Joseph Gardner
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Joseph Gardner (Scenesys ID: 2645) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Joseph Gardner | ||
Superalias: | Hawkman | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Altered Human | ||
Occupation: | Archaeologist and curator | ||
Citizenship: | American | ||
Residence: | New York City | ||
Education: | Double Masters in Archaeology and Anthropology | ||
Theme: | DC (FC) | ||
Groups: | |||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 27 | Actual Age: | 27 |
Date of Birth | 07 Jun 1993 | Played By | Armie Hammer |
Height: | 6' 1" | Weight: | 195 lbs. |
Hair Color: | Brown | Eye Color: | Hazel |
Twitter: | @realKhufu | ||
Theme Song: | Finding Neverland by Stronger |
Character Info
Using the weapons not the beast with science of the future, the high flying hero known Hawkman has appeared over New York City. In a few weeks he has made a name for him self for his sudden appearances and his violent war on crime. Some people are already arguing that he is going too far. To some though, he is a guardian angel.
*1250 BCE Khufu and Chay-Ara find a wrecked Thanagarian scout ship in the desert. Venturing inside they discover Nth metal treasures and a remarkable device called an absorbascon. The absorbascon reads and stores their memories. More importantly it synchronizes with Khufu, producing a record of his entire life and the numerous lives that followed.Hath-Set, a secretive member of a cult to a dark god, seeks to complete a ritual given to him by said god. His ritual involves killing them both using the Nth Metal to end their lives. The result sends all three into a reincarnation cycle.
*Time Indeterminate- Khufu is reborn as many warriors, always dying a violent death and sometimes finding Chay'Ara. His known past lives include the Golden Gladiator, the Silent Knight, and Bart (Gun) Hawk.
*1909 CE Carter Hall born.
*1938 Carter Hall becomes Hawkman. He meets Shiera Sanders the reincarnated Chay'Ara and she becomes Hawkgirl!
*1941 The Hawks and other Golden Age heroes join the Justice Defenders.
*Post 1945 Carter Marries Shiera.
*1952 Ordered to reveal his identity by the House Un-American Activities Committee, Hall instead retires with Shiera.
*1961 Dr. Fate organizes the Justice Society of America.
*1961-1974 Adventures with the Justice Society. Hawkman is named Chairman. The death of Ian Karkull exposes Carter to chrono radiation that rejuvenates him and extends his life span.
*1952 Ordered to reveal his identity by the House Un-American Activities Committee, Hall instead retires with Shiera.
*Hawkman eventually retires and lives to a ripe old age.
*1993 Joe Gardner born to Fox and Dana Gardner.
*2017 Joe Gardner graduates Columbia University with a doctorate in Archaeology and a masters in anthropology and goes into field work in Egypt.
*2019 Gardner's expedition is slaughtered by bandits. Joe flees into the desert and discovers the same scout ship Khufu found. A mishap with the ship's memory banks convinces him he is Khufu (he many be right). It downloads records of all the pharaoh's lives and that of the ship's pilot Katar Hol. He uses the knowledge to mend a set of wings he finds and craft Nth Metal gear. He escapes to Cairo.
*2020 Gardner changes his name to Carter Hall. He returns to the desert and wages war on the bandits as Hawkman, killing their leaders and forcing the others to surrender to the authorities.
*2021 Hawkman travels the world seeking Chay'Ara. Rumors of a Hawkgirl bring him back to New York City.
IC Journal
He was a king (in his mind at least). He always carries himself as one. He doesn't suffer insult or jokes lightly. He's also not one for familiarity except perhaps with someone he knows and respects. And probably not then. Call him 'Hawkie' at your own risk.
Bird of Prey:
No he doesn't belong to /that/ group. His Thanagarian mindset sometimes takes over in a fight. He doesn't become a mindless berserker. He does become a ruthless strategist, ready to end a fight by any and all means.
Some may call Hawkman old fashioned. He believes in right and wrong, the rule of law, and traditional values. Despite this, he has a heart. He won't lecture an addict he is flying to the ER though he might look them up later.
Hawkman has a blindspot concerning the supernatural, magic, and worship. Gods are merely advanced and long lived life forms. Magic is a science created by lateral thinking but a science nonetheless. Part of this is because he has weapons that can hurt magical beings. He sneers at karma, fate, and divine champions.
Hall sees himself as a dashing hero of old. In fact he has many memories of being a hero of old! Knight, musketeer, gunslinger... he's done it all. He will not hesitate to swoop to the rescue or bloody a bad guy.
Hawkman is a scientist. He has a burdensome sense of curiosity. This is especially true around tombs, ruins, and similar structures. This extends to scientific mysteries and 'crimes'.
He broods a lot or meditates or trains. He doesn't often seek company or to socialize. In part this is due to his waiting for Chay-Ara to come to him without distractions.
Character Sheet
Avian Empathy:
After the absorbascon linked to him, Joe Gardner found he could understand birds and they understood him. His feathered friends seemed quite eager to help him as well. He can't summon them mentally as such. He has to speak and he has to be heard to be understood. He is capable of emitting a loud whistle that can carry quite a ways, when flying, to summon them.
Unlike fish or insects, birds are fairly bright creatures and better able to report what they've seen and even follow complex order or complete complex tasks without instructions (crows and ravens are great for that.)
Enhanced Physique:
Exposure to the Nth metal and the absorbascon have enhanced Hawkman's strength, durability, and eyesight. Even without the belt he has borderline superhuman strength, and can pick up the rear end of a car. He is sturdy enough to endure repeated blunt attacks by bats, bricks and chains and can shake off low caliber bullets, unless they are well placed. Even if he is injured, Hawkman can regenerate minor injuries in minutes. More serious injuries will still take hours or days. Hawkman has the eyes of a bird of prey and can recognize facial features at 2 miles distance.
Hawkman has managed to collate and organize a huge amount of memories and information. The more he organized, the stronger his willpower became. In addition, Khufu was experienced with hypnotic arts and how to resist them. All this means that Hawkman does not simply fold, even under the onslaught of powerful psionics. He can often get at least one shot in and that is often enough.
Aerial Combat:
Hawkman is one of the best aerial fighters in the world and has mastered aerial armed combat and brawling. He is agile enough in the air to dodge gunfire, and he can see gunmen a long way off. Other than positioning himself in a deadly swoop attack he can maneuver in tighter corners than you'd expect folding his wings and letting momentum carry him through.
With his knowledge of past lives as well as academic studies, Hall is a master of working digs, and identifying artifacts found ("Hey, that's my old khopesh!") He can supervise a dig, catalogue bits and pieces, and likely identify them. He can read, write, and speak the language of Crete. He knows what was in the Library of Alexandria and read a lot of it. His knowledge of ancient cultures is unmatched. He can even make good guesses about so-called lost civilizations.
Carter Hall is a decent ornithologist. He began reading up on the science and study of birds when they started talking to him. You can find birds almost everywhere. Many hawks have settled into cities. Talking to them is great but you have to also know your audience.
Hall is proficient in Thanagarian technology. He can repair and hack it or work Nth metal. He might even get that scout ship up and running though it'd take a while.
He doesn't pray to them, but he knows his deities. He is especially well versed in Egyptian deities. But he lived practically everywhere. He can certainly go through the motions and be respectful to avoid faux pas.
Unarmed Combat:
Hawkman prefers a style reminiscent of Earth judo, but operating in three dimensions when he is flying. If he is grappled or grounded he falls back on Pankration, an ancient Greek technique reminiscent of mixed martial arts with all manner of dirty moves. He is an expert at both. Dragon, Batman or Lady Shiva would beat him, on the ground.
Weapons Master:
Hawkman is an expert with almost every form of weapon known to man and more than a few energy weapons from Thanagar. With a small subset of weapons he is a world class master: the mace, net (retiarus style combat in particular), virtually any sword or dagger. While he can use ranged weapons does not used them often. That was Chay-Ara;s thing. In Thanagarian culture male/female pairs worked with the male handling melee combat and the female making ranged attacks. hawkman does use shurikens and a sling on occasion.
The absorbascon can hold a truly enormous amount of information. In addition to the memories of many lifetimes, it is compiling a Terran database, scanning many and numerous minds. In effect Hawkman can use it to learn commonly available information. A rule of thumb is if 100+ people know it he can know it with a quick trip to the gadget. He can also pick up the rudiments of a skill or language quickly (a few minutes or hours). He can't use it to learn passwords, secret ID's or how to create unstable molecules. Without constant employ these skills fade in less than a week.
Hawkman's helmet protects his head from attacks and looks very metal. Its other functions are not immediately apparent. The eye lenses shield him from bright lights and airborne particles. The helmet also links to the wrecked scout ship and the absorbascon, providing him with instant wiki style updates. For more mundane matters it houses his phone headset and commlink. In an as yet unknown manner the helmet enabled Hawkman to speak with and even command birds. With the link to the absorbascon the helmet will also translate languages for Hawkman.
Mace and Net:
Hawkman was able to restore a Thanagarian shock mace. The mace builds up a huge charge using Nth metal to convert heat, motion, and light to electricity. It can build up a shock capable of rattling am Aesir or other 'big gun.' Once. After rattling the big gun, Hawkman better have some back up plan.
The net is entirely Nth metal and extremely light when thrown. It follows Hawkman's order to return to its normal weight after landing and becomes quite cumbersome for a normal human. In combat, Hawkman often uses it for more restrained attacks, snapping it like a whip or entangling arms and legs.
Nth Metal:
The difficulties of shaping a material that transmutes all known energies and responds to mental impulses is huge. A major part of it is attuning the metal to the shaper's wishes. Once this is done the Nth metal is quite easy to work, about the same as brass or bronze. In short Hawkman can repair or even reshape his weapons in a garage workshop. It does take time though.
Worked Nth metal is much harder than steel or even titanium. It can resist several high powered blows before breaking (though a solid shot from guru weapons may shatter Nth metal weapons in a single blow.) It can hold a sharp almost magical edge or spike and deals enhanced damage to supernatural creatures due to its anti-magical properties. Nth metal is a potent counter to magical entities, including supernatural creatures and even New Gods like the Aesir. Races with no special resistance to magic may find Nth metal a significant threat in combat. Ghosts can be trapped in an Nth metal net. Supernatural beings will resist attacks with whatever natural armor they possess. While an enchanted brick wall may seem harder than steel to more mundane attacks, it will merely be a normal brick wall to the mace. It may still require some battering to destroy. It will affect a werewolf as if it was silver. A werewolf is still a robust creature and will not curl up and die and even regenerate the damage normally. (OOC Player consent here, big time. With staff approval. My concern is if the net or mace net works on on one character's phasing it works consistently for similar characters.)
Nth Metal Belt:
The Nth metal belt operates at Hawkman's mental command. In its most basic use the metal lets him decrease the force of gravity on himself or objects he holds. This gives him Class 5 strength for lifting.
Beyond that, the Nth metal belt shields Hawkman from extreme temperatures and even lets him function at high altitudes or in space briefly. Hawkman can reduce gravity enough to reach a low orbit.
Scout Ship:
A Thanagarian ship is still out in the desert. It is now behind a number of boulders in the five ton range (see Nth metal Belt). It is still functional. While Gardner has a link to the Absorbascon in his helmet, that's sort of the Wikipedia version. Deep knowledge searches or memory retrieval requires an unperson pilgrimage. With a face to face session he can sometimes find very esoteric knowledge indeed (OOC: a plot breaker or plot mover and obviously with the scene runner's ok.) Someone kidnapped, let's try the Absorbascon! Hawkman doesn't like to visit the ship lightly. It might be discovered. In the future, the ship does use Nth metal and Hawkman may bond with it, allowing its self repair features to reactivate. In the present it has a store of Nth metal and the Absorbascon. It also contains spacesuits and some modern Thanagarian firearms that could be made functional. (OOC: if the space grid opens up more, he'll be ready for it.)
Hawkman's wings are constructed of Nth metal and respond to his mental commands. In conjunction with his Nth metal belt he can hover or fly at just under mach 1. His maneuverability in the air surpasses any current military aircraft and he ranks top among flying superheroes.
The wings themselves are weapons, reinforced with Nth metal they are capable of inflicting killing blows and can even stun many superhuman. Hawkman can also use them to block attacks he sees coming. They are not indestructible but can even absorb the force of an explosion without serious damage. The Nth metal also lets them disrupt most spells cast at Hawkman or at least improve his resistance.
Hawkman sees things in black and white. Punishment will fit the crime (murderers take note). Justice above all. While leaders are entitled to your respect, always, they must often adopt expedient methods. Hawkman doesn't have to. He is doing what the system can't or won't. He is not a bigot, but he is not woke. People protesting and not obeying the police may feel his heavy hand, for example. People mobbing a killer... will be an ethical dilemma.
He will certainly come into conflict with moralistic heroes of a more liberal frame of mind. He might respect them but he will certainly not give in to their soft-hearted views easily.
Set cursed Khufu at the behest of the priest Ahk-Ton. If Joe Gardner indeed has the spirit of Khufu Set may have further tricks in store for him. Ahk-Ton also reincarnates and shows up from time to time to try to murder Khufu's current body.
For all their power and use, the wings are a vulnerable point. If they get damaged or restrained then he is hovering at best and falling at worst if he was swooping.
Without his gear he can't fly and is simply a very strong and durable man with great eyesight who talks to birds. Without proximity to Nth metal his physical prowess will fade in days or sooner if he exerts himself.
Hawkman tends to go too far in a fight. He has a flipping mace as his go to or other ancient weapons. Hawkman doesn't usually go for trick shots. He doesn't knick the gun out of someone's hand, he breaks their hand, or arm or arms... you get the idea. He isn't a berserker, he is far worse figuring out the optimum attack to bring someone down and ending resistance. His methods meet with mixed reviews. Some call him a bloody handed vigilante. He has killed (he eliminated the bandit leaders who killed his field team) before in the lonely places of the world. Some people will just devour the world and can't be reasoned with.
He does hear voices in his head and sometimes a situation will make him flashback to a traumatic experience (very few lives lived to a ripe old age to die in bed.) Unlike schizophrenics his voices and sights are caused by outside events (the absorbascon), and they can be suppressed or channeled.
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Joseph Gardner has
18 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Drone, Drone Off the Range | April 14th, 2023 | Hawkman arrives to help some SHIELD Agents in a training session. |
Foxy Cha... err Foxy-Ko. | March 24th, 2023 | Hawkman meets Saeko and makes apologies for a past life that wasn't heroic. |
Hail Hydra! -NOT! | March 6th, 2023 | Pretzels are had and shop is talked. |
To the Nth Degree | February 23rd, 2023 | No description |
=The STAR Labs Heist | February 19th, 2023 | The Hawks prey on a Kobra in Manhattan. |
The Hawk Trio break up a bank robbery. | February 15th, 2023 | After a run in with the new intergang and engaging in a aerial battle with suits that use stolen Stark and Lex Tech the Hawk family emerges victorious. |
Who's got the ball | February 15th, 2023 | Karai steals an Nth metal device from a museum, Belinda mistakes her for someone else, and she draws the attention of Hawkman and Hawkwoman in the process. |
Say it With Flowers | February 15th, 2023 | Birds of a feather flock together. |
=One Day After Class... | August 10th, 2021 | Desperate times call for desperate measures. |
Not Dolores Umbrage At All | August 7th, 2021 | 7265=Hawkman Meets Morrigan! |
Brand New Day | July 18th, 2021 | Hawkman jumps to the wrong conclusions. Mike corrects him. |
Spirit of Teamwork | June 28th, 2021 | The Gentleman Ghost brings along an ally to carry out his plan. What he doesn't plan on are an angry hawk, a sprinkler system, a giant mallet, and a hoodie willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. And some kicks. |
A Meeting Between the Covers | June 11th, 2021 | No description |
The Hawk and the Storm | June 5th, 2021 | Nazo shows hers, so Hawkman shows his. The pair get taken to a high. Then pointless crap is added at the end quickly because the +scene/continue timeout made things dumb. |
When In Rome: Part Two | June 1st, 2021 | The students and faculty of Happy Harbor get to visit the catacombs, but not without it becoming a bad time fast. Oh and the Punisher blows someone up. They probably deserved it though! |
When In Rome: Part One | May 28th, 2021 | Happy Harbor students and faculty make it to Rome in one piece and they surprise Nick! |
Checking on the old School | May 24th, 2021 | And a new begining to an old team? |
Mike Hannigan -Ghost to Ghost! | May 4th, 2021 | Score: Gentleman Ghost-0 Flaming Giant Baby Head-1! |
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Joseph Gardner has
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Joseph Gardner has been credited in
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