13236/Tricks and Treats

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Tricks and Treats
Date of Scene: 01 November 2022
Location: Harbor Road and Post Road
Synopsis: Halloween is saved! Also candy is had!
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Sunny Harlow

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson is a little nervous about his costume choice. Actually it was more like no choice. He was suffering from the dread condition Fundzalo. It was chronic in his case. Nevertheless he showed up at their rendezvous, wearing a disposable poncho and ready for an unveiling. Possibly followed by cute giggling. He would bear it with good grace. Sunny didn't have a mean bone in her steel hard body. She'd make a good Shazam in fact. He was pretty sure she had him beat in the pure hearted department. Yes, he had it bad for her. So what?

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A shift finished and an arrival herself, Sunny arrives with a pair of coffees in her hands. Pumpkin spice, straight from work. Still, the girl steps out, wrapped in a coat herself over her own costume. Of course, she pauses, tilting her head at the poncho.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson rips the poncho away. He is dressed as Shazam. Quite literally. He's wearing Shazam's uniform. The heavy boots are padded with seveal pairs of socks. He has improvised padding in the arms and shoulders. He had learned to make alterations to clothes using duct tape when he lived on the streets. That was necessary or the sleeves would hang over his palms. It held together well, though the cape dragged a little. The bracers, boots and emblem were also dark as he didn't have lightning to power them up. His hair was combed back like Shazam's and the two definitely bore a family resemblance.

With more than his usual confidence he reaches out to take Sunny's hands. "Too meta? I didn't have time to get another costume. Do I pass for a hero?" He grins.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Oh she laughs, she absolutely does, but there's a little grin on her features, a little applause from her before she thumbs up. "It's okay, I think you're totally going to love the shirt I bought in Gotham," she grins before unzipping her jacket and opening it up to reveal...pink. A lot of pink! Fishing a little crown out of her pocket and opening it up the viltrimite had apparently chosen a variation in Princess Peach for tonight!

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson hahs! "I love it. Well we go together. A princess can always use a champion!" He flexes heroically, Then he looks around at the people in costumes and pulls a couple bags from his ever present backpack. He hands one to her. "As I understand it, these good people come out of their house to give us goodies for walking around looking all shiny and attractive. I guess I can hold the candy at least. You need both bags the way you look." He gives her a peck on the cheek and a quick hug.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I thought about the sailor venus one again, but I already showed it off. I thought about doing a greek goddess...but that'd be kinda weird so..." she trails off and makes to grin as she takes the bag, returning the hug and peck alike. "Think people will give us stuff, we're both kinda old for it at this point."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson doesn't release Sunny immediately, not that he could hold her back by strength alone. "Ask me do I care... but there are adults walking around and getting candy. So I guess we're not too old. Besides, we do adulting and saving people all the time." Further up the street a very out of shape Captain America is getting a full size candy bar! "I think they waves the rule for a really pretty girl, anyway. I'll pick up the scraps." He takes Pincess Peach by her arm and starts walking, if she will follow.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"All we can do is try, right? And hey, they'll have to give us the same so..." she moves, looping an arm with his and jerking her head towards the promise of full-size candy bars. "Shall we?" she questions and moves to bounce that direction with a spring in her step.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson several blocks later, the walk about yields results, a number of full sized bars for Sunny, rewarding her skipping. Billy looks in his bag as thy pause a minute. "That last house... gave me raisins. The one before... a freaking orange! Do I look malnourished? What'd they give you?" Seriously, he likes raisins but for Halloween? "That is just asking for your house to be egged! Not that I would. You'd have... to... arrest me." Words not coming too fast. He slips an arm around Peach. Suddenly something occurs to him, she being nearly as broke as he is. "Hey, I keep meaning to ask you... where the heck do you keep getting aaaaall these cute costumes?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Maybe they're just anti-candy? Wanting people to be healthy...or maybe I got the last ones?" she offers, a little softening of the blow or perhaps an earnest answer. Still his question brings a little laugh, a shrug of her shoulders given. "I mean, same place all my replacement costumes keep coming from," she offers, point to herself with her thumb.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson ahs. The two are suddenly speared by headlights as a car screeches around a corner and bears down at them. Billy to his credit does his best to pull Sunny out of the way. That would probably help the driver more than Sunny. If she doesn't get out of the way he does. Water from a deep puddle splashes as the car barrels through it narrowly missing the Princess. He watches the car speed away and yells, "Shazam!" Well, it's Shazam in a muscle shirt and sweats, both a little tight on him. He shoots after the car, his bag of candy forgotten on the curb.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
It was probably better for both of them, even if the crown on her head falls away and she finds herself knocked out of the way. If she'd been hit by the car? Well, her powers don't turn off. They'd probably have found themselves crumpled by the Viltrumite in her costume. Still, he was zooming along and she actually gives a little curse before she hikes up her skirt and then takes to the air, chasing after the car.

Not exactly dresssed as Indestructibelle, instead the apparent ruler of the mushroom kingdom was hunting down a would be hit-and-runner.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson grabs the rear fender of the car. A jolt of lightning kills the engine, just enough to fry the alternator. He sets the inert ca down as the driver gets out, dressed as Captain Boomerang! "You picked the wrong car to st... that is the worst costume I ever saw! Well wannabe, it's your funeral!" He lets fly with volley of boomerangs! OK, he's either Digger Barnes or a damned well rehearsed sociopath. The slasherangs seed authentic hacking into Shazam...

...'s clothing. To put it bluntly -he does a Sunny as he is forced to grab his shorts and watch his shirt disintegrate. "Holy Moley! Not fair!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
ANOTHER SUPERVILLAIN?! What a halloween! Still, she surges forwards, bright pink skirt flaring out as she 'brakes' and drives her foot into the man's chest, having slowed enough to push Captain Boomerang -back- without snapping him in half.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson watches as Captain Boomerang deflates. "Yeah there's more where that came from!"

He looks around and says the word again. Billy hears sirens closing and grins. "Yeah tie him up with a bumper! Wooo! You got pwned by Princess Peach! Hah." The costumed man seems oblivious. "We should jet... he isn't going anywhere. Give a guy a lift?" The last is said in a confidential tone. Where the heck did he leave his bag?

Sunny Harlow has posed:
One bumper bond later and Sunny grins, even offering a lift of her white-gloved hand to give a 'peace' sign or 'v for victory' like the character might before grinning. "Sure," she offers before extending a hand. "Just hold on tight...and hang onto my candy bag, alright?"

With that and a zip upwards, Sunny was headed into the sky.