14714/Look what I can do!

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Look what I can do!
Date of Scene: 18 April 2023
Location: Garage and Stables
Synopsis: Evan shows off a little for Eabha, which gets them both thinking. This ends up with Eabha riding a full sized elephant around the school grounds.
Cast of Characters: Evan Sabahnur, Eabha Aine

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    Eabha got a text from Evan, asking her to come down to the garage. When she arrives, he's leaning against the Corvette she bought him for her birthday. He's still having a little trouble wrapping his head around the fact that she did that for him. Not being from an obscenely rich family, he is used to watching money closely, not dropping a quick hundred grand or more.

    "Hi Eabha, how are you doing today? I was thinking about what you said, about me trying new stuff with my abilities, and I figured out something really cool." He grins then asks, "You wanna see? Or should I just go grab some food?"

Eabha Aine has posed:
Eabha and Aine were still arguing over who was more cute, Marshel from their old school who had not so much as sent a single text since they left, or Evan who was right there in the same school with them but hadn't shown an interest beyond friendship. It was a heated debate the two had between assignments and classes because the reality was, both of them were leaning toward the shy Evan.

When they got his text to join him in the garage, Aine muttered some comment about such a romantic location while Eabha rolled her eyes, collected two bottled of water and headed to the garage. If someone where to ask for either of them to explain how their days went, inside their head, neither of them would be able to find the words beyond, 'It's messed up in here.'

Reaching the garage they meandered inside as if neither of them had been excited and immediately offered Evan the other bottle of water. "Of course we want to see!" Came the instant reply with eagerness. "We knew there had to be more, but well, it's not like we can be much help beyond encouragement, suggestions and maybe a cheerleading outfit. Should we use pompoms?"

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    Evan pauses a moment, his eyes going a bit unfocused as the mental picture of them in a cheerleading outfit takes over ninety nine percent of his brain. After a few seconds he manages to say "Nothing wrong with pompoms, you want to do the thing right, after all."

    Snapping back to the here and now, he takes the bottle of water, but for the moment just sits it on the hood of the car. "It's not a big thing, but the implications of being able to do it are huge. Like, seriously huge. Here, I'll show you."

    He holds up his right hand, concentrates for a moment, then his index finger forms itself into a perfect replica of the Corvette's key fob. Without having to push the unlock button manually the alarm on the Corvette chirps as it is turned off, then the doors unlock.

    "So what do you think of that?"

Eabha Aine has posed:
Women know when the blood supply to a guys brain has shifted, it's the blankness in their eyes that gives the indication. So was Evan's brain wanders offer, Eabha Aine takes mental note of it, grins almost wickedly and by the time he zones back in the soft smile is back on their face.

Moving to rest their rump against the hood of the car, they twist the lid of the water as they say, "Green and white pompoms of course, to match the uniform we have." And then they let their mind switch gears back to the reason for being called down here.

They braced themselves for whatever new trick it was that Evan had learned, ready, set... holy sheet! They weren't prepared for that. Blue eyes go wide as saucers, jaw slacks slightly and she stares at the key finger and even jumps slightly when the alarm beeps off. "That's... that... WOW!" They exclaim once they can manage to get out of shocked state of thinking.

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    "I know, right?! If I can make that work, I can probably do all kinds of electronic or mechanical things! I thought I was limited to just basic stuff like shovels or pickaxes, and the stretching, of course. But this opens up a whole crapload of options. I don't even know how far I can take this."

    He lets the key form back into his finger and adds, "I just want to thank you for giving me a little nudge to stretch my abilities further than I had been. I wanted to try something else, but it's pretty different from anything I've done before so I figured it might be best if I had someone here to get help if it goes wrong. Are you ok with that?"

Eabha Aine has posed:
The possibilities for Evan were endless, that was exactly what was running through Eabha Aine's minds as he said it. She was excited for him, for all those new things he was going to try and figure out what he could do, and that excitement led to them, hugging him. Both arms around him, hugging close with a cheerful, "That's just so amazing! That's fine details needed for that, and a power source and..." she suddenly stopped talking and stepped back with a sheepish grin on her face.

"Sorry, I get easily excited, and when Aine does too... well we can't really control it and someone gets hugged," she explains.

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    Evan smiles, though perhaps blushing a little (it's hard to tell with the gray skin.) "It's ok, I kinda liked it. I haven't really had any pretty girls hug me before." Yeah, that change in skin tone almost has to be him blushing.

    Mentally shaking himself to get back to the power thing, he says "I'm gonna try to make a bigger change." He concentrates for a minute, then his skin starts to take on a more polished appearance then it normally has. Holding out one arm, he taps it with the fingers of the opposite hand, and the sound it makes is metal on metal. "Oh man, it worked." He looks over at her again, "It's almost a little scary, I mean, I must have limits somewhere, right?"

Eabha Aine has posed:
Chewing at their bottom lip, Eabha Aine don't really blush at being called pretty girls, but they do offer a soft smile. They've known for a long time they were attractive, even as young as twelve years old they knew they had that something special guys looked at... but they were /not/ show offs and snobs about it. They never acted superior because they knew they were pretty, they were just teens like everyone else, and that's how they tried to be.

"Well, any time you want a hug, just let us know... you are definite huggable," they reply with a wiggle of their brows.

When his skin changes and he tinks his fingers against it, they reach out to touch his arm as well. "That's so awesome," they breath out, running a finger along his arm. "I mean... out dad is always telling us that the only limits we have are the ones we place on ourselves, but we don't think that applies to this. We're sure you'll find something... maybe?" There is a pause, then the tone goes a touch softer. "I mean, maybe there isn't a limit, but there's only one way to know, right?"

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
     "That's so freaky. I can still feel you touch my arm even though it's metal. I dunno how tough it is, but I also don't really have a way to test it unless I start asking people to hit me with baseball bats or something." He grins, the enthusiasm clear on his metallic face. "I suppose I'm kind of stealing that Colossus guy's thunder by doing this, but he's probably way tougher and stronger than I am."

    The pause this time is just for a second, and than his skin is back to normal... still gray, but feeling and moving like skin again. Smiling at them, he says, "Careful, I might end up monopolizing your time, I can be kinda snuggley sometimes."

    "Ok, what should I try next? Do you have any suggestions, I figure between the two of you you could come up with something good."

Eabha Aine has posed:
Since they have their fingers on Evan's skin as he changes it from metal to normal, Eabha Aine get the pleasure of knowing what is feels like on the outside as it happens. One second he's metal, the next he's not.

"We don't think Colossus will mind too much, he's Russian and metal, you're not Russian, so clearly not the same thing." They grin rather broadly at this, making it difficult to determine if they are teasing or serious, though the impression is that they're a little of both.

"Monopolize away Evan, it's not like we don't love giving hugs," she comments before taking her hand back, having realized she was still petting his arm. "Okay... what to try..." they consider, and are in fact debating between them what to have him try.

Holding up her right hand, which is holding the water bottle, Eabha says, "If you can manage the fob for a car, then I'm thinking you can manage anything electrical and complex."

Now she holds up her left hand, the right one returning to her side, "The question becomes how you manage to control the electricity, the energy required to make the fob work, if you an copy that well then, you can copy anything," Aine finishes, giving Evan just a small taste of what goes on inside their head. If he listened intently enough, he would actually hear a slight difference in their voices.

"Radio, pick up an FM channel from the local area," they say together, having decided after only a moment longer. There was complexity in a working radio that could power itself and pick up a signal in the area.

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    He smiles a little as he gets permission to get hugs whenever he likes, that's a new thing for him. He was never popular or really even accepted at his old school due to his skin and eyes, he was always that weird kid people whispered about as he went by. They may be surprised by how much he could monopolize their time.

    "Radio, huh? That could be a tough one." He's got a little advantage here in that one, he's a genius at a level that can barely be described by things like IQ, and two, given his lack of popularity, he spent a lot of time reading about things that caught his attention. Electronics was one of those things, so he knows how a radio works.

    He seems to mentally walk through the steps needed, then holds out his hand. It takes a few seconds to form itself into a small transistor radio, then the power button clicks itself and static starts coming from it. The dial searches for a station seemingly on it's own, and then classic rock starts playing.

Eabha Aine has posed:
Eabha Aine watches his face as he sorts through the creation of the radio and then her eyes shift to his hand to watch it take place. There were no words that either girl could find to express just how astonishing it was. One moment he has a hand, the next it is changing and forming to something that logic dictates is impossible to do, yet he did it.

"Uh... good choice of stations," they blurt out first, just wide eyed staring at his hand before looking up to his face. Their tone is serious, albeit still filled with awe, "If you can do that Evan... there's no limits. Logic has to change places from the impossible, to acceptance, then move on to the next level using available information to say... you can do anything, you can /be/ anything."

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    He's staring at his hand as well, apparently just as surprised as they are about this new manifestation of his abilities. "Yeah, I guess you're right, this is kind of crazy. Stay here for a minute, ok?" He moves out into the middle of the garage, his hand reverting to normal as he does. When he gets there, he closes his eyes for a minute, seemingly thinking things through. He nods to himself, and then it begins.

    He begins to expand, and at the same time drops to his hands and knees. His arms thicken, hands vanishing, his legs doing the same. The sound of tearing cloth indicates that he had not, perhaps, thought his way through every aspect of this. After about ten seconds, the spot where Evan was is now occupied by an African elephant, tusks and all. He turns his head to look at them and trumpets quietly.

Eabha Aine has posed:
Eabha Aine offers a nod as Evan requests they stay put. They weren't sure what he was up to, but had an itch at the back of their minds that he was about to try something pretty major. Taking another drink of the water, they put the cap back on and poke it into their jacket pocket, just in time to look up and see the change.

"Evan!" They exclaim perhaps a little too loudly as his body starts to change, they had not expected such a large attempt at something and yet along with the shock in their tone was excitement.

Without realizing it completely, they take a few steps toward the African elephant in the garage... talk about an elephant in the room, only this one was real. "C..can you talk?" they ask, stupefied by what just happened. They'd worked it out logically, that given the information at present Evan had no limitations, but that didn't mean either of their brains were ready to wrap around just how no limitations worked.

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    Evan trumpets quietly again, then closes his eyes. When he opens them again, he makes a few gargling noises at first, trying to form words with very different vocal cords then he's used to. Even with the modification to them he had just made, it still wasn't easy. Finally the words come through, and given his size, James Earl Jones, eat your heart out. _This_ is a deep, resonant voice.

    "With just a little change, yes. Elephant vocal cords aren't really right to make the sounds we call talking. So I modified them a little. Eabha, I'm getting a little freaked out here. Everything we've thought of so far, I can do." He lifts a front foot from the ground, then rears back so he's on just his hind legs like an elephant at the circus, then drops back down to all fours. The floor trembles a bit as he does so.

    "I, um.. I weigh as much as an elephant. That's simply not possible, you can't just create mass out of thin air. It breaks every natural law we know of."

Eabha Aine has posed:
She would really like to be all freaked out right now, to run around screaming and pointing out that what he just said was so true, so very true, holy sheet physics, logic, out the window... but Eabha Aine can hear in Evan the African Elephant's tone that he really is starting to get freaked out. What that mean for the twins was to engage 'supportive friend mode' and save freaking out for later.

Waiting for him to be back on all four large feet, she walks over and lays her hand on his trunk. "Are you seriously trying to imply natural laws, physics and logic to a world where mutants evolved from the same ooze as humans, and we're being taught by a Goddess of Weather?" they ask, a slightly playful tone to their voice and a bright grin on their face.

"No, I get it... this is a lot to take in, a lot all at once," she continues, stroking the trunk a little cause it's what she's got to work with. "So... take a nice, deep breath... do not inhale me," another tease. "And enjoy the moment Evan... you're a fricken African Elephant, whether it's logical or not, it's what you are and that is... well to be honest, I want to get up on your back and have you run around the grounds, cause it's so fricken cool!"

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    Evan is taking deep, calming breaths, then replies, "No, you're right. We can all do things that break what we think of as natural laws, so I guess I should just not worry about it. I can be what I want to, and if that's bigger or smaller than Evan, it just happens. I'll have to work on this stuff, maybe I can become a hero or something. I mean, look at Beast Boy, he just turns into animals and he's really successful. And I can do more than he can apparently. I might have to figure out how to fight in alternate forms, I'm pretty sure trying anything complex right now would end up with me falling over."

    After her final statement he bends one leg like he's seen in the circus to give her a step towards climbing onto his back. "Go for it, let's have a little fun!"

Eabha Aine has posed:
The bright smile on Eabha Aine's face remains as Evan calms himself down, talks it out, and realizes that everything really is just fine. He worked it out, and while he did, it calmed her desire to freak out as well. "This really is an extraordinary moment Evan, and we're so honored you shared it with us," they finally say,, giving the trunk one more light pet before she steps back.

"You got to show off, so it's my turn... I mean I'm still not the greatest at this, but I'm gonna try," Eabha says, then she takes a deep breath and focuses her will into lifting herself slowly off the ground and /not/ shaking everything in the garage while doing it. She lifts herself just high enough to clear his head, then uses a slight push of energy to aim her at his back. Once she is over his back she grabs at him and stops concentrating at the same time, and falls the few inches into place.

"I'm sorry," she winces, realizing she just fell on him. "Did that hurt? Still working on control factors."

A little shake of his massive head to indicate no pain, she moves herself into place behind his head, the place she sees people sitting when riding an elephant and just as she gets settled, he's out the garage door at a quick walk. That walk turns into a trot and then into a jog, then back into a trot as he moves around the school grounds.

Eabha holds on tightly, laughing as they pass a tree and she has to duck to avoid the branches but loving every minute of the experience. This one was going in her journal... the day her best friend turned into a massive bull African elephant and ran around the school grounds.

Clearly the teens would have to worry about Evan's missing clothing later, much later.