12383/A Greeting Without the Shotgun

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A Greeting Without the Shotgun
Date of Scene: 09 August 2022
Location: Oblivion Bar
Synopsis: Chas goes to the Oblivion Bar in search of Jason Blood. Upon finding the man, he offers the sorcerer an alliance and a new task in securing the sanctity of reality.
Cast of Characters: Chas Chandler, Jason Blood

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas had managed to find the old mystic rolodex from the pile of belongings he moved out of the Laughing Magician. There were a number of names in it that might prove helpful for their current plight and that meant extending an olive branch to a number of them that Constantine had burned in his (usually unsucessful) forays into cooperative works. One in particular, pinged his memory and so he headed out to try and find the man.

    Asking around local circles yielded little results and so he makes his way to the last possible place he would think to look: Midnight's Oblvion Bar. He steps into the establishment from an access point in downtown Manhattan and is imediately met by a number of eyes. Angelic sorts aren't hard to spot and they're even less conspicuous when roaming with Free Will. The bar keep levels a gaze at him, and then at a sign near the entrance that says "Accorded Neutral Grounds" before fixing him with another steady glare.

    Chas holds up his hands in a pacifying gesture. "Ain't here to cause trouble, mate. Just looking for some allies... that's all. I'll do my business here and be out of your hair in no time. Honest." His blue eyes travel over those in the bar as he heads deeper into the establishment, looking for one of the worlds foremost authorities on demons and ancient evils.

Jason Blood has posed:
    Sometimes the fates smile upon the practitioners of the mystic arts, and what they seek is easily found. This is one of those times for Chas, as the former Arthurian Knight and current bearer of one of Hell's greater Demons (and of course, consulting demonologist) Jason Blood is in fact in attendance within the Oblivion. He is seated off to the side, engaging in a lively conversation with another mystic who is deep into his cups. Well, the mystic is lively. Jason is simply watching him impassively, a slightly dour expression on his face. From the way the other mystic is wildly gesturing, he was either involved in summoning a Greek titan or is attempting to present that he caught the world's largest catfish.

    Clearly unimpressed with whatever tale is being spun, Jason's gaze drifts over the bar and its other occupants, perhaps seeking some rescue from the current storyteller. Or anything else to focus his attention on other than the two voices prattling for attention within his mind, neither with anything worth listening to.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas finds a table near one of the walls and watches Jason and his enthusiastically drunken companion for a bit before the other man locks eyes with him. He nods and then casually pushes one of the other chairs out with a nudge of his boot. He gestures as if in invitation for Jason to disengage from his currently unintersting conversation to perhaps attempt to engage in one that might be more up to his speed.

    It's at the very least a face the demonologist knows--maybe not the friendliest of faces--but a known one. And if he's offering an invite, it might be worth the former Knight's time to look into the necessity given the circles Chas used to run in.

Jason Blood has posed:
    Based around the level of engagement that Jason Blood has with the spinning tale before him, he might have switched tables to join John Constantine himself at this point. Though that may perhaps be a stretch. He nods to his table mate, and offers a few brief words quietly. They go unheard as the tale continues to be spun, and even as Jason departs it seems not to dissuade its telling.

    A slow, measured gait carries the ostensibly immortal knight over to the table occupied by Chas, and he slips into the chair without ceremony or much else. Once seated, Jason gives the man a nod. "I assume that your need is great if you have condescended to reaching out to me." He never was one for small talk.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas regards the man neutrally. "That's an understatement. Look, I know we got off more than wrong foot the few times we've crossed paths. But a lot has happened since then. I'm... well, it'd be easier to show you." His eyes flood briefly with blue liquid fire akin to that of some of the largest of stars. The creature that occupies a spot in Jason's soul would more than recognize the aura of heavenly energy radiating from his before it's tamped back down and the light fades back to normalcy in Chas' eyes. "To say I'm a different man, wouldn't be an understatement."

    He places his hands upon the table, in sight, unthreateningly. "I want to offer you a couple of things. One, a spot on my team--and before you ask, no Constantine isn't part of it. We've gone our seperate ways. And two, a job at ensuring that reality stays intact. I'm sure that's something you and your friend can agree is a worthwhile cause."

Jason Blood has posed:
    An eyebrow arches as Jason regards Chas' display. He considers that for a moment, weighing it against past history.

He shines, he shines
Avoid the rhymes,
Let me stay here,
Not to him near.

    There is a bit of a smile that creeps over Jason's countenance, and he nods slowly. "When it comes to choosing drinking companions, even the most flea ridden feline stands on merits at keeping away the rat." He offers a nod to a member of the staff checking in, confirmation that he will be remaining at that seat. A new drink should be over shortly. "Wise to lead with the lack of your erstwhile companion. There is not often room for both of us on the same team, leaving those with him all the lesser for it. But do go on about the threat to reality, as I find it is a most comforting place for me to reside, as much as any."

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas smirks at Jason's assessment of the breathing room with both sorcerers in the room and nods. "Old Gods. A coterie of Fifteen of them, led by one of the big daddies among their sort are trying to remove the only collective group standing in their way." He says as a server comes by and plants a tall pint of a rich smelling dark ale before him. "If they win, bye-bye world. If they lose? Well... we live on for a bit longer. Until the next existential threat comes along."

    He takes a sip from the pint and nods to Jason. "I know your area of expertise is demons, but I figure you have to have come along a bit of information about the Old Gods from time to time in your circles. Hard not to know what to tangle with even for the demonic sorts."

Jason Blood has posed:
    "So you are being hunted by some Old Gods, and have decided now it is time to play nice with the man who walked with Merlin to see what insight you can gleam?" A pint is places in front of Jason and he nods briefly to the server. He takes it up and samples a slow sip, as if contemplating Chas' dilemma. "I must admit, there are times that the prospect of finding sweet oblivion..." He waves his free hand around. "The concept, not this particular establishment." He takes another sip. "It would hold some appeal to me. But lucky you are that you have found me during one of the decades when I am not loathing my continued existence, and thus have a vested interest in preventing the end of the world." A nod. "Until the next threat comes along, and we reassess."

    "I have come across plenty of knowledge in my days, and no doubt my friend has come into even more than that. If you can be a bit more specific, it might help guide me to the answers that you seek." He considers Chas for a moment. "I am happy to share, regardless of whether or not your team appears to be a good fit for me. I can, after all, be a team player. I was a member of the greatest team the world had ever seen." Another sip. "The likes of which, of course, we shall never see again."

Chas Chandler has posed:
    "These fifteen are new to even the Hosts... either their psuedonyms we're not familiar with or something else is going on. But the one behind it all, they're more than familiar with him" Chas remarks before sipping more of the ale. "The Black Pharaoh, The Crawling Chaos, The Stalker Among the Stars, The God of a Thousand Forms... I'd rather not invoke his given name if I don't have to. Especially since I'm sure Midnight would be less than pleased to have his establishment noticed by one such as this."

    He shakes his head. "We've encountered their servants. Avatars I suppose for lack of a better term and forced them to retreat, but there's something more to it. Something to do with our base I think, but we're constantly on defense. If we could find a way to take to the field and push some offense... we're having to sacrifice our own to their attacks and I don't like sitting around waiting. If you're feeling like putting on the armor and getting into the thick of it again, I'm sure we could find a suitable arrangement for both you and your friend." He offers Jason a grin. "After all, when these things are stomping around angels and demons tend to set old emnity aside, don't they?"

Jason Blood has posed:
    "Ah. Yes. The Messenger." Jason inclines his head in thought. "Truly this is a concern, as this could just as easily be he alone or him representing the greaters, and ... " Jason trails off, considering this. "It would seem that you have managed to attract the very worst sort of attention this time. Do you think your cabal is capable of repelling ... " A slight chuckle. "Hence, expansion. A threat to survival does make one desperate."

    Jason sips again at his drink, listening as Chas details the recent events with a slow nod. "Surely you do not intend to take the fight to his home turf? That would be to invite untold madness unto yourself." He frowns in thought. "Better to attract him somewhere of your choosing, and hope to maximize your benefit. But even that is..." He tsks. "You have yourselves in quite a pickle now." He drains the last of the glass, and the regards Chas evenly.

Let me out to join the fight.
I would care to test my might.
Rare a chance to show my mettle.
I shall help them with their score to settle.

    Jason's lips curve into a smile. "My colleague is in. For the fun." He nods to Chas. "I am in to preserve reality for at least the next few years. I have a matter or two that I would care to see play out before we all are eradicated."

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas chuckles. "We're not so desperate to go to the Abyss ourselves no. Even those of us who might survive the ambient atmosphere would lose our minds eventually." He shakes his head. "No. I mean... if we can take out these avatars hunt them down, do what needs to be done." He takes another long draw from the pint and sets it down. "What I am requires fighting it. Those around me are in the same boat one way or another."

    He nods as Jason accepts the offer. "Wonderful." He reaches inside his pocket and withdraws a small blue, antique key. "You're in the door. You should meet with Rien and Jon, they're the other leaders of the Justice League Dark. From there... we'll see how deep you want to get in on it. But you're in the door. Just... use the key on any door and step on through to our base. It's not a bad place. A little weird but in our circles, what isn't." He slides the key over the top of the table.

    There is a resonance to the key. Some form of advanced teleportation magic that Jason isn't familiar with. It's close to fae in its energy but slightly different. "Feel free to use the premises as you like. The library is especially nice and if your associate needs to blow off some steam the Training Room is more than capable of withstanding even the worst of energies and can provide more than its own share of entertainment."

Jason Blood has posed:
    Jason's gaze flickers down to the key, and then back to Chas. "I look forward to meeting the rest of your merry men and women," he replies as his fingers slip out to collect the key. He does not peer at it, but he does turn it over in his fingers a few times before secreting it away in a pocket. "I shall certainly join you for this fight, and we shall see if you can tolerate my presence long enough for me to grow to enjoy yours." There is a mirthless smile on his face.

    "Oh, my associate tends to collect steam more than blow it off, and he is quite capable of doing both in his current environs."

Let me show them what I can do.
Perhaps then they will be fearful of you.
I promise not to break anything much,
It is not my fault I am hazardous to touch.

    Jason sighs quietly. "I shall look into what I can discern about the recent activities of the foes with which we know, and share them with the team if I find anything of value."

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas' own smile is equally as mirthless. "I'm sure that we'll either be at each others throats by the end of it or drinking buddies by the end. Either way, it'll surely be fun" he says as he drains the rest of his pint. He slips a few bills under the empty tankard, which disappear almost instantly and pushes away from the table to rise. "I'll be on my way then. Looking forward to working with you in a more geneial capacity than before, Blood."

    He looks down at the seated man and nods. "I'm not John and while I had his back for a long time, I've made enough waves of late to distance myself from his ship." He shakes his head. "I'm not above letting bygones be bygones regardless of whatever came before. I trust your intellect and respect your abilities, from there we can see how we work out. Like I said, if you come across Jonathan Sims or Rien D'Arqueness in the base... let them know I vouch for you, if they haven't checked their messages. I'll see you around, Blood."

Jason Blood has posed:
    "It would be hard to work with in a less genial capacity," replies Jason Blood with a smirk. "But this does seem to be the rotation we all do, at least when Constantine is not around to muck it all up." He waves a hand vaguely, laughing as Chas continues.

    "The very fact that you acknowledge a need to distance yourself from him speaks well to your wisdom on the matter, and I appreciate that candor. He seems to have ensorcelled many of our colleagues with his coarse mannerisms and puerile conversation." Another shrug from Jason Blood. "I shall see about your colleagues, and make myself a presence within your chambers. I have little going on of my own business right now, so I can put myself directly to your task." He gives a nod. "I shall speak with you soon."