13268/Dogged Determination

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Dogged Determination
Date of Scene: 04 November 2022
Location: Red Hood's Room - The Roost
Synopsis: Phoebe stops in to nag Jason to heal him again. Idu consumes the inside of an eclair. Jason todd and Phoebe Beacon have a bit of a heart-to-heart about coming to terms with a new normal and trying not to get on each other's nerves.
Cast of Characters: Jason Todd, Phoebe Beacon

Jason Todd has posed:
Fridays are always good. Right? The last day of the traditional work week. The lead=in for the weekend. Let the good times roll.

Jason is neither working or having the good times he would usually enjoy. He'd been shot. Again. The Roost was the closest stop to get himself patched up and after hanging out with M'gann, Conner and Bart for a while, he found himself gingerly falling into his bed.

Now it is nearing mid-day Friday and he's still passed out. At least his self-patch-up job held and he hasn't bled all over the bed.

He's sprawled on his back because the exit wound is actually in the front (He got shot from behind?!) and it hurts less to lay on his back. His legs are tangled in the sheets but he's at least decent, having fallen asleep in an old teeshirt and shorts.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    And around mid-day, after she's heard the news, The Healer comes a-knocking at Jason's door with a soft 'Hood, I'm coming in-- no no no Idu!'

    And the healer is preceeded into the room by a forty-two pound canine missile in wiry red and white with blue eyes, taking two bounds into the room before leaping onto a clear patch of bed and beginning to whine and nose at Jason's face.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd is awake the moment Phoebe begins talking to him, but coherent? Not just yet. Then the Dog Bomb strikes and makes the bed jolt.

The wince and groan are enough to prove that Jason has managed to get hurt worse than he'd let on, or maybe even expected. It would not be hard for Phoebe to notice that the wound is not so far from where she healed him the last (first) time - just a week or so ago.

"...uhhn.. " His hand falls on Idu, trying to push the cold wet nose and slurps from his face. "... really? c'mon Idu. I don't kiss on the first date" he mutters.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I find that hard to beleive." Phoebe gives an amused sound, and she motions Idu off the bed. His job done, he happily tail-wags his way to begin to investigate the rest of Jason's room for remains of fast food or evil spirits. He's multitasking.

    Phoebe crouches down, and looks to Jason with a motherly-natured-exasperated look.

    "Heard you got shot through again through the grapevine."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd groans, ".. what? That I don't kiss dogs on the frist date?" He sighs and rubs his face, "So far it's true. But only just."

Opening his eyes, he looks to Phoebe, "Yeah. THought I updated my armor for that weakness after last time. Bastard got me from behind, made it between two of the plates. So I'll be redesigning again. I'll live."

There are, surprisingly no left over fast food snacks to be raided. There is, however, half an eclair from the batch M'gann made the night before sitting on a side table and it just happens to be at Idu's cruising height. Score?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Sniff sniff sniff sniffniffsniff... Idu approaches the elcair with suspicion. Sweet things with the easy-lickable insides sometimes held pills. Or chocolate. He didn't want to repeat that upset stomach again!

    "OH? Just dogs you don't kiss on the first date? That's fair. They don't know where your mouth has been." Pheobe replies smartly, and then appears to realize how the phrase could be taken. She coughs, and rubs the back of her head a moment before she rocks back to her heels.

    "I know you'll live. You're one of the toughest guys I know. Just was stopping in to see if you wanted it taken care of."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd snorts. "No one has ever complained about my mouth. Just the words that tend to come out of it."

He rises up onto his elbows and winces again. Movement. He looks to Phoebe, "Well I mean, living with the pain is the right thing to do. It's the price to pay for being careless Batman would say. But since you're here.. I wouldn't say no to you laying hands on me. Again." He considers how that sounds and sticks with it, unapologetically.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Yeah-huh we're gonna make like Elsa and let that one go." Phoebe gives an amused smile, and she cracks her fingers.

    "You have any gauze in the wound that'll get in the way as things heal up?" she questions, and she frowns a moment.

    "Look, I know that Batman has his way of doing things. I don't agree with all of them. When police officers get hurt, they get time off to get better, psychologists who are specialty-trained to deal with them, and get the benefit of having their name in the paper. We don't. So, in the event that you have a resource that can be used to keep you running and in less pain - for example, me - people should use it. Less worry about lasting physical effects." she states, and she splays her hands, putting one on Jason's stomach, the other up on his shoulder.

    Sniffsniffsniiif ... lick. Idu tests the eclair for demonic influences.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd considers. "Yeah. Plenty of packing. Probably need to get it out now." He moves to sit up with a soft hiss. "Mmff. Yeah. That still hurts. Fucker must have teflon coated rounds. At least it went through clean."

"I'm not saying I don't want your help Pheeb. It was just faster to get here and patch myself up than it was to try and track you down. But you found me anyway. So."

He carefully peels back the bandage from just above his left hip bone. "You up for getting the one in back? Pretty pleased with my work, I'll admit. Haven't even bled on the sheets this time.."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Beats coating them with PAM every time." Phoebe offers a joke, and she switches around, sitting on the bed behind Jason as she grabs a wipe from her pack to clean her hands off with first, and then reaches to remove the dressing.

    "The one on the back's really good for having been done with a mirror. You deserve to be proud of the dressing.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd rolls his eyes. "I'll keep the PAM in the kitchen or the bedside drawer" he jokes.

"Yeah?" He twists a little to try and look. "Thanks. I guess that means I've been doing this too much if I'm good at it." He winces a little but doesn't complain whent he last of the bandages are removed, forcing himself to relax so that Doc Pheeb can work her own form of medical magic.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "You should definitely not be using PAM for anything in the bedroom." Phoebe wrinkles her nose a moment as she places her hands on Jason's shoulder.

    "Honestly, don't they teach you anything? Am I gonna have to set up a middle school health binder?" Phoebe asks, and then she focuses her power, that warmth and tingling sensation likely coming through.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd glances over. "You're not the boss of me" the tone is playful. There is also no PAM int he drawer for the record.

He sits there, "I didn't have middle school, remember? I was busy stealing the rims off the Batmobile in what would have been eighth grade. Best classroom teachable moment ever."

As she begins to work he falls silent and relaxes.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I know, but you should have had some tutilage under Batman or Alfred, right?" she questions gently. "I mean, putting stuff into or onto your body that might hurt it is probably a bad idea. But if you want the not-age-appropriate breakdown -- Caroline Beacon was a History and Health teacher. I'm pretty sure I have recordings where she uses finger puppets to the tune of Friar Jacques to discuss the male and female reproductive systems."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods, "Of course. And none of them hit these topics. Also, I'm joking, Pheeb. Some day my dark humor will make sense. Probably. Maybe."

"And I'm quite sure I don't need The Talk from you.." He plays good patient and sits still for her to use her powers. He closes his eyes to keep control of himself while the odd sensations of feeling those only marginally important internal bits healing and mending continue.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Why not? I don't have fingerpuppets, but I DO have a flowchart." Phoebe gives a bright grin to Jason from behind his back.

    "... it always feels so weird healing you. Like, I sometimes get cravings after working with someone. With Tim it's always Oreos. I always want oreos and chocolate milk. When I healed Vorpal, anything that was Birthday Cake flavored. Probably the sprinkles. When I healed my old mentor I just got like, the taste of ashes and cigarettes." she states conversationally, and she smiles.

    "Dark humor's sometimes better when you have the clueless straightman. I'm good at that part."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd snorts again. "Going to say no to the flow charts." He glances back, "So with me, it's what? Pineapple" he jokes quietly.

Finally relaxing after she finishes, he gingerly stretches. "Well that feels a lot better. Thanks, Pheeb."

He turns carefully to look at her.

"I.. also want to apologize for losing my temper last time you were over. It was stupid to do, and it wasn't fair to you. I'm sorry."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "But they're so *fancy*..." Phoebe complains from behind, and as she raises her hands off Jason's shoulders, pushing herself back to sit on the edge of Jason's bed.

    "Haven't decided what it is yet. It's like something on the tip of your tongue. I kinda thought you'd be spicy or something." Phoebe gives an embarrassed laugh, and then she quiets, and she looks down.

    "Nothing to apologize for. I was being difficult. I've got my moments." she mumbles. "You don't have to apologize."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd raises a brow, "Fancy? If they have filigree or lace, that's too much. Gold leaf I'll accept."

He then laughs. "Spicy? Well okay then. I've got nothing. But I can totally see Oreos with Tim. That makes perfect sense."

"There is everything to apologize for. You don't deserve to get the brunt of my anger. I'm trying to get better about that. It's.. a process I guess."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Psh. Lace." Phoebe gives a smile, and she breathes out, looking to Jason.

    "And I do need to learn to let people help me more. That's something admittedly, all of us have in common." she looks up at the ceiling, and she breathes out, rubbing the back of her neck a moment.

    "Trying to find that new equilibrium is a process I'm going through too. There's a lot that the training, what ewe go through of it, just doesn't prepare us for. And there's not a lot of counselors who specialize in Superheroes." she smiles to Jason. "You do deserve to have a good outlet for all that emotion, though."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods and gently shoulders Phoebe. "It's a Bat thing. Stiff upper lip to an Absurdist extreme."

He offers a smile, "Yeah. The only shrink that could be capable of grasping us is Harley. And, well." He shrugs. "I believe she's turned around. But yeah... not sure I could ever talk to her."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "She's..." Phoebe tries to find an accurate word for Harley Quinn, and she fails.

    "... I speak six languages and Harley somehow defies definition." she comments quietly, and then gently shoulders Jason back.

    "And it's more than just the Bats. I was this way before Tim even knew me. Just bury everything deep inside, and no one will ever know that the healing powers make it so the antidepressants don't work. That was a trip to learn." she scowls.

    "Also alcohol doesn't work."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd says, "better that they don't. Drugs and alcohol are bad crutches to get hung up on."

He looks to her, "If you ever need to talk and no one else works. Just let me know. I'll be quiet and let you do the talking. Probably because I'm not great at giving useable advice. But.. it's an offer if you want or need it.""

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Yeah, I know. But it's hard when your only escape from the everything around you is to do as much as you can to resolve it all. Even I get tired." Phoebe replies to Jason, and she leans against his shoulder, and closes her eyes.

    "Your advice comes from the heart though. Especially if it's telling someone to go screw themselves."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd listens. As she leans on him, he waits a moment then shifts to slip his arm around her shoulders to hold her. He attempts to follow his offer, not saying a lot, letting her talk if she wants.

"Maybe. But even I can do with some growth now and then." He smiles a little. "I'm still sorry for losing my temper. You deserve better than that."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I'm sorry for always being a downer. You deserve better than that." Phoebe states to Jason.

    Idu has, meanwhile, completely emptied the eclair of its filling, and is licking his lips and waggling his curley-cue tail.

    "So, we'll work on not losing our cool around each other. Deal?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd chuckles. "Phoebe. If you were being a downer I'd tell you. You're just being.. you. Honest and without pretense." he turns just a little to look at her seriously. "Even if you -are- a downer sometime, it's okay. Really." He gently squeezes her shoulder to hug her, leaning his temple against the top of her head a moment.

"I can agree with that." He looks to her, "Like you are reminding me to come to you when I need help. You can come to me too. Not every situation needs a battering ram to smash it. But if it does, you know who to call." He smiles a little. "And if it requires more finesse, well. I'll learn that too. For you."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... but I literally rely on you being the battering ram to smash things!" Phoebe jokes, and she feels her shoulders rise up a little as Jason leans his temple against her head, and she just... sits there, taking in the affection. Her body actually relaxes a little against his.

    And not willing to be left out, Idu tailwags and then hops up and attempts to be across two laps at once, as any dog should, because if there's affection he wants IN on it.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods in agreement. "It's true. I'm a very good battering ram." He smiles. "But sometimes it is good to be a bit more, mm, precision. Not everything can be solved by applying more force."

He pauses as Idu finds two laps. "Well no doggie kisses on the first date, but maybe some ear scratches? Fair?" he aks the dog though he doesn't wait before applying those scratches.

"Still. If you need help. Or just a shoulder, you know where I'm at. You just have to say the word."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Idu happily accepts the ear scritches, wriggling until he's comfortable and happily laying across TWO laps, his tail wagging back and forth.

    Phoebe applies scritches to the dog's back, and she smiles over at Jason.

    "I know, Jason. And thank you, I really do appreciate it. I know I'm not the easiest person to be patient with!"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd laughs softly. "No. But I have to live with myself. So I already have a lot of practice dealing with someone difficult to be patient with. I think I can manage."