12893/Desperately Seeking Coffee

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Desperately Seeking Coffee
Date of Scene: 26 September 2022
Location: Hot Joe Coffee
Synopsis: Gabby and Cain meet up for coffee to catch up. Pastries are had.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Cain Marko

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney had been absent for awhile from the lives of her friends as she had found herself unexpectedly with a lot more responsibility. Playing catch up and trying to get things stable was a bigger job than she... well no she'd expected it to be bad, but it wasn't until she was in the thick of it that she realized just how bad. This week though she had help in place finally, and felt some of the pressure eleviated. That meant catch up with people she hadn't been able to in awhile.

A text is sent off to a few folks asking if they want to meet up for coffee. Sadly most of the people she knew were night owls so the response was low. Good enough for her.

Walking along with Cain she gestures to the shop. "Good coffee, good pastries, and all the other stuff you could imagine. I really wish coffee did something for me other than just taste good. I mean. It works for like a second or two if I chug really quick." Alas. He likely knew the feeling though.

Cain Marko has posed:
Well, it didn't even work for a second on him unfortunately. Same with booze. Damn immunities. It was also the reason he can't sleep. Which is both a plus and a minus. He does occasionally get knocked out by psychics and the like though. And whatever he's been busy with, it hasn't hit anybody's radar. Which is kind of strange for him, but everybody has lulls. Since he had nothing to do, and likes spending time with her, he met up with Gabby after the text and is now peering at the sign for the coffee place. Not the sort of place he typically went, but whatever. "Fine. Hope they have some decent seats." They tended to be a bit more flimsy at these places, he's found. The currently sevenish foot tall mercenary ducks through the door inside with his overly responsible badger buddy and eyes the furniture before heading towards the counter with her. He starts to study the various pastries they have on display, and pointing out which ones he wants. There's a lot of them. Even though, like the sleep, he doesn't actually need to.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Well if they're crap we can go sit outside. There's a concrete planter folks sit on and while not the comfiest it probably can hold up," Gabby suggests trying to be helpful. She knew it was a pain for him after all.

A few pastries of her own are selected, as well as a large coffee. Maybe not as large as what he might order. "So how's things going with Zinda? You two seemed to hit it off well enough," she asks curiously with a grin. "I've been so busy with all the magic stuff I haven't had a chance to stop by other than to crash. Bellona's concerned, and I'm sure she's been making Thomas' life a living hell."

Cain Marko has posed:
The order ends up on the enormous side. After paying, Cain waits for the order to come while turning back towards Gabby. He smiles a little down at the short berserker. "Zinda? We've gotten along fine. I'd say we're friends at this point. How 'bout you? Been meeting anybody new lately?" He idly reaches out and ruffles her hair. Though with the size of that hand, it's a bit worse than normal. "And what magic stuff are we talking about?" They're out in public talking about magic. But apparently a by default mostly villainous person doesn't care about keeping that sort of thing secret. If it even is a secret to anybody at this point. Once the boxes of pastries and drinks come, he moves over to a chair. Bending over, he pokes at the seat with a big finger. Applying a little bit of pressure, it ends up creaking ominously. He grunts sourly. "Yeah, that ain't gonna work."

Soon after he's walking outside, moving over to the planter and settling into place. He might not be able to sit in some normal chairs, but at least hard seats don't bother him either. Leaning over, he casually scoops up his snikty friend and settles her on his lap before opening one of the boxes and popping a jelly in his mouth.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney is quite happy with her own haul of three pastries and coffee. Given the size of the pastries they weren't anything to sneeze at for someone her size. Though she also tended to eat a decent amount without fear.

Scooped up into his lap, just like old times, she sets food on her own lap while taking a quick gulp of her coffee ignoring the scald easily. It meant nothing to her. "Well you know how my half sister is a sorceress as well as a mutant? She was leading this group I was a part of, along with two other guys. One of them decided to retire and head off with his family. Aaand she decided to shack up with the other and head off to 'explore their feelings'. All within the course of three days so that left *no one* in charge to run things."

Here she shrugs, a little scowl coming. "Since it was my family at fault for the loss of two leaders felt I ought to try to help. Plus, she didn't bother to tell anyone other than me that I know of. Not much choice there." Pausing a moment she adds, "We'll have words when I see her again. Whenever that may be."

"Anyway, yeah. Justice League Dark is what they call themselves. Magic users or those weilding magical items... Stuff like that. None of them know how to work as a team so. I mean. At least *I* know that. So I was running around recruiting old members, new members, trying to figure out who would be good to help lead again. Got a good few at least finally. I hope."

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain picks up his own extra mega super sized cup of coffee and takes a swig. The fingers of his other hand beginning to idly massage the scalp of the pint-sized leader in his lap. "I do not know that, no. How many siblings you got anyway?" He just has the one and that's not even by blood. It also wasn't the best relationship. But he didn't really need to tell her that. Then he's eating another pastry. They're going at one bite each, probably why he ordered so many. "Mmmm. Justice League Dark, huh. Sounds sketchy as hell to me, kid." He felt like superteams in general were pretty suspect. The 'secret' ones were often even worse. "S'not your fault your sister or whatever decided to drop her responsibilities. If you don't want to do it I say don't. But if you decide to stick it out... lemme know if you ever need some reliable help, yeah?" Those scritching fingers move down, one pushing lightly at her chin so her head tilts back and he can look her in the eyes. "I don't like the thought of you having to deal with all that magic shit."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney ftts quietly at the question of how many siblings. She'd answer but it does take her a moment to count in her head. With the head rubbing going on she was just kind of... slower for a moent. "Legitimate or adopted? A lot. Old man apparently gets around. She's from just after World War II. Ones that are currently around? Laura, Bellona, Rien just left, and then there's Jimmy. He actually had a normal-ish upbringing though. I've got one more brother but never met him."

Her coffee cup lifts to sip again and gives a little 'hum' of thought at the remark. "I know. I just didn't want to see things fall apart, either. Not after everything myself and the other teammates have been through."

She blinks when her head is tipped up and she grins at him. "Okay. I'm sticking to the organizing side of things mostly, though," she assures with a wry grin. "Though I do need to recharge my claws soon or they lose the enchantment till next solstice. Equinox? Whatever it is."

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain grunts as she lists them off. "Hunh. Guess he does. Me and him ain't exactly on chattin terms, so I didn't even know he had kids at all until I met you. If the rest of 'em are like you more than him I'm sure they're fine." He resumes scratching her scalp after she lowers her head again, and pops another pastry. "Hmm. This's better cream than usual for an eclair. Try one." He tucks the end of another one in the badgers mouth before taking another swig of coffee. "Recharge your claws? Huh. I don't gotta do nothing like that myself. Just keep being me. Not that it isn't still annoying at times." And downright terrible at other times. Stupid dimensional bullshit. "So, how do you recharge them? Stick 'em in something magic and drain it?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney mmfs in surprise when she's eclaired. She bites down on it though, reaching up quickly with her free hand to grasp it so that it doesn't fall. She does chew it though giving a pleased 'mmhmm' in agreement until she can gulp it down. "Wow yeah that is good."

The suggestion of how to recharge her claws earns a grin. "Oh no you've sussed out my nefarious plan. This is why I invited you out so I can jab ya." Of course she's joking as her head shakes along with the remark. "No, I have to soak my claws in a crystal bowl of water until some candles burn down. Under the moonlight--Or moon rise at least, if it's cloudy. Did a barbecue last time to kill time while it went on."

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain rolls his eyes. "I knew it. You're just after my magic. Sneaky little shit." He idly tickles her side for a few moments. "Hmm. So you get to stand there with your claws in a bowl for hours out in the open. Sounds like fun?" Yeah, he's glad he doesn't have to recharge. "Well, when you do that I could help keep you company. I like hanging out with you anyway. You're fun for such a lil shrimp." He smiles down at her. "Speaking of you being fun... you seeing anybody yet? I think you mentioned some people being interested..."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Loads," Gabby responds, deadpan. "It's pretty dull but I mean, I guess it's an excuse for a party every now and then. I'm going to see about doing it at our new-ish place to hang for the group. They've got a work area in the back for spells and such." The tickle earns a little yip from her in response as well as a laugh.

"Kind of? I mean, maybe. One at least was showing some ... okay more than some interest but I don't know if that's like..." She trails off opting to munch on a bearclaw. "It's confusing. Should it be confusing?"

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain nods his head. "I meant it about helping you out with all that if you want, kid. You at least are good company." He sighs and then suddenly stands up. Balancing his remaining pastries on one hand and lifting her up to rest on his shoulder. "This place is alright, but lets go wander and see if there's anywhere more active." He starts to tromp off down the street in a random direction. "Hmmm. Well, let e know if any of them give you trouble so I can come beat the shit out of 'em. You're a good kid. I'm sure you'll find somebody eventually." He glances at her and grins. "I mean, if I was seventy years younger..."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney shifts her coffee cup to the other hand so she can reach out to brace her arm on his shoulder. It wasn't that she felt like he'd drop her. It was just habit to help balance. No one liked rocking around unless they paid a premuim to get into a rollercoaster park for the priveledge.

"I know. Thanks, Cain. Though if you were seventy years younger I think Zinda'd be giving you even more of a time," she teases with amusement. "Thomas is happy you two get along at least. And sure, there's some other coffee places that are popular. Let's go!"