13631/Tricksters and Talias

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Tricksters and Talias
Date of Scene: 23 December 2022
Location: Iceberg Lounge
Synopsis: Sprite and Talia chat at the Iceberg Lounge.
Cast of Characters: Talia al Ghul, Sprite

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The Iceberg Lounge is a place that has a fowlish reputation. On a holiday eve, it's rather crowded and festive. Talia is sitting over ina booth, glancing over the menu and is not quite drunk enough to start on some of the puns that go for drink names. She's letting out a sigh then and goes tos peak to a waitress wearing a tuxedo themed in christmas colors, "Bring me a sampler platter."

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite doesn't often go to Gotham. Honestly, when you have your choice to go anywhere, why would you go to Gotham? But she's given at least a tacit acknowledgement of the holiday season. Her pixie-ish bob has been changed from its normal ginger to a platinum blonde, her eyes are a bright green, and her minidress is red with white fur at the hem and the neckline. She looks a lot like she walked out of the musical scene in Mean Girls.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Gotham, a wretched hive of gargoyles and questionable gothic aesthetics. Sprite gets her attention after a moment. The girl stands out. Too well dressed to be an urchin, too young to seemingly be part of the group that comes here. She would gesture over at Sprite, "Whom are you running an errand for?"

Sprite has posed:
The (currently) blonde teen-looking girl looks back over, eyes taking a sweep of Talia. "Me, myself, and I. I plan to have myself some kind of mulled cider, or pepperminty drink, or something, and kick back to officially celebrate the popsicle god's birthday." Sprite says, as she looks to Talia. "How about you?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would grin, "Very well. And popsicle god?" She would gesture over at the waiter to add Sprite's drink over to her tab. No remote statement that the girl is a bit young to be drinking. Talia started earlier after all.

Sprite has posed:
"The god on a stick. Popsicle god." A totally irreverant way of referring to Jesus Christ. But then, Sprite was ancient and a goddess several times over by the time Christianity rolled around. "At least it's an excuse for catchy music and some decent drinks." She's a little bitter about the situation, and she's missing her family come the end of the year.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Ther'es an 'ah' from Talia, "Very well. And here I thought you might be referring to soemone like Odin." She would quip. "I do like that. I'll have to remember it. Do I have your permission to use it sometime? I promise to give you credit for it."

Sprite has posed:
    "Mmm. True, he could have qualified too. Though he'd be more likely to kick my ass for saying it. Feel free. My name is Sprite. And you?" She gives her real name, for a rare change. It's the holiday.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would smile, "A pleasure to meet you Sprite. I'm Talia." Likewise giving her real name. They were in the Iceberg Lounge. Where everybody knew her name already.

Sprite has posed:
"That's a charming sort of name." She looks Talia over curiously. In older days, it was easier; that whole part of the world was "Persia". Now she has to guess. "Iranian?" It's likely that or Iraqi, and well, Iran is larger.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would smile, "My father was from Persia. My mother was from Iran. My father decided on it and my mother went along with it. She died when I was young." Feigned sadness.

Sprite has posed:
"Persia stopped being Persia in 1935." Sprite says. "Your father must be quite old if he was born in Persia." Not impossible; people can be 88. But Talia looks young to be the daughter of an 88 year old man. Of course, it also means Sprite is oddly versed in history for someone who looks her age. "Well, you're absolutely gorgeous, so kudos." Sprite says, with a smile. "Gotham tends to a very pale persuasion. I think they never see the sun here."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would mm, "Well, father's oneof those men.." She would conspiratorily whisper, "That's one of those old rich ones that likes to try and make themselves rather virile. Drugs, treatments.. I'm sure at some point he got ground up rhino horns because he thought it would beeffective." She would nod, "Yes, this city's rather vampiric in nature."

Sprite has posed:
    That gets a giggle from Sprite. "Ahh, the vanity of men. And they accuse us of it. So, what brings you to this den of iniquity?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would laugh, "Oh, business. I'm told that gargoyles are extremely cheap here. I've been hired to help try and rebuild an old church.. And it's so much more cost effective to get them here. They even come with angst already."

Sprite has posed:
That gets another hearty laugh. "You're all right, Talia. I'll raise a glass to you tonight." The blonde smiles. "Good luck with your gargoyles."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would smile, "Yes. So long as they're not appearing on top of a skyscraper in a castle and coming to life. Then we're all due for problems."