13388/Frosted wings

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Frosted wings
Date of Scene: 18 November 2022
Location: Main Kitchen
Synopsis: Warren and Emma 'catch up' in the kitchen at Xavier's
Cast of Characters: Warren Worthington, Emma Frost

Warren Worthington has posed:
     It's becoming a bit of a habit over the last couple of days that Warren has been seen more and more at Xavier's. Maybe the Angel is trying to stop being such a recluse to his old haunt, and his friends. As Kitty had so often pointed out to him, he worked way to much. So today Warren seems to be taking another day off from his duties as the head of Worthington Industries and instead is playing 'hookie' from work.

    The blonde mutant is dressed very casual, in a pair of grey sweatpants and an A-frame t-shirt that looks to be a bit damp with sweat from a workout, is wings jutting out the back from custom tailored slits to accommodate them. He stands at the fridge, door open as he lets the cold air wash over him as a form of air conditioning as he peruses the contents for something to nosh on.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma's own time at Xavier's can be somewhat varied. Whether she's coming here to check on things, or simply get away from New York and her own business. With her rare tendency to teach classes and somewhat reserve status as a member of the team, she hasn't even left her usual scars upon the student body. She would etner into the kitchen after one of her forays to the Mansion on her own business..
    "Why, Mister Warrington. I haven't been graced with your presence in awhile. Are you here on business or simply to act like the forlorn college student and going somewhere to take your laundry for your parents to do?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
     "The later, Ms. Frost. Most definitely the later, except sub out doing laundry for a session in the danger room. I don't have one of those back over at One Madison Park." Warren says without even turning to face Emma just yet, as he finally just grabs a bottle of water from the fridge. He glances over his shoulder, shifting a wing out of the way so he has a clear view of Emma.

    "Can I get you anything while I am in here?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod idly, "Of course. I suppose then that means that you can't afford a servant to handle it? Or has your laziness grown as of late? Or is there some sort of ulterior motive I should be aware of in your presence here for an existential crisis? And if they have a decent wine, of course."

Warren Worthington has posed:
     "I don't think Niall would be happy with a session in the danger room. He might quit if I tossed him in there at even the lowest setting. That, and I think Charles might take issue with me letting my butler down there, but no. No ulterior motive other than me needing a good workout, I needed to stretch the wings." Warren says with a chuckle and little shake of his head.

    He turns back to look in the fridge for a second to grab a second bottle of water, "Well I'm pretty damned sure I am not going to find any decent wine in here, anything from here would come in a box." He shuts the door to the fridge and wanders over towards a side cabinet where sometimes he stashes a bottle of red in the back for when he is here and checks there, ah-haing as he pulls out a bottle. "I have a Pinot Noir..."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would fold her arms, "Oh, of course. I presume that anything decent won't be accessible to the students or those that are more lacksadasical to the faculty. I was asking if you had anything decent with you Warren. THe least htat you could have done if you would have come here in my presence was having the courtesy of bearing gifts." Emma's not being quite serious here, but the twinge of her Boston accented English is there in a heavy tone of amusement.
    "Or are you limiting yourself to the fare that the students have left over from the cafeteria?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
     "Well I didn't bring any wine with me, no. I wasn't expecting the need for a bottle of red, and a bottle of white." Warren laughs with a shake of his head as he finds a couple of glasses.

    They aren't traditional wine glasses, but they will have to do, at least they are clear. Opening the bottle, the Angel shrugs, causing his wing to flutter and ripple. "I apologize profusely for not bringing a gift, other than my glowing presence, Emma. Wasn't expecting to see you, next time I will make sure I have something on me." He pours the wine into the glasses and brings them over, offering Emma he choice of glass. The one with the Flinstones on it, or Mickey Mouse. "Limiting myself, but I got lucky with some Brazilian steakhouse leftovers from Berto's the other day."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would mm, "Well then, I suppose that's your own particular failure." She would deadpan over. "But I do expect that if you're going to be taking up my time you make some appropraite use of it, Mister Worthington. One should remember they should always remember to be polite over with a lady now,s houldn't they?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
     "I believe I have been, Ms. Frost." He half-smiles. "I have been nothing but courteous, and offered you refreshment." The blonde mutant smiles, setting one of the wine glasses down and taking a sip from the one he retains in his hand. "So, how are you Emma? Are things well with you? Last I saw you was over that the HFC if I recall."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Warren with light amusement, "Very well, I suppose that there are different standards that you have been taught. I shall in turn forgive you this once. And Sebastian still plays his little games for his own amusement and seems content to twiddle his thumbs."

Warren Worthington has posed:
     Chuckling Warren takes another sip of Pinot from the Flintstones glass in his hand. "Perhaps. I have a feeling that your standards are much higher than mine. You never seem to let loose, do you? I'd tell you to lighten up a bit, but then you wouldn't be you anymore." The wings on his back ruffle and resettle, adjusting. "How is business? Things moving along in an acceptable manner?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Why thank you, Mister Worthington. It's nice to have such a thing recognized. And business goes quite well. Do remember at the end of the day while we support the same causes.." She would flash a smile, "We are competitors."

Warren Worthington has posed:
     "How could I ever forget, Emma. You remind me any chance you get," The Angel says with a grin, "But as far as I can recall, WI still outperforms Frost International." True or not, he says it with conviction, and lifts the glass of wine to his lips and takes a sip. "But I haven't checked the numbers today."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Why, are we actually starting to realize we run a business and have to invest some effort and attention over in to it rather than leaving it to the board while you live off your allowance?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
     "Oh, I've been involved for quite some time, Emma. Truth is I became a bit of a workaholic, enough that is started to affect other areas of my life." Warren says seriously, none of the playful snark that usually creeps in when he talks to her. "Enough that I may actually have to pull back if I am going to retain my good humored nature, lest I turn into...well...you."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smirk, "Well, good for you, MIster Worthington. Will wonders never cease. And here I thought that you might go the route of Mister Wayne, and be coasting off your father's work perpetually."

Warren Worthington has posed:
     "You know, sometimes I wish that I did live like Bruce. The only thing that guy worries about is blonde, brunette, or redhead...and maybe he doesn't even worry about that and just grabs one of each." Warren says with a laugh, bringing up his glass to take a sip of the wine. "But no, I've been adulting, as surprising as that may seem. Too much if you ask Kitty."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shrug, "Or all of them at once. But do you want to lower yourself to that standard? GEnerations wasted away simply because oen playboy an't be particularly bothered to maintain what they've worked thier life towards."

Warren Worthington has posed:
     "Nah, I've got a full plate enough as it is with work that I barely maintain a position on the 'team' here anymore. Something I should really try to get back into if I am honest." Warren says with a shrug of his shoulder. "Scratch that 'hero' itch a bit more. Do something good. But, no, WI is doing fine. I'm managing just fine to keep it afloat."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "You're available when need be. And there's a good core of the team present here when needed." Emma would affirm, "And you're on call if your talents are required." she would shrug at it. "And we're able to support here."

Warren Worthington has posed:
     Warren arches a brow, "Are you feeling alright, Emma? Those almost sounded like words of affirmation." The winged mutant grins as he finishes the wine in his glass, setting it down onto the counter. "Careful, or someone might actually mistake you for someone who gives a shit."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Oh, Warren, a compliment is a compliment. You're applying yourself over with focus to your talents and working at them. That's an earned one."

Warren Worthington has posed:
     "Well far be it for me to look askew at a complement from Emma Frost. I'll certainly have to mark this down as a day to remember." Warren grins and reaches for the wine bottle, pouring his glass about half full before setting the bottle onto the table. More genuinely he says, "Thank you. I'm trying to find the right balance. It isn't easy to juggle it all."