13557/Tea Time with The Batman

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Tea Time with The Batman
Date of Scene: 11 December 2022
Location: Fourth Floor: Lounge and Sitting Room
Synopsis: Batman was invited to tea with a Witch. Although Nettie Crowe could not advise on his magical charge's doings, she can advice on Gotham's supernatural happenings and places where Magic gathers.

Batman has expanded information on The Flipside, the Curio, and is no closer to figuring out why Exploding Glitter Imps infested an office building.

Cast of Characters: Nettie Crowe, Bruce Wayne

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    The invitation had come as neatly and politely as one could while flying a broomstick around Gotham City trying to find the most out of place ridiculous looking vehicle in the city of crime. Luckily, she was pretty sure she got the right one, and was pleasantly surprised when an RSVP showed up --- as was only polite.

    So the scene was set. She had posted Corvax at the rooftop, making the assumption Batman wouldn't enter by the front door. Her wards had been lowered to their lowest 'setting', just allowing her to get a sense of what was entering or leaving the building. Her sanctum. Her home that she opened up to the healing Justice League Dark.

    Unlike the tea shop below, Nettie had a complete tea set here; a pair of saucers with overturned cups (in case he brought an associate). Little plates. A three-tier stand with cucumber and watercress sandwiches set for dainty finger foods, the tea itself brewed to precise temperatures.

    And Nettie seemed intent on making a good appearance. She was stepping out of her normal goblin-witch-exhaustion mode and was wearing a cream-colored shirt with ruffles at the neck beneath a gray sweater, with her skirts around her, sitting on a pillow at a low table, her eyes closed as if in contemplation.

    The tea set itself was thematic, vintage-styled silver-on-gray, decorated with little crows, bats, and spiders.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
It was likely Alfred that did the RSVP. Batman didn't do RSVPs. It wasn't often that a formal invitation was issued though so Alfred got to practice his butlering skills by sending a reply once Bruce had reluctantly agreed he should likely meet with the leaders of the JLD. Especially since he had some one in the family now that had magical issues which may require their assistance on occasion.

Even with the sun setting early due to the Winter days it was still relatively light out when he arrives. The rooftop was of course where he arrives. The alley had been considered and disregarded. There was too much foot traffic around this time of day.

The Dark Knight literally drops in with cape flared to slow his descent to the roof having arrived via his plane which settles into a stealth flying pattern until needed again. Off over the bay most likely. The cape gathers around him again in its' shadowy embrace.

"Corvax." The name is stated simply in greeting though he had never met the crow in question before. Intel. Always intel. Striding forward he heads for the door leading inside. "I assume you'll inform her I'm here." No sneaky arrival for the Bat this time with a lookout present.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Corvax had set up sentry on the roof, among the regular crows that would inhabit the place. No pigeons though; they're rats of the sky but not associated with Nettie's workings.

    Corvax was about to spout out his warnings about being polite, he's entering a witch's home, etcetera -- but he's totally taken aback that Batman KNEW HIS NAME.

    "Cor, Bloody Hell mate you're a fockin' big one." he mutters, and giving a caw, the bird hops off his perch (over the ancient air conditioning unit that couldn't possibly still be working), and then drops over the side of the building, through a window, and into the lounging space.

    "Service for one more, Nettie. Looks like he came alone." the crow states, hopping up onto the table and seizing one of the watercress and butter sandwiches in his beak, and then hopping up to another perch.

    "Dunno how he bloody knew *my* name. 'S he a wizard?"

    Nettie opens up one eye, her lips pursed in a wry smile as she looks to Corvax.

    And then she flips over one cup of the two that were turned over, and then pulls the other to the side, causing it to disappear.

    Just as Batman arrives, she's pouring tea into his cup.

    "Thank you very much for making time to come see me. I greatly appreciate it."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Batmans' shadow fills the doorway just in time to see the tea being poured. He hovers in the doorway filling it up with his sheer bulk while regarding the room from behind the lenses of his mantle. Ally or not it didn't hurt to examine the place before he fully enters.

"Of course. Is this pertaining to a matter regarding the Justice League or a-" He almost doesn't manage to get it out. "Personal matter?" Usually he knew before arriving what the situation once. A formal invitation seemed rather personal though it could simply be a case of wishing to introduce herself.

Before she has time to answer however he makes one solid observation with a hint of amusement to his tone: "Interesting choice of china." If he didn't know Tim was only peripherally involved he might think he put her up to such a joke. It's then that he steps forward into the room properly with a little forward duck of his head to ensure that the ears on his cowl would actually clear the door frame.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie is short, though not delicate. Her silver-white hair was pulled back into a simple bun.

    The room was comfortable, though the amount of magic in the area may cause some fussing of the technological items in the cowl. She takes a deep breath, finishing pouring tea for the Batman as she draws her eyes up to his massive form. Armor over an already impressive body.

    "Professional matters; I wanted to introduce myself to you and speak of League matters. I also wanted to ask your permission to operate in Gotham City, knowing that it is jealously protected." she gives a small smile.

    "My name is Annette Crowe. I am currently the advisory head of the Justice League Dark, after a temporary retirement from activities while getting myself together." she gives a smile. "I share responsibilities with Miss Gabrielle Kinney and Detective Sara Pezzini, though the latter has been tending to her own business for a brief time." she explains, and she holds her hands out, showing the thin leather gloves in gray on them.

    "Thank you. I thought it appropriate to use my own for a proper meeting." she smiles. "Sugar? Milk?"

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"No sugar. I have to think of my figure."

There was a little fritzing around the edge of his visor due to the magic. It's quickly rectified with a little tap to the side of the cowl adjusting them from digital to optical. The lenses were still white though they didn't seem to have that electronic glow to them now.

"I'm aware of your position. It's actually good to see that the younger leadership chose to find a way to bridge the gap in their experience. It's not often they do that on their own." Often they wanted to prove themselves by getting away from elder mentors. That might just be his own experience with such matters.

"An interesting proposition. There has been an apparent increase in supernatural activity in Gotham as of late. I'm aware some of my associates are already affiliated with the JLD as well."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Mm." Nettie replies, bringing her saucer up, and sipping her tea in thought as she looks to Batman.

    "I'm glad they did. It's nice to be remembered." she offers as a joke, "Us old ladies puttering away with our knitting and tea tends to make us a little dull." she replies kindly, knowing that Batman isn't dull enough to believe that of the old necromancer.

    "The growing pains of mentorship and parenting, I'm afraid, I know quite well, yours have done very well I should think." she smiles.

    "Ah yes, the uptick in supernatural activity in Gotham City. A most curious happenstance. Buildings following people around like lost puppies. Nothing that Zatanna couldn't have handled, though I believe she's off on her own business. Alas, the 'Dark' in our titles tends to lend itself to 'going off on our own' more often than going off on something together, and a universal hatred of paperwork and noses in our own business means most of the more powerful members check in every once in a while, unless summoned." she motions around the sitting room, largely empty.

    Corvax coughs. If he has thoughts to add, the watercress sandwich has done those in.

    "I don't suppose you could shed light on the goings-on in Gotham City, since my eyes there are small out of respect." She sets her chin on top of her hand, leaning forward with a small smile.

    "And I hate the smell of the place. When are your ashcan pickups going to start being *regular*, Batman?"

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"I'll pass your complaints along to the city."

The urge to continue looming while talking is difficult to overcome at this point in his life. This was supposed to be a meeting between allies. Reluctantly he reaches out to accept the poured cup of tea and saucer to hold as delicately as possible in his large gloved hands. It looked entirely out of place in his grasp. Pointedly he keeps his pinky finger away from the tiny handle.

"You're right, I dislike having others in Gotham. The more that come in, the more issues that seem to crop up. We have enough issues to not bring in ones from outside."

A scowl deepens over him. It doesn't seem directed at Nettie or even Corvax so much as some silent thoughts he mulls over. Reluctantly he grates out a response. "One of my wards has had more than her fair share of experience with the supernatural and occult. I am-" Nnngn. "Not the best informed to handle these issues. Apparently there was an incident the other night with a faux-Krampus and some-" Was he going to say it? How else could he say it? "-Exploding glitter imps."

"It would be beneficial to both of us if I allow your involvement in such matters in Gotham. I need to know what is going on in my city as much as possible."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "You speak of Chas and..." Nettie pauses a moment, and she sets her cup down.

    "I'm afraid on that subject I can advise little. From my understanding, when many of us were under the influence of Daemon Constantinus--" Nettie's shoulders slack, "I was bound away from her. She and I are something of opposites; I made a mistake when I was young, which has bound me both to and from Death. I hear her whispers, but know there is nothing for me past the veil of her wings." Nettie sips her tea, and she draws her eyes up to Batman's white lenses, as if trying to get a read on him.

    "That girl went into the Afterlilfe chasing after who she thought was John Constantine. She was convinced by the demon that only he could protect her from the necromancer pursuing her. Where magic exists, magic gathers. You now have several locations in your city haunted by the occult. The Flipside--" she purses her lips, and she holds her hands up, producing some faded business cards.

    "Is an underground occult market. Its entrance moves around, but generally is found in the basement of abandoned buildings. You can get all manner of dangerous reagents there. I hate competition, and I hate shoddy competition even more." Nettie gives a snort.

    "The Curio. In New York it was apartments for the occultists of the Night Brigade. It moved itself to Gotham City. I wonder why." Nettie states as if she might know answers, but it's not in the nature of witches to give straight answers.

    "Now it's apartments and an impossible bar, going into the left of the building where there should be no more leads down the stairs."

    She brings her other hand up, cupping her chin this time.

    "Some of the supernatural elements fled New York City when it became too dangerous for them here. Not everyone's dumb-and-or-strong enough to take on the Host, my friend."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"The Curio is where she keeps an apartment. I'm uncertain if it came to Gotham because of her choice or if it was simply 'following' her." The tea is still held but not sipped as the conversation continues with his attention focused on everything Nettie explains the situation in-depth.

"I would prefer she not become further involved. I am aware there are situations that are going to happen associated with her due to everything she has already been through." It goes unspoken that he realizes this isn't likely to happen. Nothing was ideal in this world. Especially not when Gotham was concerned.

"I won't ask for help with that direct situation. Just cases where it exceeds her ability." Asking for help at all was difficult. It was for one of the kids so he would let his pride suffer if he needed to.

"What were your thoughts on 'operating in Gotham.'?"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "That would be between you and her; but a falling out would be dangerous. Magicians, we're an *awfully* temper-a-mental and emotional lot." Nettie gives a small smile. "She's young. She needs to know there's a safe place to land. I've given that to my League here, but because of the way she exited, she's inelegable for membership. The whole..." she rolls her hand in the air "formulation of an array to remove the memories of herself from others' thing really did sour a great many people apparently." she points out.

    And then she purses her lips. "When you figure out how to keep your teenagers from exiting the house *do* let me know. They're bound to get into all manner of mischief, worse if they have grapples." Nettie adds good-naturedly.

    And then she gives a soft 'hmm'.

    "Mostly investigation. Trying to nip things in the bud before they catch too much notice. If a portal opens and some Elder God decides to come out of it, the ability to simply go in and take care of it without your little rookery getting involved." she states with a shrug.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
There's no response to that. The Greatest Detective in the World and teenagers were still a mystery. A simple 'Hnn' comes from him in apparent agreement with the topic.

"I'm working to provide that." It was a work in progress still with many of his proteges, wards, and children.

"Investigation is fine as is responding to emergencies. A warning sent our way in such situations would be ideal, when possible." The corners of his lips curl into a half-smile. "We may not be wizards, but we can help to keep civilians out of harms way."

The card that Nettie had offered was slipped quickly to one of the many pockets on his utility belt. Another is opened to be offered out to Nettie in turn. "Our ally radio frequency band. In case of emergencies."

The untouched teacup and saucer are set down gingerly to avoid damaging. "Thank you for the tea."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "You know, ordinarily you drink the tea when you come to tea." Nettie comments in amusement, and she reaches out for the card in question, looking it over.

    "I'll have to have young Timothy add this to my little radio item. He's better with the technology thing than I am. Gabby might know how to add it." she considers, and she tucks the card away in the sleve of her sweater.

    "Of course we'll be in communication. And do keep us in mind as well if there is something you feel is better suited to us. It's nice to meet your acquaintance, Batman. Please do not be a stranger to the Dark side of the League." Nettie gives a smile.

    "Please, allow me to see you out."