13318/Not Alice's Restaurant

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Not Alice's Restaurant
Date of Scene: 09 November 2022
Location: Behind the Library - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: The day is saved by... Sunny and Billy?
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Sunny Harlow

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson comes walking into the cafe where the bestest girlfriend in the world works. He greets the hostess and then grabs a seat at the counter. He has a large paper bag with him he sets next to him. It's about ten in the morning, slack time. He chose wisely. He wonders where Sunny got to? Work stations were variable but everyone was expected to help at the counter. She'd probably have time to talk, especially if she was filling those ketchup bottles he saw laid out.

Filling ketchup bottles when you had super speed must blow.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Hair back, white shirt and slacks covered by her apron, Sunny Harlow was doing a heroic thing...saving people from hunger and caffine deficiency thanks to coffee and the special. Thankfully, things were slow enough that she was indeed just making the rounds with the coffee pot when Shazam made his arrival.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson feels entirely to light hearted when he see the blonde waitress. Not to mention coffee! He sets down the menu he grabbed to indicate he was ready to order. When she gets close he says in a whisper, "You left this. I'm returning it. Did your feet get cold?" He does look a little self satisfied. An uncharitable person might say he looked slightly smug.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"You think I'd be smarter about leaving items of clothing anywhere near you given what happened to..." she begins only to pause, frowning a little as she realised the spin on her attempted comeback. "After the ink thing," she corrects herself before moving to lift the pot and offering it to Billy. "So....what can I get you?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson considers and discards several answers, choosing life. "Well, double entendres aside... I'll have the special, bacon extra crispy. And coffee. Just dip your pinky in the coffee, you'd sweeten it enough for me." Oh you sweet talker. Not.

"Did your homework turn out okay?" he asks. He wasn't sure about copying her handwriting when he duplicated it. He supposes she isn't going to let him kiss her. She's working.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
There's a mock groan from the girl as she pours the coffee, an exaggerated roll of her eyes and the blonde nods as she writes down his order for the ticket and chuckles. "It was salvageable enough," she nods before lifting a hand to blow him a kiss and then tucking the pencil back in her apron pocket to move away.

Close enough, right?

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson thinks to himself that he should really stop trying to be charming and just be himself. Whatever that means. He watches her walk away and then works at the maze on a kid's placemat while he waits for the special, his stomach grumbling a little. "Darn it." Dead end. He works at it again. For a moment he pictures Shazam stuck in a maze and traces a line out trough walls with his finger. This is actually a pretty good maze...

He abruptly realizes he is looking at a map of the Rock of Eternity. Yep. "Ok, someone is trying to tell me something..." He finds his way to the center finally and then, he's looking at a kid's puzzle again which he solves pretty quickly. He sticks the placemat in his sweater. Maybe it'll turn back?

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Well, that was something unnoticed to Sunny, she flashes a smile back to him even if she spotted his frown for a moment. The coffee wasn't -that- bad after all. Still, she was working, she'd quiz him about it later. For now orders were placed and plates from other tables needded to be cleared. At least she'd earned a decent tip?

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson looks up and out the window, waiting for his brunch. Then he sees a car, double parked, burning. At least to judge from the black smoke pouring out under the hood. Oh nuts. He jumps off the seat and runs for the door, "Sha..." and there are people in the street. A couple push past him into the cafe to raise the alarm. He grabs one man running inside and says, "Grab an extinguisher!"

Not sure if he's heard, he runs across the street. The cat was double parked, the engine is flaming, but running. Of course the keys are in it. He yanks the door open, gets a face full of smoke and fumbles for the hood release.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Well, quick enough and Sunny was running to her next fire. At least this one wasn't likely to result in another ruined Indestructibelle uniform. Still, the blonde emerges with her the dry chemical fire extinguisher at the ready. Him popping open the hood of the car had the girl squinting through the smoke before lining up the nozzle.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson gets clear of the car, coughing raggedly. "Don't raise the hood. Just shoot it underneath." He runs to her side but lets hr squirt away. It's her extinguisher, and she is definitely a self rescuing princess. Please no fireballs. Cars rarely explode the way you see them in the movies. Right?

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Well, white power and fog rushing forth and starting to extinguish the flames as best she could before moving to line up for the interior of the car. Enough to lean in and turn the keys to make sure the thing was turned off. That was the right way to do it...probably. Right?

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson gets shielded somewhat from the heat that erupts, by Sunny. "Don't forget to cough," he manages to croak out. He does hear sirens drawing near, thank goodness. Sometimes firefighters are better for emergencies than supers. He tries to pull her away. "Come on!" This would have almost no effect if she didn't want to go. On the bright side smoke was hiding their actions now. Hey, hiding them...

There's a boom and flash inside the smoke. The fire? He no longer feels heat, or struggles for breath or to see. Shazam emerges pulling Sunny free. "Good job miss! Hand me the extinguisher and get clear. I'll take it from here until the fire trucks arrive. Okay she may not like it but she'd like being caught in an explosion even less. At the very least she'd need to replace a uniform. At worst she'd be outed and Arnie and Julia would kill him when they found out.