12308/Library, Storm and Rain

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Library, Storm and Rain
Date of Scene: 05 August 2022
Location: Library - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Bette Kane meets her 'cousin' Phoebe, who is researching in the Wayne Library. Phoebe's not sure what to make of even the idea of siblings, but cousins are a totally new subject.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Bette Kane

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    If there is one thing Gotham was known for other than its crime and crime fighters, it was its crummy weather. A summer thunderstorm has settled over the city, and by extension Bristol Township, and by extension of that, Wayne Manor. It hammers against the window panes of the library, casting shadows with the flickering of lightning that could have lent itself to a horror movie.

    Up on the second level, amid a pile of books that seem to be mixed of Wayne library materials and other library materials, was Phoebe. She was sitting on a pink patterned blanket, commandeering a wall light for her notes. The girl had a close-shorn haircut, her curls and cottony coils just getting long enough to show their real texture. Her dark eyes were downcast as she writes notes. There are several books open and on the floor in front of her, one in a pictoform language, another in Latin, and another in French (with her phone open to translate the French), and she appears to be engrossed in research to the point of the butler concedes she has probably not taken a meal after breakfast.

    At her side is a red and white sighthound-type dog, with wiry fur and a curled-over tail. He's asleep pressed against her side.

Bette Kane has posed:
     Bette Kane arrived in the library, of course she certainly did not come because she expected to find anyone. No, she was actually hoping to avoid Bruce and Alfred had agreed to her barrowing the first edition "Hound of the Baskervilles" to take to Gotham University library for display and a fundraiser reading. To those ends, she had brough a plexiglass safety box and wore soft white gloves.

     In a storm like this, Stately Wayne Manor could easily be the setting for a gothic horror movie, or a live action Scooby-Doo. After the strike flickers at the time of her opening the door, Bette blinks a little and starts to head up to where the book rests in its case. "Oh, umm, hello. I didn't mean to disturb you.." A once over at the bog though, and a look at the study pile, out of place with Alfred's perfect organization. "Researching something?" With a physical book, a millennial, how strange.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    What an appropriate dreary afternoon to be returning a horror story!

    Phoebe hadn't glanced up at the door opening -- most of the 'siblings' either hang out for a text conversation and leave, or return their book to grab another and... also leave.

    The hound -- thankfully, not a Baskerville-type -- looks up to Bette and gives a little wiggle of its tail, looong ears standing up at attention as his head tilts.

    Phoebe looks up as Bette talks, and she gives an awkward sort of smile, sitting up straight, determining that a study break was in order, and she picks up another notebook and writes:

    <Hello! I'm Phoebe, researching = yes> she gives a smile, and then points to her neck. There is gauze wrapped around it.

    And Phoebs is totally Gen Z! She doesn't do the avocado toast thing but yeets with skill!

Bette Kane has posed:
     "Ouch." The blonde actually says aloud as she sees the neck injury. A glance over the assembled books, but she really doesn't get any theme from theme, other than she cannot even read most of it. "I am Bette Kane, I am Bruce's first cousin on his mother's side." Not some burgler... Like, say, Selina. "I would offer to help, but you seem to be a little above my side of the curve. Well, I can still offer."

     "Cute dog." The young woman offers with the gentle forward extension of her hand in that greeting manner for dogs.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Sketchsketchsketch goes her pencil on the page, and Phoebe holds a 'Family Tree' of sorts out. It has Bruce (and jokingly includes Alfred in the 'mom' spot), with a solid line to Damian, and dotted lines to the rest of Bruce's brood, with a very sketchy dotted line to her. Bruce's by adoption.

    <His name is Idu. He enjoys gentle headpats.>

    Idu, for what it's worth, trots over to Bette as he snuffs about, and then immediately just sticks his whole head on top of her hand, ears folding back as he gives her The Puppy Dog Eyes.

Bette Kane has posed:
     Bette does extend the hand down a little further to give the puppy a few scritches and rubbing pats. "You are a sweetie.. E-Do? I-do? I-doh?" Well, she gave it a good try, at least a dog is unlikely to take offense at kind spoken attempts. Then she scans the diagram quickly.

     "So, then, cousin Pheobe, I guess it is. I always thought that was a nice name." She says and straightens up again.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a grin, and forms a hashtag with her index and middle fingers, and then holds up an index finger for 'number one' on the attempts.

    Idu does not mind what name he is called at the moment, because he is getting scritches and pats. And that is what he enjoys out of life. He gives a soft 'mrrrrrrr' sound, his butt coming down to a 'sit' and his curly tail wagging again.

    <I like it. Bette = good name. Classic.> she scribbles, and then turns the page of the book in Latin.

    There is a spread of a unicorn and an elephant engaged in a pitched battle, though perhaps not to scale.

    <I've never had cousins b4> she writes.

Bette Kane has posed:
     Bette nods at the written part, and smile a little bit more. "Thank you." She comments softly, when the page turns though, she cannot make anything of the old Latin, save guessing that is what is probably is. "Middle-Ages?" This is mostly guessed at because she recognizes the iconography and scale issues from art history, not a big course at West Point. "Something to do with royalty, isn't that what the unicorn symbolizes, and purity? I have no idea what the elephant means.."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe purses her lips a moment. She gives a look up to Bette, and then she lowers her gaze a moment and begins to write out:

    'The unicorn is a dangerous creature with the head of a stag, the neck and body of a goat or horse, a boar's tail and cloven feet, with a single spiral or curved horn rising from its forehead. This creature has been known to gore hunters and cast magic defensively, and has been reported to wage war against lions and elephants. It can be tamed with a virgin and a golden bridle, though it has been known to also gore the maiden.' she translates, and she leans back, rubbing her hand with a wry smile.

    And then she adds: <Also the official animal of Scotland. I'm sure Nessie's jealous.>

Bette Kane has posed:
     "You like the Grimm's original versions better than the Disney, don't you?" Bette offers a bit playfully at the detailed and dark version of the Unicorn. "And yes, before I seem completely wrong, Unicorn, Hanz Christian Anderson, but even the original story was a little more.. Bright?" The young woman kneels back down a bit and starts once more to rub at Idu. "There anything I can get you?" Coffee always helped her with the studying.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a sidelong smile, and she shakes her head, but she motions for Bette to join her on the blanket as Idu rolls to his back for stomach rubs, his tail sweeping the blanket a bit as he wriggles with Bette's attention.

    <Company is nice for a break.> she scribbles. <Never was one for Disney. Had Lion King shoved at me so much.> she writes, and then motions to her complexion for the reason, and then she leans back against the wall, settling against the ancient wood. Her shoulder pops.

    <So, who is Bette Kane?>

Bette Kane has posed:
     Bette sits down to join the young girl with graceful motions. There is a wince at the shoulder pop, sometimes she wishes she studied medice past basic first aid. "Got pretty injured, didn't you?" She doesn't really expect an answer of any detail, without the proper waver introductions, but she can guess given Bruce's other wards and adoptees.

     "Oh, umm, philosophy or vanity? That is always a hard question. By occupation, Bette Kane is a professional tennis player, and Lieutenant Bette Kane, US Army. I am also sort of a PR person for Kane Industries, sometimes Wayne Enterprises. I think I am still a tiny bit behind on the self-discovery side though. That's more our cousin Kate's side of things." A bit of a blush, and her focus does go more to the belly rubbing. "Who is Phoebe Wayne? And what are you actually researching?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Phoebe Beacon. I don't take on last names anymore.> Phoebe writes down quietly, and she breathes out. She's had so many. Her breath out was like a pinstab into her lung.

    <You sound busy.> she adds in, and then thoughtfully considers. She shifts her weight.

    <Bruce saw promise in me. Premed student @ GU. Sometimes get to be pretty and smile and nod at charity events.> she writes.

    Idu wriggles happily, and then just inverted-spluts with satisfaction, happy for attention since Idu is the best boy.

    <And I'm researching unicorns.> she answers honestly. Even if it wasn't the whole truth.

Bette Kane has posed:
     "It is not as much as it seems.. I am a ranked tennis player, and I have the Kane last name, both of which make me semi-well known?" Her voice lifting a little as her shoulders shift a bit. "Since I graduated West Point, the Army decided I made a decent poster girl and assigned me here for recruiting duty, and pretty much want me to show off with the tennis stuff and mention the Army when I do interviews. So, it isn't as conflicted as it seems. My family likes my service and public image, so they have me do events, and that way they don't have to." There is more to her than that what with the tendency of Gotham's rich set to prowl the night for criminals though. "So, mostly, I play tennis and smile on cue. Where the right outfit to the right gig."

     She glances again to the picture of the deul. "Well, you are obviously going above and beyond on the report.. Folklore, history, or literature?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The girl with the close-shorn hair gives a wry smile at the little history blurb. She breathes out as she considers, looking up at the ceiling, studying the way the panels fit together.

    <Wear the right outfit for the right gig is right. So many clothes.> she writes in amusement. <You mentioned self-discovery? Still trying to figure out what to do when you grow up?>

    She reaches over and turns a page on the French manuscript.

    This picture's a little more visceral. A Unicorn Hunt, with horses and huntsmen with spears. The Unicorn doesn't look like it's going to win this one.


Bette Kane has posed:
     "That's the fun part, I like to play dress-up. And who says I want to grow-up? No, I want to be a hero and glide through the skies of Gotham by night doing the good thing and twarting bad people. Go to parties.. Maybe find somebody to date. Yeah, that is the one that is the big plan for when I grow-up." Ah, life-styles of the rich and famous, Gotham edition, it is good to be born rich. "I never really think about what after.. What I do, helps in some ways. That's pretty good, for now."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Ah, aspirations of being one of the Batmans?> Phoebe doodles down.

    And then she pauses, raising her hand to her left shoulder, and she squeezes it slightly, her nose giving a wrinkle.

    She leans back against the wall again, reading the French manuscript through a translator packet on her phone.

    <Who would you even date that can measure up?>

Bette Kane has posed:
     Bette drops and tightens a brow again at the reaction to pain. "I could have Alfred get you something for that? I don't mean to pry, but maybe you should get a comfortable place to rest and take something for that." A glance back down at the pile of research. "I could help you get this stuff up to your room. You could ice that shoulder a bit. It helps sometimes. I know from tennis strains." Her voice is actually quite sincere.

     "I bet Idu would like to get in a little walk and have some food too." She adds with a smile and a bit more belley rubs for the friendly pup.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <It's old.> Phoebe writes with her left hand, and gives a smile, <when-it-rains.> she adds as an explaination, and then breathes out, and then she signs 'thank you' and turns to Idu. Idu looks up from his upside-down self, and tailwags at the sound of 'a walk', his ears pricking up -- err... down -- and wriggling slightly he rolls over and shakes off, his ears going every which way.

Bette Kane has posed:
     Bette hops up and waits to see if the books are to be moved, or if they are just going to get the pup some walk time. Which ever, she is happy to do and help with. There after though she mentions the time, and has to return to the city.