13529/Kryptonian Reunion

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Kryptonian Reunion
Date of Scene: 08 December 2022
Location: Sandy Beaches
Synopsis: Kara and Alura are reunited after years of being apart on the kind gentle beaches of Themyscira.
Cast of Characters: Alura In-Ze, Kara Danvers

Alura In-Ze has posed:
This world with its strange color palettes, languages, arts, peoples. It was like nothing she could have imagined. Jor-El was the explorer and the one who found this little blue planet called Earth. It held the secret they needed to bring Kal-El and Kara Zor-El to life from a dying race.

Now Alura was sitting on the beach. With sandles removed her toes are curling in the sand. A familiar yet alien sensation. The water lapping near her. Her vision staring at the strange colors of the sunrise. She had been told this island was 'special' and that the rest of the world was not like it. If so, she will have to see for herself.

Dressed in a simple white gown provided by the Amazons, her long blonde hair down. She has been experiencing a supreme feeling of piece and calm since leaving the phantom zone. More so when she was told her daughter was well and had many friends.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Needless to say, when she was told Alura was here, Kara's reactions were strong. She set out almost instantly at high speed, arcing through the skies, till she reached the place where /she/ got accustomed to Earth. Some sonic booms and suborbital flight later, and she's coming down over Themyscira. She's dressed in her superhero attire, the blue bodysuit, the red cape and boots, and the house crest prominent on her chest. Eyes sweep over the island, telescopic and x-ray vision both serving to tell her what she needs to know. The location of Alura.

She wouldn't admit that her heart is triphammering like it is. This could still be some kind of trick. Deception. Something that isn't /her/ Alura. But how can she not look into it. Instead, she descends towards the beach, till her boots lightly touch down on the pristine sand.

"/ieiu/?" is the simple word that falls from her lips, in Kryptonian. Mother.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
The superpowers haven't kicked in yet but she was warned they were coming. Instead the sun has been making her feel... good. Healthy. Strong. Energised. But hearing those words from a familiar voice make her heart miss a beat and the tears instantly well up in her eyes. She rises and turns to see her daughter.

"/inah/" she replies and steps forward to embrace her daughter in her arms. She rests her face to her cheek and holds on to the one she thought she'd never see again tightly. It has been a long journey getting here for them both.

Alura cannot help the tears cry out of pure joy and emotional overload. "You're here," she says in Kryptonian, "And only a little older than when you were sent away." Zor-El and Jor-El gave her no choice in the matter and the argument ended the moment Kara's capsule had left. "You're alive," she adds.

Kara Danvers has posed:
There's a moment...just a moment, where her first reaction is her tensing up. Body language stressed. Nervous. /SCARED. She doesn't embrace immediately. She's too worried, and too unwilling to believe this can possibly be true.

That's just a moment, though. Her arms fly around Alura after that, trembling. One part with emotion and one part with restraint, holding herself back so as to have no chance of accidentally harming her.

"I'm here. But...how can YOU be?" she says, in Kryptonian. "I...everyone is gone. EveryTHING was gone. Krypton. Argo City. All of it. How is this possible?!?" Her voice is strained with emotion. She wants to believe, but she's also afraid to let herself do it.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura wipes at the tears and looks at her daughter with the eyes of a mother in love. She takes hold of Kara's hand and looks down the beach. "That's a long story. Let's walk.." it's clear from how soft her mother is that Alura hasn't experienced the affects of the yellow sun enough yet. But Alura could feel something different about Kara.

"While your uncle was preparing an escape for Kal and you, conspiring with your father - your father was building a shielding system for Argo," she begins as she walks; her free hand holding the sandles kindly gifted to her by the Amazons.

The lack of English, the pure Kryptonian discourse, is something from a distant memory for them both. "Jor and Zor send you away and Zor activated his shield when the planet was at its final moments. You might remember I was part of the civil defence against Zod's coup."

She pauses and crouches down picking up a shell. Look it over with analytical eyes and a touch of wonder at alien life, she continues, "I was livid that they had sent you away without telling me. And when it happened, Dru-Zod had escaped our custody. I got back in time to see you go - and then Zor activated the shield."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Indeed, it's more than she's spoken in her native tongue in a very long time. But unlike Kal, who was just a baby, Kara was already a teen on Krypton. This is her native tongue. She looks back to Alura, nodding. "Yes. But...the planet didn't survive. The city didn't survive." She wants to believe, so very, very badly. She might be one of Earth's most powerful heroes, but right now, she's back to being that teenage girl missing her mother.

"How can you be alive? How can you be here? Is...is father still alive too?" she asks, hope and concern in her voice. Almost desperation. Please be yes.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura twists her lips a moment and says, "I.. don't know. Let me explain." She says with a small sigh. "The shielding worked and when Krypton exploded we were propelled free. We set court for a new star where we could build a new home. It was going to be a long journey and our resources were limited."

"So we did what we thought was right. We voted in a new high council and I was on it, so was your father. But as the months stretched on and energy got low the people got restless. I did the calculations and - we could make it, if we sacrificed a lot of our comforts."

She looks to Kara and gives her hand a small squeeze, "The people decided not to accept my plan and rose up against the council. They banished me to the phantom zone. I don't know what happened to your father."

"I then spent a very long time trying to survive in the phantom zone until I met up with Krypton's first prisoner of the zone, Jax-Ur. He'd been experimenting with ways to leave null space. He found one, it was risky. Too risky. He tried it anyway. I decided to search for a safer solution. The computer woke me up when one was found and I escaped with the help of your cousin.."

She pauses, "Gosh he's a lot older, how is he older than you? that doesn't make sense. Also another woman there who had a family resemblance - she could fly. There was a lot to take in."

Kara Danvers has posed:
    "My ship took longer to arrive." Kara explains. "I'm not entirely sure why. But by the time I got here, Kal had already landed and been on Earth for many years. Thanks to the stasis, I'm physically younger than he is now, even though I'm chronologically older."

She can't help but give her mother's hand a firm squeeze back, perhaps even a bit stronger than she should. "Someone with a family..." She thinks a moment, and then the logical solution dawns on her. "Looks like me, but a decade older? And more...umm...developed?" she asks.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura looks back to Kara a moment as her hand is squeezed. How is her daughter so strong? the reality of the effects the sun is going to have on her haven't quite sunk in yet. "That's the one," she says as Kara describes Karen. "Kara, you know I was instrumental in the development of the real space null space transition ray. The Roz-Bridge. But I never wanted it to be used as a prison colony. It's wrong to do so - that place is torture."

She frowns a moment. Roz, her teacher and mentor, was responsible for its first used. Fort Roz, named after her, was the prison they built. "I need you to promise me you won't ever used it like we did on Krypton. The place eats at you. Your body, your mind, your sense of self. To stay sane I put myself in stasis. If I hadn't I'd never have made it out of there."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Mother...none of that matters now! You're HERE! That's what matters. Of course we won't do that. There's very little of that technology left to start with, and neither Kal or I are going to misuse it. With you here, we can do anything. I have you back! Nothing else matters by comparison! Rao, this is...this is more than I could ever believe. You're here with us now. We can be a family again! I--"

Oh, wow. She's going to have to introduce her Kryptonian mother to her Earth mother. That's going to be complicated. But then, so's the rest of this. "Karen is...a version of me from another dimension. We're both Kara Zor-El...or in her case, Kara Zor-L. But...a parallel version of me."

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura feels that same relief and excitement that finally she is with her daughter again. Her mind drifts to Argo City and its fate though. She needs to know if they made it, if she can get to Zor and bring him here too; or perhaps take Kara there.

Her eyes turn back to her daughter as she thumbs the shell about in her hand. "Did you say.. you from another dimension??" and here she thought she was the scientist of the family. That's wild. "Huh! That might explain the way she reacted to seeing me."

She looks to Kara and says, "Yes. I'm here now and I'll never let someone send you away from me again. This isn't the life I ever expected to have - but I've had a long time in the phantom zone to mourn Krypton. It still hurts inside thinking about it but knowing you and Kal are safe makes all the difference."

She looks over Kara's clothes, "But.. you've been living the life of a warrior? why do you and your cousin wear such ceremonial garb? I love seeing El on display like this," she says and strokes a finger over the S, "But I don't quite understand. Did you know you were accepted in to the sciences academy before ... yes, well, you could have followed in my footsteps."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Yes. Myself from another dimension. I've encountered several occurrences of dimensional displacement here, on this world. As far as being a warrior..." She considers how to word it. "This world has a great many people who have enhanced abilities of one kind or another. And our people, Kal, myself, now you...here on this world, our physical structure absorbs the solar energy like a battery. We're...well, we're powerhouses above and beyond even the other powered people on this world. Those who have the ability to act have the responsibility to act, Mother. I learned that from YOU. And I haven't abandoned the sciences. I'm actually part of a group here that has a lot of young women who are genius inventors. I've worked with them, and I keep my hand in on the sciences. I..."

She pauses and chuckles a little. "I probably keep busier than I ought to, really. I have several jobs, all of which are almost supposed to be full time employment. Kal was the one who took up wearing the outfit, and the crest. As a way to honor our people, and our home. By the time I landed, it was a way to connect to him, and live up the standard he'd set."

She smiles wryly. "I look...very different, when I'm not being a public heroine. I have...well, they call them a "secret identity" here. A dual life.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura looks briefly puzzled, but clearly fascinated that this planet is experiencing multiple dimensional incursions and that several of them involve her daughter. The implication is obvious - that means in multiple versions of reality, a common theme perhaps, is that Kara ends up on Earth. That probably means Krypton died each time.

The nature of Earth's food chain does have her raise her eyebrows. "That.. is a heavy burden inah," she says and double checks her daughter. "But I don't pretend to understand this world, its people, or its politics. I only know what Jor told me, that the world was fractured amongst polities and the technology was very far behind our own."

"Clearly he was holding back or may be mistaken. I flew in a ship capable of going to space to come to this island. You know it wasn't really the way on Krypton to balance so many roles. Scientist, Warrior, Diplomat, all at once. We devoted our lives to a single thread amongst the tapestry of our people."

Part of this discussion is for herself. She's been a scientist all her life until suddenly she was fighting the military, sworn to protect them, as they tried to conquer the planet - even as the planet itself was falling apart. Science had failed them. Politics had failed them. The unity of Krypton had been a lie; and the so called evolved species of Kryptonians devolved in to revolt and revolution at the mere thought of energy rations in Argo City.

"I have a lot to learn. I understand this world has over a hundred different languages instead of .. well .. one."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I have to do all of that." Kara says, both proud and a little sad. "Supergirl, the heroine to the people of Earth. Kara Zor-El to Kal and to my fellow teammates on G.I.R.L. Kara Danvers, the intern reporter at the Daily Planet. Agent Danvers, government agent with the DEO. Member of the Titans, occasional Mentor to the students up at Happy Harbor. But now, even more than all of those, just happy to be Kara Zor-El, daughter of Alura In-Ze."

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura looks somewhat shocked at all the names and hats that Kara is wearing. The one that stands out the most of course, though, besides this 'Danvers' name, is Supergirl.

"I'm sorry honey, did you just say people know you as 'Supergirl'" Her lips press together as she tries to stifle an amused smile but she turns and wraps her arms about her daughter none the less.

"You're my super girl that's for sure. Always have been and always will be. Kara, I'm so glad I've found you. At least one thing that matters most to me survived it all - you. So. What does the title Danvers mean exactly?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Blame Kal!" Kara says, protesting. "But yes, he called himself Superman when he debued as a hero. And the press dubbed me "Supergirl", after him. She does sound a little embarassed about all of that. And then at that last, she looks...well, awkward. "It's a name. It's...my Earth name." She can't think of how to say this in an easy form for her mother, but it wouldn't be right to just lie to her. "When I got here, I didn't really know anything of Earth...and from my perspective, I'd just lost you and Father. Once Kal found me, and they tried to get me settled...they eventually found me a foster family here on Earth. Someone who could look after me and...well, be a surrogate mother and father." How else do you say that?

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura nods her head slowly. "I see. Someone has been looking after my girl for me? Then I'll have to thank them. Danvers." A nod, a mental to do list - meet the Danvers, the people who took her daughter in as a refugee. "You do know we sent you here to look after Kal?" She looks slightly amused again wondering what a shock that must have been for Kara to meet her cousin all grown up.

Now that she thinks about it, as much of a shock for herself meeting him all grown up. "If you'd arrived when Kal did - you'd be my age, or may be older, by now." She shakes her head at all the weird timey whimyness of things.

"Was the sanctuary helpful at least?," she asks. The Sanctuary of Solitude. Something Kara didn't even know existed. The thing never made it to its expected destination. She heard that the Fortress of Solitude was a place that they'd considered taking her before settling on Themyscira instead.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara nods a little. "I'd be happy to introduce you to them." She offers, and smiles a bit at Alura's first statement. "Believe me, if I was ever to expect to see you again, it wouldn't have been looking just like I remembered you. And Sanctuary...you mean the Fortress?" she asks.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura nods her head. It makes sense. If not for stasis she'd have been a lot older. The blonde from her hair would have faded to grey and then white.

She shakes her head, "Not the Fortress. The Sanctuary. We sent the Fortress with Kal and the Sanctuary with you. They're meant to be twins."

With concern she pulls back the long white sleeve of her gown revealing a Kryptonian bracer on her arm. With a motion a holographic display appears and she taps through the menus to bring up signals on the planet.

Two pods: check. Two survival shelters: check. One online - the other offline. She taps on the offline one and raises an eyebrow, "High pressure environment? I think it fell in to the ocean. It's here but it never powered up." She frowns a moment, "I'm sorry Kara - it was meant to be your home away from home."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I'm not aware of any other Fortress. Or Sanctuary." She considers that a moment, looking to the bracer. "Can that determine an exact position?" Kara asks. After all, a deep sea dive is precisely NOTHING for a Kryptonian. Crushing ocean pressure is a joke compared to being hit by the Hulk. Her science brain and her powers working in sync may be able to solve this.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura taps on the display for the location and it comes back with Error. She shakes her head, "No. We'll need to put some satellites in orbit - get a planetary Kryptonian network up and running. The Fortress should be able to manufacture what we need."

She looks back to her daughter and reaches out to gently stroke her face, "But that can wait." She looks out along the long beach and says, "I want you to tell me about everything that has happened since Krypton. I've missed too much of your young adult life already."