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* 2004: - Born in Montreal, Quebec, given up for adoption.
* 2005-2008: - Bounced around Catholic Orphanages until adopted by a Mr and Mrs. Lalonde, a childless family who worked a jewelry store in Old Montreal.
* 2009: Financial Crisis led to the family moving to help out a relatives business in NYC. Later, Veronique's parents ingratiate themselves with a relative at S.T.A.R. labs, making closer family bonds. As the Lalonde's holds dual citizenship, they managed to secure similar for their precocious daughter.
* 2010: - Veronique is a poor student, but excels in athletics and truancy.
* 2017: - Veronique's hobby of shoplifting and street art is curtailed by the onset of a rare illness. The few physical activities she enjoyed at school and on her own cease as she battles a disease that attacks her nervous system and muscles. Bedridden, she is eligible for a therapy pet and receives a rabbit she names 'Sapphire'. The pet becomes an inseparable companion and a means to cope.
*2018: - The Assault on New York occurs and the Hospital Veronique is being treated at suffers collatoral damage. Veronique is saved, shielded by the heroic efforts of Cecily Winters, who was trying to evacuate the hospital during the crisis. Unfortunately, her therapy pet had not survived the initial collapse. Veronique would never forget the face of the person that came to her assistance.
* 2019: - Veronique's injuries were worsened during the previous attack, and her spirit is low with the loss of her pet. In desperation, her parents secure the assistance of a relative that works with S.T.A.R. labs, asking for charitable assistance in the wake of the NYC attacks. Veronique is accepted as a candidate as her condition is notable, rare and she's still young enough to qualify for some new Experimental gene therapy. Veronique's family does not have the resources to qualify for safer treatments, but rolls the dice. At this time, Veronique is occasionally reunited in passing with her saviour from the Attack on New York as Cecily is also received treatment, albeit more advanced and in another wing. Jealousy grows and gnaws at Veronique when she sees the scale of wealth poured into the older woman.
* 2020: - Veronique's treatments are hugely successful in restoring and improving her reflexes, foot speed and endurance, along with distractingly elevated senses. Attempts to help her adjust to her growing powers are sabotaged by Veronique's growing impatience, and she escapes the lab before they can try and help her negotiate the side-effects of her new abilities. As her speed and reflexes increase, so to have her metabolic needs, and the increasing need to bleed off residual heat after using her abilitiese.
* 2021-2022: - Veronique is hired and fired by a succession of Courier jobs as she tries to make it on her own. Her parents try to give her a position where they work but Veronique chafes at the long hours, and despite the lovely shinies, the environment. Having only a high school education, her options are limited as is her patience. She turns to a life of crime to steal what she needs using her abilities.