back into the air with a "Still Cannonball king 2022." He jokes and is off and heading away from the soaked people.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby, meanwhile, is doubled over with laughter at the confusion on the faces of the students. There was no splash, but then a frozen splash, and then a REAL splash. He tries to slink off before he can be spotted. Although once word gets around of ice shenanigans, you KNOW they will come blaming him.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to Bobby as he comes to a landing after coming in slow so no one sees where he is coming to land at. He looks over the pool "Never saw one of my splashes so well before.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby grins. "See, it's a work of art." He waves his hand to indicate the splash. "I think they liked it." There are already students climbing on the ice, using it to add an additional clhill to the hot day.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "Well it seems so, maybe we will have to do one for the party before it starts." He offers with a smile and picks up his shoes and shirt.

Bobby Drake has posed:
"For sure!" Bobby grins. "I'm always happy to help a party." He glances back towards the pool. "Consider this a trial run, or proof of concept, for the party, right?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "And want the best for a multi birthday party thats for sure." He hmms and says "How are you at making working items?

Bobby Drake has posed:
Rubbing at his chin, Bobby thinks. "Not great - ice isn't particularly stable, and if it rubs against itself, it'll just fall apart. I can make swords, but not gears."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmms and nods a bit to this "Was thinking about an ice draft system for the drinks at the place, oh well." He shrugs

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake shakes his head. "No, sadly, not that useful." He laughs for a moment. "I'm just an ice cube man."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie shrugs and says "Well, I am sure your talents will be a lot more wanted at the party than blasting through walls." He offers with a grin.

Bobby Drake has posed:
A soft laugh, and Bobby nods. "Well, yes, I am pretty good for party tricks." He glances up and sees that the ice splash has attracted some adult attention. "Uh oh, the profs." Not that that is horrible, he is a professor himself. But sometimes he forgets. "Let's scatter!"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "Sure, I need to get cleaned up for work, come by Harry's later and a drink is on me." He offers the other man before headingout.

Bobby Drake has posed:
"Sure thing!" replies Bobby, before he quickly creates a floor level ice slick and slides out of there with cosniderable speed. "See ya!"