13436/Skiing for SHIELD

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Skiing for SHIELD
Date of Scene: 25 November 2022
Location: 6C - Matt Murdock
Synopsis: At the resort, Matt and Daisy go skiing. She has to contend with more blind jokes.
Cast of Characters: Matthew Murdock, Daisy Johnson

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The mountain is covered with beautiful white powder. The arctic storm that came down from the north may have paralyzed the rest of New England, but it made for perfect skiing conditions. It's currently sunny, but quite a bit colder than freezing, keeping the snow in wonderful condition.

Having just departed the ski lift, Matthew Murdock and Daisy Johnson glide over on their skis to the top of the ski hill where the signs denote the different difficulty runs that one can choose from. Matt has on a pair of goggles to hide the state of his eyes from anyone, pretending to be a sighted person as he rarely does when he's not in costume.

"So, which run do we want to do?" Matt asks Daisy. "Keeping in mind I've never actually skied before. Though it seems like mostly a balance thing. So I think I'll probably pick it up pretty quickly."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It may be sunny but it certainly isn't fooling Daisy. Or in this case eskimo Daisy. Good ol' fluffy jacket, goggles on. A little mask for the low portion of her face. Fine, her pants aren't exactly fluffy but tight to her body because you don't want your legs getting tangled or with restrained movement when skiing.

"Never?" Daisy quirks a brow up at Matt, "You should had went with me a few times when I was at Nepal..." a wink, "Not all secret missions are free of fun."

Then a laugh when Matt says he will pick it up quickly. "Suuuuure...." a mischievous little grin to her lips. "It's never as easy as it may appear to be. I learned that the .., hard way.." a grimace. Yes, she still remembers the pain in her tush.

"So ..., let's start with 'training wheels' for you. Which means ..., no big slopes." she leads ahead towards the beginner's track.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"See you never should have told me that," Matt tells Daisy of the skiing trip on the mission. "Now I'm going to be checking your for a tan each time you come back from a mission, or checking your pockets for tickets to Disneyworld," he teases her.

He's had the normal moments of figuring out how to turn and stop that most people did, before they got on the ski lift. Though the man's superhuman agility and sense of balance does seem to be working into his favor. He glides, poling along with Daisy across the flat section at the top towards the easy slope.

He faces down the hill and says, "It's really peaceful out here. Would love to visit the mountains like this somewhere away from a ski hill. Just the sounds of the wind and animals," he says. He points over across the top of the hill where he hears the sound of a bird's wings flapping against the air as it comes into land in a tree there. "So if I do well at this," he says of the skiing, turning back to face the hill. "You get to take all the credit. Not that there's anyone you can tell you took me skiing," he says with a chuckle.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Good luck checking for a tan..." Daisy retorts with a chuckle. Yay, blind jokes! "Though I mean, we -could- go to Disneyworld sometime.." she settles down on the ski lift, feet dangling as they start going uuuupppp. "Don't look down now if you don't like heights..." she murmurs with a teasing elbow against Matt's side.

Yet for all the jokes being tossed around Daisy does get serious when teaching Matt what to do, how to balance out, shifting the weight, using the poles to steer. Sure, Matt's balance makes it easier but she at least goes through the basics! "I am only doing this so I don't feel as bad when you ace this when it took me such pains to get any good..." so dramatic that Daisy can be sometimes. But it's clear she's joking!

"I will tell JJ over a bottle of bourbon..." She grumps, "Alright, now time for the big leagues. No obstacles so we should be able to get a little speed going!" and then off she goes!

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Before Daisy takes off, Matt leans over, a gloved hand cupping the back of her head so he can more easily lean in to give her a kiss. "For luck," he says, all Star Wars-y. He's not the biggest fan of the movies, the graphical effects the wow point for them. But he knows Daisy's fondness for them.

And then he's pushing off too, letting Daisy lead as he follows her down. He does some tentative turns, getting a feel for the skis. As expected, he goes up the learning track pretty quickly, and by the halfway point of the mountain he's carving out sharp turns back and forth, even jumping into some.

"So much easier without anyone shooting at you," he calls to her after turning his skis straight downhill to pick up some speed and catch back up to Daisy.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
With Matt going all rogue-ish of course that Daisy gets a flush to her skin when the kiss finally comes. Yes, she does have a weak spot for the bad boys. Don't judge her! "You Han Solo, you..." a nudge of her hip against him. (Which is dangerous too because they could fall!), or maybe she's just testing how balanced Matt is right now. He does ace the test by not falling so she nods approvingly...

But now off they go! Daisy doesn't go that slow, not one to have that much patience when teaching but she does look over her shoulder from time to time. And when she notes Matt is keeping up? She laughs. "So unfair!" she nimbly continuing to move down the slope, snow being lifted in her wake.

"I could arrange for some people to shoot at us if you wanted.." she suggests as they continue their descent, the wind felt hitting them. Good thing they brought goggles.

"This way!" She then calls out, changing down an alternative route. And a moment later? She can be -felt- flying through the air at the small ramp that provides a jumping spot. "Wooohoo!"

Yes, it was time to induct Matt into ski jumps.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"That usually happens without us needing to arrange it!" he calls back to point out. As Daisy cuts off to the side, he follows, a little behind and to the side so he's in fresh powder.

They schuss down the mountainside, coming around a bend around some trees and there's the ramping hill in front of them. Matt senses Daisy going over it, the way she tucks her knees up a bit, using her arms to help keep her balance, then landing in the soft snow.

Matt gets a determined look and goes over the jump. He floats through the air and then hits the snow again. He starts to lose his balance just a little as the skis want to shoot out in front of him more than his feet would, but he catches himself with just a wobble and then straightens again.

"Woo! So that's what it's like for Superman!" he calls over to Daisy with a grin.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daring a glance over her shoulder after the jump Daisy sees Matt doing the same and grins widely. "Darn it, almost!" she exclaims when she sees Matt nearly losing his balance and falling but then catching himself up.

Using the poles she slows down to get herself next to Matt and then says, "You know, if you wanted to fly I could had helped you by now..." she confides with a laugh, "Pffftt, Superman..." she grumbling momentarily before they take another cut.

"We are closer to the bottom now. All you had hoped for?" She asks about the skiing.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Yes, but the way that you fly makes it feel like my fillings are going to vibrate out," Matt teases. He has a big grin visible on his face beneath the goggles. "Yes, definitely a lot of fun," he says. "I suppose I should probably find more excuses to get out of the city and do things like this," he says as they go over a slight rise, not quite enough to catch air, but close. Then on down the mountain.

"How does it look?" he asks her. "The mountain, with all the snow on it, and the sunlight? I can feel it warming me, know the sun must be out," the blind mind asks Daisy.

Up ahead is the bottom of the run, and the ski lodge that has the restaurant and night club. Plus the ones in town of course. "What would you like to do tonight? Have a quiet night at the cabin, order in? Go out for dinner? And dancing? See a show or a movie?" he asks.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I mean, you do have a point there..." Daisy retorts with another laugh when Matt speaks on how he feels when Daisy gets him to fly. But then. "Well, I got other ways to get you flying..." and that tease on her tone? It doesn't leave much to the imagination what she might be talking about. What a minx!

"And yes you should, city boy." Daisy looking ahead as they slow a bit just on top of that slope and then go back down. "It looks .., breath taking.." she whispers, "Large peak on the horizon, sun coming up behind it. And snow as far as the eye can see.."

They finally come to a slow at the bottom, now just sort of drifting down. "Dinner and dancing sound good to me. I will get to check on those dance steps of yours."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Well, I don't like show off," Matt says in his deep, quiet voice. "Though for you, and the right music, I suppose I could break out a few moves. What've we got to dance to? Abba? The BeeGees?" he asks, lips quirking as he's kidding.

Though he does like Saturday Night Fever.

"So, are we doing another run? Or heading back to get warmed up?" Matt asks as they coast down to a stop at the bottom. "Think I've got the hang of this pretty well," he tells her. "Bet I could do that run with my eyes closed," he says, lips quirking again with that joking grin of his.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy just stares at Matt for a time at that last joke. At least it makes her not having to comment about the Abba or Beegees.

Then a groan, followed by a resigned sigh.

"I hate blind jokes week..."