12842/Boy Meets Girl, Loses His... Cape

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Boy Meets Girl, Loses His... Cape
Date of Scene: 20 September 2022
Location: Behind the Library - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Indestructibelle meets Billy and Billy gets his cape back.
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Sunny Harlow

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam flew about Happy Harbor for a while seeking Indestructibelle, and his borrowed cape. He helped a lady change her tire (he looked the procedure over in her car manual.) He caught a couple graffiti artists and gave them a talk. The catch of the evening for Happy Harbor was a shoplifter/runaway that he took home. He cruised into Manhattan and stopped an armored car hold up and brought a man having heart pains to an ER.

The next day he went to class and was Billy. He checked out CapeNewzz, which had a couple of photos of Shazam and speculation about his cape-less look and wether he was a fashion setter. This led to him snorting soda out his nose. After school he went behind the library, gained 60 lbs, five or six years and 5 inches and flew out to try to find his new colleague.

Indestructibelle where are you? Surely a beautiful blonde who could fly would stand out?

Stay professional, Shazam.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Where was she? Dealing with the reality that going out and being a caped crusader didn't tend to pay the bills or get homework done. With her hair tied back, her form still wrapped in her waitress uniform and having resisted the impulse to throw a customer who'd tried to demand a free coffee off her to the moon the girl was making her way to where she'd stashed her bag and currently untying her apron, tucking it away and digging in her bag for her costume.

Not exactly dignified changing on some city rooftop by the stair access, but at least it was quick enough and eventually Indestructibelle was taking to the air!

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam is enjoying flying. Truth be told, in the Shazimily he's an average flyer at best. Lightning is his thing. So he's flying slow over Happy Harbor, occasionally waving to people and getting a kite off some power lines that results in some sparks. Those tickled. The kite is tangled but good and he works at the string as he should really be electrocuted several times over. Well, Freddy did call him Captain Sparkle Fingers. He tries to damp down the electrical effects. He focusses on what he's doing, ignores one cry of "where's ya cape, didja get demoted?"


Sunny Harlow has posed:
Flight? Sunny loved. Sure it was fun to look like she did and be able to juggle cars, but there was nothing quite like being able to zoom into low orbit and see the stars from the best seat in the house. She'd even made it to the moon once before, but she hadn't quite managed to find the flag or that plaque yet!

Pulling her hair from the tie and letting it rest around her wrist the girl in her white and red costume had obviously done some repairs to her cape...and the rest of the suit given the tears and burns there'd been last time.

Okay, so she'd started from scratch, that was why there was less blue this time, leaving her looking almost reminiscent of the forgotten hero Omni-Man.

Thankfully, the sky over Happy Harbor wasn't exactly super full at the moment, so spotting her and that bright red cape wasn't hard.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam's problem with the kite sting solves itself as the string is electrified and burns up. He saves the kite, brings it to the owner and flies off with a wave and no cape. Then he spies a red and white form and streak of blond and jets off to meet her. He doesn't break mach one. People do note the wind of his wake. He flies in from behind, then over her to hang his head down.

"Hey there, Indestructibelle! How goes it? I was wondering where you went off to. But I guess... you were a little camera shy."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
No sound barrier crack, probably a good thing. Human sized things breaking the sound barrier tended to do some damage too close to buildings. Still she turns as she's approached, coming to a stop and blinking. "Oh! Hey Shazam...Yeah I uh...didn't want the first images of me on the net to be...well, focused elsewhere."

A nervious laugh, she clears her throat, gesturing to herself. "I uh, tried to wash your cape but...I don't think it can actually get dirty so..." A shrug, she bites her lip. "I didn't bring it with me though. Figured it might get confusing, and it is a little big on me."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam ahs. "Oh yeah of course. I'm sorry I showered on you... I mean I can get my bra... cape(!) another time." He coughs, despite being invulnerable. "Uhm... it looks like we might be in for a little shower... rain! Could I interest you in a burger at Big Belly's? To congratulate you on your debut... colleague." Smooth. He suddenly slide slips a little to avoid a seagull. Seagulls were the worst.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Perhaps that was the best reason to go for the big red cape, trying to avoid birds...yet if they could hit a fighter jet, they could definately hit a 5'8" girl going the same speed and height. Did she catch the slip? Maybe, given that little selfconcious cross of her arms over her bust out of memory before she comes to shrug her shoulders. "Uh...sure, but I don't really have a wallet on me in this..." she explains, gesturing to her bodysuit.

Okay, new idea: she needed a utility belt. No gadgets, just snacks and loose cash!

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam indicates the bag he carries. "I have money in here. It's my treat. Welcome to the community. You should have someplace to hide money on a costume. Stick a couple bills in your shoe or whatever. Stuff happens, you might not always be able to fly. I got really messed up fight the Juggernaut and needed an Urgent Care afterwards. I also have a phone in here. Phones are good to have. You get lost flying sometimes and there's apps to scan police bands and report crimes." As he speaks, he falls into flying alongside her.

"I'm sorry I misspoke. I turn into a doofus around a pretty girl." That took quite a bit of the Courage of Achilles to drag out of him.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Hey! Actual hero advice! She should write that down...but she left her phone in her bag. Oops. Still she nods, following the flight path towards the burger joint. At least he hadn't suggested the cafe she was working at. That wouldn't exactly fly if she walked back in in costume after walking out.

Still his words bring a laugh, a little shake of her head. "It's fine. Honestly I was -super- relieved when you turned up to that building fire. I figured I was going to be flying around stealing fire extinguishers and hoping!"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam lands and holds the door open for her. He gives her a pat on the shoulder. "You'd have made out fine. See you were making back up plans. You're a natural. Oh watch your cape going through the door. Allow me." He sees to the cape. "I caught mine a couple times. You get used to it." The burger place seems fairly deserted and used to him at least. The buzz is a bare minimum.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Accidently pulling her cape free and taking the door with it wouldn't be the best start, Sunny does at least move through the doorway with some grace (and assistance) even if they might get an odd look or two simply walking into the burger join. "Maybe we get it to go, huh? People are gonna stare a fair bit. Or ask you for an autograph.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam nods and gets double bacon cheeseburgers, fries and chocolate shakes to go. At least no one takes a picture, oh wait, there goes one. He zips around Sunny to prevent a clear picture of her face, to the phone owner's annoyance. "Not cool dude! She might have a secret identity. Take one of me."

"Mannnn... she can hide all 'a that, she's a magician too!"

Shazam holds the door and watches her cape again. Yes her cape!

"Where do you want to go to eat? Canada? Iceland is nice. Or the beach?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Facial recognition was a pain, that was partially why she kept her hair down...but she was probably going to have to find a mask at some point...or just keep distance in costume. Still, out the door and with food to go, Sunny took to the air with a laugh. "Food might get cold with that sort of windspeed. Maybe just pick a rooftop over the bay?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam says, "Oh, that sounds nice if the weather holds up." He peers at the clouds. "I can call lightning and storms. I don't know about calling clear weather.

This feels so right. Anjelica was so different from me, so fragile. Irie only knew me as Billy. But she's my first friend outside the Shazamily I feel comfortable with. I mean I was a flat out dork with her and she focussed on my heroing stuff. Maybe I should explain about Billy to her.

You don't just explain your other form is a powerless twink. Can you trust her? A supervillain working undercover would trigger the Wisdom of Solomon. I think.

She's really sweet.

He circles to an ornate apartment building roof. There are even planers and benches set out.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A little laugh, Sunny just grins at that. "Well, I've never tried to eat a burger while racing the rain, lets hope we don't have to try today!" With that she's headed upwards and following his lead, headed for the pointed out rooftop that was a heck of a lot nicer than the one on which she'd left her stuff. Still, she settles in, dropping down with a grin and unwrapping her burger.

It had been a long day at work, she was hungry...and she clearly hadn't noticed she'd immediately got a spatter of ketchup on her suit.

White still had its flaws!

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam takes a bite of his burger. "I'm glad you have an appetite. Some girls eat half a power bar. If I'm not out of line, how long have you been empowered? Oh you got..." He gestures to the ketchup smear on her... white. Yes white. "If you had a costume like mine I could just zap it off. Probably a bad idea with spandex." He takes another bite and winds up with mustard on the side of his mouth.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Oh I'm..." she begins before pausing. Was it weird to tell people she was an alien? It was certainly weird to say it out loud. She hadn't even discussed it with anyone other that her parents and they were the ones who told her. "Since I was...sixteen maybe? It didn't all happen at once. Took some getting used to so I didn't break things or leave potholes every time I touched down."

His second comment brings a little blink, a look down at herself and the spatter on her chest with a little groan. "Yeah, maybe -I- need a magic cape. I don't know how people like superman don't have a massive laundry and repair bill."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam gives a chuckle. "I got my 'bundle' all at once. It took some getting used to. Flying... gods! I kept leaping and falling. I was practicing in a deserted industrial park. You know I hav a... family? I took a couple weeks to fly. When they got their powers... they all start hovering from the start! I was so embarrassed. Now lightning... that's my thing. Even then... I ruined a few phones before I figured out how to charge them. Weather control is new... I'm still a beginner." He wipes his mouth with a napkin. "So how fast are you? Flying I mean."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"You have a superpowered family?" she questions, chuckling a little. "That's crazy. Guess it explains why you're so comfortable with it. For me it's all about adjusting what's normal, you learn to manage the strength. First time I had a nightmare I broke my bed in half." A little shake of her head, she chews her bottom lip. "I can go faster than sound, but I don't exactly have a speedometer."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam takes a sip and says, "I raced a friend to Philly. It was on foot and he was a kind of Flash. Racing those guys is hard. It was the first time I started to get tired. Flying is way easier. Anyway, my dopey sister, Thunderbolt filmed it all for charity. I nearly got killed when I changed ... oh uh. I have an alter ego. Nothing special. Testing invulnerability... if I ever out my alter ego I have the recordings. there was a robbery I stopped in a convenience store. It was my first night. Can you see bullets? I can. Sometimes I can get out of the way. They felt like a little poke. Are you bulletproof? It's good to know. I don't want to see you get hurt." He looks a little worried, first at the slip about the alter ego, then at her safety.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I've...never been shot at," she admits, chuckling a little before gesturing to herself with a little laugh as she finishes off her burger. "I mean, I've been hit by a car, had a building collapse on me so...I think I'm bulletproof?" A pause, Sunny reaches for a fry. "I guess it's kinda silly to call myself Indestructibelle...but nothing's managed to hurt me yet?"

Naive perhaps, but Sunny was nothing if not optemistic. "So...alter ego huh?" she offers lightly. "I guess you wouldn't be doing grocery shopping in a cape and stuff."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam grabs a fry and looks away. "It's... it makes some things easier and a lot of things harder. And I don't HAVE a cape right now anyway." He gives her a shoulder nudge and smiles.

"Don't be scared... I'll be a little loud... SHAZAM!" The word seems to resonate strongly but a moment before the lightning strikes him. Sunny might get sight of the actual transformation. What the heck. It isn't like she'd know Billy. She was what 22-23? Several years ahead of him in school.

Billy turns around to look at her eye to eye and says, "This is me also. If you're a villain in disguise, I'm going to be really disappointed."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I can give you that back afterwards if you like," Sunny points out before the sudden surge of lightning next to her makes her jump. She'd not been hit by lightning directly before. It actually brought a non-heroic shriek from her as she jumps sideways only to blink a little.

"Oh wow...that was a a big thing to..." a blink, a tilt of her head and Sunny turns, sitting on her knees and a finger pointed at him. "You went to the highschool!" she exclaims.

Of course, if she thought it through, she'd realise she outed herself as doing the same.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam reaches out t grab her hands. He looks a little rueful. "I didn't mean to scare you. Yeah its a blast. It takes a while to et over just flinching automatically from things like explosions or guns. Wait..." Twenty something? "I messed up with friends I made when I didn't explain to them abut Shazam and... me. I wanted to get off to a good start with you... sit back down. I'll warn you when I change back... unless, well pick who you prefer, Indestructibe... wait... I know you! You brought me lunch at the diner the other day. I tipped you like five bucks -you were so nice to me." Yes, then he skipped dinner. Unless you count noodles.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam Says, "I still go to the school. I miss a lot of classes. There were these giant robots in Metropolis... there was that leviathan thing off the coast I never even reported. It is not easy... please sit back down. I can't even do anything in this form... well, I can call the lightning."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I wasn't scared I was....prepared! uh-huh!" she offers only to blink at his grabbing her hand and a little soft 'oh' at him recogniing her. She couldn't transform to change her face like he could but she hadn't counted on being so easily discovered. At least he hadn't remembered her name, but honestly she should almost be impressed that he'd been looking at her face. Settling down onto her behind again the heroine shakes her head.

"I guess I'm lucky I didn't start doing this till I finished highschool."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson nods and returns to eating. As Billy. One did not invoke the lightning with a full mouth. It was a bit of a jolt and he didn't want her near a spit take. He already rained on her once. "I'm not finished. Like I said." He waits for the brush off. Sorry kid. He nudges her shoulder, is not surprised when he fails to move her one bit.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Well, hey if I managed it? I'm sure you will." she muses before reaching to pick up another fry before sighing a little and laughing. "At least you have it easy cleaning up. And changing. I thought about wearing my costume under my clothes but...neckline. Maybe that's why some heroes wear more revealing stuff."

Billy Batson has posed:
(I shouldn't have grabbed her hand. I just didn't want to scare her.) O o. Billy thinks. What, wait neckline? He turns to look at her. "I had students think I was a creep, when the other guy showed up and acted like he was sixteen. I had grown women proposition me when I was fifteen... gorgeous grown women. It's been a mess. I'd rather deal with your changing difficulties... plus... you're very pretty in both identities. I'm a twink like this. I mean, you're cool." Cool? She's nuclear.

"Sorry I grabbed your hand."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A laugh, Sunny shakes her head at his complaint. "How awful," she teases before laughing and gesturing to herself. "I mean, I'm just trying to live up to an ideal. There's a lot of superheroes out there but...well, big shoes to fill. Just trying to do something good with myself."

As for his apology, she laughs, reaching out to pat his shoulder. Gentle enough one might have no idea of her true strength. "I think I'll survive."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson swallows. "You want to do this again, sometime? Maybe fight crime a little then hang out? Or just hang out?" He wipes his hands off, having finished his meal. Except the fries. He offers the bag to her. Looks a little hopeful. "Maybe I can help you with your powers? Hey is twenty percent still a good tip for you?" He smiles at his joke.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I'm not going to complain againt any tips," Sunny points out before stretching out, taking a last handfull of fries and then considering a place for them to deposit the rubbish. "In both senses. I get the feeling my 'uniform fees' are only going up."

Still, his offer brings a nod, a little grin and a beckon with her hand. "Guess you might might as well follow me back to my bag. I left your cape in it."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson nods and collects the trash. He wads it into a ball then steps back.

He yells "SHAZAM!" and lightning crashes a again. When it fades, Shazam lets the ashes of their trash drift from his fingers. "Stupid superhuman tricks. I've done worse." He grins. "Lead on Super Server!" He beckons to the sky, lifting about a foot off the ground. "Oh... uniform fees... got it... maybe try a layered look? Or... maybe one of the tech heroes would help you like Stark or Kord. That costume mishap must have been... yikes."