13064/Keyboard Warrior

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Keyboard Warrior
Date of Scene: 14 October 2022
Location: Croft Manor <England>
Synopsis: After Steve is off the grid for awhile on a mission, he reconnects with Lara via a series of text messages. Jonah is met, Steve eats well.
Cast of Characters: Steve Rogers, Lara Croft

Steve Rogers has posed:
The quinjet's thrust was directed downwards as it came into the Triskelion, slowing and then descending vertically. The landing gear hadn't barely touched the ground when the ramp on the back started lowering. Steve Rogers didn't wait for it, hopping down the last foot or two to the ground. His famed shield is attached to the back of his dark blue Captain America costume, while in his right hand Steve is carrying what looks like a heavy metal case.

Agent Diaz and two other members of STRIKE step forward to meet Steve. "Want me to take that off your hands, Cap?" she asks.

Steve hands the case over. "If I never see it again, it'll be too soon," he tells her. "You don't know what it took to get it."

"I do actually," the black woman replies to him as she takes it. "Glad it was you and not and me," she says, voice a mix of kidding and serious. "Good job, Cap."

Steve flashes her a quick salute though it's more thank you than military regulation. Diaz and the two guards head off with the objective of the mission that took Steve away from England a week ago, leaving him to head into a locker room area of the Triskelion.

Thirty minutes later he's standing under a shower, just letting the hot water spray over him, as it has been doing for the last fifteen minutes. Finally he turns it off, drying himself and wrapping the towel about him as he heads back to the locker room.

He opens up his locker, pulling out his things stored within. Sitting down on a bench, Steve retrieves his phone from a bag and begins going through any messages it received in the last week while he was radio silent."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara knew that Steve was going to be out of reach for awhile, but she had sent him a text three days ago. It was a picture of she and that young Earl Henry at a social gathering. Henry was waving at the camera. The caption beneath the picture said 'He couldn't stop asking about you' and 'Hope you're well' beneath that.

But, beyond that, Lara wasn't the type to smother someone with messages.

In fact, in the now, Lara is still in Croft manor, as she deals with local things following the funeral, and related to setting up her family home as a restored location within this part of the country. But that doesn't mean she isn't still doing her 'day job' too.

Lara stands atop a rolling ladder, about fifteen feet off of the two-story tall library in the east wing of the Manor. There's a fire crackling in the fireplace, and Lara is thumbing through a book as she stands there on the ladder, knees against one of the ladder's wooden rungs. She's wearing a warm dark maroon sweater, with a puffy collar around her neck. Her hair is tied back, and she's wearing a nice pair of American-styled blue jeans, along with some leather boots.

Lara's lips move as she quietly reads one of the pages in the book she's holding.

"In the days of the second... dark era.. only he who claims the ankh of Totu-Komu... will see the shine of truth in his heart." She whispers, translating the text in the book in to her own tongue as she reads it.

"That doesn't add up." She then says to herself as she leans the book against a shelf, and reaches for her notepad and pen sitting beside her as she just stands there high above the floor.

Her phone is down on the desk in the center of the huge library, beside her laptop and other notes she's been taking.

Steve Rogers has posed:
There are a few text messages accumulated, but not as many as most people would have after being off the grid for a week. Steve scrolls down through them. A picture from Peggy of something nostalgic. Clint texting him about the latest episode of Dog Cops. Clint texting him again about the latest episode of Dog Cops. Clint texting him about how brilliant a show Dog Cops is and they should really think of expanding the franchise to other first responders.

Steve grins, shaking his head and moves past. His eyes jump past a few other messages about scheduling charity and other appearances as he spots the name Lara Croft further down the screen.

The picture of Lara and Henry brings a quick smile to Steve's face. After a few moments he types out a message back to her.

> I'm back and safe. Bit of a bruise on my side but it'll be fine. Love the picture. If you have Henry's address I can send him a shield. How have you been?

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara is nose deep in that book, trying to line up what it says with her notes, when her phone buzzes back on the desk. She hears it, but she doesn't look...

It's not for another fifteen minutes in fact that Lara texts back.

"Oh, hey, good to hear from you. Hope it went well. I hope the injury heals up quickly too, and yes, I will send his address to you, he'll absolutely love it.'

She's back at the large wooden desk now, setting her phone back down beside the mostly finished bowl of soup that Winston had brought her an hour ago. She pulls up the address on her laptop, then sends it in a follow-up text. Following that, another text is sent.

"I'm good. I've just been catching up on some research in-between some public affairs. Things seem to be settling here though, and I think I'll be on my way back soon. We have hired our Estate Manager, she's absolutely wonderful. She will be living here too actually, which should keep Winston, and some of the others we're bringing on here, quite busy. I look forward to seeing you again."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve skims quickly through the rest of his messages. Two he responds to, one an apology he didn't make an American Heart Assocation event that is now two days in the past but that they had asked him to help with last minute. That one he offers to show to their next event. Another is not far off and he confirms he can make it.

After he sets his phone down and pulls out some clothes. Dropping the towel he looks at the bruise on his side. It was a thirty foot fall at which point his side hit the edge of a semi-truck's roof. No broken ribs thankfully.

He then dons jeans and a t-shirt, with a red and black flannel overtop of it. He grabs his sunglasses from the locker and stuffs a few more things into his bag and heads for the garage.

Along the way his phone chimes again. Steve pulls it out and moves to sit on a bench outside the Triskelion while he reads the pair of texts. Steve hits a button on his phone's main screen. A red button that says "JARVIS" on it.

"Yes Captain Rogers, how can I assist?" the AI's voice says from the phone. Steve replies aloud, "There's an address in my texts sent by Lara Croft, for an English earl named Henry. Could you see that one of those toy shields is sent to him please?"

JARVIS replies, "Yes sir, I have sent the request to our public relations staffer. Anything else I can assist with?"

Steve replies, "No, that's it, thank you."

He then goes back into his text messages, re-reading the second one. The ending of it brings a bit of extra warmth into his blue eyes as he taps out a reply.

> Perfect, one shield heading Henry's way. Great to hear the estate is going well. I wish I'd had more time to see it all. Apologies for getting called away. Looking forward to seeing you as well.

He hits send, and then thinks of something else, tapping out a second, shorter message.

> I was going to grab food on the way home. Where is your restaurant located? Thought I'd stop and get some takeout from it.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara is just leaning back in the chair at the desk, her mind lost in thought when the phone buzzes again,and she looks down to it once more. The question he sends in the second message has her smiling, and she spends a moment pulling up the site for the place, and sending it to him. 'Jonah's Place' with a picture of the interior, all themed like a fancy wooden ship, with all the trimmings, and a bar on the far wall.

Lara then adds on to it with... "Jonah Maiava is the Head Chef, and public face. He's as good of a friend as anyone could ask for, and he's a absolutely huge fan of yours. I'd tell you to let him know that I sent you, but since it's you... it won't even be necessary. :)"

Steve Rogers has posed:
After sending the text, Steve continues on towards the garage. He heads over to where his motorcycle is parked, climbing on but waiting to start it to see if Lara replies with the location.

Sure enough the phone buzzes and he checks it. Steve smiles as he sees the interior. "Jonah Maiava," he repeats, and then checks the location, working out the route to take once he gets back into the city to take him there on his way back to Brooklyn.

About 45 minutes later, Lara's phone buzzes again. There's a message from Jonah.

> Lara! Is this your doing?

And accompanying the words is a picture of Steve Rogers standing holding a menu as if deciding what to order.

> I asked if I could get a picture of him for the wall. He said sure and that he'd stop back another day to sign if I wanted! God bless you girl!

Lara Croft has posed:
Steve will be treated like royalty at the restaurant. Jonah lets the stories fly too, if asked, about he and Lara's adventures. Telling tales is clearly one of the man's many favorite things to do. The place is not overly busy when Steve arrives too, so there's plenty of time to talk to the big Hawaiian man. Jonah keeps referring to Lara as 'Little Bird' too, and how her favorite food is Jaffie cakes, that he makes special for her.

He's one of those guys, that is so nice, you would figure he could lift up Mjolnir without the hammer even remotely considering otherwise...

When the text arrives, Lara is out beside the stables, she'd come out to talk to a worker who was helping restore the building, for the hope of having horses back on the property in weeks to come. She's walking away from the small group of workers, moving down one of the pathways when she gets the text, seven hours ahead, Lara's day is getting late in the evening now, with the sun mostly set, and the workers loading up their vehicles now to head out.

Lara snaps a picture of herself, holding the phone up to have the Manor house behind her, with the gardens between it and her. She sticks her tongue out in the picture, to be playful and silly.

"I'm glad you're having fun. Make sure he hears all the best tales that you have, Jonah." Lara sends her friend and faithful protector on many expeditions since the Island.

Steve's phone gets a happy face emoji text too, along with. "I can't wait to be there next time with you both."

Steve Rogers has posed:
There's another twenty minutes that pass before Lara's phone chimes again as a new message is delivered through the ether to her. This one is from Steve.

> I've been talked into eating here. You're right, Jonah seems like a pretty great guy. I can see why he's a good friend of yours. He's also made a few comments about what a beautiful, single woman you are. In my day, I'd have said he was wanting me to take a hint there. And he's right, you are beautiful. Especially with the tongue sticking out. Here he comes with a plate now. Not sure how much longer you'll be up. I'm just glad I got back in time to catch you. I've been wanting to get to speak with you the whole time I was away.

Back in New York, Jonah takes a seat when Steve asks the man if he has the time to join him. Soon he's getting a plate and helping himself to the dish which had enough to feed a whole family.

"She really is a remarkable woman," Steve tells Jonah after one of the man's comments. "It's good to know that she has friends like you here in her life. Uprooting and moving to another continent can be rough enough without having anyone there for you," he tells the man.

Lara Croft has posed:
"I'll be up a little while longer. My schedule is still mostly on New York time, as I don't want to be completely lost when I make it back." Lara replies first, before she sends another smiley face, followed by "You're the sweetest. Or at least competing for that with Jonah." She sends a wink emoji then. "I should be back in a day or two though. I know I need to check in at the Asgardian Embassy also. They likely have something coming up soon, last I heard..."

The other patrons in the restaurant will take some time asking for Cap to sign autographs, and take pictures too, but ther'es only ten or so people in the place right now.

Jonah will share some more stories with Steve too, sharing good ones, but also showing a bit more of a dramatic look when he is talking about Lara's well being. "She needs some good in her life, Captain Rogers." Jonah says in a quiet, but serious, tone. His heavy frame making the chair he's sitting in creak a little as he moves some. "After ... everything ... on that island, it got better for her, and worse. Her friend, our friend, Samantha..." Jonah looks around, and then whispers toward Steve. "She came back, with part of the island still inside her." He taps at the side of his head. "The spirit of the Queen. It's still inside Sam. Haunting her." He says, before leaning back a little again, his voice coming up to a more normal level. "Lara took that hard too. She's tried to help Sam, but... Sam has run off, we're not sure where she is. All these kinds of things, and everything to do with her father's legacy... I worry about the Little Bird, is all."

He takes in a breath, and sighs softly. "Plus, there are people who want to hurt her. They've broken in to her apartment here in New York, they've broken in to the Manor back in England. They're cultists. Mad about what happened. It's all just been... a mess." The big man states as one of his wait staff brings them new drinks.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve checks his phone when he hears a new message arrive. He reads it quickly, the corner of his lips turning up in a small smile. He waits to reply though as Jonah is in the middle of a story and Steve quickly turns back to not seem to not be paying attention.

Picking up a glass of ice water, Steve takes a sip, getting some of the ice in his mouth and crunch it between his teeth as he looks both thoughtful and a little troubled at some of what Jonah told him. "I'm very impressed with Lara, to put it mildly," Steve tells the chef and adventurer. "I've heard some of the accounts in the press, but know that is probably only scratching the surface. I don't know if there's anything that I can do to help Sam that Lara wouldn't have tried. But I might at least be able to help with finding her," Steve tells Jonah.

The blond-haired man's look of concern grows a bit at the mention of break-ins and worse targeting Lara. "She hadn't mentioned that," he says. "I've no doubts on how capable she is. But again, I'll see if maybe there's something I can do to help there."

Steve motions to his phone as if to get Jonah's approval for interrupting the conversation, and when the man waves Steve forward, he taps out a message back to Lara.

> I might be involved in that with Thor. We can talk about it later. Speaking of, do you need a ride home from the airport?

Lara Croft has posed:
Jonah nods softly to Cap to let him tend to the phone, knowing he's talking to Lara. He takes a moment to speak to the waitress, another Hawaiian native, maybe even a relative of Jonah's.

"I'd love one." Comes Lara's response as she's back to walking the garden pathways toward the house now, coming up on that pirate ship jungle gym that has seen better days, but is still in pretty good shape overall. "I traveled light, since I have enough in both locations now, I only brought a few things with me. I'm actually feeling good about this. I didn't think I ever would bring this much life back to this house. It's more invigorating than I thought it would be."

Jonah looks back to Steve then, and after the waitress steps away, he lets the man read the text on the screen, before he speaks up at him again. "Lara doesn't want to scare you off. Means she likes you." He tells Cap with a light grin showing for a moment, before it fades. "Maybe I shouldn't even be telling you this stuff... she may not want it out there already. But, I just, worry about her, you know?" He says as he reaches for his big glass of icy Cherry Coke.

"But hey, if anyone is going to keep her safe, it'll be you, right?" Jonah then asks with another, larger, grin.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers reads the latest message. The prospect of seeing her soon is likely going to keep Steve in an even more upbeat mood than normal for that intervening time.

Finishing off the last bites of Jonah's cooking on his plate, which only took place after having gotten second helpings at that, Steve wipes his lips with his napkin, setting it on the table then. "It's pretty mutual then, Jonah. I'd seen her before, a year ago or so, but barely even spoken then. Gun range, not exactly the best spot for a conversation. Though it's only recently I've started to get to know her. And... well. I think she's quite an amazing person. We can both do what we can to make sure she stays ok," Steve offers, matching Jonah's grin.

Lara's phone chimes one more time. Text and a picture.

> Going to head home now. Maybe you can take some pictures of what all you've accomplished and can show me when you arrive. Though I'd still love to get to see it in person if the opportunity presents. For now, going to say goodbye to my new friend and start the ride home.

The photo is a selfie of Jonah and Steve together, both smiling at the camera for Lara.

Lara Croft has posed:
Jonah just leans on his chair, and the table, the big man grinning at Cap. "She's like a sister to me, Captain Rogers..." He says softly. "And where I come from, family means the world."

Jonah then eyes the man's food, and sees him finishing up. "How about some Cheesecake?" He has to offer. "You have never had a Cheesecake until you've tried my mother's recipe."

When the picture eventually comes, and Lara receives it. She's back inside, and passing through the grand hall toward the stairs, holding her backpack at her side as she ascends the steps, staring at her phone, the night time lights on around the house inside and out now...

"I'll happily do so." She sends back. "I'll text you when I get up too, and should have my plans finalized by then. I'm eager to get back to New York, for the job, and for getting a chance to spend a bit of time together again."

A few minutes later, and Steve will get a picture of Lara, this time sitting on one of the cushioned benches at the foot of those huge windows in her tower bedroom, she's dressed for bed, but is holding a book in her other hand, partially open with her thumb inside it. Ever the bookworm, this one...