13710/In the shadow of your sister

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In the shadow of your sister
Date of Scene: 01 January 2023
Location: Shooting Range/Armory - Playground
Synopsis: Kora and MJ meet and discuss life and family
Cast of Characters: Kora Johnson, Mary Jane Watson

Kora Johnson has posed:
Kora is not an Agent of SHIELD. Eventually the level 2 agent whose ID card she swiped will realise it's missing and there might be heck to pay then - but for now she has access to the fancy ICER weapon that the agents use. She's never fired one and she is - curious.

Having been on the receiving end of the thing before it seems only fair to her she also learn how to be the giver. Standing before the targets, ICER in hand, she aims down the target range and fires off two shots. They both go low. This weapon does not have recoil.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
And Mary Jane is there as if out of nowhere. Heading in and evaluating her. "You're shooting it wrong. The weapon's not going to do you well in a straight up gunfight." She would watch at Kora for a moment to take in the girl's form. There's a mix of Mary Jane and Sonja here.

"It fires a compressed pellet like a dart. The projectile's going to move slower and have a lot less penetration."

Kora Johnson has posed:
Kora literally jumps a little bit when there's a voice behind her. BUSTED. Except.. not? MJ is offering friendly advice. She lowers the gun and turns to look at agent. "Oh. Darts, right. Like a tranquiliser." But on steroids - or paralysing agent in this case.

She takes aim again at the target and double taps. One skims the left arm and the other misses. "Hm. Weird weapon." She sets it down on the bench and turns to face MJ offering her hand.

"I don't believe we've met. I'm Kora," she says. Though, she knows she's infamous amongst the agents here at the Playground. Daisy's sister is hardly something people aren't going to gossip about.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod, "Yes, but it still has very limited penetrating power and the projectile goes lower. If you're trying to hit someone while they're moving or in a fight, it's very difficult, particularly if you're used to a normal firearm. It also loses a lot of accuracy over range and power. So you're only goign to use it at ranges under thirty feet. And it's still going to be a bullet you want to get out and push when it's shot to make it go faster."

Shew ould deadpan over. "And nice to meet you. Mary Jane. The ICER's specialized. For what it's role is it's invaluable. Just it's not as useful outside of it's role."

Kora Johnson has posed:
"Nice to meet you Mary Jane," she looks back at the ICER and says. "It sounds like you're not a fan. I don't usually bother with fire arms. But having been shot with this thing I wanted to understand it better. Have you ever been shot by an ICER? It's not fun."

She frowns just a touch. "What's your speciality? everybody in this team seems to have something special about them. I do wonder just how many people are in the group." And honestly it's very impressive her sister is in charge of such a team.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would shrug, "Yes, I have. It's part of training for a reason. And I bet there's a few nastier variants that show up during drill training if the drill leader is feeling particularly nasty." SHe would quip. "And I'm just a field agent. I get called in from time to time to lend a hand. I'm more of rent-a-muscle. You're helping people that need it and who have no other sources of it."

She would glance down at the ICER. "The weapon has weaknesses. IF you're fast you can dodge it. It has no ability to penetrate anything beyond low end kevlar. You're being shot at, go fast or get behind cover. Most times it can only connect in a torso shot."

Kora Johnson has posed:
Kora hmms thoughtfully at the explanation of the ICER. Yes.. she is quite sure she could defend herself from it in the future. So long as she isn't surprised by it. She picks up the weapon and moves back to the locker. With a swipe of Agent Vale's ID card she unlocks it and puts it away.

"I see, so you're not part of Daisy's special team?," she asks. There are plenty of agents who are simply here maintaining the base and running logistics. It'd make sense that not all of them go out and do super power stuff. "You're not Inhuman?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane would look over to the side, and for a moment there would be a different set of eyes looking back over at her before she would return her attention to Kora. "No, I'm called on sometimes but I'm not part of her task force. I don't really know wha'ts up or the specifics. Just that it helps people."

Then there's a laugh. "No, I'm not Inhuman. Well, not in that way. I've been called similar things though.. But for rather different reasons."

Kora Johnson has posed:
Kora parks her butt on the table and looks at MJ with more interest now. "Okay. So you have special powers? you have gifts, but you're not Inhuman. Are you a mutant? or a metahuman? or.. something else?" This is a topic she particular likes to talk about and already she's met a demi-god. "And hey don't sweat it. I'm not a member either - nor am I an agent."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
There would be an 'uhh' from Mary Janea s she would try to figure out the fastest way to address this. She goes for the 'rip off the band aid'. "Oh, I'm just possessed. Ancient, maraudering spirit that occasionally manifests during periods of bloodlust."

Kora Johnson has posed:
Kora boggles for a moment, staring at MJ. There's no hint of joking on her face and she did ask the question. She nods her head, "No shit. That's a hell of a thing. Can't you call the ghostbusters or something to get that removed or - or are you cool with it?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would shrug, "It's more copmlicated than that. And despite preferences to the contrary, Ghostbusters is just a movie, not a documentary." The amount of time she spent at Ray's Occult notwithstanding. "And we tolerate one another and have learned to work reasonably well together. She thinks that all these things about taking people down without dismemberment is annoying."

Kora Johnson has posed:
"Hmmh," Kora states and says, "Well. I was trained to end our enemies without mercy. So I guess I understand where your ghost is coming from. But Daisy isn't so keen on killing. I have to rethink my strategies or else she might stop taking me out on adventures with her. It's hard though, I'm very good at it."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod, "Yes, it can be." She would hesitate before finding a different way to bring it up. "Look at it as another way of challenging yourself. It's very easy to cripple and kill someone. But to take them down with minimal injury requires a lot more skill, a lot more planning, and a lot more preparation. So why go the easy route when you can find ways to push yourself more?"

Kora Johnson has posed:
Kora folds her arms and looks contemplative. "That's. That's interesting. We only learned to fight at Afterlife so we could defend ourselves from HYDRA and the like. There's very little reason to keep those nazis alive. But this task force is about finding people like me and helping them. I suppose your right. Non-lethal makes a lot more sense."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
That was always part of the ongoing 'discussion' she had with Sonja. "Some of your enemies deserve no mercy. Others are in things against their own wills. Or are caught up in things they don't know about. Generally.. Go with the calls by your mission leader."

Kora Johnson has posed:
Kora chuckles. "Yep. Take orders from my baby sister. Life is cruel sometimes," she states. "But. Really. She's kind of amazing. Flying jets and quaking things and leading a team. And on top of that she's a computer hacker. Me? I'm the black sheep of the family. The failure. I've achieved nothing of note in my life except bringing misery to everyone around me."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would let out a sigh, "Don't look at it that way. Look at it as your younger sister playing up the family role of making you, the elder sibling, miserable. And take that as a challenge to outdo her an dmake yourself better." Mary Jane, having a very acrimonious rleationship with most of her family.. Was not hte best person to give advise.

Kora Johnson has posed:
Kora laughs and shrugs her shoulders, "Sure. That's going to be a thing. I'll get right on learning how to pilot a jet. Meanwhile, I set off the fire alarm in this base weekly and still don't have control over my powers." She motions to the shooting range.

"Did you come in here to use the range? I can get out of your way if you need to practice or prepare for your certs or whatever it is you agent people do."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would shake her head, "No, just heard someone popping off some shots and thought I'd check in. Was just delivering a package myself so was dropping by. And learning to control things is hard. I don't have powers or anything.." Sonja excluded, but Sonja came with combat experience.
    "So I can't really give you any ideas on those."

Kora Johnson has posed:
Kora shakes her head, "No. It's fine. No one knows how to help me. But Daisy insists she's going to figure it out. Mom felt the same way but things didn't work out like that. I did find an ancient scroll that described my powers. But it's in ancient Mandorin and thus very hard to understand."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile over, "Well.. You're going about it the right way. I have a.. Very, very wise friend that has a saying. With great power, comes great responsibility. THe responsibility to use it to help people no matter what."

Kora Johnson has posed:
"I don't know about that," Kara says, "I don't owe strangers anything. The last time I trusted a person who wasn't my sister I got kidnapped by HYDRA and ... well things were bad."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "But you were saved by people like your sister. Who goes about helping people and saving them. So don't trust me.. Or anyone else. Trust your sister."

Kora Johnson has posed:
Kora nods her head and smiles. "Yeah. Well.. I do." She says with a sigh. "It's just a change. We went back to Afterlife and seeing it all destroyed, seeing what HYDRA did to it. That was surreal. But the new Afterlife is kind of nice."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would offer ehr hand over to see if it would be accepted before resting it on Kora's shoulders. "Hydra's evil. But you have a new, safe place to stay with everyone. So it's a start. Work on figuring out your powers so you can show up your sister by learning to fly a jet."

Kora Johnson has posed:
Kora laughs and taps her nose. The should toucher is appreciate. "Sure. It's going to take me a while. Thank you Mary Jane. It's been a pleasure meeting you. I hope to see you around again."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would give Kora's shoulder a squeeze and then lower it. "You'll do fine. Remember, it's all worth it in the end when you can outdo her an dsmile over it. That makes it all worth it."