14687/Drone, Drone Off the Range

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Drone, Drone Off the Range
Date of Scene: 14 April 2023
Location: Survival Training - Triskelion
Synopsis: Hawkman arrives to help some SHIELD Agents in a training session.
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Joseph Gardner

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
There had been training giong on for a variety of SHIELD Agents using drones representing flying enemies. Apparently someone at SHIELD had been watching a bit too many episodes o fthe Mandalorian, despite jet packs not being common issue for SHIELD or Hydra outside anyone in power armor.

So, this being an exercise for non-flying agents it had turned into somewhat of a mess with a group of drones that had broken down for their AI, and were now shooting up the survival range. Resistant to small arms fire, the group of agents were currently ducking behind cover, taking potshots as things would admit. Several minutes until reinforcements could arrive with enough weaponry to catually take down the things, and a shooting gallery if they tried to withdraw.

Joseph Gardner has posed:
A flying threat? Shooting at people? Resistant to small arms? Coming out of the sun, like Horus son of Ra, the Winged Wonder smashes a drone with his heavy mace in a two handed grip. The drone is pulverized and drops to the ground. Hawkman takes a few shots int his wing with little effect and turns on another one, swinging and knocking it down. He looks for more. He sees them. But they see him.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Is this fun for him? Perhpas! The Agents go to scramble around, taking advantage as the heroic flier goes to smash through the drones! They were in danger of being flanked, and they knew it. So as soon as they've got someone assisting them they're alls crambling to better positions. And not opening fire - Hawkman is in the line of it and their bullets wouldn't do much.

The drones are moving to reorient towards him. Their AI notes him as the greater threat for the scenario, and they go to open fire! Their weaponry, even on hits, would likely do nothing.

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman takes a ht in the shoulder, drawing blood. The wound is closing, even as Hawkman backs out of the way to let the agents open up. His wings close to shield him and he unexpectedly does a half loop. Diving at the ground the loop becomes a reverse Immelman as he darts to his left and plows int a third poor drone. He keeps moving this time. He's harder to hit.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The Agents move to give him suppressing fire, their shots ricocheting off the drones. They're switching magazines as they fire - their pistols not diong much with training rounds, but they're doing as best they can as they get to better positions and keep on shooting as they reload!

the drone is slammed from the air, even as the three remaining ones go to pepper him over with their weapons, firing bursts of ballistics and the occasional shot of electricity!

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hreeeyah! It's the scream of a hawk as he turns, slamming another drone with his wing and sending it tumbling out of control. Another bullet goes through his shin and he barely notices it as he smashes the drone who struck him. One left. The winged man circles looking for an opening, trying to stay out of the line of fire. Electricity sparks along his wings, their Nth metal absorbing the charge harmlessly. 'Rrrrrrr." He psyches himself up.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
There are two drones left. One of them is going to line up for an angle of fire of two of the agents that have popped up to shoot at it. It's got an angle wehre it will get in a very, very nasty s hot over at him if it isn't stopped. However, this might leave Hawkman vulnerable if he goes to strike at it and let the other one get at his back! Unless he does something creative..

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman gets such a creative tip from his Golden Age counterpart. "Batter up!" Okay bats don't go with hawks but give the man a break. He slams the drone in front of him, sending it towards its mate. This might be considered (dare he say it?) killing two birds with one stone. If it goes off. This is not a game of pool. But sometimes a blind squirrel finds an acorn or a blind hawk finds a squirrel,

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The swing goes in, and takes out the final two drones! THe agents get up and over and let out a series of cheers and applause for him! Right over as another few agents burst in, carrying some heavier weapons along with a tech that's been fiddling desperately with an emergency shut-off

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman drops down, still keeping an eye out in case a drone gets up. The wound on his leg starts to close, leaving some red splatters behind as the only evidence he was hurt. He looks at the agents and says, "Get some maces if you can. They really work! I toook down a zKobra airship with a mace along with Hawk Woman." Yeah well they kind of brained the pilot and engineer.