12313/A New You: Tender Administrations

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A New You: Tender Administrations
Date of Scene: 06 August 2022
Location: An undisclosed location in Mutanttown
Synopsis: Bunny comes to Lydia to get her ankle fixed.
Cast of Characters: Lydia Dietrich, Bunny Macleod

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    The instructions in the DM that Lydia sent Bunny were kind of vague. It told her to come to Bushwick at midnight and find the wandering golem. Tell it her name, and that she wants it to take her to The Body Shoppe.

    The golem took a bit of wandering and asking one of the 24 hour bodegas to find. Once in the general area of its patrol, the hulking seven-and-a-half foot tall animate statue was easy to find. It's tagged with all sorts of graffiti ranging from some stunning artwork to random scribblings. Somebody even painted a face on the otherwise featureless head, giving it a stern look.

    Once she announced who she was, and where she wanted to go, the Golem paused in its patrol, nodded once, and then turned to lead the girl to an open all night diner where she finds is staffed by a cook and a singularly bored waitress.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny had only ever seen the Golem of Bushwick from afar -- warned to stay away from 'all that weirdness' by her father who brokered only in facts and numbers, decimals and dollar signs. She had to slip out of the house -- no small feat with seven siblings and a pair of crutches, but she had found it, and for a solid minute she had stared, slack jawed at its form, and its stern expression. Once she had arrived at the diner, she looked up to the Golem and whispered: "Thank you for protecting us." to him... it...

    When she arrives at the all-night diner, who the cook and waitress see walk in is a short girl, broken ankle protected by a temporary boot, struggling on crutches with a pair of bright yellow roller skates on a leash over her shoulder, and a bright pink wave of curls pulled back in a ponytail, look pale with sunken-in eyes, her freckles giving her a dirty-face look across her nose.

    Tonight she was wearing a pink skater skirt and leggings, and a red tank top under a bright rainbow-colored vinyl jacket.

    In short, it'd be very, very difficult to miss the girl.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    The waitress looks up from reading a dime store mystery novel. She gives the girl a once over and shoots her a small grin. "I bet you're here for Her." The capitalization is very apparent in her voice. "Where's your parents, kid?"

    The cook gives Bunny a curious look for a moment before grunting and going back to watching some late night television. The man is an obvious mutant, with a long spindly arm ending in a three fingered hand growing just south of his right arm.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Yeah, I am." Bunny replies as she crutches forward a little bit, leaning a little against one of the booths. She brings her blue eyes up to the waitress, and gives a small shrug. "Does it really matter? I'm old enough to find people on the internet." she explains.

    She looks to the Cook, looking at his extra arm, and she tilts her head in a 'sup' motion of solidarity.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    The waitress snorts. "Kid. Finding people on the internet is a good way to get yourself in trouble." The cook looks up again and just sighs. "Michelle, for God's sake. That's not our problem. Just send her through."

    Michelle shakes her head. "Whatever, Ben," she mumbles. Louder, to Bunny, she jabs a thumb at the door that leads to the back. "Through there, past the kitchen into the hallway. Up the stairs to the left, first door on the right."

    Following the instructions leads her to what looks like small offices or small apartments might be. Knocking on the door elicits a "Just a minute!" from behind it, and the sound of shuffling chairs before the door opens.

    "Her" turns out to be a woman on the smallish side, with wildly curly black hair and pale skin. She's dressed professionally in a black pantsuit and flats, and there seems to be a field of stars that float lazily about her. The thing that really sets her apart is her eyes, which are of an unsettling off pink color that is more reminiscent of meat drained of blood than of flowers or any kind of gaiety.

    "You must be Bunny," she says, offering her a pleasant grin. "I'm Lydia. Come on in." She takes a step back to let the girl into what seems to be a small studio apartment. In it, there's a desk in a corner that has a few books and journals on it. A couple of comfortable looking, but obviously cheap chairs face the desk, and there's a small bed off to the side. The kitchenette has a small table with a variety of snacks on it, and on the kitchen counter is a coffee pot filled with fresh coffee, and an electric kettle bubbling away to make some tea.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "I can handle it." Bunny states, and she gives a nod, and crutches her way back to the hallway.

    She pauses at the stairs, looking up, and for a moment her skin gets a gasoline-puddle quality to it, a brief, iridescent swirl, the smell of gunfire and smoke bomb still in her nose.

    "... whyyyy stairs...." she whines briefly, and she brings her crutches up, waggling a moment slowly before she makes her way up the stairs, gives a breath, collecting herself before she gives a knock on the door.

    And looking up at Her, Bunny feels suddenly both extremely colorful and somewhat underdressed. She brushes her skates off a moment as she regards the pink color of Lydia's eyes.

    "Uh... yeah... Bunny Macloud." of CLAN MACLOUD.

    She leans heavily on the crutches as she makes her way in.

    "I'm sorry to be a bother, but I need my ankle back. I can't do anything without it."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia nods in understanding and gestures to the table of refreshments. "Of course. Help yourself to any snacks or drinks while you're here." She turns and settles down into the office chair.

    Now that Bunny is inside, she can see a vaguely cat-shaped puddle of black resting on the bed who blinks up at her with gorgeous yellow eyes. It hops off the bed and with a flutter of clawed wings lined with blue-black feathers, lands gracefully on the floor. It comes up to Bunny, tail quirked into a question mark, and weaves its way through her legs, indifferent to the fact that it might trip her.

    "Memphis, no!" Lydia admonishes the cat. Stars coalesce into a tentacle and reach out to snag the cat before he can trip up Bunny and settles him into her lap. It gives a little 'mrrp' in protest, but once he finds himself on a lap seems content to stay there and purr. "Sorry," Lydia says. "He's really friendly."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Well. Leg. The other one's still up as she tries to make her way to a chair, embarrassed about refreshments. "Oh, no, no, I'm all right. It's alte. I try not to eat after seven PM." she explains, and she turns to the vauge puddle of void, and then with a gasp she watches the feathers spread, the tail curling up and the silent footsteps as she pauses, and she watches with wide eyes as Lydia admonishes the cat and the stars turn into a tentacle.

    "No, he's amazing, that was amazing -- was that magic? Was thtat Magic or are you a mutant? 'Cause I mean I didn't think the GOlem would be like a responsive thing but ohmigawd it even stopped and I considered givingi t a more friendly face 'cause it's all --" she makes a stern, grumpy face then as she plops down on one of the chairs, her crutches going to the side so she can FURTHER exemplify her grumpy face before she comes back to her regular face and she goes "and after the other day when these two MASSIVe mutants broke up the office I was making a delivery at and the FBI didn't even wanna report that my ankle was broken by a freakin' NINJA lady I'm like --" she motions to the winged cat "THAT is the most normal and cool thing I've seen in the last twenty-four hours minus MAYBE my little siblings deciding to paintbomb the back stairs 'cause someone fart-bombed it last week and we're not gonna be out/done/ yaknow?!"

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny breathes out in sudden exhaustion "I want one in bright freakin' blue an' purple tabby colors. Or maybe blue an' pink. Really keep 'em guessin'." she breathes out.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia listens to Bunny ramble with patience and a small amused smile. "I am a mutant," she explains, "and a little bit more. A fleshcrafter. Memphis, here, is one of my creations. Instead of keeping this skill to myself, I've decided to use this for the greater good. Helping heal people like yourself. Restoring lost limbs." She lets out a little chuckle, "Even minor things like erasing scars, or getting rid of unfortunate tattoos. I can also do more extensive body modifications, though one must be careful lest I be called another Frankenstein."

    She purses her lips thoughtfully at Bunny's request. "That can be arranged, though I'd be reticent to do so. That kind of thing would draw undue attention which I am trying to avoid."

    "Now," she says, rolling the office chair closer, and setting the cat down, "let's take a look at your ankle."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "I wouldn't tell anyone where I got it. I mean, I'm currently hanging around with some weird people... okay, a weird person... but I mean... *flying neon colored cat* how freaking cool would THAT be?!" she complains, and she leans back in her seat a moment. "So my skinned knee scars, the one on my chin, I could make 'em go away too?" she asks in curiosity... but she purses her lips a moment as she leans on one fist.

    "Be a lot cooler if you could." she mumbles, and then she shifts herself around, and brings out her booted ankle. It's in a guy's white tubesock. The boot was actually too big for her, so it's lined in a couple of places.

    "The guys at the building did about as good a job as they could." she explains.

    Her ankle's a mess. She's probably in a lot of pain.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    "It would be very cool, I must admit," Lydia says with something of an unsettling smirk and an almost anticipatory gleam in her odd colored eyes. "But we can discuss later. For now, let's concentrate on that ankle of yours."

    "I can do your scars, too, while you're here if you like" she says while watching Bunny pull off the boot with something of a mix of eagerness and hunger. She tsks when the ankle is revealed, all swollen and red. "Amateurs," she mutters, as she gently lifts up the ankle. The pain it must be causing recedes as soon as she touches it, no doubt flooding the girl with relief. "It's good that you came to me," she says. "If you had let this heal naturally you'd be walking with a cane for the rest of your life."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    She's put on a very brave face so far, traveling alone through Mutant Town after midnight. With an ill-prepped broken ankle, snapped and shattered at the bottom of the tibula and fibia. It had been contained by her tight-laced rollerskates. They cut the skate off her.

    She tilts her head back a moment, feeling the swollen skin and enflamed, burning nerves suddenly -- stop.

    She physically gasps, her body jumping at Lydia's touch as she investigates it. She bites her lower lip.

    "I only have a couple hundred dollars." she mumbles, "... but I'm a messenger girl. An'... an' I work all over Brooklyn. And know how to keep a secret." she adds on, "I need this fixed or I can't work, an' if I'm stuck with a cane, I can't work!" she whispers, her shoulders rising up.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    "No need to pay," Lydia says, as she probes the ankle with her fingers. "I'm not doing this for money, but I won't turn down a tip."

    She scowls at the mangled ankle and warns, "This will feel weird. You may not want to watch." Then she presses her fingers *into* and *through* the skin to work on the bones directly. There's no blood involved as she works, and the skin and muscles just seem to flow around her fingers like they weren't there.

    As she sets the bones back into place, there are strange pulling and popping sensations that travel up the leg, and a faintly warm sensation as she heals the bone. She nods, satisfied and pulls out her fingers, leaving the skin unblemished. Soon, her foot starts to tingle pins and needles, like she had sat on it wrong and it's just starting to wake up. That soon fades though and feeling returns to her foot.

    "All done," Lydia says with a satisfied grin. "Oh, I'm not worried that you'll say anything." She looks up and locks eyes with the girl, "Because <you'll keep this a secret between us, no matter what.>" Lydia pushes her will onto the unsuspecting girl, making sure that this secret will remain safe. "Now. Those scars?"

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "... that's... surprisingly altruistic for Brooklyn." Bunny replies, a little bit shocked, but then she can't look away. It's not the same as having a chainsaw bare down on her, or bullets whizzing by her. She doesn't even activate her mutant power as she watches with the fascination of a kid as the fingers go into and through her skin, moving aside sinew and bone as if it wasn't even there, like she's simply adjusting something. The bones knit and fuse back together, and when she pulls her fingers away, the twitching, numbing warmth ebs, and is replaced by tingling pins and needles. She stretches her foot slightly, wiggling those alternating sky-blue-and-neon-pink toenails as she gives a sound of GLEEEEEEEEEEEEE and drops her skates from her shoulders, as if not having them on was in fact physically awful for her (which it was. She lived in those skates. She has the wheel replacements to prove it), but she pauses a moment, looking up to Lydia, blue to the pink, and she freezes in place a moment. No, she wouldn't be repeating anything. Fear passes over her face, a shadow for a moment, and then she breathes out.

    "Oh, well, I mean, they're just skinned knees. Normal kid stuff, yaknow?"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia gives Bunny a smile that's more predatory than anything else. "Good," she says as if she could read the girl's mind on keeping silent. Her smile softens into something more satisfied with a job well done and she leans back in her chair. "Ultimately up to you," she says. "Some people like their childhood scars. Others don't."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "I think my dad's going to be suspicious enough that I'm walking and skating again. Or he'll be thrilled. I'm bleeding him money while I can't work, you know." she explains, and she bents her leg to begin tying on one of the roller skates. "He was pissed when he showed up to pick me up that he wouldn't even listen ta me when Iw as talking about the mutants who ripped up the place or the ninja lady that broke my ankle. Good thing O'Neil does."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia listens to Bunny wearing a polite smile as Bunny talks about her personal life, but otherwise looks rather disinterested in it. "Good thing, indeed!"

    "Well!" she says clapping her hands and rubbing them as she stands. "Looks like you're all good to go. "Please do try to be careful. I would hate to have to work on it again."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny hops to her feet, now in skates, and she gives a bright grin.

    "Awesome! Thank you Lydia! Thank you Memphis! Must like Country music, huh?" she gives a great big grin, and pulls a helmet from her bag (which is also bright neon pink, though the helmet hasb unny ears on it), and clipping it on she gives a wave, a kick of her foot and skates backwards towards the door.

    Opens the door.

    Skates backwards through the door...

    And promptly falls down the stairs.