13150/Super Catch-up

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Super Catch-up
Date of Scene: 23 October 2022
Location: Atlantic Ocean Coastline
Synopsis: Sunny is better at sports-ing than Billy. An innocent wrecking ball suffers
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Sunny Harlow

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson had worked with construction crews doing clean up after a few of his fights. The guys were okay. They did make him wear a hard hat for insurance reasons. The upshot was when they retired equipment they often let him know. It turned out he COULD punch through a dozer blade. In the present he flies down to the deserted beac he and Sunny sort of claimed for their dates and super workouts, a six ton wrecking ball in one hand. The black surface of thee ball is marked by a spray painted sun face for... reasons. As he circles, Shazam keeps an eye out for a certain blonde who also hits like a wrecking ball. Seriously, Miley has nothing on Indestructibelle. She does play rough.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A little zoom, a boom...and Sunny was here settling down on her costume and she stretches out with a laugh. "New training buddy?" she questions lightly, spotting the ball. "I'm curious as to what you've got in mind."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson smirks. "It is a ball. What do you do with a ball?" He shows her the sun he painted on it. Then he throws the ball at her, underhand. There's some force to it. It shouldn't hurt her, more like knock her flat or knock the wind out of her, but she thinks quick on her feet. Stupid super shenanigans.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Think fast! Sunny might look like a delicate beauty, but the sound of several tones being thrown her way comes with the impact of her hands against the heavy steel makes it pretty clear she's less than breakable.

"Oh? Is this what we're playing huh?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson readies himself to catch Sunny's throw. "Unless you want to smooch a little first -yeah. Fire away, muscles!" He grins at her. "Do you find yourself getting stronger?" he asks. Her strength is hard for him to gauge. Hence the wrecking ball. He hasn't seen her strain at anything yet. The helicopter she caught gave her problems but that was to avoid hurting the people in it. She said a machine gun bruised her. It is kind of silly, his worrying about her getting hurt. He was the one who got beat up by the Juggernaut recently.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I mean, I've carried about thirty tons so..." she turns, swinging herself around heavily ans then canonballing the wreaking ball back at him. "I think it's about pushing limits...like a normal person, but there's not a lot of sherman tanks out there for me to benchpress."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson catches the ball lightly, and gives it a twirl on his hand. "Yeah. Sorry I couldn't find us any tanks. Catching moving stuff is harder than lifting. You tell me if you had enough." Saying that he throws the ball back at her harder, now that he has an idea of her weight class. Whoosh! World's Mightiest Mortal folks!

Sunny Harlow has posed:
She could probably push harder...but before? She'd never had to. She's still not had to fight someone her own strength yet after all.

Ball coming her way she takes it in hand, pitching it upwards only to slam it down in a volleyball style serve towards Billy.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson actually enjoyed volleyball in school. Both hands come up, stopping the ball and tossing it in the air. It hangs in midair for a second and he slams it at her, harder than before.

He did tell her to call it if he was too rough. He leaves a dent on the ball this time. "Oh you like to play hard, do you?" Still grinning. "Let me have your best shot!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
They were both making dents, but it's both her hands that come together to spike the ball upwards and back towards him, a grin on her lips. "I might suprise you..." she begins, only to zip upwards into the air and -slam- the wrecking ball back down at him with force.

He wanted her to play rough after all.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson does indeed catch that wicked slam. Remember he said a middleweight could nail a heavy hitter if they had surprise? he gets a wide eyed look before the ball comes down on his head and drives him into the sand completely. Sand cascades around him. A moment later the ball is hurled upward. Shazam rockets upward right behind it and slams the ball back at Sunny with feeling. That was a good shot. She can take it! "Oh yeah?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Here it comes! Sunny's hands come up to get the volley going before bouncing the metal object she wasn't meant to be able to bounce back at him.

He was stronger, the shot pushed her down into the sand a little more, but she was ready for it!

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson grabs the ball and stops. "Hey... I don't want to go overboard with this. Are you okay?" He hovers a little indecisively. If you think he's going to flatten his girlfriend, clearly you don't have the Wisdom of Solomon... or even Billy Batson. He spins the ball again.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Oh no..." Sunny pouts, bringing her hands to her face in a mock look of horror. "The cute blonde delicate girl, be careful to make sure she doesn't hurt herself or chip a nail!" she begins only to suddenly surge forwards, slapping the 'ball' down out of his hand and into the sand with a loud thump.

"Think that's -my- point, isn't it?" she teases.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson looks perplexed. "We were playing something? For points? You fiend! I am beaten... by a cute... blonde... delicate... girl!" He drifts downward to fall prone on the sand. "I may ned CPR. Just saying." Then he gets his hand under the ball and throws it at her again. Hard! Not fighting Juggernaut hard but harder than he ever hit her. Let's say 'throwing a truck' hard.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
The ball wasn't exactly a -ball- anymore, given the dents in it, but they both had the strength to make up for it. Thankfully, still being in the air she was able to -catch- the thing and zip upwards, killing the momentum only to flip herself upside down and throw it back at the hero.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson has time to think, he obviously underestimated her. He stands his ground -sand really, lifting a few inches from it to make his own footing so to speak and in reflex punches the mass of steel hurtling at him, hardly remembering to hold back. Sh obviously views anything less than his 'A' game as an insult. Call this his 'B' game. The punch transforms the wrecking ball into a mass of shards, which he did not intend. "Look out!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Ah poop! Exploding fragments of metal. Basically it was the same as having a bomb go off in ones face. Or at least getting shot at. Covering her eyes at least she find herself getting pelted with metal that bounces off her incredibly tough skin, leaving the girl to click her tongue and point to the wreckage.

"So...that's a foul, right?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam starts to say something. He drops to the ground, turns around and says the name. Blam! Billy Batson keeps his back towards Sunny and pulls his red sweat shirt off, holding it up to her. "Sorry about that, Sunny." Another word, and it is Shazam on the sand, still holding the shirt out to her. "Delicate my bolts! I didn't know you were a tom boy! Poor wrecking ball didn't have a chance."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I'm gonna need to take another trip to the fabric store, huh?" Sunny sighs as she lowers to the ground and then reaches out to take the offered shirt, pulling it on even if there was quite a difference in their build. "Tomboy? Who says it can't be girly to break steal with your bare hands?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson turns around to give her a bear hug. "I... okay. I guess that was game and you won. One to nothing. You'r getting stronger all the time, Indestructibelle... Shazam!" Blast of lightning and magic. Billy gives Sunny a peck on the cheek and keeps hugging. "You want to get something to eat? I could go for pancakes. My treat since I lost." He makes a face at her.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Tell you what, -you- can go and fetch pancakes or a doughnut, or coffee...and then meet me at the roof of my parents building. -I- have some study I really should be getting done." A pause, she smirks. "Willing to bet you do too..."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson looks a little embarrassed. "Yeah. History. I was afraid I wasn't graduating. I may be seeing the light. Okay, pancakes it is, lady." He makes a note to get pancakes, and donuts, and coffee.

"Who do you want to say 'bye to? Me or the Big Red Cheese?" He looks a little mischievous. "I mean, I'm just a delicate human..."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I mean," Sunny shrugs, leaning in to peck his current unempowered cheek lightly and then shrugging. "They're both you, but I can say bye to this you, and hello to the other one, right?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson brushes some sand from her hair. I know... sometimes it doesn't feel that way. All right, I'll meet you on the roof... oh, hey, we can bring our books and study together! That'd be fun. No wrecking balls! OK, let me get going Big Belly doesn't serve breakfast all day. And... you better behave yourself. You got a wild streak in you." He chin nods sagely. Then he steps back. After another burst of lightning, Shazam flies off.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I'm not the one stealing construction equipment and exploding things in someone's face." she calls out, her hands brought to her mouth to punctuate her point. No dramatic changes or words for her, just a viltimite taking to the air and heading to the most difficult part of the day: essay writing!