13589/Good Sportsmanship

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Good Sportsmanship
Date of Scene: 16 December 2022
Location: Hidden Lair
Synopsis: Wade steals stuff that doesn't belong to him. He loses a hand and makes an enemy.
Cast of Characters: Wade Wilson, Spiral

Wade Wilson has posed:
    In the shadows of the dark depths beneath the silvered ley lines across Manhattan there is a palpable feeling of dread at times, depending on the magical tendrils that touch those ley lines. Items of power drawing forth that energy can often either give off a positive energy or a negative energy.
    Were a mage of some strength and conviction find themselves in the grand spherical chamber beneath the city they might be struck with the intensity of the ill fates that so come to those who truck in such foulness. Even a layman would be touched with a feeling of dread upon entering such a chamber with its tall pillars and its shadowy alcoves.
    Then, if one were to look upon the dais in the middle with the raised pedestal they might even realize what horrors might be so hidden within the tentacled graven image that was held aloft on stone and steel on that display area, somehow given forth as if one could derive pride from such a thing.
    And then there is Wade.
    On the ceiling one of the central stone blocks suddenly falls from the heights and smashes into the ground with a loud CRACKLE! There's the scrape of stone and the skreeee of an unwinding winch. Then slowly upside down emerges a man in a black and red costume, mask and all. Twin grapple lines are attached to his hips as he descends, the wheels in the pulleys squeaky with a steady squeaky-squeaky-squeaky.
    But the loudest thing in there is the whispered yet not quiet rhythm of a musical theme being likely heard inside his head but also spoken aloud.
    "Dun dun dada Dun dun dada Dun dun dada Dun dun dada Dun dun dada Dun dun dada." He drops down into the chamber, super hero landing!
    "Doo de doo doo de doo doo de doo doo do!" He ducks behind the pedestal looks left and right. Then quickly he _grabs_ the tentacled image and tucks it into his pants.

Spiral has posed:
Most of the room is bathed in darkness. Just a few flickering lights here or there. They are either old gaslines that still were working, allowing the fluttering flames to be ignited but shifting each time a breeze came through the chamber. Or there were a few actual torches. It fit the ambiance and, in truth, was necessary for some of the spells there. Even if someone ran electrical lines here and installed light fixtures, they would have to be turned off and live flames utilized in some way.

As he descended into the chamber, there was no visual sign of anyone. No sound outside those from his making, be it the themesong or the sound of the pulleys.

Then he touched that statuette.

"I do not believe that is yours." The voice was feminine, higher pitched so that it likely was a woman speaking. But it sort of echoed a little in the chamber, meaning it had to be coming from potentially two different corners of the room.

Then the sound of a foot sliding across the floor. Followed by a step. Then a shadowy silhouette was visible. Definitely female in form as well from the long legs up to the swell of hips, the smaller waist and then upwards. Her arms were at her sides as she spoke.

"Put it back."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Across the way when he hears a voice that figure _ducks_ down behind the pedestal and looks the two different ways it could be coming from. He then espies the appearance of the shadowy woman and straightens up as he hears her words. Those white eyelets lock on her and he makes a dismissive sound.
    "Well duh, of course it's not mine that's why I'm stealing it." He says matter-of-factly, giving her a look as if that was such a pointless statement.
    But then she gives him an order and he says, "Hey, hey. I do not do imperatives. You put a please and a question mark on that and maybe then we'll talk." That said he walks over back to stand underneath the hole he descended through, the squeaky pullies making a wikki-wikki-wikki sound as they slowly retract.
    "For now, I gotta be going." He tells her then throws up two fingers of one hand, "Peace out, ya'll!" And then _slams_ the big red button on his belt which causes those lines to retract quickly with a hissing ZZZZZZZT!
    Until they snap taut on his belt... and he goes nowhere.
    The lines keep trying to retract though but failing to lift him up, making a zzzzzzrrrrtt noise. "Wait, one sec, this worked back at the hideout..."
    He slaps the red button a few more times. It starts to spark and sizzle. "Ah crotchmuffins."
    A few more slaps of his hand, now one of the pullies has caught on fire. "Maybe it's all the McRibs."

Spiral has posed:
"Your words make no sense."

It can't be the first time someone said that to Wade. It probably isn't even the hundredth time. But the shadowy figure continues as she moves a bit to the side in the shadows, obviously lining up to approach him.

"You state if I make it a question, then /maybe/ we would talk. Since there is no definitive positive for me, and it certainly does not achieve my goal of having the statue returned, there is no reason for me to accept your suggestion."

Then he would see her move an arm behind her. A sound of steel sliding out of a scabbard is something he would know intimately. She brought that right hand around and the light caught the silvery blade of a katana.

"Put it back. Now. Or face the consequences."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Sonuva..." Wade, while Spiral is talking, is busily trying to pat out the fire that is now taking place on his waist as he grimace and oh so reluctantly disconnects the belt harness...
    Which is when it suddenly whirs up into the ceiling and out of the chamber leaving him to stare up at it, eyelets wide and his expression is hard to read considering... it's just a mask. But he seems somehow shocked.
    "Well, I don't know what I expected really."
    Then he looks over at Spiral and catches the last few words she says as his brow furrows, those eyelets narrowing a little. "What? Ah c'mon, do you really wanna go down this road, lady?" And as he says that he quickly reaches back and draws _both_ of his katanas, sliding them from their sheathes and saying, "Shing!"
    "Now you wanna step on off my Kool-Aid, sharp pointies is part of the whole intellectual property of Deadpool creative solutions by way of Marvel Comics. So I recommend you BACK OFF!"
    Then he pauses and holds up a hand. "Sorry, sorry. Bad day. You know how much I spent on that belt?"

Spiral has posed:
As the cables retract, and he watches them go with that expression somehow readable despite benig masked, the figure approaching does not stop. It's a slow approach. No rush. No hurry.

But then he pulls his katanas. Plural.

The woman pauses, tilting her head slightly. She literally had no idea what he was babbling on about though she picked up some of the idea.

"I do not now how much you spent. I do not care." Then there was the sound of another sword being drawn, which might let him know that he wasn't the only person that carried dual swords. But then there was another. And another.

Then there was a purple glow around her hands. Wait? How did she have free hands when she had drawn four swords?!

And that is when she stepped into the light as that glow around her hands changed, two blades appearing in those. That was her special blades, the ones that were nigh unbreakable.

She was wearing all blue, a bodysuit with that covered her from toes to neck. But the shoulders were clear as were the arms. Strong, powerful arms. Six of them total. She had silver hair that was under a silver helm that was reminiscent of a Samurai from ancient times in Japan. Her eyes were solid white.

She started to move toward him again, all six blades held at the ready.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Aww, see now. That's just fucking cheating."
    Deadpool shakes his head, crackling his neck to the side as he jumps in place a little bit, loosening up as he takes a deep breath. Holds it. Then exhales slowly.
    "Maximum effort."
    And then suddenly he was _leaping_ at her.
    No further hesitation, no holding back. Just suddenly there he was with blades flashing in a silvery blur as he comes at her as hard as he can.
    And, at first, it might surprise her. Because this crazy guy was good. Not just a little good, but fast and good and...
    He still only had two swords as she parried each and every attack, the steel ringing upon steel as he came at her again, running up along the wall and slashing down at her with both blades, then executing a flip forward to land as he spins to face her.
    "You are using Bonetti's Defense against me, ah?" He strikes a stance, blades held high.

Spiral has posed:
Honestly, it really was cheating. She would be a great swordfighter with a single blade. But with six, she could fight multiple opponents at once as long as she was able to keep them in her line of sight.

Yet, she found that he was excellent. Far more challenging than she had expected. He was extremely quick, for an unaugmented human. She had to work to be sure she had a guard in place when he made an attack.

But when he said those words, she frowned slightly. "What does Bonetti have to do with anything?" Because Bonetti didn't have a specific defense though he was a known swordmaster in the 1500s in this world. "He died in a duel so his defense was not effective."

Needless to say, Spiral never saw The Princess Bride. She did however study swordfighting to the extreme.

She then went on the attack herself, six blades flashing in the air as she drove forward toward him. "Give back the idol. I might let you live." Much like the first deal he had offered her where there wasn't really a positive outcome guaranteed.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "What idol?" Wade says as he retreats, forced on his back foot and focusing almost all of his energy on the defense. "Never saw an idol, was gone when I got here." He replies with that steady rapid-fire energy that helps him with his guard.
    Then she slashes at his legs and he /leaps/ back, flipping over twice and landing heavy on the pedastel...
    Which rocks precariously under him, swinging back, then forth, then side to side as his weight shifts. "Whoa." He spends a moment trying to keep himself that, though the more and more he moves the more the idol in the crack of his bum threatens to fall clean out of his pants.
    "So what do they call you?"
    He leaps off as her swords slash across where he was, the stone pillar and pedastel he was on crashing over and shattering into stone fragments.
    "Handjob Hannah? Susie Six Arms? Spider-Woman? No wait there are like twelve of those running around already."

Spiral has posed:
One of her blades slided through a piece of the stone as it was falling. Letting him know that this one at least, and the one that looked like it presumably, were more than an average blade.

She let out a sound that was almost like a growl at the names her threw her way. Something there had hit a nerve. Likely the Spider-Woman one. That had to be it.

Then she spoke again, that moment of information gone as she continued to drive him backwards. Really, it was like trying to fight a vegematic. She always had a blade coming in and he could only block so much so he had to keep giving ground to keep from being sliced-and-diced or julienned.

"I'm called Spiral." Not her real name. Though, it was these days.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Oh yeah? I'm Deathstroke. I mean Deadpool."
    He steps back far enough that he has a bit of range as he points at her with his swords. He then gestures with one a few times as if trying to emphasize it. "You know this feels like a boss battle. All I gotta do is get your pattern down and then..."
    He leaps in with a sword and... shouts.

Spiral has posed:
Boss battle. That made no sense either. Though getting a pattern down did. That could happen if a fighter relied on certain moves at all times. But was pretty uncommon for someone who excelled. Throw in five extra arms too. She didn't have a pattern.

Though she is beginning to move more like a dancer than a fighter. Starting to perhaps enjoy the fight? But there was more a flow. A spin here, a turn there. Yet those blades were always there to protect or attack.

And when he leapt at her, she was surprised. Because it was so utterly insane to try! She spun off to the side and slashed with a blade!

Wade Wilson has posed:
    There was a short /SHLUP!/ and suddenly one of Deadpool's blades skittered across the floor with his hand still attached to it...
    Which had Wade just looking in that direction, likely along with Spiral in that same moment. When it stopped skidding Wade looked at her, his hand spurtzing a bit of blood, and his mask's brow furrowed super angrified.
    "Like you don't have enough hands."
    She shrugged.
    And then suddenly he pointed his stump at her which spurted blood in her direction even as he slid his his sword back into its sheath and broke into a run. He darted across the chamber, then skid across the floor in a slide to scoop up his other sword before he _swirls_ back to his feet and /kicks/ his hand across the way toward Spiral's face.
    "I am not going to make the low-hanging applause joke here. Just so you know. I respect you as an opponent."

Spiral has posed:
The fact he just kept going when his hand had been cut off, and even had smart comments to make, gave Spiral a bit of a pause. Thus her shrug in response to his snarky comment about her having enough hands.

He pointed his stump at her and she actually took a step backwards to avoid the blood splatter. Not that she was afraid of blood but why ruin a perfectly good outfit if she didn't have to?

Then he was running and grabbing his fallen sword. She immediately turned to pursue as he flung that dismembered hand in her direction. A flash of a sword. The hand fell to one side, the fingers to the other, landing to either side of her. But it did delay her, causing her to stop again.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    And then without further parting words suddenly there was a POOT in the air and abruptly... he was gone.