13076/Someone's Really Sawing Some Logs

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Someone's Really Sawing Some Logs
Date of Scene: 15 October 2022
Location: Recreation Room
Synopsis: Roberto comes up on Kitty sleeping in the Rec Room. The snoring turned out to be coming from Lockheed. No, really. Why are you shaking your head!?
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Roberto da Costa

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The Rec Room is empty, at least at first glance. But a closer examination might notice a pair of feet clad in socks sticking over the arm of a couch. Legs glad in charcoal grey sweats, it is pretty obvious from the legs that it is someone of the feminine persuasion.

The back of the couch blocks a view of who exactly it is. Which is probably fortunate, because a loud noise of snoring comes from, there originator's identity thankfully hidden from initial view.

A fire is burning in the fireplace. Outside the glass windows, the trees are changing colors and leaves had fallen so that another round of raking of the grounds is needed. A large pile sits in one spot in the lawn where students have piled up leaves to jump into.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa is coming in from the practice field, yes, it's a little late, but Berto is the kind of soccer player who's ball control is so complete he doesn't need to see the ball all the time. He is dressed in shorts, those baggy umbro soccer shorts and a sweatshirt. His body has a weird relationship with lactic acid build up and he isn't breathing that heavy carrying a regulation FIFA soccer ball under one arm. He hears the noise and stops, then looks closely, yes, definitely female legs, older, at least in a school sense and he wanders in, keeping quiet, leaning over the back of the couch, holding the soccer ball in his hands as he checks to see who it is.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Lying beneath a warm blanket is one Kitty Pryde. She's got on a fitted white t-shirt though all but the shoulders are covered by the blanket which is a faux sheep skin sort of thing.

As Roberto is looking down at the young woman who is lost in the halls of sleep, that loud snore comes again. Only Kitty's breathing doesn't seem to match it. That's when he might notice Lockheed is curled up down where he's burrowed in between her legs to make a little nest. Sleeping too. He draws in a breath in his sleep, snoring away, and letting it out.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles and watches them with a grin, head tilts and rests his head on the soccer ball, planning something mischeivious. Berto one of the few people around the mansion not quite as wary of Lockheed's fire. He tugs gently on the blanket to test how deeply she is sleeping, him too.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Unfortunately for any shenanigans, the light tug on the blanket is enough to cause Kitty to stir. She clears her throat and then her eyelids flutter a few times before pressing closed in a squint. Before finally opening the rest of the way up.

The brown eyes look up at the Brazilian. "Roberto," she says in a sleepy voice. She lifts her head just off the arm of the couch to look down and spot Lockheed as he snores away on his next breath. "Happens when he eats pizza," she murmurs. "The tomato sauce I think. Better than cheesy poofs though. At least pizza doesn't give him gas."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles and nods, "Tis I, last Sole Scion of the DaCosta Clan Heir to the Brazilian throne, first of his name... I think. How are you doin Kid?" Yes, Kid, this has been a thing since X-Babies. "That's good, I can't imagine dragon farts are pleasant. I still remember the ghost pepppers. WHEW!" Berto grins, "I forget what a shallow sleeper you are ninja girl."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a little smile and shifts, rolling over. But just slightly since she can't really move without disturbing the sleeping dragon. "Yeah, never know when a blue-masked ninja is going to pop up out of the cushions and try to replace my soul with his own," she reminds him. Did that happen? Did he know that? It's even money if he's heard that story.

Kitty reaches down and gently rubs Lockheed's horns, not waking him, though it does seem to stop him from snoring. "You back around the school again for awhile?" she asks. "Or just stopping by?" Kitty enquires. He's been in and out a few times over the last year or two.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa nods slowly and pronounces, "Yeah, you take the weirdest vacations." He gives you a grin and tucks you in gently, "Me? I got bored in South American, did some work with Mutants San Fronteres but- and here his vice gets a bit strained, "Has some issues with that. I came back home and found out JUlianna's little brother, she was the girl who was- who died on our first mission? Well, he brother got powers. Some sort of light construction, very lovely. Anyway, The reavers have been making a problem down there and they came after the family. I said, you shall not pass and showed them the error of their ways. Brought him up here, fugured this was the best place until we get that situation under control, Also have a few projects on the east coast, real estate deal in Gotham and working on X-Corporation, getting that off the ground.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty's still a bit drowsy and not quite fully woken up yet. But enough that she can follow all of that and converse. "Definitely sounds like you've been busy," she tells him. "You missed my 21st birthday. We had a big group go white water rafting in Oregon," she says to Roberto. "Presents are STILL being accepted, of course," she says, giving him beatific smile. Though she waves that, and the notion of him giving her a present, away with her hand. She had just been kidding.

"I'm working at the school, only, right now. Though have been debating for awhile doing some contract work somewhere in the city again. I kind of needed to get away from there for awhile, after, you know," she says. After and Warren broke up. Mutual and without recrimination, but still, some distance helped.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa ahhs and grins, nodding, "Yeah, heard you developed a taste for those of us who could fly? And older men." Berto chuckles, "See, you say that in jest but you know me Gato, I do noting in half measures. I do have a mutlnational conglomerate at my beck and call. Though I don't have anything in mind, if you do and need backing let me know, I mean I am sure this X-Corp thing is going to need IT if your interested once I get my arms around it?"