11868/Shoppping Trip, Take Two!

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Shoppping Trip, Take Two!
Date of Scene: 04 July 2022
Location: Soho District, NYC
Synopsis: And a good time was had, with new clothes acquired!
Cast of Characters: Inez Temple, Gabby Kinney

Inez Temple has posed:
After the utter disaster of the last attempt at a shopping trip, Inez has decided to take Gabby to a far more chill and laid back area of the city for shopping.. the SoHo District! Where you can find almost everything shop-wise within a five block radius centered around Broadway. Still in casual gear, she's in the Daisy Duke shorts, the boots, the hat, and this time she's topped it with one of those hanky-style halterneck tops in a paiseley print of white, black, and red that shows more skin that the crop top tank top from last time. She's stepping out of the cab and holding the door for Gabby.

"Okay! Attempt number two... this here's the shoppin' district fer SoHo. Yer gonna find damn near everythin' ya could want within five blocks. That also means we c'n stop an' get grub if'n we want it. An' I know most o' these shops offer concierge. So we c'n get stuff delivered t' th' apartment instead o' luggin' bags an' boxes round." Inez waves her hadn along the street and turns back to Gabby with a grin, "Let's go blow a bunch o' money an' get ya some nice things."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney was rather tired after that prior night's antics. At least she'd gotten ONE outfit out of it (out of necessity from her clothes being ruined). And a BLT with fried egg later after that to finish off her night. When they roll up to this area she follows Inez inside easily opting to have worn her jeans and the teal tanktop she got the other day.

"You know I'm always up for food at some point," she remarks with a broad grin toward Inez only to exhale a sigh. "And there's A/C here. I can get behind that. Sorry about the other day, too. Wasn't expecting to run into trouble." This time if she saw any doubles she was just ignoring it. Willfully.

"I never did get to ask how you and Wade are doing these days," she remarks while pausing to read over the shop map conveniently located in front of the doors to get an idea of where to go first.

Inez Temple has posed:
"Well there's a buncha places t' choose from. We'll do a mid-shoppin' lunch so we c'n sit an' rest an' refuel. An' there's vendors an' stuff so we c'n snack as we want, too." Inez flashes a grin towards Gabby before looking around the area, "So, one store we -hafta- hit up is Diesel. Yer gonna like it. I get all kinds of cool stuff there. An' they cater t' smaller sizes more, so you'll be able t' find plenty more'n I c'n." She motions to Gabby, "But this is yer spree, so where d'ya wanna start?"

The question has her chuckling, "We're doin' great. Wade's been wonderful.. an' that last date night were somethin' else. Got t' try out th' Warthog fer th' first time." Chuckling, she lifts a shrug, "I dunno, me an' Wade jes'... fit." SHe looks to Gabby and lifts a brow, "How bout yerself? Any special people croppin' up fer ya?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney peels away from the map to rejoin Inez with a quick step to catch up to the taller blonde. "Diesel? Sounds mechanical. But smaller sizes that aren't in the kids department would be great." Nevermind some of her favorite shirts came from the kids department--It was time to move up in the world! "I'm good with checking that out if you think it's stuff I'd like."

"The Warthog is pretty awesome," she has to admit recalling how it went the last time they'd been on a mission. "It really suits you, too! I'm glad things are going good." Still grinning she glances around at the various stores considering places to hit on the way. The question just gets a little stiff shrug. "Naw. It'd be nice but no one's popped up on my radar for me since the last few."

Inez Temple has posed:
"You'd think, but nah, they started out jes' jeans, started branching out into other clothes over th' last few years. Good, sturdy jeans, too. Not jes' that bullshit denim that's more spandex than cotton." Inez rolls her eyes over how most women's jeans are made these days. She flashes a grin, "C'mon, we'll head t' Diesel an' go from there." Grinning, she starts off at a casual stroll to make it easier for Gabby to keep up with her longer legs.

"It were my birthday present t' m'self. It is pretty badass, an' I like it." She certainly seems satisfied with how it performed! She points out a Swarovski store and glances at Gabby, "What's yer thoughts on jewelry?" Nodding to the question of potential boy/girlfriends, Inez smiles, "That's fine. I were well into my twenties b'fore I started really datin'."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh, heck yeah. Most of my jeans are from the guys department." Gabby tugs the belt loop of her current pants. "Skinny jeans aren't so skinny on me at least. Plus pockets." She had other, softer pants, but they weren't really jeans in any regard. The jewelry pointed out causes her to pause to stare at all the glittery stuff.

"I'd kind of like to get my ears pierced but I don't know how well that would work." Frowning slightly she considers it as she starts forward again. "Maybe a simple necklace or bracelet wouldn't be bad, too. And I'd *like* to date. And other things." For a moment she goes quietly thoughtful only to blurt out, "How do you get *over* someone, though? I mean if you needed to."

Inez Temple has posed:
"Well, part of pickin' out jeans is that you c'n always get somethin' too big tailored down t'fit yer size. So if'n somethin's too long in th' leg or waist? Don't discount it, we c'n have it sent t'my tailor an' we'll stop by so they c'n get yer measurements. Might take 'em a couple days, but they'll get yer stuff so it fits perfect fer what ya need." Inez offers a big smile towards Gabby. "Trust me, all them models? That's how they look so good in th' clothes, they have it fitted specifically to 'em." She lifts a shrug and smiles.

Nodding, she moves Gabby towards the store, "Let's take a look, they got some real nice necklaces an' bracelets. What's yer favorite color?" Regarding pierced ears, Inez chuckles and lifts her hair to show no piercings, "Earrings are overrated. Th' ones that are most fun tend t' be so heavy they ain't worth it. An' then nobody notices yer wearin' th' damn things anyways." She glances back to Gabby and shrugs, "Ain't a question I c'n answer fer ya, Gabs. Ya gotta find yer own way past. Besides, it's different fer eahc person. Me? I go with th' flow, ain't too fussed over most things. When my boyfriend cheated, I didn't take it personal, I jes' realized that he were movin' in a different direction from me. We stayed t'gether a few more months, but we parted ways equably after that. Then I didn't really date again til Wade. An' with him, well... I kinda made him work fer it. He'd been chasin' me fer years, tryin' t' get me in th' sack. But I held 'im off til we'd established more o' a friendship first. We cared bout each other. That's when we started datin'."

Looking back to Gabby, Inez smiles softly, "Ya gotta learn t' be comfortable in yer own skin first, though. Ya gotta be okay wit' bein' by yerself b'fore ya c'n really commit t'someone else. Otherwise, ya start basin' yer self-worth on their opinion an' that ain' no good fer anyone."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney allows herself to be steered into the store to look things over. The question of her favorite color is iffy. "I like yellow. It's bright and cheery. I don't think there's much jewelry like that though. So..." Reaching up she rubs at her chin pausing to look over some shiny rings that were so not her. Glancing up she watches the reveal of ears along with a grin of understanding. "I saw this girl with silver loops all up along her ear," she explains lifting a hand to gesture at the curve of her ear. "I thought it was pretty neat. My healing, though?" Again she shrugs before deciding on an alternate favorite color. "Kind of fond of blue."

"Oh, we were never together. Had a crush on him but he ended up with one of my other sisters. And I'm okay with that, we all talked it out and stuff," she hurries to explain only to pause frowning. "Just my mind keeps kind of going back to him. Don't even feel the same anymore but I've been compairing the next few guys I have eyed to him. Eh, maybe he's just my type."

Inez Temple has posed:
"This is Swarovski, all their crystals are lab-created, they c'n do whatever color ya want, Gabs," Inez flashes a grin towards her and points to a necklace comprised of tiny canary-yellow crystals in a princess cut that loops three times around the neck. "See?" She looks back to Gabby and grins, "There's definitely some good ones but like.. ya also gotta think, most people wit' piercin's like that ain't goin' into the situations we are. C'n ya imagine how much a pain in th' ass it would be t' have t' get yer ears re-pierced each time one got yanked out?" Looking back to the jewelry, she smiles, "Blue's nice."

Inez looks back to Gabby and chuckles, "Instead of focusin' on an appearance, should jes'... meet people. Yer pigeonholin' yerself by focusin' on a 'look'. Gotta find someone ya connect wit' as a person. Someone that makes ya smile even when ya don't feel like smilin'." She lifts a shrug and offers, "That's how i ended up wit' Wade, anyways. An' I happen t' think we got one of th' better relationships."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
It's too late---The yellow ones have been pointed out. Gabby rushes over to the area amidst some quiet 'Oohs' coming from her as she eagerly scans the case for various options. She ends up mostly picking around a bracelet that can have charms added, but has some yellow gemstone ones similar to the necklace. "Oh, right. I mean that would be a pain I guess."

While staring at it she lets her mind wander, nodding while listening to the conversation. Only for her head to jerk up suddenly. Her hand lifts ticking off a few fingers, "Tall, dark haired, emotional issues. ... Just like Julian. Okay I think I get it now." Glancing back toward Inez she grins broadly. "Yeah that's true. I mean I got the warm fuzzies a little bit last night when Dex cooked me a BLT. He's so scrawny though. Practically a stick. It was really nice of him to cook for me though." Finger tapping the glass she says, "Could I just get a chain with one of those pendants and maybe the bracelet?"

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez lets out a laugh and meanders over to join her at the yellow crystals. She looks to the clerk, "Help her however she needs an' package up whatever she picks out. We'll need it sent to this address." She holds a card out to the woman, along with a credit card. Winking at the clerk, she looks back to Gabby and smiles, "Make sure ya pick a chain that ain't too long. Nothin' sucks wors'n findin' out yer pendant sits too low t' be noticed."

She chuckles softly and shakes her head at Gabby, "So what? C'mon Gabs, if I limited m'self t' guys that're stronger'n me..." She lifts a shrug. "Besides, if he shows itnerest, c'n always offer t' train wit' him so he puts on a lil muscle. But let it be his choice." Inez drifts over towards a display and points to one set, "Box that one up, too."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh I don't think he's interested anyway, it was just really nice of him to do that," Gabby assures with a little laugh while she watches the clerk hop to and put together everything she requested. "Silver chain or gold? Or... Uh." She pauses, considering again. "One of each," she decides with a firm nod. If anything she could swap it around till she figured out which she liked better. Satisfied with this so far she pauses at one of the little charms that shows a cat's face with crystal eyes. That's added in and she grins up at Inez.

"This'll be super cute, thanks! You're right though, I need to stop worrying about this stuff so much. Just a waste of my time right now. I guess I'm just a little jealous watching most of my friends all together. But," she's quick to add, "They're happy so I'm glad for them. I've got enough to do right now as it is, and..." She's about to walk out the store when she pauses and reconsiders, turning back to look at some more of the jewelry. Or more specifically, a hairband with little crystals all over it. "That too."

Inez Temple has posed:
Gabby's spree in the store is watched with silent amusement by Inez. She nods to the clerk to add all the additional purchases to the tally, then signs the slip and takes the credit car bad so they can keep shopping! Looking towards Gabby, she smiles, "Well, ya also should remember... most of us are a good deal older'n ya are. We spent years before we found th' right person. I mean.. jes' look at me'n'Wade. I'm 30, he's 36. We only been married fer... 4 years? An' we knew each other fer like 3 years before we ever got t'gether. Yer seein' th' end of a long road an' tryin' t' jump straight t' that. But that ain't how any o' this works."

She reaches out and tugs Gabby in for a one-armed hug, "You'll get there, Gabs. Ya jes' gotta be patient about it. It'll happen. An' in th' meantime, feel free t' make whatever bad boyfriend choices ya want. Between yer Howlett family an' yer Wilson family, anyone that fucks wit' ya will disappear." Inez chuckles and winks at her, releasing Gabby so they can head towards the next store, "Ah! There's Diesel, jes' ahead."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yeah I was thinking of making a Tinder profile for when I turn eighteen, but that might not be a good idea. What with the work we do and all." Nothing like putting her deets on a site anyone can find after all! Gabby's quite glad for the small haul she's gotten, and slips into step beside Inez just in time for that hug. Leaning into it her own arm slips around Inez from behind to return the squeeze firmly.

"Okay, but I'm holding you to telling me to make bad decisions if anyone ever asks," she points out with a grin. When the new store comes into view she practically bounces forward with renewed excitement. "Okay, let's get some stuff! Then..." Her head tips up to sniff the air. "I smell something good. Chicken?"

Inez Temple has posed:
Chuckling softly, she shakes her head, "Yeah I wouldn't suggest it. That's jes' askin' fer hatemongers an' villains t' show up at yer door. At my door, too. An' I reather like havin' a quiet place these people don't know 'bout. It's a safe haven fer our kind." Inez looks back to Gabby with a grin and offers, "But mebbe we could start hostin' like... some 'young mutant' nights? Provide a safe space where y'all c'n get together an' meet an' have some fun. We got a pool, a gym, a gameroom, I'm sure we c'n come up wit' some fun stuff fer people t' do. Mebbe even get a karaoke machine in there... have a karaoke night if'n people want."

She laughs lightly and gives a nod, "That's fair. Look. People wanna protect ya, yer like.. everyone's lil sis, yeah? But they ain't thinkin' bout th' fact yer an adult an' need t' make yer own decisions. Some of 'em are gonna be bad, ain't nothin' wrong with that." She smiles towards Gabby, "Yer gonna do fine, though. Got lots o' us t' help." Laughing, she gives a nod, "Alright, clothes, then food, then we'll check out more shops."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney tips her head down a little though she is smiling at the sentiment. "Yeah, I know. And I appreciate it all, I do! I think I'm just over thinking this whole 'being an adult' thing. Though I DO want to look at getting a place, yeah," she admits and the idea of a young adult night isn't terrible either.

"Ooh karaoke! I got Laura to go to that once, and I know a lot of others are into it. We should do that ourselves even if we can't drag people to it." She's already dipping into the store starting to glance around at manequins and display racks alike. Some shirts with cut out shoulders and others with deeper cut vnecks are regarded to be added to the pile of potential items to try.

"I'm still deciding if I want to do college. I've got a year still unless I hop to the GED. Which is a possibility. It'd give me more free time for other stuff."

Inez Temple has posed:
"Well, yer welcome t' use one of th' apartments I got til ya find a place ya wanna be. An' I'll look at startin' t' host some events fer y'all. Invite friends, get more people involved." Inez flashes a grin towards Gabby, nudging her lightly as they walk. She chuckles, "Jes' remember, there ain't no set 'way' t' be an adult. Long as yer takin' care of yer business, that's all what matters."

Laughing lightly, she grins, "We'll see. My musical education has really only been dealt with lately, what with Wade's tastes. Otherwise, I'm a country gal." Inez chuckles as she follows Gabby through the store, lifting a wave. "Hey! Angie! This is my sister-in-law Gabby. She's turnin' 18, needs a new wardrobe. Help me hook 'er up, yeah?"

A young woman not much taller than Gabby comes over with a broad smile and a loooooooooooong curtain of inky dark hair that swishes like fringe around her. "Hey! Welcome to Diesel! I'm Angie, c'mon this way. Tell me what styles you like, do you want just jeans? We've got some good vegan leathers in right now too, prepping for the shift to autumn. Are you looking for jeans, shorts? We've got some dresses and skirts." She looks Gabby over with a grin, "And you have -got- to see the new urbanwear shirts we got in."

Inez just grins and trails after the two.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins broadly. "Thanks! I might have a friend stop by and look it over, too. Not that I don't trust you just... I dunno. Get opinions? Plus it's a reason to hang," she has to admit with a chuckle at her own attempt to come up with things to do with other people. It had been too long since she'd really seen some folks after all.

When Inez calls the girl at the register over she lifts a hand to wave at her in greeting. "Hi! Oh man I need everything. I like jeans but I want some dresses and hoodies are great and... Urbanwear?" Curious at this she follows along glancing here, and there, and pretty much anywhere. "Oh yeah I look good in leather stuff. I'm good with vegan leather, too!"

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez flashes a grin and gives a nod, "Jes'.. keep it amongst us an' our allies, yeah? Remember, these apartments are a safe haven fer mutants jes' startin' out on their own. Some of 'em are still young enough I got 'em in dorm rooms with shared livin' space so they c'n finish out high school without havin' t' be... y'know."

Angie smiles brightly and draws Gabby over to the jeans, getting her set up with 5 or 6 pairs that are in styles and colors that Gabby picks out. There's some nice leather pants that she picks out, a denim skirt that looks amazing, a halter top, a leather jacket.. then there's the sneakers. Oh the sneakers.

Inez calls Angie over at one point and hands her the credit card, "Have 'em sent t' th' usual address, Ang."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney takes most of what's suggested though there's a few she rejects. Usually the ones that had a bit too many logos or reminded her of Sporty Spice. There were a few. But the jeans were good, and the pants fit well, and she's rather happy with the haul overall. "This'll be a good bunch to work some outfits off of," she reasons still intending to hit a few more stores while here. After lunch at least.

"Oh sure! I pretty much only know mutants or other vigilante types. And I'll keep my off-color friendships away from there," she assures with a solemn nod. No sense in letting Catman or Juggernaut be aware of such areas. Hopping back toward Inez she loops her arm through hers with a broad grin. "Thanks a ton! You too, Angie! I'll have to stop by in the future when I need more stuff. Now though... food?" She asks wistfully.

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez takes the card back when the purchases are rung up and she smiles at Angie, "Thanks fer yer help. I'll be back round soon fer more m'self." Winking at the store girl, she tucks the card away and turns to head out of the store with Gabby. She gives a smile and nods towards her, "Good deal. I ain't one t' say who ya c'n or can't hang out with, but I wanna keep th' kids there safe."

Laughing, she gives a nod, "Yes, food. Pick yer pleasure, Gabs. This is yer trip, ya decide where t' eat." Inez gives that arm a small squeeze and grins at her, "So I think there's an actual urban wear store in her somewhere. We should go hunt it down. Then we c'n hit up like... DKNY or somethin' fer some fun dresses."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney waits as patiently as she can for the shopping to be wrapped up. Though she didn't often focus on it, her sense of smell was much stronger than she was used to in the past, and right now her stomach was grumbling at her for alls he could smell. When she's told it's her choice she grins broadly. "Perfect! I think I smell Korean fried chicken. Maybe there's a Bonchan in the cafeteria area. I haven't had that in ages. It's super crispy and spicy and sweet and so good."

While leading the way there she grows quiet, staring down at the floor tiles in thought. "...Are your apartments only for mutants, by the way? I worry about Bellona at times. I was actually wanting to speak to Wade about keeping tabs on her... Not that I don't trust her, but she's trying to make her own way with things, and I'm worried about her."

Inez Temple has posed:
Laughing lightly, Inez nods and turns her towards the restaurant area. As they walk through the mall, she looks towards Gabby and smiles, "Ain't tried much in th' way of other foods, so yer gonna have t' help guide me through it. But if'n ya wanna know where th' best barbecue joints in th' city are, I c'n show ya. Some other time."

GLancing sidelong towards Gabby, she offers, "Mostly, yeah. I'm tryin' t' provide a safe, reasonably priced place fer young mutants on their own. My question fer ya would be.. c'n I trust Bellona not t' bring trouble back t' th' apartments if'n she stays there? Much as I c'n appreciate yer worryin' fer her... I can't have trouble bein' brought there. These kids got it rough. They come from bad homes, or no homes, an' they ain't special enough t' 'qualify' fer th' big place up north. I won't have 'em bein' bothered because yer sister's got a vendetta."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney does actually consider that quietly a few moments. Long enough to get to the food court where she steers Inez through what crowd was here to the place that served what she was smelling. "It's essentially just twice-fried chicken with sauce. Like wings and drummies. Not barbecue but not that different I imagine. You might like it," she assures as she puts in an order for the traditional sweet and spicy, and the soy garlic with green onions.

"I'd have to speak to her about that. We pretty much wiped the main labs that did everything to us. There's not much left in the way of vendettas, but she does have some anger issues." Grinning a bit she looks back to Inez. "She's calmed down a lot since then though. It's progress. If anything, tagging her in to help protect those kids might give her a bit of purpose again."

Inez Temple has posed:
"...well, I spose it's silly t' think that America invented barbecue. God knows there were grills long before we were a country," Inez flashes a grin towards Gabby as they walk along and gives a nod. "Oh I ain't opposed t' tryin' new things, I jes' son't really know where t' start mostly. Grew up in th' dust o' Texas, then joined a rodeo outta high school. Tony found me there, then it were th' school, then th' bounty hunter business. Weren't much chance t' really get out an' try things."

She moves forward and takes an order of the sweet and spicy along with some pancakes that have seafood and veggies in them, because that sounds interesting! Inez pays for the food, then looks back to Gabby with a nod, "Well, long as she c'n keep from bringin' trouble t' th' buildin', or startin' it there, then she's welcome. She might do good t' be in one o' th' dorms with a couple other girls. She c'n watch over 'em, an' mebbe they c'n help her be a lil more social."