12830/A Meeting of Like... err...

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A Meeting of Like... err...
Date of Scene: 19 September 2022
Location: Candle, Booke and Belle
Synopsis: Padraigh O'Malley shows up to meet Nettie Crowe in the Candle, Booke and Belle. The two trade commentary, and Nettie gives him a gentle welcome to the JLD.
Cast of Characters: Nettie Crowe, Padraigh O'Malley

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    The Candle, Booke and Belle was a semi-well known Metaphysical shop and apothecary, tea shop and scone...erry... that existed in an old brick building in the East Village. It was best known for its sometimes erratic hours, the eccentric woman who ran the thing, and the fact that on the odd occasion there would be a crow who would look up when you entered as if interrupting a terribly important conversation, who'd fly up to the rafters and glare.

    And also for the weird stuff that pops up in the apothecary section, celebrety grave dirt, powdered skulls, fertilised red mantis eggs (powdered and whole), and sometimes The Weird Stuff got a little out of hand.

    Today the shop was open. There was a chalkboard announcing that today's tea was Pu-erh fermented tea, cinnamon tea and Pumpkin-Sans-Spice.

    With a stick-figure wearing uggs going 'OMG NO SPICE?!' beneath it.

    There is music coming out of the shop, some Fleetwood Mac coming with that warmth that comes from being played on vinyl.

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley smirks walking in giving an odd sniff and a slight shudder his eyes move along the area before landing on that board with the specials. Not caring to even look he pulls out a Lucky Strike from his pack and sparks it with his zippo, perhaps he's trying to fade out the odd scent he's getting or even the one he may be giving off. Though in truth his divine roots may be more on display now than normally. He approaches the counter and looks at whoever is behind it. "Hi, there may Oi ge' a hot Earl Grey tea black." He asks pulling out a bill and setting it on the counter.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    The woman behind the counter, wearing rimless glasses and her silver-gray hair pulled back into a low bun gives a wave as Padraigh walks in.

    "Be right with you!" she calls out, putting some boxes below the counter for safe keeping. There's a couple of teens trying to make a decision on a folio to purchase, and she's minding them as well, and she comes up to the counter, wiping her hands as she eyeballs Padraigh.

    "An' good day to you sir." she greets him with a small smile, and accepts the bill.

    She works the ancient brass register at the end, returns to Padraigh his change, and washes her hands for a brief before she pulls out a gray teapot, and assembles the Earl Grey, with its bergamont and black tea.

    "Sounds like you're a fair bit 'way from home." she states conversationally.

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley chuckles and shrugs a bit. "Aye maybe, I was raised in Gotham most o' me loife. Bu' spen' a lot o' toime in Oireland visitin' family there and me mother was born and raised in Cork." He says simply tossing the change in a tip cup or jar or whatever they have. He takes another drag off of his cigarette inhaling and exhaling as he leans back popping his body tasting it and smelling that scent. "Wha' is tha'?" He asks thoughtfully with a chuckle looking around hopefully finding the source of that smell. "Hmmmm....so wha' exac'ly is it tha' ye' do an' sell here?

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "That all depends, sir, on what 'that' is that you're questioning. Rosehips, dragon's blood..." she states, her Lincolnshire accent coming on strong as she speaks, "... the cigarette you're holding. Got a strong accent for bein' raised in Gotham all your life lad." she remarks with a smile, and she sets a cup and saucer in front of him. It's all shades of lavender, with a black band around the top of the teacup. Simple, no fluting about it. The gray teapot is then placed in front of Padraigh, the witch raising her fine, light gray eyebrows as she purses her lips.

    "Knew a bloke who lived in Gotham a while. Scouse. Never lost it."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley laughs and nods his head. "Aye I ge' that a lot. Smells loike, grave dirt, and funeral Lillies we' grass an' the loike." He says softly with a raised brow. "Scents I be all to familiar with ta be sure." He says with shake of his head taking a drink. "Bu' Lass I donnae think yer from aroun' here either now are ye'?" He asks with a grin taking another drag."Bu' nah i' aint me cigarette tha' Oi am certain o'/

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Don't you 'lass' me, boyo." Nettie gives a wry grin, and she leans back on her heels. "Yes, that's what you carry with you. The smell of a fresh grave, the softened ground after a rainstorm, the lilies placed on a coffin."

    Her unnaturally bright eyes give a bright sparkle, as if they're playing a game.

    "An' no, I'm from England. But, worry not, didn't agree with the politics. None of my business. I was away." she states quick to jump off the 'who hates England more' bandwagon.

    "But I've been been around. Traveled a bit. Fought a bit. Adventures and mishaps, but not often I come across one as yourself. Seems like you've got a story to tell, or one to weave, and of which I'm not sure yet it is."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley chuckles taking another sip and yet another drag of that cigarette. "Donnae be forgettin'" Sniff sniff. "Nigh' shade. I smell nigh' shade, wai' yer tellin' me tha' smell be comin' offa me?" He says shaking his head. "Oi may be a Necromancer...an' his son...bu' there ain' no way tha' Oi be smellin' loike death itself. A' least none o' the Lassies Oive me' have though' so ye' know?"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "You do realize most people are going to hear 'Necromancer' and think you're something bad, lad, right?" the witch asks with a mild expression. "And who's son? Not like you wear a sign with your lineage on it, boyo. If you did, I wouldn't be here guessin'." she gives a kind smile to Padraigh, and rubs the back of her neck. "You're probably reactin' to some protective wards I've set up. Might itch a bit." she explains with a smile.

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley smiles and nods. "Allow me ta introduce meself. Oim Padraigh O'Malley though me friends jus' call me Paddy." He says taking another drag and a drink of the tea. "Son of Arawn, Celtic God o' Death and the Underworld, and Aye Oi'm sure there are those who wouldnae understan' tha' necromancy in an' of i'self isnae inherently evil nor is i' inherently good, bu' i' be gray an' depends upon yer inten' with i' as does all magic, an' as with all magic there be a cost.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "And The Cost never doesn't suck." Nettie gives a small smile to Paddy, and gives a nod.

    "Nettie Crowe, the Greywitch." she gives a small smile, and she pulls on a pale gray glove, offering a brief handshake to Paddy. "Pleasure to meet your acquaintence, Paddy. Been in the States long this round?"

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley says, "No no' tha' long only recen'ly returned and was brough' into the JLD." He says with a thought taking her hand and placing a brief kiss to the back of her hand before moving to take another drink and drag crushing the cigarette out on his boot pocketing the butt for now. "A pleasure Nettie, an' yer roight...the price often...very often sucks the big one. Bu' alas wha' can we do. I get lucky my cost isn't tha' bad I mean i's no' as bad as most since my power...my magic comes from Divine dominions.""

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "And mine from my blood line. Crowes and Broanes used to be quite the line of witchcraft. 'Fore we were all killed off. Disappointing, me, didn't stay down." she gives a wry smile, and a bit of color to her cheeks as Paddy kisses the back of her gloved hand.

    "Ah! Who brought you into the JLD? Gabby Kinney came through to recruit me back into it a few nights pass. Nice to get to know those I'll be working with, after all." she gives a wry smile.

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley nods his head and leans back. "John Constantine gave me a card...an' when I called the number I spoke with the young Lass. Gabby showed up ta mee' with me recrui'ed me an' gave me the key." He says with a chuckle.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Ah.... Constantine." Nettie gives a slight smile. "Bit of trouble, that lad. Lucky he had a card." Nettie reflects, bit of sadness crossing her eyes, and she gives a nod. "Gabby's a good kid, though. Good head on her shoulders. Well. She recruited me to help bring about some sense inta the others." she gives a small smile.

    "So, on acconut of the JLD being somewhat changed since I first helped with it --" Nettie leans in a moment, and asks, conspiritially

    "... honestly what is it with young bucks and mucking about the astral without proper instruction terrible bloody idea if you ask me you're bound to attract the wrong sort of attention an' no one without a password can even get inta that place."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley shrugs his head. "I don' know iffin I'm being honest with ya. They seem to want to fight against the strong with no idea of wha' tha' entails. They been Foightin angels from wha' Oi here an' thinkin they be good because they didnae die...and they tookem ou'."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley says, "Wha'll they do iffin they come up on a God?"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "... yeah I know. They took them out because someone was Chosen by The Presence. I kept my shop shut the entire time. Had to break it to him that he had to die. Nothing could be done about it. An' in the end bunch of folks got tortured outta their skulls, got burnt out, left, came back -- lot I didn't keep an eye on 'cause I left after a bit of an argument." Nettie considers.

    "They fought Gods of Death 'fore that, I know. Consoled someone through that, but memories are a bit shakey of last year." Nettie recounts.

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley shakes his head. "Aye perhaps the old team did but the new guys have they face off against a God? I donnae think most o' them can fight me an win, an' I'm only a spec...a drop inna bucket compared to the powers o' me da."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "And that's why we've got to teach them teamwork. In case they come across a god or godling who's less nice than you are, Pad the Lad." Nettie gives a small smile. "Much easier to face off against a god when you've got a couple of friends at your back and a couple more at theirs."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley nods and laughs. "Indeed, ye' be roight abou' tha' an' Oi be guessin' I' Doesnae hurt ta be havin' a DemiGod atcher back either does it?" Paddy laughs heartily draining his tea and then pulling out a fresh smoke and sparking it up.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "I know I'm right, I've got experience dealing with Death, gods, and other items. At least some experience." Nettie gives a small smile to Paddy, and then she leans back a moment.

    "You're not too bad for a Demigod, Pad."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley laughs and takes a drag before exhaling. "I'm guessin' ye've only had bad experiences with demigods? And no' all death gods are voile and cruel me Da ain't ye'..." He trails off and looks to his side. "Yea yea...boyo yer righ' yer righ'. Ok so me da isn't vile or cruel unless given reason."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Death is as natural a part of life as breathin'. They got a tough job and get ascribed some sombre duties, but I don't fault them none. My uncle just made me distasteful to most. An' nah." she gives a grin. "I tend to find most demigods to be a bit full a' themselves." she gives a grin "You'll find there's some of 'em about. Lotta Greek ones in New York. There's one who's decended from Egyptian gods about I know. Knew a Psychopomp or two in my day but an actual lad who claims a god of Death as their father? Well, interesting, that."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley shakes his head. "I'm full o' meself in my own righ' though in a much more reliable and laid back ok way ye' know?" He says with a shrug. "Usually it's me knowin' me wit or charm, or knowin' Oi'm an' attractive lad. I'm confiden' in me skills and powers bu

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley says, "No' over confident, to the point of arrogance and a prideful downfall." He says genuinely and sincerely."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Well that just means that you're Irish." Nettie gives a toothy grin, and grabs herself up a canned drink from beneath the counter.

    "My wife was Irish. Lovely lady. Utterly terrifying. Could outdrink every officer we encountered regardless of country."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley says, "A wife ye' say? So you're only into women darlin'?" He asks with a chuckle and a wink. "Oh Aye Oi've ye' to meet anyone tha' can be keepin' up with me when i' be comin' to keepin' down the drink." He smirks. "We Irish hol' the ti'le fer drinkin' aint no one ou' there drinks as hard, as much or as well as we Irish.""

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "I know a couple Japanese ladies who could give you a run for your money there, lad." Nettie points out as she leans on the counter. "And yeah, had a wife. Not to say that I've not considered a gent or two in my time, but most of the time... eeeh..." Nettie gives a slow shrug "Have to be a special reason, occasion, or gentleman." she explains, and waves it off "'Sides, most people these days are too young for me. I'm just a lonely ol' witch."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley laughs. "Judge no' me age by me looks. Oi inherited me fathers...abilities to ya know...no' age." He says with a grin and a nod. "Bu' Aye Oi ge' wha' yer sayin'. See tha' be how it is fer me in almost any circumstance. I donnae jus' wan' ta jump into bed with a lass. No no they have ta be special...an' to be hones' iffin they be easy they ain't worth i' and iffin they're worth it they willnae be easy."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Long lived, aye, but you're not precisely old enough to know my name nor who I am. Hence, why I'm guessin' you're younger than I look." she gives a wry smile. "But you didn't come all this way to hear an old biddie like e talk about the doings and whats." Nettie gives a small smile, and she pulls out a stool from her counter and sits down. "I mean, I fought Nazis. The Original ones. And the new ones, but they've got less sense, aye."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley smiles and takes another drag before pulling out his hip flask and taking a swig from it. "Oi've fought me fair share o' wars. And jus' because I donnae recognoize yer name doesnae mean Oi'm younger than you look. Though Oi mus' admit ye' look quite lovely. An' yes Oi donnae mind listenin' to ye' speak and tell stories. They tend to be entertaining." He smiles offering up his flask to Nettie.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Ah yeah? And how old are you my son?" Nettie asks with amusement.

    "'Cause you look like you might be in uni. Maybe. Or takin' a gap year to wander about."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley laughs and shakes his head back and forth. "Perhaps, ye' lemme take ye' ou' fer dinner maybe drinks, I'll tell you me age." He grins and takes another drag and swig offering the flask another time. "Bu' no Nettie, Oim no' in Uni, an' haven' been in a long toime. Oim an Author and Necromancer, looking into opening my own paranormal investigative service."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Oh, brave a' you lad asking the old witch out for drinks. Somethin' 'bout you Irish lads makes you /bolder/ than others." Nettie replies roguishly with a laugh. Not saying no, mind, but she gives a cackle appropriate of any witch.

    "Last time I allowed an Irish lad to take me out for a couple drinks, I had to fight a faerie. And lad that is not a repeat performance I care to make, but you may come to my shop an' have tea with an old lady and hear her tales any time." she gives a smirk to the youngster.

    "Paranormal investigations, eh? I know there's an outfit in Gotham that does so. Gabby might know a person or two. Mostly I just hear all about it int he aftermath and on occasion play cleanup."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley shakes his head back and forth. "Nae no Faeries tha' Oi can be promisin' ye'. Foine iffin ye won' be lettin' me take ye' ou' fer dinner an' drinks. Than I guess Oi'll jus' have ta cook fer ye' and bring drinks to ye'." He says with a smile. "An' besoides fortune favors the bold, and there aint none bolder than we Irish or have ye forgo'en tha'?"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Aaaah, then you're invading my shop with what, roast mutton and champ? I do like champ an' onions. Patience needed to properly caramelize the things points to someone who can spend the time to properly cook them up!" Nettie laughs, "It has been an age since I let someone cook a meal for me, mind, that wasn't take-away or coffee from a shop. But let's put a pin in that one, aye lad?" she cracks a crooked grin.

    "So, author then? What do you write?"

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley chuckles. "Well then Oi'm glad Oi be a good cook and know how ta be doin' all of tha' includin' takin' the toime ta caramelize the onions properly." He takes another swig of his whiskey and a drag off that smoke. "Aye aye...we can put a pin in it fer now." He laughs and then looks around yet again. "Aye an author, an' no I ain't lookin ta be workin fer other folks. I will open my own business fer tha'. As fer wha' Oi wroite i's Urban Fantasy."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Wasn't looking for someone to work for me. However I do have a local author section for books in my shop. Try to peddle friends' wares. At current it's... well. Some supernatural romance." Nettie gives a sad smile, and she rubs the back of her neck.

    "But should you have a couple copies handy at such a time as you deign to bring vittles," she bats her eyes at Paddy with a grin "Bring over a couple, an' I'll put them up on my shelf."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley laughs and nods. "Aye Oi didnae think ye' were offerin' me to work for ye." He says with a shrug of his shoulders. "Aye moine have some romance to them...bu' no' wha' they're all abou'. Oill defini'ely be bringin' some to ye." Grinning Paddy swigs again takes a drag crushes it out on his boot and pockets it. "So we be frien's are we?" Paddy asks with a chuckle.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Associates of a looseish fashion." Nettie gives a sweet little smile to Paddy then, and bows her head a moment. "Takes a bit for me to consider someone a friend, Paddy. Long lived as I am, friends are precious. Not precisely a title one gives out at random, yeah?" she smiles, and exhales a moment, tapping her fingers against her bar.

    "Well. Welcome to the Justice League Dark, we're not as fancy as the big one, but I'd like to think we're a bit more fun." she remarks to him with a sly little smile.

    "And stop by whenever you want a cuppa tea or to bend an ear."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley smiles and leans in closer a sly mischievous smile upon his lips. "Well o'course tha's how things go. Friend is never a title one should just throw around, as friends be the family we choose fer ourselves. And Oill certainly be by more now that I know where you are and whom ye' are."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie leans forward more, her eyes narrowed, nose an inch from Paddy's.

    "You're welcome in my shop as long as you follow the ol' Georgia Satellites rules of 'don't hand me no lines and keep your hands to yourself'." she gives a smile to Padraigh as she leans back and stretches her arms upwards, cracking her neck a little.

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley laughs and leans back for a moment or two. "You donnae have to worry about me darlin' I donnae ever go where I aint wanted." He says with a shrug. "So no unless you wan' me to touch you, I willnae be puttin' me hands on ye."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Good, we've got an understanding -- not that I doubted you would keep your hands to yourself, but on occasion I've got to look out for the brave, the bold and the ballsy." she smiles to Paddy, and she gives a bright laugh. "I like you. We'll get on just fine."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley smiles back and nods his head. "Aye brave bold and ballsy are all good things and great folks. Bu' bein' stupid withem now tha' jus' doesnae work well." He says with a laugh. "Tha' gryffindor shite donnae work in the real world yea?"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "No, I'm afraid it doesn't." Nettie gives a grin. "All right, Lad, should you need anything else, you let me know. I should be reachable as an option any day now on that infernal cellphone service." she smiles, and leans back against her tea cabinets.

    "Unless there's anything else you need help with."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley shakes his head back and forth. "Nah Oi donnae need anythin' else. Though Oi do look forward ta seein' ye' soon darlin'." He says with a smile as he moves to stand. "I' was lovely to meet ye' beautiful. May you be safe and have good fortune Nettie."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "May your roads ever lead to adventure." Nettie gives a grin to Paddy, and a wink, and she turns to busy herself reorganizing. Not every day you meet a demigod associated with Death, after all, but does it ever make you want to put things in order!